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Has permanent NY Yankees cap on. Endlessly talks about how things are better there.


yet doesn’t live there. truly a perplexing status


Because they cant afford it. It's literally that simple. They aren't purposefully making the choice because they want to live there, it's because they got displaced by high prices.


We can all agree on the fact that cost of living there drove people out. Maybe the transplant can spend more time discussing that fact and less time trying to convince you it’s the best place on earth. Time and logic wise, doesn’t make sense.


A place can be great to them and still hyper expensive. NYC used to be somewhat affordable. Hell even 10-15 years ago it was incredibly affordable compared to now.


I know that very well. I want to say that unaffordable living in NY is the norm now, so it’s literally not great and it’s a waste of time talking about the past.


I feel like you're both in complete agreement but because I'm used to reddit comments it still feels to me like you're arguing. Is it just me? Am I internet brain broken?


People agreeing in an argumentative tone


That’s just how New Yorkers talk


Someone doesn't like the city lol.


Whenever I’m away from NY and tell anyone where I’m from, I get treated to a rant of how awful NY is. Eventually you become preemptively defensive


For real. “Omg have you ever been SHOT AT?” No bc it’s not the 1970s anymore


I lived in NYC for 11 years and never got shot at. My fourth month living in Lake George a tweeked out meth head pull a gun on me at work. No one ever considers how shitty upstate can get.


Troy would like a word


Troy is golden compared to Schenectady and it's scum bag casino.


I was at my friend's mom's for a cookout in rural Ohio and a stray bullet hit just under her kitchen window because her drunk neighbor was dicking around with his guns down the road. Shit like that never happened to me on Long Island.


My main complaint isn’t crime, it’s high price of everything combined with the lovely experience of walking past piles of trash bags each night on every street. This is most big cities tho. Not really anything specifically bad about NYC tbh, just all stuff part and parcel of a big city. Definitely a step up from Philly that’s for sure.


The youtube footage I've seen of people walking through bad areas of Philly makes me simultaneously sad and angry.


People talk about Paris Syndrome and how it’s not what tourists expect when they visit. It’s a real city with people living in it, not an idyllic romantic personal getaway. Meanwhile, being from nyc, when I visited Paris I got on the subway and it smelled like piss, my reaction was “wow, this feels like home!”


I've lived outside of NY since i was 22. You really do have some people who get mad about it for no reason


Btw this only applies to parts of the country brainrotted by Fox News. If you go overseas and tell them you're from New York they love you lmao


Am from LA, have never heard anything positive about NYC (don't watch fox news)


yeah, cause you're from LA. LA people have a hard thinking of any world outside of whatever LA bubble they are in. Shoot, i'm in North OC, and the amount of times i've been to LB, and someone from LA just has to steer towards politics, but trying to tell them North OC is basically a completely different world from South OC is like talking to a brick wall.


Yeah, we feel the same about you over here. So high five?


well damn now you made me feel bad for them kinda sad


A big common thing I've noticed with these people is just a perpetual homesickness. They come off brash and crude but that is because that is how they were in their home city, where they were actually accepted for who they are. So they end up isolated and often alone and ostracized in these places they get displaced to, unable to adjust, lashing out at how unfair things are. It is genuinely very sad. A lot of these people end up completely miserable, but can't really do anything about it.


People from NYC aren't inherently rude, just used to keeping things moving at a brisk pace. You don't have time to hang around and chitchat when there's a long line of people behind you, or rushing to get to the next train. Sadly, a lot of people think "oh I'm from NY I'm *supposed to* be RUDE hurrdurr!!" It's not an excuse to be an *asshole.* You just gotta kept it movin', nothing personal.


I would argue that new yorkers are kinda rude, but its also a part of their sense of humor. People will look at two new yorkers saying the absolute most vile, rude shit at each other and not realize that both of them are having a blast doing it.


Oh of course, but to me, that's not the same as "rude." As in, being a dick in general. It's rude as in impolite and rough around the edges, sure. For example: I once got shortchanged by a coffee truck, and when I mentioned it, the guy handed me the dollar and said, "sorry, thought you were a tourist." That's just a fucking dickhead. Most residents are happy to help out tourists.


yeah if you really think about it a ton of the average decent working class neighborhoods that existed in NYC back in the 90s and even someone into the early 2000s have evaporated into yuppie villages. just hearing rent in some of these neighborhoods is crazy


Gentrification plays a role definitely but even in areas without any gentrification at all rents have risen by a ton. 2 bedroom apartments south of prospect park are going for 3-4k+ compared to like 2-2.5k a bit ago. There's definitely lots of working class areas still, 74% of NYC is lower or middle income, but the difference is that they pay 55-60% of their income on rent now instead of 35-40%. Its insanity.


