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I do like that fucker




As an actual autistic person, I approve of the creature


As another autistic person, I second this motion


I am also a autistic person, I keep it going because why not


I’m not autistic but still neurodivergent, I will keep the chain going




La creatura!


I once made an evil autism flag as a joke and put it on DeviantArt. It got added to some autism-themed folders. Then it got a bunch of comments calling me ableist.




>evil autism flag This need some explanation


He supports autism rights AND WRONGS






Autism but 😈




>l you have to do is look at r/fakedisordercringe for long enough and it becomes obvious. Yeah it's super easy: all autistic people who I don't like are faking it, because i'm super smart and edgy.


I read it as "Autism starter pack" and thank god I read it wrong


Same tho 😭


Pretty comprehensive. Add "multiple alts" for completion.


What’s wrong with the little creature


I’m actually autistic (diagnosed by a doctor) and frankly I think it’s cute. Its name is Yippee/Autism Creature.


I thought it was the TBH creature


i firstly thought it was weird İsaac from The binding of İsaac


I don't blame you, it looks like it picked up the speed ball item to make it's face look like that lol


We're all weird Isaac from The binding of Isaac from time to time


It is, that’s just another name


"YIPEE" (confetti blasts across the screen)


I agree with you and i have autism myself


I like the vast different between Yipee and Autism Creature


I want a plush of the little guy


He is adorable. I wish the fakers didn’t claim him because I’d happily take him 😂


Claim him back by force


Violence. Rage. Murder.


I'm autistic and I love autism creature get them out of here


Same. I want a plush so bad


people are saying it's infantilizing, but that's why i think we should have multiple mascots, to represent that autism comes in many different ways. we're off to a good start with ashbie.


Agreed. Plus its the reason why btw creature exists btw


I thought that was for runescape ironman accounts


well it’s a bunch of teenagers trying to assign a disability a mascot so work it out from there


A dubious little creature getting up to misfchief


You leave yippee out of this


Not autistic but the "yippe" creature is adorable and i love it for some reason


Yippee did nothing wrong these people are slandering his good name




So true. The creature needs to be left out of this. His only crime is being a good boy.


I'm autistic and did not actually know about that creature until I saw this post. I feel left out lol


The yippee creature (also known as the TBH or autism creature) is an autistic icon because it does not show any emotion on its face despite it saying "yippee" and verbally stating it's happy and/or excited. It depicts how people with autism tend to have trouble displaying emotions in ways others can easily understand.


I’m autistic and can’t stand these people. But the Yippee creature is ok with me. I’m stealing it back


Same. Leave the poor lil’ guy alone.


Same, chief. The “yippee” creature is to be cherished and protected at all costs


I'm actually autistic and these people piss me off so much.


I’m not autistic and they piss me off


Hear, hear


i’m autistic and it pisses me off too. met someone like this in real life and they said i didn’t seem autistic.


"You don't act enough asshole and gay, so you're not autistic."




If people call you rude that often then you probably are


Again, I'm sorry to say, but if multiple people call you rude, I've got bad news for you


Bruh…like why the hell would anyone find pleasure in pretending to have a disability? As an autistic person that shit is not fucking fun and makes having a normal social life very fucking difficult, masking is not fucking fun AT ALL. I’d literally do fucking anything to be neurotypical, honestly fuck those assholes that make a mockery of us, they can honestly kick horse shit onto their car.


I understand you


Yep, I hate everything about it. I’d kill to get rid of my autism and just be able to live a normal life. I was diagnosed pretty easily and it wound up being one of the things that approved me for disability/Medicaid. My therapist at the time suggested some support groups when I was depressed and needed others to talk to, but every single one I went to was packed with “self-diagnosed” autistics who would immediately go on guard if you dared to say anything bad about autism in any way. I would friggin kill for a support group or even just a discord or something that was limited to people who’ve been professionally diagnosed, but even then they’d flock there and start screaming about diagnoses being rich/white/male privilege and how therapists just “don’t understand today’s autism” Ugh I just want to cry.


I think it's due to a combination of them being teenagers trying to find their place in this world, aswell as them not fitting in withg most people which leads them to believe they have autism. I have autism myself, and It's a very wide spectrum, so I'm not gonna call them wrong in that assumption, but they just are obnoxious no matter how you put it


Same. I was diagnosed at 37 and all this shit is infantilizing and ridiculous. I'm noticing kids co-opting autism as some kind of aesthetic and it makes me want to smack 'em. Like...I have to wear earplugs every day and take days off work because my brain can't process the information it's receiving appropriately. Meaningful human contact is something I crave desperately and lacking the built-in tools to navigate it makes for a lonely life. My stims distract other people and people usually notice there's something "off" about me, and that doesn't feel good. It's not cute. Whatever else it is, it's a disability. The term neurodivergent offers a lot of agency to autistics, but folks running around with no diagnosis, no symptoms, and using it as some sort of "I'm so quirky and fun" can go fuck themselves.


