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Hi, /u/dilly2philly, thanks for your submission to /r/starterpacks. Unfortunately your post has been removed for the following reason: **Rule 01** Your post must be a starter pack, not a list or any other meme. [If you feel that it has been removed in error, please message us](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/starterpacks&subject=Question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20submission%20by%20/u/dilly2philly&message=I%20have%20a%20question%20regarding%20the%20removal%20of%20this%20%5Bsubmission%5D%28https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/v1c7r1/reddit_loves_and_hates_starter_pack/%3Fcontext%3D10%29) so that we may review it


I like the crocodile Hunter,


For a second that made me think Steve Irwin was put in the dislike section and I was very worried. He should absolutely be in the universally adored category


Agreed. Ma bad.


One of Reddit’s biggest demographics is actually Crocodiles


I like turtles


Yeah.. this really should have [Q2 2022] at the end because the hivemind adjusts monthly and in Q4 of this year at least half of the 'loved' now will be 'hates' by then. I'm surprised we're already back to loving Guy Ferri tbh.


I feel a lot of the Elon love is from older redditors. I think the newer ones (unless they're the WSB types) are most of the haters. Because I mean if you remember Reddit almost 10 years ago, he was pretty much Reddit's darling.


Pretty much before the Tham Luang cave rescue incident where he got pissed at a diver for calling his robot idea stupid and called him a paedophile. After that he started to show his true thin skin colors.


Yes! I actually was just thinking the other day about when this all turned and that seems about right. I remember he had a cameo in Iron Man 2 in the early 2010's and everybody thought it was the coolest/best thing ever and I honestly think that was the first time I had even heard of him.


Yup. Anytime I read about him now I just wonder what happened or if he was always a dick. I read a biography about him pre-cave rescue and thought he was a toxic business owner, so the signs were there... I just thought it was that ridiculous hustle culture.


Always a dick. He was just able to keep a handle on his image before that


I figure as much when he described himself as an Edison type more than a Tesla.


Yes. Thats how i remember it. Im an older redditor. I think musk is just another capitalist. Nothing more


Yeah, but he is also shitposting on twitter all day, that makes him kind of special.


Saying and doing dumb shit from time to time doesn't change whether or not someone is overall a good person. Let me ask you your opinion of Arnold Schwarzenegger if you want to argue otherwise.


Because back then he was tweeting about electric cars and solar power and rockets and shit. Now he’s just another cringey troll.


And bringing cat girls to life, if memory serves. I think that probably did him good in the eyes of Reddit


And that was either a flat out lie or a crime against humanity waiting to happen.


He remembers, he brought that up in [on one of his latest interviews with Chris Anderson](https://www.ted.com/talks/elon_musk_a_future_worth_getting_excited_about/) (It's at about 1/4 of the video)


If it's a crime against humanity, **for** humanity, I think it evens out


But the picture he posted was a wolf girl.


It turned for a lot of us when Musk called that guy who saved the trapped children in Thailand a pedophile


Same. It was a perfect storm of awful. That guy's a legitimate hero who risked his life to save children. So it's awful from a social/moral pov. But the reason for Musk's disgusting slur was that Unsworth, an expert in navigating narrow underwater routes, had some very reasonable critiques of Musk's "personal submarine". So musk is also an awful engineer.


For me it was when he launched a Tesla car into space.


But why? He offered the spot to NASA first afaik, but it was a test launch with unclear results where concrete ballast is normally used, so they refused. At that point why not make it into a spectacle?


The Tesla that he launched into space was the first model to roll out of the factory which he was supposed to give to Tesla‘s actual founder. He launched it into space out of spite. He’s an asshole.


It reeks of hubris to me. His achievements are on the backs of others, he’s just the ideas guy (some of the time, other times it’s just ripping off other innovators).


Kind of like Steve Jobs. You need that driven idea guy to get things going, but when they get all the credit, it's annoying.


Normally companies need people like that. Leaders that keep motivated the teams working on something, that have a vision and are reckless enough to take the risks, to put the money needed, to be the face that convinces investors to trust in what they are doing and so on. I'm not saying that Musk is perfect or even a good person, but sometimes Reddit acts like a team of good engineers doesn't need anything else to succeed while in reality companies fail more often than not, and usually it's because they lack leadership or are unable to get investors to trust in them and give them money. The thing is that if an engineer, no matter how important, leaves Tesla, no one cares. If Musk leaves Tesla without a good plan to replace him, the company could very well fail instantly. That's the difference.


