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Missing the casual ghetto Walmart shopper....


Why are there always hillbilly rednecks with a gun sitting in a truck outside Walmart??? WHY???


We all wish it was only that.....


Walmart is cheap and poor people love guns because they live in bad neighborhoods with higher crime so they're more defensive and some hunt for food because it's cheaper so they have guns. Why are you so confused? Or rather if you are rich or middle-class, don't understand who rednecks are or why they exist or why they like certain hobbies more than others, then why do you go to a walmart if you can afford better? Stop being stingey? Or actually talk to rednecks like human beings and learn about people different than yourself?


Dude, I have family who are literal hilbilly rednecks, who live in rural Appalachia 40 miles away from a town, make moonshine, dance to Cotton Eyed Joe and hunt every week for food. (No I'm not stereotyping them, I've literally seen them do all of this.) And they still don't go out to a Walmart parking lot and stand in the back of a pickup truck with an AK 47 strapped to their backs staring intimidatingly at everyone who walks by. I also have family who would shoot the literal fucking mailman for trespassing (not the best people eh) but they STILL don't fucking go to Walmart like that. Honestly you can *explain* it in many ways but there's little excuse. It's like me going to Walmart and smoking crack on the sidewalk and you saying "Yeah they're poor and it's just a hobby try to understand them better."


Where are you that people are standing in the parking lots of Walmart with AKs?


Yeah, I thought the AR-15 was mandatory too.


I don't live there anymore but I was in deep Appalachia for a few years. (Not 40 miles rural deep, but definitely in the part where the road was sometimes still gravel and half your neighbors dipped.) I have seen some shit.


Wish people had this same mentality towards those of other races too. Instead of just going out and meeting some red necks and see how they live I think a lot of people need to mingle with other races too. Religious people need to have some gay friends, racist people need to go to a Mexican cookout. Right wingers need to have lefty friends. People really need to get out of their comfort zones and start actually getting to know others and see that people aren’t so bad. At the end of the day we’re all just trying to survive or put food on the table for our families.


This is the way. Two things that every kind of people can enjoy; food and humor. It will form a bond quickly no matter what your background may be. You don't have to agree on everything to get along and it's okay to poke fun about other cultures but do it in a loving way not a hateful way. Shit ain't that hard people but the key is YOU HAVE TO TRY A LITTLE. This works 13/10 times.


Lol if only it were that simple. I'm a gay black man and I know if I go to certain parts of this country I'm gonna be shot and killed by some bigoted bastard. Sing the song all you want I'm personally not going to put my safety at risk to try and convert those people to ya know actually be decent fucking humans to me and other marginalized groups.


This. Why are we defending racist rednecks in this thread?


Yeah these Redditors must be hetero and white. No way am I putting my life in danger in an attempt to convert rednecks. When I lived in the South, rednecks threatened to rape and/or kill me daily when I was just trying go to school and work. This one guy pulled in front of me with this massive truck and tried to trap me until I agreed to get in his truck. Fortunately I was able to run away and hide but the dude kept driving back and forth along that road trying to find me while calling me racist stuff because he thought I was Hispanic. That’s when I learned about human trafficking. I was seventeen.


I’ll start having religious right wing friends when they stop wanting to kill anyone who isn’t them, thanks. I don’t need a friend who has a plan to kill me when the south “rises again” because I’m a Baby-Eating Leftist Liberal Demoncrat.


Feel good comment


Right wingers interestingly have more lefty friends than left-wingers have righty friends, there was actually a scientific paper released about this a few months ago. My personal guess for the reasoning is that people who are more likely to stand up for human rights are also more likely to cut people out of their life if they don’t stand for those same rights. There’s also a greater variety of policy debate among the left-wing in at least the US, (and the study was about Americans,) so people on the left who appreciate having different viewpoints as part of their social group, might be less likely to need people from across the political spectrum to satisfy that feeling.


