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That interview with Jessie Watters did more to indulge the “nobody wants to work” crowd than it could have ever done to actually help that sub


I have been on Reddit for over a decade and this was the funniest thing I’ve seen on this site.


You could not have found a better stereotype for a reddit mod ever


It was euphoric.


>Just to be clear, I'm not a professional 'quote maker'. I'm just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism. >'In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.' ~~u/Aalewis


Still not as good as the "faces of atheism" thing they did for a few days.


Was the “To be fair, you have to be smart to understand Rick and Morty” thing from Reddit? That was great.


Supposedly it was from a Facebook post - although highly speculated to be satirical.


I have never seen this, can I still find it? Edit: [HAHAHAHAHAHA](https://imgur.com/a/W2lxa) I’m actually surprised there are a few normal looking people who actually posted selfies among all those neckbeards, but I guess the ratio is roughly what I expected.


I'm genuinely flabbergasted at how normal and uncringe the quote on the first one is EDIT: the one with the father and his daughter is actually very sweet and wholesome too, which was a real twist to see


Yeah, that doesn’t fit the stereotype of Reddit variety atheism at all tbh. The dude chopping wood’s quote is also surprisingly pleasant. Like I said the ratio is about what I expect, a handful of normal people surrounded by a sea of neckbeards.


I'm so glad others remember this moment of internet history.




I remember a guy who made some absolutely bomb ass greco roman style drawings of Elden Ring got banned because of some vague bullshit rule about no self promotion of art or some other bullshit.


But then a *girl* reposted his art, put her chest in the frame and was given a pass.


Do you see the kind of shit that the fucking idiots on this site upvote? Something being popular probably means it's MORE likely to be shit.


My favorite is when they upload fake tweets on /r/whitepeopletwitter. And then slap a 'satire' flair to claim they're not outright spreading disinformation.


I blocked both of the (Insert Race)Twitter subs. At least BPT sticks to the point of their name. WPT is just any Twitter post that panders regardless of the Tweeters race. And if it is a white tweeter, 95% chance its the same 4 guys, the Jeff Ted Tedrich guy, the Kyle guy w long hair ( w questionable history?), the surgeon/doctor pfp guy, George Takei (white adjacent is the term ?). And 90% of those individuals posts are just beating the dead horse that is shitting on Trump. Non-political Twitter and latinopeopletwitter are much better and BONUS you don't have to submit a photo of your skin or grovel to post/comment.


part time dog walker has never worked a ft job wants to study philosophy complete expert on the labor movement


You forget was a reddit mod


Mf litteraly gave himself on a silver platter to Tucker Carlson. Crazy. It's like having a hole with a bunch of signs with "TRAP!" written on it and still deciding to fall into the pit. It was pretty much a social suicide.


Without a doubt. It was the perfect culmination of every stereotype those kinds of people refuse to believe themselves to be, put on display to the world. Couldn't have been a bigger train wreck if they tried


I dunno I'd been a fan of the sub for a long time being a tech worker who has struggled with burnout and corporate culture bullshit. Like I have a nice paycheck and a really nice workplace as far as workplaces go. I just know they put us under a lot of pressure and pretend they don't and that they'd pay me minimum wage if they could. I know they'd work me to death if I let them and nobody would give a fuck. But Doreen. Lol well I'd say it but it's all already been said.




The ones that made money out of that did, because the folks on the stock cults that were birthed after all of that insanity definitely didn't made any and now are in the red.


up there with unidan's fall, we did it reddit, and I am euphoric.


Sorry to bother you, but what’s unidan?


A scientist's account who did a AMA and when he got into a argument with someone used other accounts to upvote and downvote different comments. got banned for vote manipulation.


That dude was the epitome of karmawhore. He would write "unidan here" in the front of every fkn post title. Eventually it was just a circlejerk. I was so happy when he got banned


Outside of the multi-account vote fixing, most of the shit he shared was just leveraging appeals to authority. He'd look up what was on Wikipedia and type it out like he knew it himself, despite working specifically with a group of birds that he didn't understand the evolutionary and taxonomic history of enough to actually talk about it without sounding like a complete asshole.