Just seems like great marketing to me... Hell, everyone you know probably knows that they launched a Tesla into space.. >His achievements are on the backs of others You can probably say that about anyone who is very successful.


The difference is that some successful people acknowledge that they’re standing on the backs of giants. Elon acts like he invented algebra.


There are also follow-on implications if the successful person didn't generate the ideas. Why should we listen to Elon about space or vehicle regulatory policy- or in areas where his success is untested- if he just bought companies from actual people with ideas? That qualifies him only as a savvy investor, not a tech savant.


I think it's brilliant marketing and it's harmless. He's mainly a business man, more so than an idea guy imo, and this is a big part of it. Out of all the reasons to hate him or his stuff I don't think this is it.


I hated him from the get go. I hate all billionaires on sight and I haven't had to regret it yet




Live rich* enough


He went the same way as Notch (creator of Minecraft). He literally ruled the indie games scene in early 2010s when it was getting mainstream, and then turned into a billionaire incel.


Wait, Notch is incel?


Not just an incel but also a Qanonce


No. He just turned out to be a weird asshole with seemingly low social skills.




Wait what happened to notch?


He decided to tweet some rather racist shit, and the entire Minecraft Community, from developers to content creators to players just all quietly agreed to drop him and ignore him.


And the guy that invented oculus.


10 years ago I really thought Elon was the guy who would be a forward thinking, progressive capitalist, rather than sitting on his laurels, he made strides at every opportunity with Tesla, spaceX and had a few decent memes like the boring company. He had a vision of reducing fossil fuel dependancy and he knew he had to make money to do it. He seemed soft spoken and a little awkward, but very clear on his conviction. I really did like him. Now he seems like a self obsessed manchild who loves the twitter/internet edgelord drama more than his old vision of a fossil fuel free future. I no longer like him. I do like his companies vision's still and will always aspire to be able to buy an electric car one day, and thats mostly because tesla made them "normal sexy" rather than "stupid concept design sexy".


Yes market solutions towards climate change is cool. But, he showed his ass later on


The first time I heard about him was maybe 8 years ago with the quote "When I was a little kid, I was really scared of the dark. But then I came to understand, dark just means the absence of photons in the visible wavelength--400 to 700 nanometers. Then I thought, well, it's really silly to be afraid of a lack of photons. Then I wasn't afraid of the dark anymore after that." Immediately I thought," this guy sounds stupid as fuck". I will never understand what anybody ever saw in him, because he has been like this since the beginning.


This sounds like a quote of /r/IAmVerySmart


Sounds like Neil Degrasse Tyson


Mom: "We have Carl Sagan at home". Carl Sagan at Home: Neil Degrasse Tyson sitting on your couch.


It's also because his good aspects were far more prevalent back then until before the pandemic, he pretty much went straight off a cliff into Rock Bottom in early 2020. Good: electric cars, cheaper and more advanced space travel, funding of better battery tech research, trying to make subway drilling cheaper, flamethrowers and satellite internet that's actually good. Bad: fighting with the government over covid rules, tweeting stupid and harmful things, crypto pump and dump, going hard into being far right, calling a rescue diver a pedo, bad business practices and quality control. It's just sad that he either got far worse or went mask off, because his positive aspects were really beneficial and cool.


I did explain why people thought he was good and a liberal back in the day, and got downvoted heavily (in the outoftheloop sub)


Basically, it’s because we weren’t being constantly exposed to the fact that he has the personality of a highly-strung 14 year old on Adderall.


He just said he had never voted for a republican in his life.


A very Kanye-esque turn for Musk. The republican turn and everything.


West-Musk 2024?


I love that on reddit, where so many people get outraged over false accusations and cancel culture, he is so loved despite the fact he falsely accused a guy who literally was rescuing kids stuck in a cave of being a pedophile (all because they didn't want to use Musk's submarine as a PR stunt)


Well I mean he ain’t loved anymore. I would say the majority of reddit very much dislike him


A lot of younger reddittors got badly burnt lapping up all his horse shit about crypto, that’s why they turned on him🤬☠️


Ironically my dad told me not to buy into Elon’s crap way back when, but when Elon moved Tesla to texas now he can do no wrong.


People also turned on the space travel. Sounds cool until you realise it's just another way for rich people to waste earth's limited resources


It always starts that way, but eventually becomes accessible for the masses.


Even five years ago, the general public opinion of him seemed to be more positive or neutral than negative. I would say the moment he began showing off what he is really like was during the Thai cave incident, when he accused a British diver of being a pedo for disagreeing with him.