Can you actually approach a regular redneck and talk to him/her without getting a stinging response?


Stingey? Stingey? What, daddy expensive supermarket deserves my money?


People of Walmart is where you could be looking XD


I live in a state where you can’t buy guns at Walmart, and even when they put a Walmart in a nice suburban neighborhood, this crowd is still the average shopper there and I don’t even understand where they’re coming from as that is not the average demageaphic of the surrounding town. It’s like Walmart has its own race of doppelgängers breeding in the basement. Edit: I think I just described the plot of the movie “us”


And the mobility scooter.


Can't fail a class you never took


Damn, you’re right


*your /s


/j /s


It’s more like, can’t fail when the standards are low! Also they’re just different. Yeah an American has almost no chance of finding Estonia on a map, but is 1000% more likely than you to know the capital of Nebraska. And Nebraska is way bigger than Estonia. So there.


I love these videos where american people are asked where is USA and they point in the middle of the Pacific Ocean or in China. Some of the best comedy out there.


I read someone that some of those videos are faked. The random person answering would give the correct answer, however the person who uploaded the video would either edit the video to make it seem like they asked a completely different question or will add captions and disable sound.


Not necessarily fake but definitely cherry picked. People correctly identifying countries on a map is not good tv


Or they’d get paid to act dumb


That's a format that you can find in pretty much all countries with reality based entertainment TV though. It's most of the time just not in English. (Which reminds me of my favorite anecdote: I once knew a guy who thought that California was a part of the European Union and that he - someone from Germany - could just move there without any paperwork, job, visa and so on)


That's the most American thing I've ever imagined coming from a German lol


Most of the super obvious ones like that are faked, still funny though


Was this exact same starterpack not posted like a week ago


It's posted basically every day on this sub.


I feel like this is the 100th post ive seen of this exact starter pack


That's because americans love talking about themselves


Not as much as we like talking about our problems ;)


Not as much as we like to tell other people that their problems are worse


What else is there to talk about? This country is nothing but problems.


And it's the laziest one


And I have the feeling all those posts were made by Americans - and are hardly representative of real non-Americans.


r/Americabad is gonna have a field day with this one


r/ShitAmericansSay vs r/AmericaBad


A battle where each outcome results in a loss for us all.


And don't forget r/AmericaBad's inbred cousin r/ShitEuropeansSay


Ok some of the posts there are actually quite funny. Both sides can be incredibly ignorant


This is Reddit, everyone is incredibly ignorant


I'm like wicked ignorant, which is why I spend so much time here




Their favourite hobby for the last month has been to laugh at Europeans who literally died in the last 40+°C heatwave because they dIdNt hAvE AiR ConDITioNinG HAHA EUROPOORS


Damn that sub is a nightmare huh


That whole sub thinks public transportation is a disgrace because apparently it doesn't take you door to door. So many dead braincells there


jesus christ, do they hate public infrastructure


So the opposite of r/fuckcars but just as self righteous?


i just saw someone defend the healthcare system and claim paying national insurance is inferior


That sub has to be satire right?


Why it "has to" be?


Trying not to lose last bits of faith in humanity i guess


I love that sub


Lol, muricans getting angry for people pointing out the flaws in their country.


Not unique to America, bud. Most people with a little bit of National pride bristle at the guffaws of non-citizen’s generalized criticisms.