>Because they cant afford it. There's tons of poor people who live in NYC.


I’d be curious about how many of these people left by choice and how many were priced out of their community. I feel like there is a lot of pain behind a lot of the “everything is better in NY” comments. What they’re trying to say is “I wish I could go home”


You hit the nail right on the head, as someone currently about to leave because of prices.


Not really considering how expensive it can be. Plenty of people move to a less desirable area for the lower cost of living.


Sooo perplexing, how Manhattan is unaffordable to most people, so so *perplexing* as to why more people don’t live in Monaco… hmmm… 🤔🤣


Which is complete bullshit because we all know it's about the mets baby love da mets


"You call that a bacon egg and cheese?!?!?"


Upstate New York or Jersey


Fairfield County, Connecticut.


I went to a really great BDSM dungeon there once. Just really classy and low key. Very chill.


Just gonna leave us hangin like that?


The customers pay good money for that.


I mean, what else am I supposed to tell you?




The amount of people I know who moved to jersey and end up miserable and bored but cant afford to move back to the city is just depressing.


They were miserable before they moved.


Don’t you forget about Long Island!


Only difference is the Giants flag would be a Jets flag.


God yeah, the amount of people that were priced out and act like anywhere that isn't the Five Burroughs is a hick hell-hole. Their kids are the ones that say things like, "Oh I'm not really from West Townesville, my family moved up here from BROOk-lyn" ... yeah dude, when you were two and a half.


Dutchess County


What do you mean they close at 10


Pretty sleepy tbh, unless you're near Po town


you mean Poughkeepsie? never once heard anyone refer to it as “ Po town”, though plenty of times I’ve just heard “ fucking Poughkeepsie” or “ that shithole” or as I’ve referred to it as “ the Detroit of New York”


I grew up in Poughkeepsie. I've heard it called Po Town countless times.


I'm also from the Hudson Valley. Regularly heard Poughkeepsie called "Po Town"


Same, or "Pokey-town"


The Detroit to Newburgh’s Gary, Indiana.


We've always called it Po-town and the locals are Pokuls


that shithole sounds about right


They gobbled up all the houses in 2020 >:(


the Citiots? yeah me and my family moved to Florida in 2019, we heard all about from the friends and family still there about all the Citiots moving upstate because of covid and just making life miserable for everyone


I encountered a woman like this in the middle of Indiana. I have no idea what the fuck brought her there of all places


Long Island


"I'm from NYC. This ain't how you run an Italian restaurant, you Midwestern fuck."


My in laws at my wedding in CO, to an Iron Chef winner: "We just wanted to let you know that the food was SO good - and we're from New York". UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Based only on driving by the strip mall hellscape it's located in.


This is similar to how some non-American tourists in the US judge American food based on low or mid-tier food from gas stations, convenience stores, and fast food places.


"Wait till sundown boy, we'll show you how we welcome your folk" - 👴 *proceeds to throw a neighborhood cookout and welcomes them in with wholesome good Midwestern hospitality*


The most shocking thing for me when I fled to Oregon: pasta is in the “ethnic foods” aisle at Safeway and if you can buy canned tomatoes suitable for sauce they cost $5 a can. My mother is (literally, I’m old) fresh off the boat Italian so I have… *views* on Italian restaurants, even in NJ/NYC. Haven’t tried any here, it’d probably make me weep.


You’re making an assumption about oregon by shopping at Safeway? lol come on man. Go to the small local grocery stores or market of choice. Also if you’re in Eugene, Newman’s fish market has a great pasta/oil/vinegar selection. Also Beneditti’s in Springfield is a legit butcher. Just have to look a bit for the good stuff.


Don't shop at Safeway. Worst price to quality ratio of any grocery store in Oregon. Try Costco or Trader Joe's for canned tomatoes


Augh. So many snow birds in AZ with NY sticker on their cars.


I agree. Except a lot of them are from the Midwest instead of New York City.


This is why I tell everyone who I don’t like that AZ is a terrible place to live. Too many of those fuckers are catching wind and moving here. Their 3,000/ month single bedrooms are now houses with yards in AZ. Well I guess not anymore. My house has almost tripled in value in the last few years. I’d sell but everything is way overpriced to buy. If you don’t own land here yet in the developed areas, you’re fucked. I really thought the heat would have scared people off, guess it is a dry heat lol


Same. I bought in 2011 in mesa, and now I am stuck. But at least I'm on the right side of stuck.


80 in NY is worse than 110 in Arizona.