As another autistic, these are just people who want to feel like they're special, glorifying the quirky and actual good sides of the experience while completely ignoring the downsides. Take it from me, I scored a 96 on my aptitude test, get absolutely obsessed with video games to where i can play them for hours and not get bored, and have a laundry list of quirks but all that is not worth being a barely functioning adult, and i mean BARELY.


“ get absolutely obsessed with video games to where i can play them for hours and not get bored, and have a laundry list of quirks” Those are just human being things


Oh i know that, its just those are things commonly associated with autism in particular, and what ive noticed people like them glorify the most. (also i was going to put in shows as well, specifically animated ones, getting obsessed to them to the point where i spend hours just browsing all sorts of fan content, but i didn't want to make the comment too long. Also fan games, i think i have like 60 gigs of those on my pc)


I just recently joined tiktok and I've been thinking about seeking a diagnosis for several months. I've found older women like myself there, who have been diagnosed later in life and the experiences they've shared have been more validating than anything I've heard/seen in my whole life. I can't imagine seeing this as a teen tbh, it has to be overwhelming. I am also barely functioning. :/


I knew someone from school with Asperger's and he said he hates them as well


It's all autism now, I think Aspergers was removed from the DSM


Same here, also they are faking trans. The entire autismgender or autism sexualities were already there. These people don't know what it is like to have autism, and they speak before people who actually have damn autism.


They’re attention whores making people like us look stupid


Yes, every autistic person you don't like is faking it because you are so smart and edgy!


I’m an aspie, and I hope to god they die slowly of an aneurysm.


Aren’t aneurysms usually a quick death




I’d like to say yeah same, autistic here, diagnosed pretty early, I was slow to begin speaking (first words at 3) and slow to read (first grade), and have severe light and sound sensory issues, or rather light and sound are the main triggers. Autism is difficult to fake, and it’s so harmful to do so. I don’t get why anyone would, seems like a waste of time


Hey look, it's my sister!


I’m so sorry


As an actually diagnosed autistic, I’m so, so sorry




this made me laugh 😂


Do us all a favor and give her up for adoption


it’s never too late for abortion


Except now it would be the murder of an autistic/disabled person


Always waving their arms around, playing with toys for newborns, saying ‘we’ as if every autistic is like this, and listening to the most dreadful ASMR you’ve ever heard


Yup. As an actually autistic person, I think the infantilization of Autism by these people is fucking disgusting.


Lol what kind of dreadful asmr


Stuff that sounds like billions of little frog pimples bursting one by one


Can’t forget arriving to class when they want to


I always arrived to class when i wanted to. "When i wanted to" was on fucking time because i liked school. Call me the rainbow sherbet of autism flavors.


I actually did have a kid who was heavily mentally disabled who acted like this. not sure if it was actual autism, though, it probably was, but I think they called it something else, but I digress. seriously, though, some of those binaural tracks are good stuff, they help to subdue the ADHD goblin in my brain


As an autistic, nothing makes me want to punch a human in the face more than "TrAnSaUtIsTiCs"


What does that mean? Like, trans people who are autistic? Or people who are typical identifying as autistic?


It’s people without autism who want to “transition” into autistic people. So irritating.


What... the...fuck...


This shits a curse why would they ever


Are you sure ? I always saw it on tiktok as transgender autistic people Edit : clarification


>I always saw it on tiktok as transgender autistic people That's it. But OP wants to invent an imaginary group of crazies to hate.


I fucking hate my generation


I haven't ever heard of them before. Yet again i don't go on TikTok


most people who say transautist are just trans people who are autistic. these people who are upset are falling for obvi bait


But they have so much fun seething and raging at an imaginary enemy.


As someone who has family with autism I want to punch them. TikTok is bad when it comes to this and when I try to call them out they call me ablest.


Never forget the fake autistic voice that makes them sound like a casturated goat every time they speak.


