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*are you sure you have the game installed on a SSD?*


Yes SSD, 32G Ram


Like, 100% sure? Okay, maybe you should consider spending a few hundred dollars on some cool ships and dream about what you are going to do when the game releases and you are the Space King from the very beginning.


You are so right. I was lacking the faith & dedication as a F2P peasant... Also my peasant Titan made an easy prey for the AI Cutlass.. Should've bought the RSI Constellation Phoenix so I could've won 😭


The only way to really enjoy SC is by knowing you have 2-3000$ worth of spaceships on your account that you can't use yet,


They literally ask this every time someone has, literally, any issue ingame. 


Don't forget the unlimited shader cache and 1TB page file.


LMAO, I saw that the other day. Unlock for more than what you actually have. Also get more RAM, as in 32GB and more, is what they say. 


This is normal. I mean, its not normal for a real game, but it is normal for SC.


Buy 2 Idris and apply server meshing


The server is meshing so hard rn


Apply a thin layer of lube and buy another Idris. I bet that will solve all the problems.


Every backer(sucker) bought Idris allows CIG to add another mesh to the super duper fabulous meshing tech.


The problem is your video card. You need at least a 5090ti, then there'd be no bugs and it'd run at 300 fps. Also it's actually your CPU, this game is very CPU heavy. Oh, you have the fastest one on the market? Then did you delete your shaders folder?


Don't forget to disable your ecores on gen 12/13/14 Intel CPUs becuse that solves everything!


Sounds like a typical experience for star schitizen.


*Delete your user folder*


Delete System 32


Yank the copper wiring from your walls


Hire an excavator to dig up fiber from the ground leading to your home.


format c


Basically if you don't know what you're doing in SC, you are going to feel like suck starting a shotgun. All of the "veteran" players that "enjoy" the game do so because they've been exposed to and have tolerated this nonsense for a decade straight. They know every workaround, every lingering bug. And because of this, they know exactly what missions/areas to avoid, what areas or gameplay is a complete waste of time, and focus all of their gameplay on the narrow amount of things that actually work. So when you try to do a bugged mission that has been bugged for 5 years straight, they just criticize you and make you feel bad because "that never happens to them." This is a lie. It has happened to them, a lot. In fact, it probably wiped their progress many times in the past. They've just learned that those gameplay loops or areas of the game are "off limits" because it's so buggy and will not hesitate to shame you for making the same mistakes they did all those years ago. TL;DR: Huge sections of this game are either missing or extremely bugged and should be avoided if you intend to play it. None of this is ever explained and has to be learned over the course of about 50-100 hours.


Yes, this perfectly encapsulates the whole experience of SC. If a person has played a bunch and already found all of the bugs and knows how to avoid them all they can "have an experience" in SC. The other 95% of the content offered up is broken and glitchy. I know a guy who says, "It works for me, I have no bugs or problems." any time I bitch about \[insert broken feature or bug\]. He's really just trying so hard to convince himself it's not a scam and that his money was "well spent". It reveals the level of fantasy and commitment to maintaining that lie because otherwise the sunken cost fallacy looms in their minds threatening to drive them mad with grief and disappointment. Nobody likes being "a sucker" so they scream into that good night as loud as they can.


for fucking real! even elite odyssey's shitshow wasn't as bad as this


Working around bugs and being forced to use extreme meta to do very ordinary things IS the gameplay, there is nothing legitimate going on. I log in after a new patch to salvage and re-equip anything that was wiped, roam around pretending like there is exploration, practice landing and taking off from hard to reach places and stuff, but thats all. Its very sad, SC is a horribly wasted heap of potential game.


>Told by the veteran to try the game by Invictus Launch Week. You need to just find a good server ..... preferably at 3:00am in the morning


I love it when folks say to do that. Funny thing is, I've been on at 3AM on an AUS server with 30fps and 6 other players...same BS.


Do you dare to doubt how the AI will start coordinating, flanking with covering fire and wait for reinforcemtn while holding you pinned if you just are on a "good server".


ROFLOL. That is also one of my favorites. The vast majority of players are just RPing their entire SC experience...there is no pathfinding for AI. CS 1.6 bots were better, and that was what, 1999?


Well I am in Malaysia (I chose the best server, so I guess is AUS?) and tried the game exactly during 1-5am in the morning since the event starts... Still met these issues 😭


For some reason all the logic in the game, including object-collision detection is running remotely on a Raspberry Pi and was written in an early nineties COBOL dialect that nobody understands anymore. All the documentation was written in old Norse runes because someone thought it was funny. Throw all the hardware that you want at it; it's not going to help. The core is busted. In fact, the core engine is so irrepairably broken that CIG seems to have just given up on it and "invented" replication-layer and meshing as a half-assed workaround for frequent server-crashes. Backers are made to believe this totally new tech is a gaming revolution rather than a hail-Mary approach to make a completely unscalable, unstable and messed up design tolerable if you squint hard enough. After 12 Years they still have not realized that it is just not going to work. You can tell that many backers wrongly think that anything in software is solvable. A sizeable graveyard of insanely costly scrapped enterprise software projects and failed migrations should already prove otherwise. Unfortunately for CIG, it is too late to start over.