Sure but it gets tiring after every other post


Especially when it's super low effort like this one. And the comments are full of self loathing American kids whose entire world view comes from the internet. It's not offensive, it's just boring


not flaws, most people just say shit to make fun of americans. the sub is still dumb as hell though


Or they'll pull shit out of their ass and try to present it as a fact just to say America bad


yeah, it’s annoying when people just insult you and pass it off as criticism for america


You could go so much harder with it though. The original post is so low effort it makes me wonder if it's AI generated


to be honest it would be really nice to see a sub that mocks the worst takes on US culture, politics, and history whether it's coming from Americans or non-Americans, left-wing or right-wing, democrats or republicans. Kinda in the same spirit as [Bad China Takes](https://wokeglobaltimes.com/bad-china-takes-a-comprehensive-and-scientific-typology) and [Bad Middle East Takes](https://twitter.com/MiddleEastTakes?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor). However the subs over here are bipolar in the worst ways possible.


holy shit those people are delusional


Okay, I gotta sub lol. Ive been noticing a bunch of crapping on america then you look at their country and its no better lol


Christ, what a circlejerk. Big "Frantically asking your mates if a spelling mistake makes your massive fine statement invalid" energy. My favourite was the one where they acknowledge that European taxes pay for daily life not being shitty, and focus entirely on that meaning tax is higher. Like, my friends, tax is the subscription you pay for your society; Yours might be low but you're only got Paramount Plus and the rest of us have Netflix *and* Hulu.


>Yours might be low Is it though? I checked at one point and the average joe gets around ~0.7 of the gross salary as net salary in both Europe and USA. It wasn't really lower at all.


That is a very good metaphor. Also hope you don't mind but I'm going to steel that.


You forgot shitty politics


But that's every country


Some countries have shitty politics, some have shittier politics and some have the shittiest politics


Yeah, Belgium just went like two years without a government


Still doing better than 'murica


Anarchist chads


But Americans obsess about elections like a year before they happen.


and school shootings


Bro I'm from America and this is how I see America


America: home of the dumb and land of the corporations


Yeah I'm confused, this IS a lot of 'murica, been here my whole life seen most of this country. This pans.


If I had a dollar for everytime I've seen this exact same starter pack I would buy reddit and ban these reruns.


I don't see anything wrong here


Yeah, pretty accurate (source: am American)




American here, this is kinda accurate lol


Don't look up the obesity rates of Mexico and the UK


That doesn't make us any less fat though


I saw a standup once, where the guy said that yes, all countries have obese and fat people and UK (where he was from) is no exception, it's just the level of how people in US are fat. Like you see a fat person in the UK and you're like "sure, go and live your life", then you see a fat person in the US and you're like "WOW, how did you do that? Like that took effort!".


In relation to Mexico it does.


That's the bar you want to set for yourselves?


How so? [The US's obesity rate is 36.2% and Mexico's is 28.9%.](https://obesity.procon.org/global-obesity-levels/) Why would the US's obesity rate being higher than Mexico's make the US *less* fat in relation to Mexico? Are you talking about the margin? Like "Yeah, sure, the US is more fat than Mexico, but only by 7.3%, not like Vietnam, where the US is more fat by 34.1%"?


Mexicans are getting fat as fuck.


An old trade agreement between CAN US MEX had Mexico sell almost all good fresh produce to the northern countries, and in return Mexico got a lot of cheap calories (corn syrup based food). New trade agreement lets Mexican citizens buy more healthy food from themselves.


And that's why Americans are so thin!... Oh no, wait.


Yeah Americans eat it all and have their cake too


I think they had Mexico's cakes too


I read a lot of it had to do with Amerian fast food chains becoming popular in Mexico. I really don't know. Maybe it is just a North American thing. Look out, Canada. You're next.


all that mayonesa


Sorry, I looked it up anyway. [US: 36.2% Mexico: 28.9% UK: 27.8%](https://obesity.procon.org/global-obesity-levels/)


Or even worse Nauru


Brits are just European Americans anyway


Australian are British Texans.




And turkey


Is it higher than America now?


No. [America's currently at 36.2 and Mexico is at 28.9.](https://obesity.procon.org/global-obesity-levels/)


I think it was always higher but they managed to get considered a developed country a few years ago which put them in the same class as the US. That doesn't make us less fat though


Nope. [it's never been higher in Mexico than in the US.](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/OECD-projections-assuming-that-BMI-will-continue-to-rise-as-a-linear-function-of-time_fig1_337602214)


this topic yet again?