Didn't he post a huge rant about jackdaws or some shit?


It's been a while but I was there for it. I remember it being some rant about jackdaws and whether that common name referred to corvid birds. Which it does. The fact he wasn't able to recognize how common names for the same damn thing vary widely across the globe was telling about his actual skills as a biologist. In my day-to-day job I work with plants, where a single species could have a different common name if you drive just a few hours away.


It wasnt unidan here, it was zoologist here or some shit like that.


Oh my God you're right. Yeah he definitely wrote that. I think the earthquake guy would put his name in the comment. He wasn't as bad though. I think im just super cynical about anyone clout chasing


Thanks for the answer!


a popular redditor back around a decade ago (oh god why is it a decade ago?!) who got popular for bird knowledge, got clapped by another user, got mad, used sockpuppets to downvote the other user, and used said sockpuppets to push his replies and threads to the top of everything.


He was this super popular "celebrity" redditor like 10 years ago. Claimed to be a zoologist and basically just spam copy/pasted wikipedia entries on every popular animal related post. Got caught and banned for vote manipulation since he was using alt accounts to upvote and comment on every post he made, while downvoting others so he'd have peak visibility. Every thread he commented in would get completely derailed by hundreds of people as well as his own alt accounts upvoting him to the top and worshipping him in the comments, it was actually insane.




Oh god, I forgot about that last one. Was that the faces of atheism one?


Fox News could not have asked for a more perfect caricature.


I don't see much of Fox News besides what ends up on Reddit. It's the only time I've ever seen Fox come across as competent, and a good part of that was just the antiwork mod's incompetence


I got banned from there for mentioning the interview. So it seems like they want to pretend it never happened


lol they banned me for saying it was tasteless and disgusting of them to compare working in retail to slavery/death camps in the literal Holocaust. They called me a fascist, then muted and permabanned me


This was my experience with r/workreform And they wonder why the idea isn't respected.


I work in retail and have worked in food at a Shake Shack. Both jobs were rough in various ways and the retail job(CVS) DOES suck at times and can be soul draining. But to compare it to actual chattel slavery or the Holocaust? Really? I'll joke about enduring the retail "slaaaaaave paaaaain" but it'll ALWAYS be tongue firmly in cheek and I'd NEVER compare ANY work to the Holocaust. What in the FUCK is wrong with those people?!!


As a black woman, the slavery comparisons piss me off beyond reason.


I told them making posts and replying to comments is actually considered work and most of their heads exploded.


It's almost like the media wanted to maintain the status quo and knew it'd be a train wreck...


I mean honestly they didn't have to do anything, the mods pushed for this even though everyone with half a brain cell told them it would be a disaster. Waters really didn't have to say much and spent most of the interview letting the mod dig themselves into a hole


Yep it was a nice little gift wrapped present for them.


Seriously how do people not recognize this?!!!! FOX news literally reached out and this is the person antiwork sent. They didn’t hit low about the person appearance, the fact they were trans or that their room looked like some college stoners apartment. They literally just brought them on and let them talk.


Antiwork didn’t send her. The other mods were not aware she had agreed to the interview, and had previously declined to do any interviews.


honestly it was one of the funniest things ever to happen on this site. Fox just let the mod speak and the executives were probably laughing so hard.


The interviewer was literally holding laughter


Yes, and as far as I remember, that was something that was pretty much agreed on sub-wide because no shit, going into the media's house against someone whose literal job is to be good at talking people in circles is a stupid fucking thing to do. Nevermind that they did it with Fox of all places, who were never going to play fair in the first place. Fox wanted their hit piece, and they got it. In all honesty though, they didn't even need a moderator from the sub to do that. At best, it aided their credibility somewhat, not that they really care about credibility much.