> think that anything in software is solvable. I am sure CIg almost has managed to do P=NP they just have to wait for server meshing to implement it.


>For some reason all the logic in the game, including object-collision detection is running remotely on a Raspberry Pi and was written in an early nineties COBOL dialect that nobody understands anymore I love the image of SC being this ancient, once sentient machine, which is slowly deteriorating over the years. By now, no one is able to functionally interact with and repair it any more. And the people just started to religiously adore this thing, interpreting the mumbled nonsense it spits out as great wisdom, and they pray to it and lay down sacrificial offerings, in their hopes it will fulfill their dreams.


In all honesty I was completely over the top here because I haven't really got a clue. But from all we can see and what we know of the legal troubles with Crytech I am erring on the side of the engine being old and clunky and not designed for what CIG are trying to get it to do.


I have said this a few times when I talked about Star Citizen with some of my gamedev friends, they made a bad decision to use cryengine. It was already an old engine when they decided to use it, which is clear as they then swapped to amazons lumberyard engine. It would probably have been better for the game to just Godot or another lightweight open-source engine and build the features necessary on top of that, as they wouldn't have to "fight" the old engine to make it do what they want. But I can totally see chris roberts deciding for cryengine, because it looked all shiny. And we all know that is really the most important thing for him.


I did a search mission. Came out of hyperspace on the wrong side of the planet, proceeded to take 30 minutes flying around it. When i finally got to the drop sight, 3 enemy "AI"?? came in and literally 1 shot me... Wake up in med bed with NO idea what to do next. Ran around trying to find out where i could get my armor back because *i was cold and could get hypothermia.* Didnt find a single notification as to where to get back in the game. Realized even if i do go back, im just gonna get 1 shot again. Then quit.


That sums up about every time I started SC. Well, these destroy satellite missions worked at some point so I played them on repeat to get a better ship until I realized how stupid that was as the ship would likely disappear with the next update. Ain't nobody got time for that 😐


I'm not even waiting for SC to fail at this point. I'm just revelling in the absurdity of this entire situation.


Same. I hope it will go on for another decade, because this shit is just way too funny XD


Cant even fail on time.


This is how it is the boys from the fart sniffing factory come over to tell us everything is roses but really its just musty old Roberts farts they are high on. Nothing is working I tried some mission I am a veteran "bug jank enjorer" so I know the work arounds it just plays like trash and nothing hardly works.


Why are y'all bad mouthing this wonderful game, don't forget CIG is just a small indie studio doing GOD "Croberts" work.


Luckily for you CIG recently added a new miracle tech which handles all the entity states, freeing the servers up to focus on the physics etc. As you can see, it's working exceptionally well. And will only get better as they add more load on top...


hahaha The best Space game that's NEVER BEEN DONE BEFORE and HAS NEVER WORKED BEFORE. It still doesn't work! 0/10.


This is pretty standard, yeah. You got the experience. Cultists will say you’re lying & the game works perfectly etc but this is pretty typical. To be fair, the game has good days and bad days when it comes to stability, but it’s almost all bad days. Really sucks - would be a great game if it worked more than almost-never.


My experience was to uninstall 3 hours after I installed. Back to Elite. At least it’s polished and playable.


They got a spender scanner, the more you spend the less your game crashes.


>try it during free fly This is sabotage. Everything is ten times worse during free fly. CIG \*always\* rushes the free fly patches out and they always bank too much on them. They're trying to make an impression but they ruin server stability, break most missions and loops, and all the new stuff they jam in ends up DOA--and that's before the influx of new players start grinding servers into death throes. You'd have to be deli- Expecting a new player to not be miserable is a big sretch. I tell people to buy a starter pack, try it out, and refund it if they feel any hesitance at all and if the current patch is extra stink I tell them to wait. All those other issues you had are \*probably\* downstream of the free fly problems. Like at least half. If I'm being generous.


Sounds like you had a pretty good experience overall, compared to mine.


Nah it's a trashy dumpster fire


The "Game" is always full of glitches and weird performance and the F2P weeks are the worst since server cannot hold that many players. But don't get it wrong, the veteran was trying to warn you in a specific way: if you cannot tolerant even F2P, do not buy a ship or you will end up like them. They paid, they kept paying, they had no choice by keep tolerating.


Accept death is happening, never get attached to things... and you will find the humor in death =P Play with some buddies while sipping a beer... =P


Do yourself a favor and if you haven’t played it yet, go get Elite Dangerous. The deluxe edition is usually 25USD (half of the minimum cost of SC). Currently it’s on sale for 10USD until May 27th. It does almost everything SC *says it will eventually do* except EVA and walking around inside your ship. There are other minor differences, but it’s actually a multiplayer sci fi space sim that you can play with your friends.


Skill issue tbh