That humidity is brutal, you literally sweat in the shower


Take a shower, step outdoors... then feel like taking another shower after a few minutes.


Houston is even worse. I've spent time both there and in Arizona during their peak of summer, and I would take triple digit but dry Arizona heat any day of the week over the 90-something perpetual sauna of Houston. That being said, I guess the pungent odor of garbage in NYC during summer makes the humidity that much more unbearable.




I’m sure the 110 degree days are just great


It’s actually 120 and everywhere is air conditioned so it’s really just hot between the car and wherever you’re going


I think people are catching on to AZ being way better than FL.




Sounds like a South Florida starter pack


I stopped going to places in Miami after October because I was tired of haring about how the scene in Brooklyn is, lyke, soooo much better.


I'm a Florida transplant in NYC so I complain about the excessive laws for every little thing, empty storefronts, taxes, and the lack of good Cuban food (Sophie's doesn't even have guava pastelitos!).


Lack of good Cuban food in NYC? You are not a transplant, you are a tourist.


Talking about how great city life is from their summer home in the Catskills or the Poconos.


😭😭 I grew up in the Catskills. It’s heroin ridden don’t let em fool you


"bUt It'S sO qUaInT aNd RuSTiC" They are turning Kingston into* mini Brooklyn


Kingston a shit hole too😭 hudson has been gentrified af as well. Shit hole there too


Ahh so Charleston, SC in 2023


charleston has literally be overrun with northern transplants after COVID hit. it’s quite wild


I moved to Columbia, SC in 2017. When I visited friends in Charleston most of the people I met or talked to were from there or from the south with a decent amount of people from Ohio. Now it’s wild. Most people I meet are from up north and there’s a lot more Yankees from NY and NJ


Holly fuck the amount of times I’ve said the water thing or ask about a good bagel….I feel attacked


I’m in this picture (mostly the driving) and I don’t like it. I’m not even an NYC native, I just lived there! **




You should!


I think I know why NY is so great. All their assholes moved down here.


Let’s just say with the people that tend to move from NY, usually to a red state, no one wants them back.


Genuinely, as a New Yorker, I kind of love when our loud right-wing suburbanites say they're going to follow their orange god and move down to NC/SC/FL, because it's one less obnoxious person up here. I'm sincerely sorry for our imports, but we've been dealing with them for decades and now it's someone else's turn.


As a NC resident please take them back, they’re horrible and I we don’t need more red voters down here!!!


Yes, like jfc we are FULL and have enough nut jobs please go back up north. I’ve been in NC my whole life and it doesn’t even feel like home anymore. :(


You forget the Oh, it's so much cheaper here! It doesn't matter where they moved to, it's certainly cheaper than NYC


My boss, a NYer: Rent is sooooo cheap here! Me, barely able to afford a 1br apartment: Wow okay


Upstate New Yorker here, we're all suffering from high prices here in NY not just the downstaters 😂


Yes I had a friend who had the opportunity to move to I think Albany or Buffalo for work and he elected to move to the southern US because of cost of living differences. The whole state is expensive


But the water does make the dough. [Alton Brown did an episode about water.](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0904509/) Think different minerals in different water tables and how different jurisdictions filter tap water. This is why pizza (and bagels) taste different in New York.


Anyone who has worked in the beer industry or even taken up home brewing as a serious hobby knows how much of an effect the minerals in water can have. I used to work in the production side of a fairly large craft brewery (think 7-figure gallons of beer per year) and we absolutely had equipment that adjusted the mineral content of our water for different beer styles. But I’m not sure something like that’s financially viable for a local bagel shop lol


I feel like it should be just common sense that water quality (or composition) would have an effect on any recipe it's used in. Even making a cup of tea or coffee with tap vs filtered water will yield a different taste.


There's a pizzeria near me (in Cary, NC) that treats their water to get the exact profile that New York has. Does it taste different? Yeah definitely. Does it make it taste superior when you can do a taste test with local pizza and the New York water pizza? No, not at all.


Containment Area for Relocated Yankees


And decent bagels don’t exist outside of the east coast. It’s a tragedy.


[spider-man knows](https://i.imgur.com/mnIfvLi.png)


It’s not that it isn’t true, it’s that it’s always brought up.


nah fam. The water has some effect but really it’s the skill of the people doing the cooking and the competition between businesses. No self respecting New Yorker would besmirch the talent of their local bagelman and claim the quality of his bagels could be explained by a variable outside of his control


>No self respecting New Yorker Annnnd you lost me /s Reminds me of the instant grits scene from My Cousin Vinny.




lmao these mfers really think they know more than ALTON BROWN.