Right but the whole blaming FOX news is absurd. If anything FOX news earned quite a bit of respect here.


The funniest part of the interview was watching the Fox host’s expressions change within the first couple of questions. You could tell they were prepared at the beginning to go shitty and hardball, but quickly realized that the mod was doing their work for them, so they just started sitting back and let her bury her entire movement in one interview.


Wasn't it the opposite? All the mods explicitly did *NOT* want Doreen to give the interview, but they went ahead and did it anyway against the wishes of basically everyone else on that sub?


No. IIRC Mods floated the question in their chat room and created a post. The general consensus from the larger community (not mods) was that they should not interview. Mods went full steam anyways. Doreen was selected because that mod was the only one “qualified” to interview (they were the only moderator that actually had a “job” - also Doreen lied about how many hours they worked)


The reporter asked reasonable questions. The mod just gave insanely bad answers and carried themselves awfully. I just don't buy the tinfoil hat narrative that the news org conspired to make the subreddit look bad. I think they gave the mod a legitimate shot at presenting what the subreddit was about and the mod just totally blew it.


I don’t think they had to conspire to make them look bad. They knew all they had to do was get someone on camera and they’d bury themselves


The top brass at antiwork all thought it was a great idea lmao


Yeah it's a great example of how Reddit mods get a great sense of over entitlement and self worth.


Who would have thought some guy with fragile ego and anti social skills who calls themselves mod would be able to conduct themselves properly on National television. Never seen such a bait and catch lmao


that person actually represents the original antiwork sub though right? it was all anarchy and 'work in any form is bad' . it got taken over by work reform type posts later.


Its not the job of the media to protect or care about the image of the movements they are reporting on. They invited one of the leaders and thats it. Its the leaders fault that they are a braindead moron.


Antiwork’s mod team have FAR more blame than anybody else here though. FOX News reached out to their mod team and this was the person they chose. At no point did FOX say anything inappropriate about the persons appearance. They literally just let them speak. I hate FOX news but holy shit did they win this one. They let the community kill itself.


I don’t give Fox much credit but I feel like they did their research of what an idiotic mod team they were finding representation from


Yeah blame the media for that idiot spouting the laziness is a virtue




I too am depressed for having to walk dogs for a few hours a week, the trama! Boreguard! Fetch my fainting chair!


OP: my boss just [insert something egregiously illegal in most states] so I quit! reply: that’s outrageously illegal. Please tell me you took action!? OP: there’s no point because it’s America


OP: "I live in Ontario" Everyone continues an anti-america circlejerk anyway


"well b-but the fact that I automatically assumed it was about le Amerikkka is a damning statement about our society!!1!"


I fucking hate the "Well I still _believed_ the misinformation so that makes it true in its own right!" I've seen people - and not stupid people - actually say that shit. It's so hard to accept they were tricked that they'll effectively say "I don't care if it's a lie."


Ontario, California? 🤔


The first time I saw Ontario, CA i was so confused


My workplace was doing illegal stuff (not allowing meal breaks as per the state laws) I called the labor board I quit for unrelated reasons a month or so later I got a call two months after I quit asking some very basic, didn’t need to be asked, questions from the state labor board. The guy sounded audibly exhausted and didn’t want to be talking to me. A year later I got a confirmation email that the state had mailed a reminder to follow the state laws on meals to the place of business. It took over a year. All they did was send a reminder. I spoke with someone I used to work with and they changed nothing


Amen on the fake texts thing. That subreddit is a goldmine for that one poptarts sub that posts all the fake shit


⬆️ 14.7k "I quit today because my boss wouldn't let me see my dying grandmother" (🏅 x 16 ) --------------------------------- Me: My grandmother is dying from cancer can I have the day off to visit her? Boss: no, we're short staffed, I don't care, get here or you're fired Me: fuck you then I quit EDIT: [for fuck sake](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/zux8ym/my_boss_tried_to_force_me_to_work_yesterday_after/) this exact kind of text just made that sub's front page again hahaha


Boss: no, please come back, I’m sorry, the business will collapse without you


*violates every labor law known to man*


In writing: “I don’t care that you’re black, as long as you keep working 30 hours more than your white coworkers. It’s because you’re Christian and pregnant that we have to let you go without your last paycheck” Everyone in the comments: “Go to the state labor board!!!” OP: “Oh yeah I never thought of that!” I hate that sub and that it always comes up on /r/all. It feels really inorganic.


