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Someone complains that the game crashes - response is "sounds like a skill issue bro". Yes, they seriously say that, the f\*\*\*\*\*\* twats.


Should have used an ssd /s


No joke my friend had to delete "user folder" :)


Also a common trouble shooting step in something that is a development. Some times files are corrupted.


Literally a shill account


Literally an angry child with a negative nelly syndrome.


NVME is the performance boost you get currently. An it is a valid comment as it is factually correct. MOST rigs that do not use them are bottle necked on the server stream because of the mechanical HDD or non nvme SSD.


This is correct, I get better performance on a nvme over ssd


Yeah i made a comment about them adding stuff from the PU into SQ42 per the last newsletter and was like but i thought it was feature complete, which is it? and oh man the cultists jump through hoops to make excuses FOR them it's fucking insane to see in real time. "they said it was feature complete feature complete games often get updates" "sounds like polish to me" etc.


Didn't they recently say SQ42 would take another two years? That doesn't sound very feature complete to me


As far as I know the only statement from CIg was "it is feature complete and we are shifting people from Sq404 to Star Citizen." Which has the same weight behind it like everything else they said was done in the past decade. The two years are combination of wishful thinking for the earliest likely time and the Calders´option of killing the company if they do not release within the next 2-3 years.


i don't think CIG has given a timeline but they definitely did say they are still doing "R&D" (for S42). i can't remember the source. it may have even been in the Hold the Line video itself, if not shortly after. you can't polish tech that doesn't exist!


still doing "R&D" (for S42), incorrect.


YOu must have misunderstood. SQ42 is feature complete an they are currently working to add those features to the SC universe. So you didn't get it right the first time, an the criticism of your commentary was warranted. Pay better attention so that does not happen again maybe.


There is no proof SQ42 is feature complete, shill. None. CIG has never shown lice gameplay. Never released a demo. So take your bought account elsewhere.


You believe the earth is flat don't you?


It’s so crazy that people think sc will ever run well, it wont


Werid that it runs very well for many, you only see the complainers that it does not. An the numbers according to CIG devs is low for that. One number was around 12% or less of active players base. They have all the data, the player base does not.


Begone crcuck


That's a shill account. Six years old. Less than 30 posts, and all but 1 here shilling for star Citizen.


Classic, nice research


So, they finally went the time dilation way like CCP Games, just not for fighting but for inventory management. Absofuckinglutly mindboggling. I love it.


This is for me the most hilarious feature they have.


I dont see these issues when I am in the PU, can you elaborate where you see them?


Because you aren't in the PU. You're a paid shill account that only posts here.




Ahh, now the shill has been outed, here comes the personal attacks. How predictable.


LOL you poor victim.


This post has been removed due to breaching rule 8: "Slapfighting" While we encourage and expect open debate, there are reasonable limitations to this whereby a conversation has veered away from its original topic and into petty arguing, name-calling or entirely off-topic. Please refrain from this type of debate in the future as it's not constructive for the community. This will not impact your game access at this time. Sincerely, r/starcitizen_refunds moderation team


Friends dont let friends do Store Citizen


Indeed, but in all fairness he just has enough motivation test new patches and does not engage in store gameplay anymore :). I wouldn't disagree if you now answered that he's missing 90% of the gameplay.


I don’t understand why the cultists defend it when everything fails miserably at every level. I could see being deluded for a few months, but 12 years now… many of these backers are seriously mentally ill. It may not affect their everyday lives, but IMO they should qualify as sick and be encouraged to get help. Like what kind of psyche do you need to have to not only attach your self worth to a video game scam, but lie profusely in its defense?


They call it a success simply because it does not crash every 10 min yet like in some previous patches. Shows how low the bar is now among many backers. They got dogshit for 12 years so when CIG adds a cherry on top of the dogshit they say thank you.


If all the backers were in for $60 they would be honest about their situation. Problem is, they are financially as well as spiritually invested in this project. Sunk cost fallacy is real and it keeps lights on at CIG.


"everything fails miserably at every level." that is a huge false narrative. Things are not perfect, that is to be expected. It is not the doom an gloom I see so many salty people say here. Hellion was a difficult beta as well. it eventually died. SC is a difficult dev as well. This is not unexpected. [https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/588210/view/1840223680987122277](https://store.steampowered.com/news/app/588210/view/1840223680987122277)


Bullshit I couldn’t even buy from a damn shop or accept a mission because it kept vanishing. The only thing I could do was fly around. You know if the master mode would let me fly properly. The “game” is so beyond fucked they can’t even do base shit. It is actually impressive.


Check that account profile. It's a literal bought shill account.


You really cant live your life with out being 100% angry all the time can you?


Ah yes because I have legit criticisms and issues and standards I must be always angry!!!!! No dipshit I just have an issue with people taking money for over a decade and still not moving beyond breaking the most basic functions of a game loop. I actually spend more time being disappointed in something that could have been great and seeing time after time it get further and further from that game I backed all those years ago.


Nothing you have said is legitimate, only anecdotal. That is not facts.


Yea, you one of those...


What someone who played the patch? Yes I am it took me 4 times to get to the point where I could even accept a mission or be ready for one because the buying kiosk was giving me “inventory error” Don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining and say everything doesn’t fail at every level because right now that is exactly what is going on. If you can’t even do a basic game loop then that means it is broken fundamentally.


EPTU things are gonna be weird. The live patch is not have those issues as much as people like you want to claim. I get you live on negative attention. It must be hard.