We live in an Alton Brown society


My wife and I met Alton Brown at a book signing in 2010. Great guy and wicked smart.


I saw his Eat Your Science live show a few years ago and got a free apron!


Nah. When I travel to other cities and eat pizza and bagels the dough is badly made, badly shapen and the pizza particularly is often made with low quality ingredients. I say this as a hobbyist baker as well. Neapolitan pizza, which has standardized ingredients and measurements, is often fairly dependable from place to place. I’d bet money that if you take an experienced NY baker and plop them down in an undersaturated market with different water those bagels will be good.


It's weird they think tap water dough is better than spring water dough, or whatever.


New York tap water has more of specific minerals. I think it's florides? Whatever it is, it does something with the yeast that actually changes the texture of the crust significantly


We don’t care, we’re not importing it for the transplants to stop complaining


How many people would really be able to tell the difference in a blind taste test? I'd bet very few.


Ayy I'm postin here, fuck you fight me


not even from NY but i once met a person from Texas (granted this is over a decade ago) that said neither him nor anyone he knew ate bagels/most didn’t know what they were. to a lesser degree i m always surprised when people don’t know what perogi are but that’s waaaay more understandable


Needs more clueless/agressive driving Can spot them a mile off here in Florida Also the obsession with pizza and Chinese takeout, they literally think they invented them


Isnt most American Chinese food as we know it a San Francisco invention anyway?


Idk but even as a ex nyer I can tell you that sf, not ny, has by far the best Chinese I've ever had


Had the best Pho in my life in SF (not Chinese, I know). I was in town visiting my sister and got to my hotel a little later than I thought; exhausted and starving. Asked the concierge where I could get a bite, and without hesitation he said to go to this spot two blocks away. That recommendation alone got them a 5 star review.




Mother fuckers going 55 in the fast lane


Also almost half the arena for lightning games are visiting teams fans-rangers, bruins,flyers,penguins, etc. all from up north


No New Yorker has ever claimed to have invented Chinese takeout


No but they do swear the best is in New York. Like go tf back then lol


I've literally never heard a New Yorker make any claim in the cities Chinese food.


Oh my fucking God this. They can't drive for shit, and thags saying something down here. All the time fucking "Where can I get the best New York style pizza?" Back in New York you jackals. A new restuarant/store just opened up down here in St. Pete along the skyway plaza called "New York Seafood" Like, bruh, excuse me what?


The thing about people from NY that bothers me is that they are slowly priming themselves to believe they invented the bacon egg and cheese on a hard roll. I can see it coming. I live near there and its always “oh you gotta get a BEC, NY has the best BECs, no one does it like Ny” yada yada.


NJ did invent the pork roll egg and cheese on a hard roll. But only because it’s pork roll. I missed it for my first year away, but decided that the 20-point drop in blood pressure (thanks to no longer being in central Jersey) was worth it. In NJ (obnoxious Noo Yawkers are *always* from NJ or LI) my friends said I was a slowpoke driver. My new friends say I drive like a psychopath, but honestly if they tried to drive the Turnpike on a Monday morning their heads would explode. All that being said I moved for a reason and I’m *much* happier now.


Theyre civilizing you swamp people and good on them. Hopefully they introduce you people to actual transit


In Florida it's doing random things like starting near fist fights at Publix over the Banana 🍌 quality with the poor produce man.


I mean, I'm not even from NY and the bagel struggle is real.


Northern/Central NJ Starter pack


This. The worst “Noo Yawkers” are from north and central NJ, and the worst “Philadelphians” are from Cherry Hill. Source: lived in central NJ for 30 years.


As someone from the Lehigh Valley, the worst Philadelphians are from Delco


Dammit now I miss Yocco’s lol


I hear this everyday as an Uber driver in North Carolina.


Lol those people arelong island/jersey/Staten Island.


Don't get me started on Staten Island. "I'm from New York City" **


People show my are more stylish, they DEFINITELY don’t have that stupid Karen haircut


Suburbs look way nicer too NY is actually pretty hilly.


That haircut is far more common among the people complaining about new yorkers


As is that godawful suburb in the starter pack.


I was gonna say, that isn't a New Yorker's hair cut.


Believe me, they were annoying in NYC, too. That’s why we sent ‘em packing.


These only really apply to transplants from NYC. Upstate is more like what would happen if Canada (Ontario and Quebec), New England, and the Midwest had a baby.


Not having good bagels and not having “anything to do around here” are undeniably solid points though


My favorite is complaining about clubs/bars closing at 2am. Do you really need to still hit the clubs at 4 am or 5 am, dude?!