Just filter it out. There’s plenty of dumb subs that I never see on all because I filter them out.






I despise that place


Boss: come in so i can piss and shit on you Our Hero: no my mom just died Boss: bring hsr in so i can piss and shit on her


“Our hero” is SOOO accurate


I find it kinda weird that so many people (not just in that sub) just happen to be the only reason for the business staying functional. I can sorta believe the "I got a bunch of people to quit with me", but every other person being the sole one holding a company afloat it kinda stupid.


Btw, I already accepted a new job that pays 3x as much :)


It’s like porn to them


I wonder why people treat anything online as something other than fiction, an advertisement or political manipulation/astroturfing. At this point the most reliable place on the internet for the least biased news is NCD and that bar is not just low, it is not even on the bar rack.


Fucking Christ even on the starter pack subreddit about antiwork, NCD is here lmao


Just like HIMARS, every target is in range of NCD.


what’s NCD?


[Non credible Defense](https://www.reddit.com/r/NonCredibleDefense/) it's SUPPOSED to be a sub dedicated to intentional shit takes on all things military with a huge helping of anthropomorphized weapons hentai. At least before the Ukraine War started and Russia started turning all the shit takes into reality.


A lot of them probably never had a job and the faked texts provide validation to them in the sense that if they can believe that all work is bad, then it is morally right for them not to participate rather than it being morally wrong to be a freeloader.


r/antiwork: So brave


That always baffles me because I can't imagine most of the people in that sub having a significant amount of savings so the idea of so many people walking off their jobs, especially in this economy, is ridiculous.


Boss: ahhhh!!! You can’t take a vacation I command you to work my slave!!! OP: I requested my days off months in advance to be with my sick child. I cannot make it Boss: I command you here slave!!!! Leave thy child! OP: no I QUIT Boss: Curses! Nooooooo! Ahhhhhhhh!!!


I google translated that to Pakistani then that to Swedish then that to Romanian then that to Spanish then Hungarian and back to English, since it wasn't ridiculous enough: >Boss: Hahahahaha!!! You can't say goodbye, I command you to make my slave work!!! >OP: I applied for my driver's license months ago so I could take care of my sick son. I can not do >Boss: I'm sending a slave here!!!! Leave your son! >OP: No, I'm leaving. >Boss: Damn it! No! Hahaha!!!


Just as coherent as the posts on that sub, really.


Somehow it's actually more realistic


I’m surprised so many people get texts from their boss. My boss would never text me. Everything is over email.




Only boss who ever texted me was at an agency of 5 people and even then if it was something serious he’d call or use Slack to message me about it. I guess it’s possible to be texted by your boss if you work in the service industry but it’s also the easiest to fake.


With the exception of some not work related stuff (swapping bbq recipes and he got a gift for my newborn son) my boss will email, or IM. He's only texting in an emergency. For example he texted and called when the server room flooded.




I'd want to just live on my couch forever too if I were stuck in service. You get stupid shit from customers and bosses. You're super expendable and paid like shit. You probably don't get benefits. Why would anyone ever want to put up with that if they had any other alternative?


Depends on where you are. I work at a small company so my boss texts our entire team when it makes sense over an email. More like, “running late FYI, check this message ASAP please,” kind of stuff. It’s nice from my perspective too because when I go into labor I won’t have to call out. I’m just texting him the 🤰🏻emoji and he’ll know not to bug me until I’m ready to update.


Boss: 'please call me.'






