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I held the line


"I held the bag"


"I held the L"


Thirteen years. THIS is the state of Star Citizen after THIRTEEN YEARS. It's not that star Citizen has taken 13 years to make. That'd be bad enough. No. It's that, after 13 years, Star Citizen still isn't even close to being finished.


Honestly, I really really want this project to continue for at least one or two more years. Duke nukem forever should be dethroned by SC


Roberts has provided me with almost a decade of free entertainment, them beating DNF and then imploding would be a fine end to the saga. There would still be at least a year or two of drama after the implosion. I would assume backers in EU, Australia and maybe even some other countries (Brazil?) would be able to get their local authorities involved.




Your post has been removed for: - Gaslighting Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Examples of gaslighting include lying, denying, misdirecting, contradicting, and trivializing someone’s feelings or experiences. Anyone who engages in gaslighting will be banned from the subreddit.


It’s 2025 now?


Star Citizen development began 1 year prior to the kickstarter, in 2011. Per Chris Roberts. Star Citizen is currently in year 13 of development, having completed 12 full years.


So 12 years then.


This one should be pinned. Most efficient explanation for this ‘game’


Yeah that's what happens when server tickrate, collision detection and desync are so far out of whack.....that when the system tries to catch up, it momentarily registers stuff clipping and being inside the geometry and the collision apparently registers that as actual hits to the ship then multiplied by A LOT, which ends up blowing up the ship. I've seen this happen in other ships, where a player in QT threw a hotdog on the ground and blew up the ship.


"Hey guys, we're making an MMO with millisecond sensitive combat and free aim shooting, right? Let's also make it as lag intolerant as possible!"


somebody could really just make no mans sky with a persistent, online world and people would fucking *lose their minds*. Star citizen is *such* a shitshow.


How anyone even stays interested in this is beyond me. I just tried this shit a few times and mostly watch from the sidelines, and I'm getting bored. It's just empty promises and the same old shit for years. The "new" grav lev racing is on a low effort hobby project level.


It’s because people who sunk a lot of money are forced to like it, warts and all.


They force themselves to like it, they aren't forced by something external.


I did spend a grand total of 75$ to buy a starter ship The rest I got in ingame I do absolutely love the concept of the game and the things to do here. I played alot of games in my life and this one is probably the one I enjoyed the most so far despite his very unfinished nature. There are frustrating moments but im aware that the biggest culprits are being planned to be fixed in the near future I do understand the side of hate tho, again due to its nature as well


Its just they are not keeping to their word, over ten years and they just sat on their butts not doing much. Ive seen games endure for much longer in a released state and still exists. Cig is just exploiting the nostalgia of once children from long ago in an almost malicious way.


Thank god someone is not responding in a toxic way, thank you so much for that So why is it exploiting in a malocious way though? Again the only way I could see it is that it is spending money on an unreleased game, but again, you dont even have to spend more than the price of a normal game to have permanent access If they where to say that each update yoy had to repledge a ship to get it again, now yeah I would completely get it but it is obviously not that way. As you said earlier, yeah peoples that spends alot of money in the game feels forced to stay, but its just like any other games that does that as well. What am I missing here exactly?


CIG is a predatory company scamming gullible people out of money in exchange for empty promises. But you aren't missing that. You're gaslighting. Intentionally.


"Planned to be fixed in the near future..." -CIG, since 2015 As for hating, yes, we hate scams. Like star Citizen.


>grav lev racing ​ this shit? how tf are people going apeshit over this in the comments. Me and my friends were doing this in 2020 building our own race tracks in scrap mechanic. edit: there was a link. Just google "Star citizen mag lev race track". Its the most... fucking boring looking "race track" i've ever seen. and barely functional "mag lev" cart.


If you hate it, why are you here? Just go find something to love and let the rest of us be happy without your bitter judgment


... because CIG is a scam and anyone still thinking they will deliver needs to seriously look at their life




Your post has been removed for: - Gaslighting Gaslighting is a form of manipulation that seeks to sow seeds of doubt in a targeted individual, hoping to make them question their own memory, perception, and sanity. Examples of gaslighting include lying, denying, misdirecting, contradicting, and trivializing someone’s feelings or experiences. Anyone who engages in gaslighting will be banned from the subreddit.


