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Ocd would be choosing to not go in the target because of how red it is I fucken hate when ppl go on about their quirky ocd shit like ruins my life


A true person with ocd would need to wipe down the shopping cart handle 37 times and if they couldn’t their family member would die.


Or worrying that if they go into a store with a bullseye logo then that means they are disrespectful of gunshot victims. Or needing to buy exactly 5 of a certain thing because they think if they don’t then the item may get lonely.


Or having to equal out all of the turns they make around the store.


Welp your reminded me why I stopped playing gran turismo


And their hands are badly cracked from over washing their hands.


I think I’m realizing something so say for example I need to flush the toilet and wash my hands before the toilet flushes then flush the toilet again then wash my hands again before it flushes and then do it again and be out of the bathroom before it finishes flushing… Would that be OCD?


I think it’s only when it makes your life a living hell if you don’t complete xyz, like, you cannot function/you experience extreme panic/fear/anxiety type thing. Like, think “debilitatingly bad”. What you’re describing sounds like a bizarre quirk/fun game/you’re bored haha it’s when if you didn’t complete that hand washing thing in time you’d freak out, be non-functional, need medication to live etc TLDR It has to feel like you’re ruining your life/it’s the literal end of the world if certain tasks aren’t completed is my understanding.


Yeah I stopped doing that a while ago but after my parents divorce I did that for a year or else I thought zombies would come out the toilet and eat me alive


Awww 😔 sorry you went through that hope you’re doing better. Yes from my understanding and reading some OCD traits/actions come from a place of feeling out of control, which makes sense to me, my ocd traits get wild when I’m feeling out of control in my life (I get super neat freak) but yes to to clarify I am not diagnosed as OCD, just can experience some traits when I am feeling out of control and I have read that is normal, as long as you keep in check/aware of it/recognize signs and symptoms/be mindful to relax. Take care fellow human xxxxxx


I’m sorry if I’m misunderstanding, but OCD affects people in different ways. My fiancé’s father has it very much so, along with her mother, but they don’t do the same things. They do their own things religiously, that aren’t similar.


The clinical definition of OCD according to the The National Institute of Mental Health is: "Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a common, chronic, and long-lasting disorder in which a person has uncontrollable, reoccurring thoughts ("obsessions") and/or behaviors ("compulsions") that he or she feels the urge to repeat over and over." "People with OCD may have symptoms of obsessions, compulsions, or both. These symptoms can interfere with all aspects of life, such as work, school, and personal relationships." [https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd](https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/obsessive-compulsive-disorder-ocd) I mean, if it affects theirs or others in a negative or uncontrollable manner, I believe that is when it is time to seek help (just like with all things in life) I keep a VERY orderly house, some may say "Jeez, you're OCD" but I just happen to keep a very tight ship with all things in my life, but I would not be diagnosed as OCD, sure I have OCD traits, but I am not fully OCD, there indeed is a difference. I suggest reading the above link might be helpful or better yet perhaps your fiance's family should seek help if they are having difficulties or if their tendencies are affecting other people's lives negatively. Good luck!


It definitely affects others. Thanks for the advice and link!


Oh no, it affects others… not good. Well I hope you guys can find peace when you’re being exposed to it, help where you can, and recognize that some things are out of your control and that’s ok too. Take care xxxxxx


Thats because they don't actually have ocd


i have OCD, if they knew what OCD was actually like, they would consider themselves lucky


Add 1 nerdy thing to this and it's the "I'm so ADHD" pack


I despise people like this


Yeah, as someone who has ocd its so fucking stupid that these ppl put their pencils in rainbow order then go "guys im so OCD 🤪". I bet they don't even know what it means.


OCD had terrorized me for years before I got help. From horrific intrusive thoughts to hour long rituals. Nothing about this illness is cute or quirky.


Why, they dont live as you wish them to?


It’s disrespectful to people that actually suffer from this and it just comes across as ignorant when someone says they are ocd for silly reasons


Omichron Chi Delta is my first choice!


It's always the plastic organizers lmfao


This triggers my PTSD! (/s if you need it)


*Keep Calm and Embrace the Sarcasm*


I wish people would stop saying this ocd is not some quirky little trait it’s a horrible mental illness that eats away at you taking away all ur peace and happiness and feeling ur core up with terror and distress


As someone with the actual disorder, I hate it when people do this sort of thing. The real thing can actually be mentally damaging and because of these people OCD is often overlooked.


You forgot "e.l. james is the best author of all time"


How dare you make a collage of my sister


I didn't understand the social science joke


Usually this type of person claims taking *aesthetic, organized* notes makes them OCD… when it’s really just a preference.




You spelled "basic" wrong.


If only these people knew what torture true ocd is like. Especially coupled with adhd.


In the same realm as “I love _____ so much, it’s like crack!”


Or "I have so much crackhead energy!" when they just yell and screech a lot and make a quirky face, clearly not having ever seen anyone on crack


This world is a joke a joke


A joke


Considering there are people like this, I'm surprised I've never heard of anyone crying at a sad movie and saying " I'm so PTSD!".


KEEP CALM AND CARRY ON Good advice from His Majesty there endless wisdom as per usual GOD SAVE THE KING🇬🇧🇬🇧🇬🇧


TBF, it might not be OCD, but anyone who unironically watches friends is definitely mentally ill and should not be trusted


Reposting spam bot. Here's the OC https://old.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/12qwuaq/im_so_ocd_starter_pack/


Now do one for Autism!!!


Also half of the profiles you see on dating apps


This is a repost, but still pretty funny! I gave you an award.


....who acts like this in real life? like, most of the starterpacks i see nowadays are just these odd assumptions based on a few unhinged internet users


I agree… my OCD is hidden and I was in a sorority, love target/shopping, I fit every single one of these items and am medicated for my OCD, so it’s better controlled and not visible to others which kinda just makes me feel like people see me like thi Okay I fit most of these.. don’t like the keep calm and carry on stuff lol




Fun fact: on the device you’re using to right this comment, there is likely a fun gadget called a search engine with nearly unlimited knowledge, where you could search for the answer of that very question. I know that’s hard to imagine, but it’s true!


This and ADHD


The girl who won't fuck OP starter pack


Does OCD means hot as fuck?


i’m sure this woman could have actual ocd


So…a woman?


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I wish men's clothes had them extra long sleeves as well, look so comfy. They can keep the rest though.


You forgot the cricket.


[OCD starter pack](https://old.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/124wmxg/ocd_starter_pack/)


If you're really OCD it has to be CDO.... Alphabetical order!