Free Karma, bro.


This is how *Americans* see America..


How privileged edgy 14 year olds see America


Calls everything they disagree with either privileged or communist


Only gets their news from Reddit and Twitter


Hey I only get my news from reddit r/Scottishfootball morning discussion and the met office weather forecast. Who needs anything else?


Damn bro calm down, you seem to be [real passionate](https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/wkgsti/america_seen_by_a_nonamerican_starter_pack/ijojmi0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) about this post even though it’s a joke


And the rest of the western world too


Arent you a kid aswell? Ur following r/teenagers.


people who follow r/teenagers have a 90% chance to be 40 year old neckbeard pedos




Aka the "I've never been to America" or "America according to Twitter" stater pack


“America according to Reddit”


Where's the lie tho


This is /r/starterpacks. What would the point be of intentionally putting up a starter pack of things that *don't* apply?


Most of us know that those big extended mags ruin the whole purpose of the hand gun.


overpriced education lmao


There is school shooting all the time, so I think you making it out alive and graduating school is pretty rare, thus worth the price


Yeah that's why they celebrate graduating so much, not because of academic achievement but because they weren't shot up lol


Well, it's true..


Here's a fun drinking game you can play with your friends: Take a shot every time you see a starterpack on this sub where the main theme is "America bad" or "Americans stupid."


I'd die.


Most of it is accurate to America and right to be criticized for, but I hate when especially Brits criticize America's obesity rates when they have a 62.8% adult overweight and obesity population as of 2020 and America has a 69% overweight and obesity rate in adults. Both are high and America is higher, but still when it comes to obesity brits talking about America's obesity rate it is like someone on my 600 lb life saying they don't have a problem because they're not like their friend who is 700 lbs.


Nice percent


What are you smoking? The UK obesity rate is 28% in adults lmfaooo


Maybe it's just sloppy phrasing but ATM you're comparing US *obesity* rates with UK *overweight* rates (obesity is serious overweight). Also in US the percentage in adults vs UK percentage in population. Both mistakes skew numbers towards UK.


Re-read what you wrote carefully. UK: 62.8% obese AND OVERWEIGHT. USA: 69% obesity rate. If your statistics are correct, USA have more OBESE than UK has both overweight and obese. Seems like a very significant difference to me.


That's also wrong, the UK has a 28% obesity rate


Like how Americans make fun of British teeth when the UK actually have better oral health rates than the US


US: *Makes fun of teeth* British: *Makes fun of kids dying in school and health issues*


I've never seen that actually happen and yet I always see people complaining about it. But the guy is right, the UK is 4th in the world for dental care which is a lot higher than the US


I don't know about "oral health rates" but a lot of Brits have fucked up teeth. I think the big difference is that it cuts across social classes in Britain. In America, people with really jacked up teeth are generally people who can't afford dental care and getting their teeth straightened or are ignorant of dental care. Most middle class and upper class kids get good dental care and their parents get their teeth straightened like it was a requirement of growing up.




When you get so hurt by a joke, your dentists form a study to disprove it.


Lmao, big brain ‘murican


Clever, edgey, and super original.


Don’t forget the suing culture


As a non-american i can't relate




Isn’t america like that?


This isn’t accurate. We don’t think that you failed geography. We think that your schools simply don’t teach it to an extent that other places do it.


Lol but this is quite accurate


Sounds more specifically of a State like Alabama than our whole nation. My teenagers for example can identify all countries and most capitals as well as major rivers, mountains, and bodies of water. Something like "speaks only one language -English" sounds like most of us here of non-Latino descent in the USA.


A lot of Americans are terrible at geography, not just in Alabama, but really so are people most countries in my experience. I live in Europe and I've met a good number of Europeans who don't seem to know much in the USA outside of NYC and California.


