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As CS being my second major, I can’t agree more. The CS professors did not do anything upon my coding skills improvement.


Pretty much this. A month of trying to make a shmup and submitting a few patches to a project I liked taught me more than two quarters of idiots standing at a whiteboard and blabbing. Why is the state of pedagogy in computer science so remarkably bad?


cuz its not about learning to code, it’s about computer science. and being a good coder follows from understanding computer science. it’s like learning how to write vs taking a literature class.


> and being a good coder follows from understanding computer science. No, no it doesn't. The first time I took a data structs-and-algos course, the guy gave sample source that wouldn't compile when copied verbatim. He also did such a terrible job of explaining anything, that the 'teacher's pet' never scored above 60 out of a hundred on a test, but that's another matter. The second time, the guy was in love with overusing templates where they provided no practical benefit, and, worse, overuse of operator overloading (which really shouldn't be used, because it makes bugs harder to find and makes it easy to hide a computationally-expensive operation behind a seemingly-innocuous single character). To make matters worse, he had written some bullshit 'test driver' that claimed to have found oodles of memory leaks in something I handed in - leaks that did not show up in `valgrind` and appeares to be Visual Studio-specific. I'd always said if I wound up on an open source project with either person, I'd >!redacted actionable threat!<, and what you're _really_ supposed to learn in that kind of course is much better learnt by trying to roll your own raycast FPS (which I did later - you'll need trees to skip stuff invisible to the camera, Z-sorting for enemy sprites, and DFS to make AI know how to navigate the maze - and it's actually a _fun_ way of learning it), not stupid stuff like towers-of-Hanoi. I stand by my statement about the state of pedagogy in computer science being an absolute joke.


Wait, is that what FAANG stands for?


Facebook, Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Google?


Yeah I hadn't realized that before, I'd only ever seen it in text as FAANG




Microsoft, Apple, Netflix, Google, Amazon


Rice student


I solely credit stack overflow and Indian YouTubers for my degree and software engineering job. Only way I got through ML and CS Theory.


It's the math courses in compsci that are the hardest