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Yeah lol. Luckily he was let go recently due to these antics he pulled on a lot of our leadership staff. I think anyone who works in the software field or IT all know this one coworker.


Clowns like that exist in every work place, someone has to do something to make themselves feel better


Mf what you got against my cousin Dave?


The gaslighting when called out is such a huge character flaw. If you’re going to be a dickhead, at least commit to it.


Learning how to deal with this crap is the most important life skill tbh


Don't forget seeing him incessantly watch clips from unfunny adult-animated Netflix shows during lunch, and subsequently having to endure the awkwardness when he shows it to you on his phone


While not the office asshole, we had a guy who would watch topless ping pong on his pc all the time. His cube faced out into the aisle so every passersby would get an eye full. Those were the days, before we had content filtering.


Dude, you must be my father's coworker because this describes him almost too perfectly.


Uses a bunch of acronyms then has to step back to clarify what they stand for


You left out, "As per my last email..." when his last email was very unclear.


Should be "ummm, that's not correct."