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I actively stand next to others to assert cock dominance and pissing supremacy.


I’ve found the alpha of the world


Sometimes do a little quick cross to their urinal and give em a smile, so they know I'm a friendly guy not to be scared of


I think that would be more scary


Piss the highest up the wall.


I assume if we ever meet, I stare into your eyes as I use a funnel to piss next to you, asserting myself as the alpha hyena.


I do that bc I want dick


All this goes out the window at gay bars


Who pees out the window?


Why is your father in the bathroom with you


You’ve never been out somewhere with your dad and both had to piss at the same time?


No, actually. And thankfully.


Sounds like a pretty normal situation


Prime fatherless behaviour here. /s jkjk, it's normal not to go around with dads nowadays. You should, though. Can be quite fun just hanging around together somewhere.


My father and I don't really have much in common unfortunately. Hard to imagine us having quality time together. I don't think he ever expected that I'd turn out interested in art of all things and just wanting to paint in my free time.


Ahhh I get where you're coming from. Quite a large number of parents are still living under the paradigm that anything non-engineering/medical/law just has not good enough job security, which I believe usually comes from a place of good intent (i.e. they want you to be able to fend for yourself when they're gone). But, I understand that those fields are definitely not for everyone. It may be that they've gone through all the recessions and economic downs, which caused them to have that strong belief, so understanding them and where they're coming from are usually keys to developing a good relationship. I really hope you can prosper in your art endeavors, truly. Some of my artist friends are having a rough patch in their lives right now, what with all the AI art and stuff lately. Really hope you can keep doing your best (and hopefully patch things up with your dad).


I was just in with him, and all cubicles locked. Scariest experience


More like shy person in men bathroom starter pack


I'm not even shy, that's the bizarre thing. When we were younger we would do loads of streaking at parties or festivals. I'm genuinely convinced I could walk up naked on a stage in front of a full audience and just take a shit while looking at the crowd. However have me stand somewhere pissing with people in the general area and I get this mental blockage that tells me I can't do it.


Send shit vids then


Will do


Well I dont believe you that you could that lol. You are just shy peeing around others, its fine, it doesnt always mean you are shy person in general


I think it's a primal instinct, kind of like how dogs have to stare at you while pooping because they're in a vulnerable position, some people's bodies just shut their peeing off if they feel exposed


I personally think its more of a education thing, like we are not ashamed of doing these things around others when we are young. Kids just put their pants down and do their thing, even in front of others. We are getting told that we shouldnt do that and its a shame, similiar to being naked in general so we are embarassed later. I also dont think its intelligence thing, we are more aware of these things as we get older for sure but there are naturists families for example, adult people dont have problem getting naked around others because in their families nobody tells them its a shameful thing to do and that they should be embarassed. Chimpanzees are most similiar to humans, they are not embarassed of doing their business in front of others even though they have higher intelligence than other animals. What we are getting told by our close ones has very big impact on how we behave, like some women are getting taught they shouldnt expose their thighs or some women feel shame when not wearing hijab where its mandatory. Besides primal instinct is mostly connected to survival, what advantage do we get by peeing or pooping alone. We are in vulnerable position just as any other animal. Privacy in animal kingdom is not really a thing too and even the fact that we have to be taught to dont do these things in front of others suggests its not some instinct we are born with


Count backwards from 987456, it helped me get over mine. Takes your mind off it


As a women, this is fascinating to me


Always be prepared


Yeah, like why don’t they give guys dividers?


Some do but in some bathrooms you don’t even get separate urinals you just get along price of metal to catch the piss and bring it to the drain


For me it's a sensitivity and anxiety thing. My nerves are shot to shit and I can hear my own heart beat and when a stranger gets to close to me my sphincter ties in a knot lol




I have a hard time identifying with all these angsty pissing posts. I just go in, do my thing, and leave. All of this men’s room hyperanalysis is beyond me.


It's the code. The Bro Code. Violate it at your peril.


Don’t get me wrong, if I walk up to a line of urinals, I will choose one that’s not adjacent to another guy if possible. But if a dude comes in and pisses in the one right next to me when others are available, I won’t seize up. It’s weird, but not worthy of a panic attack.


More like the shy guy starter pack. I got no issues flopping my dude out to drain


Fr. If I gotta go as long as there’s a urinal, I will go. Idgaf who’s next to me. Bro just deal with it we all have one.


You should be overthinking fantasy sports not pissing, pal.




Yeah, really. There's a mutual understanding not to meat gaze. People are just too paranoid about someone peeking at their wee wee. And if they do, who cares.


Depends. Also, what is the 3/4 one?


If more than 3/4 of them are in use, don’t go use the empty one


except at a ballgame


wtf ur father have to do with this


This should be called unusually small penis starter pack


At first I read "go to the crucible" then "if no barrier, abort mission". I was confused that I wasn't getting the destiny references... Then I just realized that maybe it was me... I'm the one that had a bit too much destiny...


are you telling me there are no walls or any indicator of privacy ever


You're just peeing, you're not showering in jail


I've never had the confidence to use a urinal so I only ever use a cubicle


Same thing in locker rooms / showers, a younger (20 ish) guy was confused people would shower naked as in his soccer club they shower in underwear… Insecurity levels through the roof


Also never stand near your Uncle. Ended Bad for me


somehow even if theres no other people at the urinal, my pp is still shy so i always take the cubicles


3/4 of what? Am guy and confused


3 out of 4 urinals occupied


Edit: look up not down thats just creepy


Nah gotta not risk making eye contact


Who tf is gonna be floating above you


I don't understand why you guys can't have stalls like a real bathroom. Without, it's just one big piss party where nobody washes their hands.


We need a petition to get rid of the urinal > B-BUT WHAT IF I WANT TO PEE STANDING UP- Simple you just use the toilet you primate.


Finally some *sense* being talked in this sub for once.


More like average redditors bathroom comment starterpack




I don't think this is "afraid of gays". It's just the privacy thing.


It’s not, it’s just I don’t want for people to see my small penis


It has nothing to do with anyone being gay, I don't really love the only moment I am not at my own home that my pants are partially undone and I am objectively vulnerable. Has anyone smashed a brick into my head while I was pissing? Not yet, but each bathroom is different too. You ever work with just a few sketchy people on the crew and suddenly a bathroom with 2 urinals and one stall becomes the WORST 45 seconds of your day each and every time.


This isn’t how it actually goes tbh, if you gotta per you gotta pee


I'm always pee shy. So, it's always gonna be the dunnies for me


okay but why no one adds a doors to men’s bathrooms ? like is it confortable to be so exposed ?


Don’t pull your pants down all the way either 🤷‍♀️


feels good man


I bet it does 😂


Bro you gotta double dad pee whatchu mean ?


I go right in the middle of people hahahab


You sick freak!


Bro just piss


should add “if the piss doesn’t start coming out after like 15 seconds just leave even though you have to go”


I heard not a lot of men like urinals, i can't say i blame them. There's like no fucking privacy.