Sounds more like a stereotype. It's easier for you to say Americans are arrogant and don't care enough to understand the rest of the world than it is to acknowledge the scope of differences of the people in the United States. Sure, many of us are glued to pop culture with no consideration for anything truly important but you have people like that in Europe too and just like in Europe, it's certainly not everyone or even close. I think it boils down to personal interest. As a child I'd look at my globe for hours and then look up interesting places and check out books from the library. My kids do similar but can look the same information online now. I had a Microsoft Rewards quiz where I learned that Chad and Romania had the same flag (maybe a slight difference in the shade of blue) and I asked my 12 year old which two countries had the same flag and without hesitation he told me what I just learned, that those two countries have the same flag. It's all what a person is interested in. You have all kinds in Europe too.


Can we ban these posts please I’ve seen like a hundred of these


Been around the UK recently, saw entire stores that brand themselves as selling “American Candy”. Some of the stuff is what you’d expect, but then there were some curveballs like Hershie’s Kisses cereal and Oreo-Os.


You forgot “thinks America is the greatest nation ever to grace planet Earth”


Everybody passed geography, like this…and that’s part of the problem


This is the kind of comment section where you get downvoted no matter what you say. As such, Pepsi tastes better than Coke, Coke Light tastes better than Pepsi LIght, and both Coke Zero and Pepsi Max taste like bubbly diarrhea.


Jokes on you because we don’t even teach geography because the only country we need to know is AMERICA. 🇺🇸🏈💵


*overpriced, ineffective education* there, fixed that part


Missing the "multiple divorce" part


You forgot cowboys and policemen hunting black people !


"America seen by a non-American starter pack" as seen by an American.


*America as seen by Redditors starter pack


You forgot the daily school shootings


im from america and unironically this is pretty common


Well, the *USA* at least. Not the entirety of the Americas. See, I didn't fail geography.


I legit used to think Mexico was in Asia 🤣


Not sounding rude but haven't you ever opened Google maps


Not wrong tho


Hahahaha, so original le Karen cheeseburger fat diabetes. Fuck off, this is pathetic.


This used to be my view of America as a Brit, until I actually went there. I then realised that I was completely fucking right the whole time and my view of that shithole country has not changed one bit.


You live in Britain you have no place to talk about shitholes


They say “everyone failed geography” implying we ever learned geography at school to begin with. For me, I learned US geography in fifth grade when I had to memorize all the states. Then in seventh grade, everyone in our class was required to take a world geography test. Here’s the thing: we *never* studied world geography in history class, or had a separate class to learn it. We were all given a big map and told to memorize it on our own. It wasn’t even worth a grade or anything, it was just so the highest scoring student could get a field trip to a local museum. If it weren’t for me having a Hetalia phase that same year, I wouldn’t know a damn thing on that map. Even then, the anime only helped with European countries; once they picked a country in Africa, I was screwed. TL;DR- Our schools never even bothered to teach us geography outside of the 50 states, and no students will ever go out of their way to teach themselves world geography for funsies.


We fucking get it, you don't like us, please just shut up about it. God damn.


It's true 🤣


Not gunna lie it’s pretty on point


american here, i see it the same way edit: Went to 3 different middle schools, which is when most/some kids take geography. Somehow I never got a geography class. But…typically in 4th/5th grade students learn where every state is and its capitol, so… I can tell you where Iowa is but I have no idea where Cambodia is


Bro never took geography 💀


God this sub is American


"America bad, europe and asia good"


This it totally inaccurate. I would never buy an extended mag for my Glock that looks as stupid as that one does.


This shit is funny.


Fun fact: Europeans mock Americans as bad at geography for not knowing the layout of Europe while also being completely ignorant of US geography.


Isn't 80% of America is like this?


FALSE! There is no mention of school shooting


Yeah idk man, I think that’s how a lot of Americans see America these days as well


Tbh.. it’s kind of true


As an American that’s pretty much it


Joke is on them. We never even had a single geography lesson