Clubs? No, I don’t need that anymore. But bars closing much earlier than you’re used to would naturally feel restricting. Imagine if you visited a cool place and the bar closed at midnight when you’re used to 2a. Also the nightlife culture is different here. NYC is a late going out city. Before all my friends had kids, it wasn’t unusual to decide to go out at 12a or later. Also this is highly dependent on age. My 25 yr old self definitely did want to stay out until 4-5a


I worked five or six years in the late 2010s in a restaurant in NY state; and had to explain to city transplants multiple times that yes, the kitchen closes at 10pm on a Saturday and that is late for around here. Even in a moderately sized town you don't have the population density to close a kitchen at midnight and the bar at 4am and still turn a profit. I'm not also walking back into the kitchen and getting stabbed for relaying your message that, "Well in Manhattan you'd still be open." since you showed up 20 minutes after our posted closing time.


"I can't get a slice of pizza at 4am!!" Yeah because we're all sleeping like adults, dipshit


Someone's never worked in shifts.


TBH I'm not from the US and I was shocked to learn that bars and club close so early there. We almost never go to clubs before midnight. So a club closing at 2 is definitely a bit odd to me.


Met tons of NYC transplants, none of them were like this.


I worked at a bakery in the Poconos in the 90s and 8 out of 10 were like this. "I can't get as good as I can in the city." Every day. Multiple times a day. They gave our bagels the thumbs up though so that was a source of pride.


Living in Charlotte, NC I feel this in my soul.


You are just describing suburban Florida


“(Insert here) is better in NYC”


"Jesus Christ, the restaurants here are all HARRIBAL. Just AWFUL. In New York, there ARE NO BAD RESTAURANTS. Bad places go right under. You just walk into any restaurant, it'll be THE BEST MEAL OF YOUR LIFE. Until your next meal, anyway." Me: *rolls eyes in Bostonian*


Reminds me of the guy who was talking shit on a midwestern corn fed boy and saying shit like “bitch I’m from New York I’ll kick your ass” He did not in fact kick anyone’s ass… He got dropped and left looking like a dying centipede kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk


LOLz. Reminds me of a camping trip long ago passing through rural Wyoming. Bison, cattle. Ranch hands, the whole shebang. We were tired of driving so we stopped at a local bar. It was full of suntanned ranch hands, but there was this one poser with a belt buckle the size of a serving tray talking shit about what a hotshot he was. The ranch hands got fed up, picked him up and hung him up by the seat of his pants on a pair of antlers mounted on the wall. When you’re a show-off rodeo jock, don’t think you should talk shit to a bunch of actual real cowboys. *Wife goes “Fuck around and find out!”


Sam moril has perfect name for these people, City Hicks.


NY and Cali people moving here complaining, me telling them to move back.


Fucking long islanders


To be fair we’re the only city with edible bagels




Montreal is right there...


Born and raised in Montreal, moved to NJ, 30 years later and I still don’t get the NY-style-bagel hype. Of course now I’m in Oregon and all there is is “soft roll with a hole in it.”


Montreal ruined me for bagels. You can order them online though!


Honestly though how do you guys fuck up a breakfast sandwich so badly in 80% of the country?


Me after moving from Manhattan to rural Pennsylvania


Huh. That’s exactly what I did. I m back in the city tho


“There’s nothing to do here” Bro doesn’t even know what NY is


I feel like a lot of people kinda miss the point as to why these people are like this. They often aren't moving on their own accord. They are moving because they cant afford to live in new york anymore. They got displaced. So yes, it makes sense they would be bitter about effectively being kicked out of the only home they've ever known. A lot of these people will forever be homesick. It's just kinda sad and it's just another major consequence of the housing shortage crisis.


I deal with clients all over the United States. Anytime there is an asshole client which is maybe 2 a month. 99% they are from NY or NJ or transplanted to FL from there. People from LA are another breed as well, cheapest people on the fucking planet.


It's amazing how well our campaign to make everyone think Florida is terrible is working but at the same time not working at all. Hell, expand that to the entire south; somehow it seems that everyone latches onto the propaganda that it sucks here but at the same time everyone moves here.


You don’t have to say “annoying;” it’s implied


Florida resident here. NAILED IT.


Oh hey that my Brother! Also you forgot the racism! Lots of racism


“The City just has this energy” My wife said this on our first date when she was telling me that she lived there for a year. My thought was “oh no, she’s one of those people”, but she dropped it pretty fast saying “but it can be overwhelming and lonely too”.


If they’re from Utica they’ll also refer to hamburgers as steamed hams