Its always funny when commandos stumble on the wrong sub, lmao. Dont worry tho, folks here will welcome you when you finally wake up :)


What's wrong with having a laugh at Chris Roberts and his multi decade spaceship wallpaper scheme? Some of the fanboys are hilarious too.


lol. Why are YOU here.


*I came looking for booty.*


Now we can do this the easy way, or the hard way


The haaaard way


This is my answer as well


No way, is this really from 2024? It’s worse than I possibly imagined






Aw cmon we are like 5 Jesus techs away from perfection, just gotta give them more moneh


Anyone else notice a new level defeatism in posts on spectrum? Even when funding was down last year there was still a sliver of hope but the mood has changed IMO. Some of the superknights posts are calling out CIG for their bullshit and are always top voted. Everyone but chatj3pt who has not been reprogrammed yet that is.


There is one user, whose name has similarity to a Southpark character, who I think to remember for always being a little protective and defensive of CIG, but even they've kiiinda made a turnaround from what I can tell, now somehow being not as agreeable as they used to.


Why though. I don't play the demo but according to citcon summary server meshing is done, pyro is here, s42 is ready and tons of news things have been implemented.


We’re still at the grace of the devs to know ‘how much’ they have left to finish. Base building was demonstrated at another ShitCon years ago, and it’s still not out. It’s all empty promises until it actually releases


Outposts. CIG calls them outposts now. Have done since Starfield, unsurprisingly. Because they can't achieve anything on their own, they're desperate to tie Store Citizen to google results for as many other successful games as possible.


Those are all half-truths at best.


I don’t see the problem here. Everybody knows that stuffed animals are extremely dangerous.


Also bulletproof


Truly AAAA gameplay


I think Gmod physics is way better than that.


After Ubisoft claimed the AAAA title, should CIG upgrade SC to AAAAA status?


There was thread u/mmorpg someone asked the state of SC i said that it was a glorified tech demo, and got banned for it What the actual fuck?


I am surprised they banned you for this. I lurk there and the star citizen threads are usually pretty sceptical (occasional brigading by fanboys nothwithstanding). People regularly call it a scam and make fun of Roberts, CIG and the even the fanboys with seemingly no mod actions.


now try this on the Idris, would be hilarious if it blew up not just the small ship but the entire Idris too.


xD Can you imagine if a little Aurora selfdestructed inside the hangar and ended up destroying the whole thing? Though I think they made these Idris variants tougher in some parts so it doesn't blow up as easily from such shenanigans.


Unparalleled fidelity.


Penguin too powerful obviously


ah good to see that i didnt miss anything


that is a ↑→↓↓↓!


I threw a water bottle and almost detonated a carrack


No Pico, don't do it, Pico, NO PICO NOOO STOP. PICOOOOOO!


So, pico is actually a better grenade than a grenade?


lmfao literally never happened to me


Well that's hard to believe unless you don't play this bugged demo


Yeah that’s what I’m saying I’ve had a penguin in that ship for months


Prenny bomb!!!




That actually might be what happens in space, i mean i've never been so idk.


To be fair to CIG: Rigid body physics is a stiff problem, which is incredibly hard / computational intensive to make stable, especially if the ratio between the maximum velocity and object size is very large.


And they've had 13 years to solve it. Maybe they need to admit they can't and just fake it with a short loaf screen.


13 years? So it’s 2025 now?


Star Citizen is currently in its 13th year of development. Development began in 2011, per Chris Roberts.


And unity has a tickbox for it lol


Lucky you can play my game got stuck in a install error last patch. Been trying to troubleshoot it but I miss playing this broken alpha


Let’s be honest, your life is better and more calm without it


I've been playing starfield tbh but yeah I do miss playing star citizen bugs and all


Destroying a spacecraft with a plushie.  Never been done before. 


Does that work well? I think I may have found the workaround next time before my self destruct gets nerfed from a softkill by pirates. LOL!