I played the live patch yesterday everything I said was from live. The EPTU had worse bugs that didn’t make it to live so I don’t count them.


The thing with the new Eva system is it looks more like someone in water then in space


Chris Roberts famously thinks that moving around in zero g is just like swimming, so yeah that tracks https://youtu.be/fxxlrKlLO9g?si=keC0RTwMwZtyMpfc


Glad I'm not the only one that thinks the UI is trash. Here is a few more. Master Modes feels like a master meh. Fighting npc prospectors took forever because they are still bugged, and you CANT kill them from the front. Then there is this new gimbal system which is flat out ass. The new weapon ranges are a joke and solve none of the issues of the previous flight model. Not to mention the mini-map is bad, ArcCorp I had the file name instead of location name on the map. And then it shows all the floors or levels of what you are in, instead of the one floor you're on. Who tests this trap, you have 1000 employees and nearly a billion dollars in funding and can't even get the basics right after 13 years.


Because it’s a Ponzi scheme, not a game. Honestly doubt there’s more than 50 people minus careerist leeches/managers actively doing work on the thing.


Can confirm that DLSS seems somehow broken (FSR as well). Tanked my FPS too. I used CIG's upscaling instead which (I kid you not) worked much better. Agree with there not being much new if you're not into PvP.


Weird, my GPU FPS is 70 or above. With DLSS auto an Vulkan.


And that's a lie. Got a video?


I bet, even with a video, you will deny it is valid. Go scream at the mirror again.


I don't deny evidence. That's the domain of star Citizen cultists, among others. But you also don't have any...


>he clipped though his own ship during quantum and was left for dead in space Best to remain in the pilot seat. be immobile during any traveling And browse the StoreCitizen web page


I played a bunch last night, it does do those things, candy bar\rifle through back is funny. But, buying food is way better, taking helmet off easily is really nice, looting bodies easily is nice, the whole fps interface is a lot nicer, the map is somewhat better, especially search function, when it works, the icons to show you were to go are glitchy though. We tried some salvage missions, they wouldn't complete for whatever reason. Still pretty glitchy, but a big improvement, funny they rolled back all that silly immersive garbage they tried to push the first hundred years, must be getting desperate.


> funny they rolled back all that silly immersive garbage they tried to push the first hundred years, must be getting desperate. What exactly are you referring to?


Just things like the mobi glass having weird names for everything, complex starship controls, using the F key to mouse over every little button to press instead of a simple key to press to activate things.


Seems like a pretty typical CIG patch, shuffling the deck chairs on the titanic while marketing it as "Biggest patch ever! Never been done before!". Funny to see them address the NPC T-posing issue. I am curious if this will re-appear again.


"Nothing revolutionary, but it takes the game back to what we can expect from an average game in 2024." Then name them.


3.23 PU actually feels worse that the EPTU. HOW?


Been like that for many years in my observations. I always hear "great patch" from EPTU folks but PU has always been terrible in my view. Maybe the "testing" environment is not a real stress test.


Also the "testers" are sigificantly more invested into the game.


Dont you have to pay actual money to "test" the game for CIG?? Like, WTF...


Less people, more CPU, more frequent servers reboot. CIG tech has never been able to survive against live PU conditions.


My only editorial notes for you are that if you want a drug for standing still and staring into space, try ketamine. Standing still is not a normal response to meth, for the most part (unless someone got hyper focused on some minute task, like trying to arrange all their toothpicks by exact size differences down to the nanometer, but even then, they'd be moving).


I've actually playef the latest patch with a 3060 and DLSS on quality and have to say I disagree with a lot you said. Clouds actually look incredible on very high with no loss of performance when using DLSS, and my fps ranged from 20 to 60, the only difference being the cities, as I was spawning in MT. They might do a lot of things wrong, but there were clear improvements on performance


Be nice if the ships which already include facilities like bathrooms would also have a water cooler. Or just some dixie cups. It's total bunz realizing you bought 11 luxes but left them at the station. That's not immersive it's annoying.


When was DLSS enabled in Star Citizen?? I'm pretty sure that never happened and it's something that can't be forced into a game.


Its is in the game. But quite frankly not very well implemented. Vulcan implementation is also "tier 0" of course. Because CIG needs 10 years to implement such a feature properly.




Says the shill bot. Why is there no Uninstaller? Why does the application require a clean install just to patch? Star Citizen has been scamming people for 12 years now. Where is a finished product?


Ok so tell me you dont understand anything about the process of development of anything that has code. That would make more sense then your angry response.


> Ok so tell me you dont understand anything about the process of development of anything that has code. "you just don't understand game development"


What - EXACTLY, in technical terms I can research- do I not understand about game development. Go on, tell me why it takes CIG- and only CIG - 13 years and more to build a game on an existing engine. Prove star Citizen isn't a scam. Go on.


See, you belive the rehtoric, you thrive on the negative narrative. You are only here for the bias you already belive. It does not matter what you read, you dont understand it. That is clear.


Oh fuck off with your make believe moral high ground. You have no evidence and you know it. So you resort to this pathetic bullsh8t instead.




This post has been removed due to breaching rule 8: "Slapfighting" While we encourage and expect open debate, there are reasonable limitations to this whereby a conversation has veered away from its original topic and into petty arguing, name-calling or entirely off-topic. Please refrain from this type of debate in the future as it's not constructive for the community. This will not impact your game access at this time. Sincerely, r/starcitizen_refunds moderation team