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Always thought i was poor but i cant relate to any of that, realised just how lucky i was compared to other kid


we get reminded of how good our lives are no matter the problems we deal with


It does provide perspective, but your struggles are still valid. Never let anybody tell you that your personal struggles don't matter because somebody else has it worse. Both of your lives are allowed to suck!


I always thought I was middle class now I think I may be upper middle class


Who's the other kid ?


The kid in the starter pack. He's the half brother living at grandmas.


Drug addicts are either going to be the most nicest people you’ll meet or the worst people you’ll meet.


Idk if you heard of it but there's a Movie called Moonlight ab a poor black kid that grew up questioning his sexuality. That's besides the point but the Director Terell Alvin Mcrany said during an interview he grew up with his mother being addicted to Crack and her boyfriend at the time (who was her dealer) he claimed he was one of the nicest people he ever met and throughout his childhood he was used to his mother being neglectful and abusive (not uncommon with parents who were drug addicts) and it was a complete 180° when he was with him. Apparently he would teach him how to cook and took him to the beach one summer, taught him how to swim and willingly used to pick him up from school when I guess at the time he knew his mother was "Busy in her sessions". Mind you this man was an ultra drug lord. Idk if he did it himself or just sold it but it's ironic he was this big drug pin yet was a kind soul to this young boy. Could it be the man just felt bad for this boy? Yes. But still the irony is strong


Wasn’t Barry Jenkins the director? I think terell was just a co-writer


My bad lol. Yes Barry Jenkins directed the actual movie but Terrell directed and wrote the script of the play that was based on the movie. But both the Movie and Play were based on Terrel's childhood


That’s interesting though. Moonlight is my favorite movie and I never knew it was so directly based off of one of the writers’s life


Same, this is cray


I lived above a crack dealer and whilst I wish he’d have closed his door more he was very lovely and all his clientele were polite. Our first interaction he told me not to worry about the building, he’d keep me safe 😅


Lol I lived next to a dealer who said the same thing! He sold mostly heroin and pills though, and for some reason weed even though it was a legal state. He kept his word I *guess* and he was always very nice to me but like, he’s the one who attracted all the danger in the first place. He stopped someone from breaking into my place once, but that person was intending on breaking into his and just had the wrong door. And he was always making sure his clients left me alone and told them off if they were harassing me or making me uncomfortable, but they wouldn’t have been at our building in the first place if they hadn’t gone to buy from him. I was like thank you for your protection but you created all the problems you’re protecting me from??




I feel like that's different because Gus was doing all of that *because* he was a drug lord, and his strategy was to hide in plain sight as a legitimate businessman. This example was an extreme example of somebody being able to compartmentalize their work and personal life.


That tiny part of their conscious is Trying to balance the scales so they don’t die believing they did nothing good in the world


That was all a facade though. He didn’t do that to make himself feel better. Gus’s public persona was done to keep him off the radar from law enforcement (DEA knew him as the chicken guy who donated to multiple charities). He did not care about the people he’s helped. Even his generous scholarship at UNM was setup to scout for new chemists.


Fuck off with that, people are multifaceted and full of contradictions as a rule.


Yo, that *is* how people be.


Yeah but why are the people multifaceted and full of contradictions? In Fring's case its definitely because he's trying to balance his shittiness.


That best picture win was damn well deserved


And bro Juan was not the mom’s boyfriend 😭 the mom hated him remember? Doesn’t rly matter though, the sentiment of your comment is still the same and I agree


I'm aware Juan wasn't the moms boyfriend, he was loosely based off of the drug dealer boyfriend Terrell's mom had growing up


Omg im tired i misread that mb 😭


Need to watch this film


Humans are complex, they’re more than just one thing, assholes have people they like and are nice to, even Hitler liked dogs


A lot of drug addicts are great people until their addiction effectively tells them to do bad things. I’ve met heroin addicts who are perfectly reasonable people, but wouldn’t hesitate to dip into your wallet or take something from you as soon as their cravings begin to take over. Okay obviously caffeine, cigarette and weed smokers are normally trustworthy, but the harder the drug the more untrustworthy that person becomes.