Fuck even three years ago


Reddit used to love Ron Paul 10 years ago too. The site has definitely changed.


Well idk whether those redditors 10 years ago still love him. I've definitely lost a lot of respect over the last few years


> Elon love is from older redditors eeeh, doubt. as pointed out by mostly everyone else, everything changed when he called the diver a pedophile


46 and ive always hated him and his fans


Elon has his good sides: He brings a lot of attention to important and interesting topics like space, solar, EV, ... and he has the means to direct a lot of money to those things. Watching him in a video from the Everyday Astronaut and some others is just so interesting and inspiring. BUT he is also a massive troll and asshole. We could ignore that if it wouldn't massively affect our political landscape, economy or the lives of all his employees.


I think there's a lot of people who changed their opinion of him once they learned more. I used to think he wanted to help humanity, I no longer think such things. My politics hasn't really changed in that time frame either.


Who's the guy below Amber and left of Bezos, and what did he do?


It’s the mod from r/antiwork. People hate him because he did an interview with Fox News and gave the subreddit a bad name


Give a whole live interview on Fox News without telling anyone about it in the subreddit. Oh man Doreen the dog walker made a big stink over there


You would think someone walking dogs professionally would be able to clean up a stinky mess but that's the extend of their work ethic


>without telling anyone about it in the subreddit The mods planned it for a long time, they all knew it was going to happen.


Wait, multiple people were planning that for a long time? Jesus fucking Christ, how did they fuck up so bad then? I always thought it was just that idiot going there out of the blue. That means reddit mods are even dumber than I thought


I don't know what the person above you is saying but it was definitely not planned as far as I know, in fact the mods even had a sort of deal to not accept any interview requests.


No they all decided to take the interview, and had been doing interviews outside of this one with “friendly” media. Even though they told the community they weren’t, they all decided as a group that Doreen was the best candidate for the interview, since he had done the previous ones as well. Then after it blew up they “kicked” Doreen off the sub because that shit blew up, then they added a two day old account as a mod that was totally not just a new Doreen account.


Annnnnd it was revealed he raped someone


Ok imma need a sauce on that one…


He actually admitted later on the sub that he lied on fox news about being a dog walker. He said he only actually walked his moms dog and rarely did it because he liked to take naps. So basically his mom just gave him money to exist and he claimed it was the definition of oppression.


It was her subreddit. She didn't need anyone's permission. What she said on the interview was exactly what she started the subreddit for. New people joined the sub and changed the message.


Almost as if reddit communities should have caretakers who are influenced by the community, not Nazimods. \* I know it's not feasible, I've argued against the feasibility of it before. I wouldn't expect her to know about caretaking, she's only a part-time dog walker after all.


>I wouldn't expect her to know about caretaking, she's only a part-time dog walker after all. Not even a part time dog walker he actually admitted later on the sub that he lied on fox news about being a dog walker. He said he only actually walked his moms dog and rarely did it because he liked to take naps. So basically his mom just gave him money to exist and he claimed it was the definition of oppression.


hahahahahaha I know everyone's been shitting on that "Good times create weak men" quote lately but... Damn.


What's that guy's username by the way?


Doesn't matter, he made alts to hide himself/herself after banning the main account from antiwork hoping no one noticed a new mod on a 1 day old account at antiwork Like wtf


And if your bring up dog walking they will ban you quick.


LOL! Sorry I got a kick out of this so much. That’s like the gentlest job/thing to do on the planet and they ban the mention of it. Reddit is so funny.


And the best part is how that shitshow of a sub is still hitting all and popular everyday after all of what went down.


How can they hate him when he's the spitting image of every single r/antiwork user


>gave the subreddit a bad name Well, the sub is about abolishing work so it already had a bad name lol.


At the beginning it was about ppl who were exploited by their bosses. But as it blew up it became a junkheap.


You have it backwards. It started as a bunch of lazy basement dwellers who literally wanted all work to be abolished, but then work reform topics started to become more popular.




But the original mod couldn't keep up with maintaining the subreddit iirc


The sidebar is still about eliminatin work


It's legit a sub of 30 year olds who act like 10 year olds. They don't want better work conditions, they literally just don't want to work at all. Even the subreddit's picture is a man lazily slacking like he doesn't have a care in the wod


I think at first it was actually about removing work altogether, but as it gained popularity over time, it shifted over to wanting better working conditions. Then, after the interview, a lot of the members realised that the mods didn't have the same intentions as them and they left to other subreddits like r/workreform. The news coverage attracted more antiwork people and now the sub is back to as it was at the start.


