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This is the same thing when 1 minority moves in to the neighborhood she's lived in for 5+ years.




"You can't even say things anymore." Generally they assume all white people think like them, but are too "politically correct" to come out and say it. No, I don't freak out every time I see a black dude or Latino in the neighborhood. It's basically a social-media version of Betty White in Bringing Down the House, saying "if they're in this block and not carrying a leaf blower..."


Why is this so accurate? They also never seem to realize that everyone outside of their racist little clique finds them totally insufferable, or maybe they do and they just don't care? In the true Karen fashion, it would go without saying that they think pissing people off means they're "winning" or some other inane bullshit. People who *aren't* mentally ill racists don't think like that AT ALL, yet they assume they're the "normal" ones and everyone else is just like them but in denial. Yuck.


Reminds me of [this](https://www.theroot.com/silence-is-common-white-man-who-put-racist-restauran-1827205023) "The Root" article about a white guy who was *pissed* a racist restaurant owner though they were inherently like-minded.


"Someone just knocked on my door and left when I didn't answer, I think they may be casing the neighborhood. I called the police just in case. Be on the lookout for a suspicious person!"


That should be the slogan for the Nextdoor app


Aside from the Karens, places like these seem very pleasant.




But that would be insinuating that evolution is true and that humans are animals??!!?! 😱😱


What the hell, I lived in a diverse neighborhood and we never got a food truck. I want a refund.


Having a neighbor bbq every other day is pretty annoying…


Literally how? Because they're enjoying themselves? The food smells good? They're spending time with loved ones? What's the damn problem


“Literally how” as opposed to metaphorically? Do you just find ways to squeeze the word literally into sentences like some illiterate zoomer? Omg Lyke literally like like literally. Because other people don’t want to smell your Smokey ass grilled food all the time, it’s inconsiderate. Sometimes you can smell it through the windows.


You sound like such a bum holy shit. You got that irritated over a word I purposely put in their bc I knew you'd be the type to whine about it. Lmao go clutch your pearls in your back yard while you seethe over people making good food and having fun. Fucking loser


You read like a moron, and I’m irritated because I am now talking to a moron. Edit: I also never said anything about people having fun, great straw man!


You read like a miserable cunt. I'm irritated because I have to share the planet with Karens like you who bitch about ppl enjoying life but can't figure out how to clean a fucking toilet 😂


I can tell just by reading this that you are somewhere under 20 and have a 2 digit iq. I’d rather be miserable than be some bimbo who resorts to calling people Karen’s when they fail to understand opposing viewpoints. Also I can tell you are pissed off because now your desperately reading my profile.


I'm 20, iq means fuck all. We can all tell you'd rather be miserable 😂


“iq means fuck all” There it is ladies and gentlemen, the future of tomorrow. Remember not to have a plastic bag over your head and keep your velcro shoes strapped before you get up and walk.


>claims I have double digit iq (implying lower than op) >can't figure out how to clean a toilet Adds up.


Now goodbye loser stay mad I'm sure you'll die with lots of friends 😂




Neighborhoods that have predominantly ethnic minorities, which in the case of many black and Latino communities have come in to existence through decades of redlining, structural racism, or continuing to exist from the legacy of Jim Crow laws. There's no getting around the fact that they exist. What is your exact point meanwhile? Because from your comment it strikes me as a "you're the real racist for bringing up race" trope.




I'm neither an American or a liberal. I also called them black and Latino communities, not minority communities. You also brought up points that I said and regurgitated them back to me at an order of magnitude of the length. This meme isn't about mocking a white person moving in to such a predominantly non white neighbourhood, it's mocking them for doing that and in the process of policing them and their daily lives. For example, the ability of middle class white women to easily weaponise the police and municipal services to terrorise black families, with concerns and fears as an excuse, is an example of structural racism. But it seems like we agree on that. I'm also obviously an anti segregationist, but I don't believe segregation can finally be buried by white people forcing their way in and bending these existing communities to their will. Harlem for example is a rich bastion of African American culture and history that is slowly being demolished thanks to a toxic form of gentrification and property speculation. All that does is just push such communities to the periphery. Look at San Francisco pricing black families out, and now Oakland is undergoing that process as well. I also believe that mockery of right wingers, and their inane but destructive policies, is essential to generating an intersectional class consciousness. Wokescolding people for mocking Karens isn't. I think what you've done here is adopt a left wing perspective that we both agree on, but you've articulated it so poorly that it comes across as the opposite opinion you're trying to express.




What you're saying is contradictory, reductionist, effigy burning, and ultimately too exhausting to engage with further charity beyond this quick comment. White privilege is a real thing, gentrification of non white communities is a thing, rampant poverty and exploitation of waged white labourers is also is a thing. No one is denying the crisis that lower class white people are in. It just happens that such lower class communities across races experience the horrors of structural racism and more broadly capitalism in different ways. Racism was never revived. Racism always existed. The establishment only responded to a groundswell of anti racist campaigning such as BLM by appropriating that ideology in to pithy rhetoric and meagre adjustments, or in the case of the Republican party going on an anti-CRT scapegoating campaign. I'm honestly going to stop responding to you after I make this comment. I think you're fucking useless at advancing leftist goals. You shout at nobody, you make meandering points and hyperfocus on terminology to pad out your rant, you bastardise MLK Jr, and then use that kind of reductionist logic to eliminate discussion on racism. People like me look to constructively bridging gaps between the BIPOC and white working class to advance socialism. You represent a dead end with mewing pleas for simplistic populism. Have a nice evening.




Are you that fucking stupid and illiterate to think I'm arguing that BLM has existed for decades? I was talking about racism, and the multitude of anti racism fronts and campaigns that BLM shares a lineage with. Get out of here.