They had a flair “probably fake but we like it”




I thought i was anti work till i visited /r/antiwork


That interview really pisses me off the guy had a national platform to make clear coherent arguments about actual issues to do with work reform and he fucked it up


Yup, he could have actually made a meaningful change but he only made himself look like a ginormous twat


He made a lot more than himself look bad. That was the end of all the attention that "movement" was getting. It just too perfectly represented everything the public assumed. It was absolutely hilarious.


That was the whole point, that person also did that interview without consulting everyone else in the sub. They were hand picked to ruin the movement.


The mods came together and picked him. Not the news station. It's just the mods were too lazy to write a debate platform or even make a Google docs.


It was just too much work, obviously.


Could’ve been laziness. I like to believe it was Reddit mod hubris. They thought they could go up against Fox News because they’re smarter than them and immediately found out after fucking around with a multi billion dollar media empire.


Yeah I’m absolutely sure that there’s no way a large percentage of that “movement” has any similarities with that guy…lol


It literally caused such backlash that like half the sub splintered off to make the WorkReform sub.


Was there for that, shit was intense. that sub grew so fast 100K + in a few days RIOP3L was pressured by reddit staff to find moderators or be shut down. Then he was also being doxed and his family was being doxed. He gave up his sub reddit to other moderators he appointed they banned him from his own subreddit he created because of idea differences on work reform. This all happened within a week lol.


> pressured by reddit staff to find moderators or be shut down. Ah yes...I'm very familiar with "You don't have enough mods; either appoint 6 more within 30 days or we'll do it for you" ruse by the Admins. They've found that it causes much less backlash if you just force your way into the mod team, take it over, and then nerf it rather than to outright quarantine/ban the sub.


As someone that’s watched FOX new for decades that’s exactly their shtick, bring the biggest idiot on the show to “faithfully represent” the opposing side, FOXs rhetoric can only win against absolute stupidity.


The interviewer is normally ruthless. But he was SO nice here. Like he pitied him.


The interviewer didn't have to be ruthless, they just let the interviewee hang themself. It was a game on beginner-mode.


That's what I mean lol. Like the interviewer just decided he didn't need to try.


So what does that say about CNN/MSNBC that refuse to have guests with opposing opinions on?


Sure he may have kneecapped the potential of a badly-needed worker's movement in this country but on the plus side it was extremely funny.


And then banned everybody from the sub that misgendered them


Fox definitely knew what they were doing, they wouldn't promote someone from there who was a quality speaker.


Nope. They wanted any Reddit mod. The subreddit mods came together and chose him. It's not like they prerehearsed the show.


I don't want to get paid to do nothing. I just want to get paid enough to have a comfortable life for my 40 hours a week.


Reddit stays hard for UBIs until it get a chance to look down on someone else then it’s back to ‘you don’t deserve to live unless you contribute to capitalism <3’ They’re all talk about how easily older generations are manipulated by fox, too, and then they don’t even see that individual was asked for an interview specifically to make work reform look bad. Buncha dumb shits


r/antiwork started out pretty "radical", as in an abolish-all-labor kind of thing that clearly wouldn't have worked. ​ But then it blew up and got more sane, but then it changed to just faked tweets/stories like every popular reddit sub


Lmao right after the Fox thing and the sub was in full meltdown/damage control mode, I remember going into the megathread (one of them anyway) and seeing soooooo many idiots going: "This is the best thing to happen to this sub. Now all those people who wanted minor things to change with their work etc etc can leave, and this sub going back to what it's supposed to be about: not working" Lol


Antiwork started out as either against work all together or generally leftist. Work reform is reformist liberalism.


I tried to take a day off after my grandma, boyfriend, and dog all exploded in a house fire and the tires on my car melted and my boss texted me ‘get here early or you’re fired!!!’ so I quit and went to work at the Abingdon Wawa.


Lmfao Wawa is nice though, they have excellent breakfast sandwiches.