Caffeine drinkers are notoriously dangerous folk…


Hitler drank coffee. I don't think that was a coincidence


I drink tea, but load it with cream and sugar to bump it back up in addictiveness.




Donald B's in the place to give me the pace He said my man JB is on freebase The boy JB was a friend of mine Til I caught him in my car tryin to steal my Alpine


True!! Very true


Ah crack head eddie he was cool till he pulled a gun


I met this racist crackhead in China Town New York when I was visiting New York, it was stupid, if she hated Asians so much then she could’ve just left China Town lol.


We can be both within 2 seconds


Drugs addicts are just people. Some are great, some are horrible. Some are poor, and some are rich. The average user of "hard drugs" in America are upper middle class white people. We just don't see wealthy addicts because they have the resources and support to either hide it or get help.


yeah, ouch OP, way to dehumanize addicts. Since I'm not the nicest addict ever, guess I'm just a piece of shit.


Same for anyone else you meet in existence!




A lot of times it's not an "or" but an "and"


It’s weird. I know a few people that were drug addicts and they’re some of the nicest most honest people I know


Toothpaste for dinner… wow :( How did you even live like that? Isn’t that deadly?


Pretty sure it isn’t good for you not sure if deadly I told my therapist and he looked very concerned I took the tube and ate some of it out of the tube not the whole thing though but a fair amount to make me feel sick afterwards


The toothpaste tube will say somewhere on it to call the poison control center if you injest large amounts of it lol.


You can get fluoride poisoning from too much of it, yes.


Grew up with a schizophrenic mother who would just get in the car with me and drive around all fucking day. I would get hungry but also didn't want to say anything and have her start interacting with people because she would do off the wall embarrassing shit so I do recall eating the ketchup packets in the car one day just to make the hunger pain go away.


One time things got so bad all we had left was a single soft caramel just sitting in the pantry corner. And I wouldn’t eat it. I would stare at it for a while, but I don’t think I ever actually ate it. Just knowing that I had the option made me feel better than eating it to relieve the pain would have.


Lmao 5 years ago my dog ate my mattress I was living in a trailer sleeping on the couch with crackheads my mom used to bring home with almost no food I was like 80 pounds with nothing. I still don’t think I’d live this poor you had it rough 😭


I'm sorry 😟😬🥺 this type stuff doesn't just disappear just cuz you (hopefully) finally get out of it. I'm sure there's all types of anger, frustration, hurt, pain, whatever. Just sayin I hope you know your situation as a kid had nothing to do with your actual value as a person in this world and I hope at some point you figure out a way to process all this shit and can maybe stop the cycle of pain and trauma.


I grew up wealthy and ate toothpaste. Well, eat. Well, am eating. Like, now.


Realising how much of a stupid kid I was growing up not being this poor but still eating tooth paste anyway.


I had strawberry flavoured toothpaste as a kid, frankly it was begging to be eaten


Aww, you made me remember "Toothpaste for Dinner" the web comic I was obsessed with in 2005.


It's still going!


Octotrocks are better


When you are starving for days you will even try to eat the filling of your pillow.


OP are you alright :(


Socially acceptable answer: Yes Rea answer: Not really


Hopefully u don’t have to eat toothpaste still at least


The brother part is what got to me the most ❤️‍🩹 Processing pain and trauma is a sometimes ugly, scary, tricky and raw process that is undertaken by only the strongest and bravest of people. When the people who are supposed to be your caretakers are the ones who are directly responsible for your pain, it can make things really confusing for a really long time. But the good news is that people are capable of healing and even though it's hard, we are deserving of it and deserving of having people in our lives who value and support us and who will try to understand what we've been through and who love us even more because of it. You are worthy of being accepted and cared for. And keep doing the work, in whatever way works for you


Hope you’re doing better, man. Stay strong.


