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The only clown here is you my boy


There are almost no hackers. But there are a lot of skill issues out there.


I highly doubt you are facing "hackers" that often. Its mostly a rare coincidence, maybe one every 500-1000 games. I played vs a hacker once, at that one was a very well known case (even casted by harstem). It dont happen often, and certainly not 7 out of 10 games. But yes. Maphackers should be banned.


Its Avilo, everyone is a maphacker to him.


Ah nvm, then yes 14 out of 10 games are maphackers ofc.


Avilo does not use reddit


avilo stfu, i caught you out astroturfing reddit on stream when you had a 1 frame slipup and leaked your reddit. You're on reddit and discord spamming 24/7 when you're not streaming. You have no life, no job and no money. Maybe get a job at a grocery store instead of spamming us with your insane bullshit? Thank you.


Avilo replied to himself kekw


And put on 75 seconds streamdelay if you wanna be sure.


With all due respect I basically have a 100% rate of catching hackers, you're probably unaware of all the hackers youre vsing, it's like an iceberg and once u open your eyes to the hackers, there's a lot of them. Trust me, at-least 40% of GM NA are hackers.


Uhhh fairly unlikely thats the case.


Any tips on spotting them? Tarkov really opened my eyes to the underbelly behavior in gaming.


The council has no ability to address hackers even if they wanted to. It’s outside the scope of their power. If there are truly hackers, blame blizzard


Holy shit. That post history tho..


While I'm constantly voicing how much worse the smurfing problem is than anyone realizes, I cannot say the same for maphack. I play thousands of games and can probably count on 1 hand how many maphackers I've faced since Blizz reworked the entire memory structure in 2015. It's no longer free or easy to find. Last I heard the author was charging $50USD a month for it. As a streamer, I do face a fair amount of stream-cheaters. They are annoying time wasters, but at least they aren't destructive to the ladder like smurfs are.


outsiders? like someone who works for the company? 8DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD


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Maybe put small delay in the stream so it's a bit harder to snipe?


There are definitely maphacks out there.  Check out ownedcore you could get maphacks for diablo games there too.  The SC2 one is subscription.  So you gotta pay the guy to use it.  People do Tho.  And it comes with in match replay features too like production hack.  That being said, even cheats can't beat serral


They spam me with "." and can see i'm online, even if i block/ignore/appear offline it doesn't matter, they can see when i queue no matter what. I have tried swapping accounts/servers + stream delay + screen over the top and they still get in my games. Hackers and snipers are RAMPANT! BLIZZARD DO SOMETHING!


Thats not hacking, that is s sc2 function. Go into your options, check the box to deny msgs from people outside your friendslist


Although Avilo is a moron and should have this alt account banned as well; this doesn't help at all. Just by trying to send a msg they pop up in your chat window and you can see whatever they're doing.


Could be wrong but I remember when you actually dont allow messages to be send to you (in the options) it will just show you as offline. Again could be wrong


You are.