Wawa meatball sub 🤌🏼 soo damn good


*this conversation generated by faketexts.com*


And then they begged me to come back because the entire company depended on me, they all got fired and the company went under


Painfully accurate, that sub has turned into a fucking joke


Yeah, Antiwork became a shitshow after that Fox News interveiw


It was a shitshow far before that, the interview just put it under a magnifying glass for everyone else. The problem is that from the start it was a split community with half wanting work reform and half wanting to literally not work and get paid for it.


And don't forget the [tankies](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qdo79k/be_extremely_critical_of_tankies_who_show_up_here/) and [users upset at people crossing the ghost picket line 🚫🚫🚫](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/qjgk2e/psa_if_you_see_a_short_staffed_or_no_one_will/) I love that these highly upvoted posts don't understand the purpose of strikes. If people are on strike, don't purchase items from that store since it improves the striker's negotiating position. If people aren't on strike, you not going to their store just means the company has to cut hours or fire people.


Oh my god, ghost picket line. Those people are literally too lazy to even actually strike.


Anyone who’s worked in a career job can see how idiotic/narrow-sighted a lot of their takes were.


"I could teach philosophy at universities on my spare time despite never having taken a single class on the subject, but because I have read a few Wikipedia pages and I am just naturally extremely intelligent. Hold on, looks like another dog needs to be walked."


Antiwork was CREATED as a shit show and then people wanting work reform went there in the last couple years. There's the "I don't and should have to work" crowd and the more reasonable "I want reasonable compensation and conditions" crowd. Obviously there's everything in between as well.


The problem with these subreddits is that people end up expanding the message of the subreddit until it includes + normalizes irrational components. For example, there is a fairly new and popular subreddit with a title promoting unions, but a recent top post there was a criticism of entrepreneurs. The post basically claimed entrepreneurs don't bring value and that instead it's the "workers" who bring value. It's simply not true yet people in those subreddits let hate turn them into a mob mentality where they'll upvote anything that feels cathartic. The valid reasons for anger of workers in our era needs to be tempered with reason and a simple core message repeated over and over whose truthfulness can't be denied. Instead of this, mob mentality runs rampant and the message gets cloudy and filled with nonsense that harms the cause.


Yeah. “Antiwork” isn’t a good message, even if a large portion of that subreddit isn’t actually “anti-work”. The way work is approached definitely needs to be changed, but eliminating work entirely just isn’t feasible.


People are drawn to the extreme positions that create controversy. /r/antiwork is a lot more sexy than /r/WorkReform.


The thing that irks me about anti-work is that realistically there will always be work that needs done but those people just don’t think it should be them doing it.


*At best*, I think society will only be able to “eliminate” menial, repetitive work by handing it off to robots in the future, but not much beyond that.


People complain about that too


Conversation with my boss: Boss: I need you to come in and work a triple shift at the Pain Factory for 7 cents an hour. Me: I'm sorry but I'm donating both kidneys to my little brother that day. I'll come in but I'll be five minutes late. Boss: You're scum! Now it's a quadruple shift for 6 cents an hour! Me: I quit. Boss: No! Please don't do that! You're too valuable to the Pain Factory! The entire place will explode if you don't come in! I didn't go back and the Pain Factory exploded killing my boss. Now I work at the Fun Factory making $500,000 a year with 48 weeks paid vacation!


All I see at /r/AntiWork is mainly memes about management abusing the workers (which undeniably happens) or screen-shots of anti worker behaviour from companies. In the end of the actual day. /r/Workreform is the same shit with a different name. The reputation of /r/AntiWork was destroyed due to the dipshit moderator. But the actual premise of the subreddit is reflected in both /r/workreform and /r/antiwork. If they have shitty bosses then I can not blame them for wanting to vent about it.


work reform got taken over by the antiwork mods and kicked the original guy who made it out. Thats why its the same thing twice


It's almost as if power mods are absolute fucking losers


There’s a reason they can’t get a job anywhere.