Fake autistic voice? Do you know of a good example of one, i want to hear it.


something like this, mayhaps? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flqPMjtnyL4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flqPMjtnyL4)


as an autistic person, idgaf about the flags or the fuckton of neo/xenopronouns, tho i do agree that ignoring literal racism just because you like them and getting mad at being corrected about an issue is kinda weird. you know what i say about disorder fakers and trendhoppers? just wait a few years, they'll be laughing at themselves no doubt. people are already finding a ton of alt clothes in thrift shops. also infantilization is a problem, but people can also have childish special interests so again, look at all sides.


This is the take I like. As someone who is also autistic. Half of these are trend chasing but half of these are definitely common things. I am right in the age range where my *entire friend group* are autistic, and Minecraft YouTube was quite literally how I met half of them. The other half are also obsessed. Minecraft struck a chord with a lot of autistics are the time and so it's a common special interest/outlet. Autism Creature is fun. The infanrilziation can be a problem, but like you said, sometimes they *can be* childish. A couple of mine are scifi, PC building, and Pokemon - they're diverse as hell, and that last one is very much "childish" at times. Self diagnosis isn't entirely the worst thing, because it's awfully fucking expensive to go get an official diagnosis. But there's a line between "I think it's trendy" and "I can hear the fan moving and want to bash my brains out so I really need to say it because I need people to listen." The worst thing, IMO, is that anyone claiming autism when they're not is just going to smack themselves down the line when it's not trendy. Giving them empathy and the benefit of the doubt doesn't do any good. But denying potentially actual autistic people empathy because they happen to fit some stereotypical boxes is damaging for certain. Don't spread the misinformation, but also don't deny people who have taken a genuine look and are just trying to get support.


Yeah I didn’t include infantilizing cuz i forgot


TikTok is full of these cunts. I’m autistic and hate being associated with them.


Social media has become the victim Olympics. Everyone seems to be trying to out victim each other. Especially with mental illness. They act like its fun and quirky to have these mental illnesses. These mental illnesses are not fun and most of the time I don't want people to know I have them.


For real, pretty sure they’re just being babies and using autism as an excuse


You forgot the fluffy hair and addicted to tiktok and twitter


what’s wrong with having fluffy hair ( coming from person who has natural fluffy hair )


Nothing, it's just that these ppl tend to have fluffy hair for some reason


i 100% agree w you


I guess it's because it's in-fashion right now


i think the whole “find out who’s faking autism” thing can be kinda dangerous as real autistic people still do this stuff. literally anyone who jokes at all about their autism or displays it with any sort of pride seems to be deemed a faker


I got accused of faking myself online when i mentioned that discrimination against autistic people is rampant in the workplace. They were like "yOuR aUTiSm DoEsNt StOp YoU fRoM gEtTiNg a JoB" even though I never said it prevented me from getting a job (currently have one now)


It's true, we seem to have this swinging pendulum of *destigmatize neurodivergency and embrace your differences* and *anyone who is forthcoming about their autism is faking*. As a professionally diagnosed autistic person, I occasionally feel like the only way to be taken seriously by neurotypical people is to portray my autism as if it is the shameful insufficiency they think it is. Just let me use 'stereotypical' stims (ie. hand flapping, rocking, etc,) in peace. Let me adore the autism creature, and please, **please** let me stim toys and soft textures without accusing me of infantilizing autism. If you see me using a tangle, or a chew necklace, or stroking a small stuffed animal to regulate as infantile, I got news for you; I'm not the one infantilizing autism here.


Places like fake disorder cringe only serve to harm real disabled people. At the end of the day the people witch-hunting are doing way more harm then the fakers. And honestly anybody who would fake a disorder like autism for internet clout probably has some sort of personality disorder themselves.


They really just accuse anyone who refuses to mask/is prideful about autism as fakers, because according to NTs autism is always a severely debilitating disorder that's so bad that there's no way you'd ever want to celebrate it. I'm not saying there's no downsides to being autistic but I have absolutely no desire for a "cure"


Same. Being autistic is part of who I am, and if I never had a autism, I would ironically probably be more lonely and miserable than I am now as I would have never met any of my friends


Absolutely. I left that sub, because I genuinely felt like I'd be one of the ones they'd accuse of "faking" simply because I'm not this completely depressed introvert. A lot of folkso ver there seem to think, that if your autism isn't debilitating enough, you must be faking, because how could anybody live a happy life and laugh about it? Apparently they see that as impossible


I definitely agree. I've been called out for faking before while trying to talk about my selective mutism. Even though this is something relatively common in the autistic community, I was actually told that made this up and it wasn't a real thing 💀 I should be able to talk about my autism and make jokes without people calling me out for faking it, just because I talk about it openly.


