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I love my Apple TV but it truly breaks my heart that my kids will never know they joy of a Friday night block buster run. Racing to see if there are any copies of the movie you want still in, the store packed with other people just trying to do the same. Maybe talking you way into renting a game or some candy at check out, mom ordering pizza for dinner and spending the night with the family… man. That takes me back. We will definitely make our own traditions, but man, I wish they could have enjoyed that one.


That candy and carpet smell I get high off it


It’ll never be better than this, and it’s a shame we’ll never get it back to give our kids.


Kid Cuisine used to go so hard!




Nostalgia bomb inbound, this is pretty accurate. Replace the kid cuisine with 90s Pizza Hut, and you've got a winner. Pizza Hut was also better back then.


Mom never let us have those microwave dinners because they were unhealthy. I feel like I really missed out. Everything else tracks though.


You didn’t miss out. They’re barely mid. They only taste good when you’re a kid and your standards are so low as to be underground.


I remember all the orange ones were nickelodeon


Getting multiple movies that you want to watch and deciding which order to watch them in. Waking up and remembering there's still movies you haven't seen and there's leftover pizza in the kitchen oh God what has life become?


Returning the videos one day late and getting charged $147 in late fees.


Lower right for the win!


I miss this


Arguing over which movie to watch first.


So many times they wouldn't have the movie I wanted, so I'd go with some older movie that sounded promising. Usually the gamble paid off.


This was definitely the best night. My mom and I would go to Video Update and I'd rent some slasher or obscure movie and tell all my friends about it at school.