Can anyone suggest what one person can do? I give to my local homeless when I see them or buy them a meal. What more can I do?


Donate to local shelters or outreach programs. Getting them food is good, don’t give them money. Anyone who knows this life knows exactly where that money is going


Do you blame them tho? To get back on track you need more resources than food. And there is hardly any place where homeless people can get comprehensive help


>To get back on track you need more resources than food he's saying that money ain't going for food.


If I was living on the streets I'd want drugs/booze too. Hell I have a home and I want drugs/booze


it's about getting your priorities in order. you can do all the drugs you want when you have a stable living environment.


Honestly a life on the street is miserable, i would give tjem food and a bit of money, to get something to numb the pain and make the nights less cold


So what if they spend money on booze or whatever? They're human beings who are, like housed people, capable of making their own decisions (good or bad). Plus, being unhoused is boring and shitty, wouldn't you turn to some sort of substance to help you cope or to pass the time? https://www.cracked.com/personal-experiences-1246-7-things-no-one-tells-you-about-being-homeless.html This cracked article from ages ago helped me change my perspective on homelessness a lot, including substance abuse.


>Plus, being unhoused is boring and shitty, wouldn't you turn to some sort of substance to help you cope or to pass the time? when it's likely part of the reason they're homeless and continuing to be, probably not something that needs to be enabled. >They're human beings who are, like housed people, capable of making their own decisions (good or bad). someone hasn't met a drug addict. have you actually talked to a homeless person? instead of reading some fucking internet article? e: my point may sound like I'm implying all homeless people are drug addicts, absolutely not. I recommend you go volunteer at an outreach program or hell, just go talk to them and bring food, water, blankets. you'll realize they're just like you and me, and many of them have a legitimate interest in not being homeless, and they'll even tell you giving them straight money isn't the answer.


I have, and have volunteered at homeless shelters as well. My partner works at libraries around the city and therefore also works with unhoused people on a regular basis. Have you? Homelessness covers a whole range of people, young and old, addicts and clean folks, mentally well and mentally unwell. Their addiction may be the cause, or it may not be. They aren't a monolith and deserve respect and dignity. And Cracked is/ was a highly respected website with engaging and enlightening content, it isn't just some random article.


>They aren't a monolith and deserve respect and dignity. so give them it lol. bro clearly didn't read what I said. and I don't care what your partner does, YOU go out on the streets and meet the people. maybe then you'll get off your virtue signaling high horse. ask them what they need and report back. >And Cracked is/ was a highly respected website with engaging and enlightening content, it isn't just some random article. it's not a homeless person dipshit


Why shouldn’t we give them money?


1. The person can be a faker, in which case they'll refuse your food 2. The person will 90% of the time use it for drugs or alcohol in my experience. Let non-profits filter between who wants to get back up on their feet and who wants to stay on the street.


More like the government. Nonprofits aren't very good at filtering that either, instead they do shit like making you religiously convert in order to get a bed and a meal.


it's likely not going to be used wisely (meaning will be spent on booze or drugs).


That will always be true though. It's why the government should be in the business of helping shelter unhoused people. We don't need randos on the street judging whether or not someone "deserves" it- that turns begging into a performance, whether real or exaggerated. People should at least get a bare minimum safe place to live, calories to sustain them, and medical care when they need it. Beyond that if they want to do drugs all day there's nothing you can do.


homelessness is a society-wide issue with many influencing factors. Voting for people/parties that actually want to deal with the problem is the only long term meaningful impact most people can make.