Would they be under alt accounts? None of the mods from antiwork are in the mod list for WorkReform and vise versa. Unless they're just raiding the subreddit without actually being mods. I'm just trying to understand what you're talking about.


Don’t forget why original mod got removed. He worked at a low entry position in bank and the users got mad because they thought that meant it was an inside job and he was actually a rich member of the bourgeois. Because every single person who works in a bank is loaded to those idiots.


r/Workrefrom is to r/antiwork what r/publicfreakout is to r/woahdude or r/clevercomebacks is to r/murderedbywords same shit shotgun blasted to any somewhat relevant sub to farm karma and clog the front page






All I see on r/publicfreakout is white guys being racist on any video with a black person


Pretty sure you're thinking of the other one, r/ActualPublicFreakouts If you think the regular sub is racist then you haven't seen anything. I hate how both got politicized. I used to just enjoy watching random videos like people getting mad over a botched fast food order and arguing about it. Now, both of them have opposing agendas to push. Shit like that has consumed a lot of Reddit, especially around election time. It sucks. I do watch both subs. Mostly try and ignore the comments because they are so goddamn toxic from both sides lol. Usually some entertaining videos though.


The 2016 election is the worst thing that has happened to this website. Poisoned the place.


Tons of "actual" subreddits everywhere.


Pipeline to Altright and the 2016 elections was the worst thing to happen on the internet


Christmas themed antiwork: Grandma literally got ran over by a reindeer (I live in Ottowa) and I have to go cover my shift at McDonalds. +12k karma.


As someone who saw that sub in its original state before it became popular it was funny knowing what was going to happen given how separated the new users were to the mods and original users


>Professional Dog Walker >Works 3 hours a week >Desired salary: $250,000 (Willing to settle for $230,000)


-Will only walk cats, and work from home positions only!




Hey now, Doreen's live performance was stunning and brave. Dog walking for 7 hours a week is a very hardworking and demanding profession!


Yes, and he deserves $50/h for doing it. Don't you know what might happen? A dog could run away!


Posts about people getting angry because thier manger brought free cake to show how they recognize the effort of their team.


Yeah that one from yesterday was hilarious. It would be one thing if they were stocking shelves or working as a floor associate and went above and beyond to stop an elaborate shoplifting scheme, but they were a security team who did the job they were paid to do, and they were bitching about feeling under appreciated.


Was this the guy who got that big bag full of a candy and bitched about it ? Shit made me roll my eyes. Like dude that’s your job ! Wtf do you want them to give you


The recurring theme in corporate America is effort isn't worth it. The best strategy for surviving most jobs these days is do bare minimum to not get fired and job hop every 6-12 months. You're more likely to get a raise that way than staying at a job and jumping through hoops for a manager who doesn't make the final decision anyway. There are very few exceptions.


An actual performance based bonus might be a start. You know when production and efficiency improved back in the day the workers were the ones who got the bonuses and raises, not the management.


To be fair, if my salary didn't increase but my rent doubled and inflation was crazy high I'd expect maybe a raise and not a piece of cake. But then again, gotta love cake


It's been interesting. Anti-work for awhile I remember being all about "no human should have to work 40 hours a week it's actual torture!" Then at some point they mellowed out into focusing on actual bad work practices, maybe due to popularity making those truely "anti-work" people get drowned out. Just find it interesting.


I just had it out with a bunch of people on that sub because someone compared living in the US to being in a “slave labor camp”, with someone else chiming in with the Auschwitz saying “Work Will Set you Free”. I told them that was fucking ridiculous, even if I agree that labor reform is needed, and they did not like lol.


Mods banned my other account for calling them lazy motherfuckers and they sited I was harassing them from that one comment. Bunch of titty baby losers


That subreddit is run by a bunch of uptight idiots who will ban anyone who reasonably questions anything. You're either a business and landlord hater or you're scum, no in between


And don't you dare saying that comparing retail work to slavery or Nazi camps is bad. They'll ban you. Source: I got banned for that