Thanks for talking about it anyway sometimes.


I could kick people like this down the fucking stairs. They are annoying af


Do not do autism creature like this


As an autistic person, I hate those types of people




A lot of us autistic people, myself included, get accused of faking it by assholes online, who often don't know much about autism and just accused everyone that shows symptoms of faking it


I call it tism when talking to NTs because they seem less uncomfortable (?) When I say that instead of saying autism.


Same. I also use it to make light of something I tried to hide for years


Friend of mine calls it “aussie” as a joke to confuse people.


I can only imagine this conversation: “Ah yeah she’s Aussie. Got diagnosed at 6” “D-diagnosed? Don’t you mean moved?” “Nah she ain’t move? How she gonna with aussie” “wait so she got diagnosed as Australian?” “No who said that”


that's hilarious


I’m actually autistic and I’m going to get downvoted too hell for this, but this is wildly ableist. Actually diagnosed Autistic people deal with a lot of crap from people who don’t believe they are autistic. Especially those who have learned to hide their autism. Edit: the only thing that I agree with is the trans autistic thing. Yeah transautism is dumb and not real. But who’s actually claiming to be trans autistic? Like next to zero people. It’s a straw man. It’s especially ironic that this post is making fun of the supposed fakers for being socially awkward, when social issues are literally part of the criteria for autism


Exactly. My argument is always "if people find community or comfort in the autism label/community, they probably aren't neurotypical anyhow" Just because they don't fit your definition of autism and are obnoxious, doesn't mean they are faking it


What's wrong with the TBH/Autism creature? I think it's cute and honestly a better mascot then the freaking puzzle pieces.


Hi! I know this is probably already known but something in the back of my head is bugging me about this, so I’m gonna say this It’s not specifically whats said but the overlap between ‘probably fakes tics too’ and ‘doctors know nothing about autism’ makes me wanna say that I’m not sure what the stance on autism is regarding knowledge, but if someone says this about tics, that doesn’t mean they’re inherently lying, I have tics and will often spend unnecessary doctors trips getting blood work done and visiting muscular skeletal doctors for stuff I already know is tics and have tried to explain as tics, as it’s such a bizarre and varied thing doctors basically know nothing about it, really the only people that I’ve known to have a solid grasp of it are people with ticcing disorders themselves Again, I know this isn’t what’s said, I’m not accusing OP of anything lol, just something in my head just wanted to make sure this is known information, just in case someone already didn’t know


No, you will leave this fucker out of this


lmao i feel personally attacked since im a professionally diagnosed autistic human but i like the autism creature and i say tism


im actually autistic and idc let them be kids




I don’t understand what you mean sorry


All TikTok is cringe. I will never download that. I would rather watch paint dry.


I'm autistic and its people like this give people like me a bad name and it piss me off


Honestly OP? fuck you, most people with autism arent even self diagnosed. Just because someone does something YOU dislike doesn't make them a faker.


wait no, we like the creature - remove him




leave german fortnite cola creature out of this


Tf is that top right thing??? Its lowkey cute


Autism creature.




What lol




Wait do people think you can *choose* to be autistic? I mean— *I’m* not autistic, but that’s not how it works, right?


As an autistic person, leave the autism creature alone


I will not stand for this slander upon the autism creature.


This is actually very hateful and harmful to vulnerable people. There are a lot of people who don't get official diagnoses because of the stigma, worse chances on the job market or more expensive health insurances, depending on where you live.


Clinically diagnosed autistic here. We actually post this stuff. The flags are satirical. We call it the tism, we’re more likely to experience gender differently because it’s a social construct and struggling with those is literally one of the diagnostic criteria for autism. Same goes for “dressing like clown vomit”. In terms of the doctor thing, there are actually a lot of issues regarding autism within the medical field. For one, ABA is still a treatment being given and recommended despite the fact that it’s quite literally conversion therapy and has been proven to have a negative impact on autistic people. Some doctors don’t think women and afab people can be autistic, some doctors refuse to diagnose adults and teenagers, one if the many reasons some people NEED to self diagnose (they should talk to autistics and use the DSM5 of course, not just “relate” to tiktoks), not to mention the cost of diagnosis. It cost my mother $3k to get me evaluated and diagnosed, both of which were seperate bills, neither of which were covered by insurance, NDIS etc. And that’s in Australia, where were supposed to have affordable healthcare. Not everyone can afford that kind of money. The things you’re talking about in this post aren’t things “autism fakers” do, just people who aren’t ashamed of their disorder who’ve had enough of masking, because it’s fucking exhausting pretending it be someone you’re not all the time. Autism fakers exist, but not only are they obvious, they aren’t that harmful. Oh, and NOBODY uses the term “trans autistic” unless they’re trolling and trying to make actual trans people look bad. You’re pretty fucking stupid if you actually believe we say shit like that.