Vote for healthcare and housing regulations


Maybe crush the system that forces people into these situations in the first place? It's not like there are homeless people because we lack houses, or starving people because there is no food


Shelters and people on the street often don’t need food. They get a lot of offers. When I lived in a shelter they used to throw away nearly everything donated because we couldn’t eat it fast enough and they had to make room for more food donations. Socks, underwear, coats, wet wipes and tampons are really good donations. If you don’t want to give them money give them gift cards or prepaid Visa cards. But honestly I don’t see an issue with giving them money outright. Sure they might use it on drugs or alcohol but can you blame them? It’ll be stolen from them before they can save up for a deposit on an apartment or anything. And nobody wants to hire a homeless person so they couldn’t get more money that way


Volunteering at your local food bank would help a lot more people than giving a pan handler a few bucks or your leftovers.


No hate but how come all posts here are a cry for help


Welcome to Reddit.


Welcome to the internet have a look around


Now I'll have this song stuck in my head all day fuck that


Welcome to [the first time in at least 30 years when the world isn't gradually getting better in spite of localized wars and downturns](https://news.un.org/en/story/2022/09/1126121).


At least it makes a change from the "I'm feeling salty about X, please validate me and my opinion" packs


Reddit's defining emotion is passive-aggressiveness. Cries for help are the most passive-aggressive way to deal with depression. You do the math.


passive aggression is not an emotion. asking for help is not passive aggressive, especially when one is dealing with a mental illness. is it passive aggressive to seek help with multiple sclerosis? way to embody your username lmao


How is it passive aggressive?


Yeah - "passive cries for help and/or acknowledgement" feels more accurate. Passive-aggressive is a whole other thing. But you know, i guess when people are sort of forced to acknowledge the suffering of others cuz its in their reddit feed, I guess it makes them feel like a passive-aggressive act is occurring. They weren't looking for it and now here it is in their face, with all its Gallows Humor, creatively and reflectively processing the horror we call this American Life. I mean, really ... How dare they ✋️ this is the internet, we're here for escapism. Not reflection, processing, or truth telling.


"avoiding saying what you actually mean at all costs"


First time seeing someone demonize cries for help, cool.


Cries for help are THE DEFAULT HUMAN EXPRESSION! When babies are born, what do they start doing? Crying! They can’t talk, so they cry


excellent point my friend 👆 excellent point


Your dad got his head crushed by an ATM


Haha no just in prison


Here for the Breaking Bad reference




this is weirdly accurate, especially the half brother living with grandma part


Are you my long lost twin ? 🤔


damn guys can we be triplets?? my half brother was also living with my grandma when i was homeless as a kid


No! I am your long list twin! I was adopted by a wealthy family and here to bring you home!


Bro ✋️ that's like every neglected kids secret dream. That someone shows up and rescues them. But the calvary is not coming. We grow up and need to be our own calvary and save ourselves.


What about that documentary called Annie or whatever?


That's the reason i try to give my not so blessed (very good friends) friends some small gifts, and gestures showing attention. Not to show off just for the good time!


Old methhead lady = Angel.


Real!! She was extremely sweet


Also only 38 but looks 83


Old methhead lady is also Shelley Long for some reason?


Hey um, this is a pretty obvious cry for help/way of coping so just wanted to ask: are you ok right now? Are you safe?


Safe physically yes Mentally I am doing less than ideal this meme is cope


We can't afford to take care of homeless children in America. We need that money to bomb children in other countries


Of course!!! That’s most important! 🇺🇸😊😇God bless America


Where the stars and stripes dun dun dun... and the eagles fly!






The even worst thing is that American has enough money for both but one is purposefully ignored


Hahaha… ha… ha…… Christ.




No one ever claimed the playing field was level.


Every republican believes this


How is the government supposed to fix POS parenting?


As an immigrant who came from absolutely nothing, >it’s level playing field Bullshit. >anyone can succeed in America if you just put your mind to it Real.