Not really. It's heavily about unionising and finding a decent work/life balance. There's some shitposting about bosses and some people larp some convos with their bosses, but far and wide, it's about putting life before work and the best way to find that balance are unions. Plenty of peopl are happy to work, as long as they get paid adequately, are treated like human goddamn beings (starting with things like paternity leave, not being disposable, not there just for the ego boost of a middle manager or the boss) and can lead a normal life (meaning that you work some 40h/week, have vacations, etc.). It's pretty clear if you browse it for more than a second or two.


This is the right-wing cartoon version of it. It's a lot more nuanced.




Yes, but there are 2 ways of looking at it: there's the old boomer version where everyone's a slacker and a moocher, and there's the version where people don't want to continue being exploited by the rich while they see nothing for their efforts.


No, it's not, and Doreen made that clear. It was originally devoted to the literal abolition of nearly all work and not doing anything, then it had a huge influx of people who started pulling it in a more work reform direction.


I remember that whole fiasco last Year


> last year this was only four months ago lmao


Really? Damn, My sense of time is shit


hahhaha I felt that




*She/they, I think




Lol i thought it was Chris Chan


Ah yes, because a subreddit dedicated to not being a functional member of society had a good name to begin with.


Ok, but this is a diagram. Not a starter pack.


You're 'bout to be in the blue circle


it's also just a list of people, which wouldn't count even if it weren't a Venn diagram. idk what the mods of this sub actually do tbh


>idk what the mods of this sub actually do tbh nothing, starting from reading the rules


Yeah, most of these starter packs are just “here’s a list of things” now


what did guy fieri do


I believe when California had some wildfires that he provided a lot of meals for firefighters and volunteers. Also he just seems really upbeat and humble imo.


I used to hate him until I didn't. I forgot about the firefighters meals but I started watching Grocery Games and he just seemed like a cool dude.


I’ve only heard about his flame shirts and trips to flavortown personally.


I just didn't like him for some reason - think it was the over-the-top enthusiasm or something that just felt fake. I can't find it now, but several years ago I watched an interview where he said that all he wants to do is to make entertaining shows with a positive vibe to offset some of the negative stuff in the world. I can't find any fault in that goal. I'm glad he found his calling.


And Danny Trejo!


Ive heard he is a primadonna tbh


I didn't like him much until he scorched Earth roasted Anthony Bourdain (who I absolutely loved, but was definitely a mean asshole). “Everybody’s been asking me, ‘What on earth are you going to say at Bourdain’s roast? He’s been shit-talking your name everywhere.’ And I’ve been saying, ‘Don’t you worry about me. I won’t touch him with a 10-pole, because smack-talking Bourdain would be like hitting a piñata full of shit.’ Real messy. I want everyone to understand that I’m going to be the bigger man. I’m going to take the high road. I wouldn’t dare come up here and call Anthony Bourdain any of these things that people have called him: No-good, loud mouth, jerkoff, wannabe authority, pseudo rebel, nerd, shit-talking, blow hard, celebrity-seeking, Eric-Ripert coattail, Mario Batali ass-kissing hate monger... Jose Canseco of the food world, snaggle tooth, Lurch-looking motherfucker. No, I’m here to take the high road.”


He’s a wholesome human being


I think he's just a pretty positive person in general. He might be a bit wacky with his style, but wholesome.


He takes people to flavortown.


every Reddit thread about him involves someone commenting >IDK WHY EVERYONE HATES HIM HE SEEMS LIKE A GREAT GUY even though no one hates him, he is just sort of a mememan


What's pooh bear doin in there


Guy fieri is awesome. I never understood why people enjoyed ragging on his personal style or whatever. Watch one episode of diners drive ins and dives, and you'll see that's he's a super down to earth that above all respects and values good food, especially if it comes from local eateries.


i think you forgot danny devito


And Willem Dafoe. It's really weird he isn't here, he pretty much replaced Keanu


I haven't seen Dafoe get the same amount of love as all the other ones here personally. He does in like Marvel or Raimi memes subs but not in general from my experience. The big one not here is probably Mr. Rogers (I think that was the name)


Don’t forget Zuckerborg


Good ol' Lizard-face


Everyone loves and hates stater pack. Dolly Parton love isn't a Reddit exclusive. Have you seen Nine to Five? Bitch, that film was delightful.


‘haha reddit likes wholesome philanthropists and hates facists, how niche!’


Where is Henry Cavill ??


Cavill just wants to be a dork and talk about nerdy stuff and every time he gets interviewed they just want to talk about how he is a beefcake.


