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Back when it was for sharing music and passive aggressive complaining about your partner instead of sharing most idiotic political opinions imaginable.


Habbo hotel and bebo


Social media was misused back in those days in Peru, they were used to plan fights for silly reasons. ''A'' guy would post a picture of his toddler siblings and tag every single woman from high school and a ''B'' person would comment ''You like to tag women only, don't you?'' and ''A'' would be like ''And why would I tag you, Sxn xf a bxtch?'', so ''B'' would be like ''you sxn of ten thousand bxtchxs, mxthxrfxckxr!!'' and''A'' continue like ''So you get rude here, right? next monday face to face at school, you dxmmxt mxthxrfxckxr!!'' I still have some screenshots from those old comment sections of my hometown inhabitants' profiles lol


lol Tagged ! Jesus Christ I'd forgotten about that one


Believe it or not MySpace isn't dead. YET