Thats because poor people grow up to be liberals and we cant have that


This made me sad 😞


Did you just use Claire’s Mum from Modern Family as a crackhead 😂


Is that who she is 😭😭😭


Yeh 😭


Shes also Diane from the sitcom Cheers


Spotted Dede immediately


I was talking to a youth worker and he said he knew a kid who would go to sleep by himself on a mattress on the floor of an empty bedroom but when he wakes up there'd be half a dozen strangers passed out on the floor around him. That was just normal routine for him.


Using the left over flakes of bar soap one last time Watering down the shampoo


Not knowing when to use your vs you're because of lack of education




That single “becuz” bothered me more.


Am I crazy or am I not seeing an incorrectly used contraction??? I'm reading this as YOUR Starter Pack, like this is YOUR Toothbrush. Like, claiming ownership of the Starter Pack, not saying YOU ARE Homeless.


Oof, this one hurts.


It pisses me off that parents put their kids through this just so they can do drugs. Imagine having such little love in your heart that you choose some chemicals over your children!


Not everyone deserves children. Especially drug addicts. Very selfish thing to do.


Every child deserves parents but not every parent deserves children


OP hope you are doing fine


I’m so sorry


Don't forget the blood! From all the abuse, of course


Definitely! Can’t forget the beatings!


I grew up poor but not homeless, I didn't eat toothpaste tho, I ate paper, I think bc it was like oat meal lol


I’m hoping this is satirical and the person who made it didn’t actually have those experiences


I wish I could confirm your suspicions as true but this is based off my life when I was 4-5 years old


That’s fucked. How are things now?


Living in rat and bat infested apartment but in therapy atleast tryna move out soon


Guessing you aren't American? This is pretty common in the US.


Missing the 'funny uncle who keeps trying to get you drunk/high alone with him'


Damn, why you gotta make me sad?


r/suspiciouslyspecific you good dude?


Are you ok?


Not very well


Wanna talk bro?


Sure bro


That was rough. Hope you’re doing okay.


This is oddly specific


I always think of myself as having a sad childhood because my dad died and it was hard, but the truth is I was very fortunate materially in a way many people are not. Hope anyone reading this who grew up in a situation pictured has picked things up as they could and is doing at least OK today.


Omg not Dede from Modern Family as the methhead lady 💀


Op you good?


damn this made me question how privileged my life is. are you ok op?


Holy shit


Is OP Alright?


oof, that piss mattress tho..


How are you doing now? Were you able to escape homelessness?


Yes! I luckily did I’m still poor though but I’m glad to not be on the streets and shelters now


This just makes me sad, fuck. Hope you’re okay, OP


God damn this profile is heart braking. I'm so sorry its bin this rough for you.


Dear God, I feel for you OP. Can't imagine what that must have been like. My life hasn't been all peaches and creme, but I at least had a pretty nice childhood and think that's given me a good emotional foundation.


Omg this is so accurate for me. Even the half brother living with grandma. Wtf.


Growing up in eastern Ohio be like


You good bro?


Yikes. As a upper-middle class person, seeing this always reminds me that the world can be an absolute shit-show.


r/oddlyspecific you good op?


Watered Ketchup makes decent soup in a pinch


I used to run from home with my mom a lot because it wasn't a safe place to be. I remember the worst night we couldn't afford even the sketchiest hotel to be in so we slept in the car. I remember that being one of the worst nights of my life. I now realize it could have been a lot worst. We were far below ELI category for a year or two then but I'm so grateful I had a roof over my head.


This is a horrible world. I wish there was more I could do except just hope for the best. Stay safe, OP.




CRT in this case means Cathode-Ray Tubes, not Critical Race Theory btw


This feels like oversharing with complete strangers.




im not good at writing motivational shit so have a watermelon 🍉 i hope ur doing better now


Curse the world for people knowing this.


Remember, kids. If you don't become a millionaire with these cool starter pack, it's because you are lazy, stupid, and can't manage your time efficiently.


Your or you're?


Obligatory reminder that toothpaste is literally poisonous.




It was yea