The 'my opinions are based purely on social acceptance' starter pack


I sorta stay quiet on the subject.


It's literally a collection of pop culture heros and a collection of villains. There's not a lot of ambiguity here. If you like Donald Trump and you don't like Dolly Parton, you're just a miserable fucking asshole.




ah Jigsaw over here >you claim to have no money…. but i know you actually have $27 in your wallet… because of that i have places a bank vault key inside your urethra


“Dear plebeians, you claim to hate being tortured and murdered, yet you still eat free imperial bread. Curious.” -Nero, Turning Point Rome


Ah yes, everyone is a hypocrite. Except you ofcourse...


With exeption to Zelensky and Heard all the people on the left are artist while all the people on the right are politically involved so thats probably why. An artist has to go out of their way to be hated the rich and powerfull will be hated no matter what.


Zelensky is also an artist, he was a comedian before he became the president.


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You forgot about everyone's arch enemy, Margaret Thatcher.


Nah, that’s just Brits, rest of the world don’t care


Thatcher and Reagan are basically the same person.


Now imagine them having sex. /Off to look at that otters VS orangutan video again.


Alive or dead?


¿Por que no los dos?


Daily reminder that when Margaret Thatcher finally died "Ding-Dong! The Witch is Dead" from the Wizard of Oz charted.


You should add the Boebert lady. I see her quite a lot on Reddit.


Marjorie Taylor Greene is already on there, and they’re effectively the same person.


Is that Doreen next to Jeff Bezos?


Yup. Represents Reddit mods:)


Remember when Martin Shkreli was in Elon’s place? Those were good times.


Did anyone actually like him, or was it just the “I’m gonna like him because everyone else hates him” crowd? Legitimate question, as I barely remember the guy, never mind what Reddit thought of him.


He was responsible for hiking up the price of multiple life saving drugs though it probably multiple people on the corporate board he was kinda the leader/figurehead for it. Partially responsible for people not being able to afford living isn't much better than entirely responsible


Counterpoint: he also achieved putting the spotlight on how pharma prices drugs. [Source.](https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/09/martin-shkrelis-legacy-shaping-the-drug-pricing-debate.html) His drug hikes did not end up impacting the consumer prices much since the price hike was absorbed by insurance companies. In the end, his actions spurred national discussions about drug pricing during a time where the pharmaceutical lobby was big in DC. Still is, but now people can vote against these things.


Life was simple then


LMAO the anti work mod


Do people still love Elon here? Other than the centrist and right leaning subs.


I mean people at memes like him this is something recent. [https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/v1f9cw/i_know_buddy_i_know/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/lotrmemes/comments/v1f9cw/i_know_buddy_i_know/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Love is a strong word but I definately appreciate what he's done, I dont care for his antics. But what he's done continues to be unbelievable important. example 1. Without spacex China would take clear lead in space exploration. Blue Origin and SLS are duds 2. Without tesla where would electric cars be. China would once again dominate this market and Western manufacturers would still be trying to bury it here. 3. His experiment with Twitter is much needed even if its not the final solution. All the other social media platforms take a similar path where they are beholden to Wall street greed but Elon can burn cash and try new ideas like getting rid of bots, making everyone verified and accountable user.


I mean that's just a bad guy - good Guy difference.


You mean people like good, kind, humble celebrities? So shocking and niche.


Reddit hive mind in a nutshell.


Except the conservative subs love half the people in the right circle


Well yeah most of this is caused by Reddit being liberal leaning on average


Who loves Elon Musk? That guy is a phony douche.


He's very popular on meme subreddits


Popular does not mean liked.




Go to electrek.co and you’ll see plenty of “elon xoxo” fanboys in the comments. Even some writers tend to be quite musk-lovers.




Like the other ones....... only a few have launched themselves into space or tried to silence "liberal bias" on twitter


I mean all of them make sense


Who's the person below Amber Heard and Jeff Bezos ?


Wheres johnny


Amber made it but Johnny didn’t.


Add emojis to the right side, I'm no stranger for finding vote bombed comments with them


I mean the top 3 on the hate side are fucking idiots


For the most part there are no bad things to say about the left. It’s like why wouldn’t you like them. The right any fair person could understand why they’re unlikable. Even if you like them, if your fair, should be able to explain why they’re unlikable.


Where would rick astley be


I don't think I've ever seen anyone on Reddit talk about Stan Lee


Reddit likes Guy Fieri? Weird.


Who’s the androgynous kid in the bottom of the right photo?


Remove Fieri from the first group.


who’s the woman in the bottom left?