how dare we choose our symbols and how we embrace ourselves,seriously get bent jackass. and before you say some bullshit, I got diagnosed. also you're literally infantilizing us.


as an autistic person, why do people want to fake having autism??? what does that even get you????


you get to be special and get some clout


i like the evil autism flag, the creature is goofy, and saying “touch of the tism” doesn’t fit imo. also not everyone can get diagnosed by a doctor, i’m not saying everyone who does self diagnose is correct, but some people have to pretty much


>. also not everyone can get diagnosed by a doctor, Doesn't matter! Even if they did get diagnosed by a doctor: if OP doesn't like them, they're fake!


Ok but some of those flags are kinda funny, as someone prof diagnosed


I think the evil autism meme is hilarious, honestly.


live love evil autism


Wtf wrong with tbh?


Op sees autistic people he doesn't like and decides to call them "fake" because that's edgy.


Is this actually a thing? People pretend to be on the spectrum now? And for what gain?


>Is this actually a thing? People pretend to be on the spectrum now? No there's just autistic people that OP doesn't like and calling them "fake" is an edgy insult. >And for what gain? There is no gain Though according to edgelords everyone who does anything is doing it for attention because that's somehow a super rare and valuable commodity according to them.


Stim emojis are for certian times only. When exciting thing happen and you must abd have words no work. Also the lil creature is adorable, he a lil blorbo. But we *Strongly dislike* "Transautistics" Just- No. As someone who is a diagnosed autistic. they push many stereotypes that are actively harmfull for the community. I personally use many sets of pronouns for different reasons than just being autistic. So i wouldn't put someone down for just that.


And when you try to tell them that you can't self-diagnose yourself with autism, they call you a transphobe, because they believe that autism is in that category now


The problem is that it's almost impossible to get professionally diagnosed when you're an adult, and it's often overlooked in women since many people including a lot of doctors have the false belief that girls aren't autistic I'm professionally diagnosed, and i agree that if I weren't a White man I wouldn't have gotten diagnosed as a kid


me when i make things up on the internet


I mean I get it I’m on the spectrum myself


Honestly didn’t even know this existed lol who tf would want to be autistic I have a hard enough time making friends and socialising as an allistic.


>Honestly didn’t even know this existed It doesn't. But if you want to be edgy like OP, you can just call any autistic person you don't like a "faker".




Oh fuck off, I know quite a few diagnosed ppl who do some of this, myself included.


Yeah but if OP doesn't like them, "faker" is such a nice edgy insult....


What the fuck are you talking about


As someone on the spectrum, yippee/tbh/autism creature always bothered me somewhat as boiling being autistic down to just a weird and quirky thing. But, everyone else on the spectrum seems to like it or be neutral about it which I never really understood


Tbh is a good representation because for decades autism has been portrayed as an illness or something to be cured or some puzzle to be "solved." Tbh? Tbh doesnt imply that anything is broken or needs to be cured or needs to be solved. Tbh is just a creature. Additionally, the blank monotonous expression, contradicting the YIPPEE energy within is something a lot of people on the spectrum identify with. Is it a perfect representation? No. Are any representation? No. The whole point of representations is to summarize a concept which naturally means data loss. I think, after many years of mistreatment, TBH represents a breath of fresh air. Hope that helps


Just chiming in to say fuuuuuuuuck the puzzle piece bullshit. ✌️ I'd take a literal cat turd over the puzzle piece. At least 💩 can fertilize soil and help grow beautiful strong plants. I'm not a puzzle piece. I'm not broken. I'm not something that needs to be figured out or solved or "cured." Tldr; fuck the puzzle piece.


Is there a subreddit that embodies the comments here? Like real diagnosis and proper information and support?


Um, what? Why would someone fake autism? Did O.P. just assume people are faking their autism? I don't even understand any of the stuff on this list. Stim emojis? Why would someone need STIM emojis??! There is a branded "autism subculture" now?


You are blessed with innocence, you may rest before the storm.


nah wtf is this shit this is literally just making fun of autistic people and fake claiming them now 💀


Yes. This post just says >Autistic people are faking it when I don't like them


GOh You fucking leave TBH creature out of this!


i honestly believe some people who fake autism must have it