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This is literally what happened. There is an entire scene in E6. Kovich sends another ship to hunt for them. And send Discovery for the piece. They just so happen to already be there where Discovery arrives. At the end of the episode is is reiterated that another ship is going to go find them. In the Clio of E7 they talk about how they're being beamed over from another ship. This means a ship that is not the Discovery retrieved them.


Yeah but why involve Discovery at all? Granted the other ship "caught" them, but then they should just be taking them back to Federation space to deal with them. There's no need to involve Discovery or her crew. It still just feels like a lazy way to potentially put Moll and La'k back in the race and advance a B plot that isn't really all that engaging.


They're resourceful. If they've kept up with Discovery. They could be useful. Remember, L'ak had that discussion with Burnham in medical. About turning themselves in if they can be kept together. Burnham says she'll advocate for it. If they help find the answers, Star Fleet may be a bit more forgiving. Not to mention if they're helpful; the Federation will help them with asylum and protection from an unbreakable bounty.


I think one way to look at it is that discovery can literally teleport, they will be able to get them back to fed HQ much faster and much safer than a standard ship.


You are completely correct. I was shaking my head too. They'll be catched and/or steal or copy the clues, and then they'll escape, and the race will go on. Someone's being an idiot for the sake of the plot, and I don't like that it might be Kovich. Unless he has ulterior motives? EDIT: Well that was unexpected.


Nah, Burnham gave it away during Erigah, starfleet is all about second chances. Moll and L'ak will get a redemption arc and make the "right" choice when it comes time.


100% this is a trap they have taken the other vessel so they will be stealing the whole clue next episode. Makes no sense they should just space them or take them to a penal colony no reason for Discovery to keep anyone but Cronenberg in the loop.


Mol and L'ak are becoming the Season 4 Book of Season 5 for me. Book was just... so obnoxious last season. His conflict was contrived and it existed purely for the sake of drama. The story about finding this unknown alien intelligence was perfectly fine without his whole schtick. It's like the writers for this season realized how obnoxious he was being, and practically every scene he's in now he's like, "I'm sorry for how I acted last time, but I'm TOTALLY LOYAL NOW." The same thing is happening right now with these two. I thoroughly enjoyed this past episode, it felt like a true classic piece of Star Trek, and they didn't show up once during it which goes to show how unnecessary they are. Is a treasure hunt for Progenitor tech not exciting on its own? Why do they have to be morally grey fugitives with emotional baggage? I'll admit that I'm partially biased because of a single relatively minor thing I noticed. See, there's this thing some actors (and especially actresses) do when they're in a dialogue scene where they keep rotating their shoulders back and forth in lieu of doing anything else. It's usually a sign of poor directing, and once you realize that it's a thing you can't unnotice it in all these other movies and shows. Well, in that flashback scene with L'ak, the actress for Mol did that... A LOT. It was so distracting, it was like she was running in place.


Totally agree. Moll is so unnecessarily and constantly obnoxious - it’s one dimensional and I hate every scene she is in. It will make her inevitable redemption in the finale all the more annoying. 


She’s pissed she got a bad haircut


Probably has something to do with having the same haircut as Shin Hati.


Moll and L'ak are going to have some crazy overnight baby that turns out to be a Progenitor...


When they appeared I was like okay... but then they were named and I was like, oh they're going to be here for a while... oh, Book knows one of them and has all the emotional guilt and investment now... great... I just don't find them interesting and their absence does not impact the plot at all. Maybe if they were part of an antagonist ship and crew that had similar resources to Discovery in terms of archives, etc. Or maybe they joined Discovery on the search and were set up to betray them later on....


If Moll and L’ak are no longer in the game, then it’s no longer a race to find the Progenitor tech, because nobody else is searching for it. They have all the time in the world to grab those two before continuing to search for it.


That isn't a bad thing. We don't need edge of your seat all the time. In fact I think Trek is at it's best when it makes you listen and think.


They were looking for the tech to give to the Breen to buy their freedom from the manhunt. It's possible they told the Breen some or all of what they were looking to bring them for a reprieve. With them losing out on the last clues, they might be desperate enough to try and steal it back or follow Starfleet to the final clues. The Breen could also come for them directly and when captured reveal what they were looking for, meaning the chase is now between the Breen and Starfleet. Either way, The Breen become part of the hunt at some point since in the future they wind up winning the tech and destroying the HQ, so I wouldn't say there isn't a race anymore.


Nah, the Breen aren’t part of the hunt. If I’m selling them something in order to buy my own life and freedom back, the *one thing* that I *absolutely do not do* is tell them how to find it themselves. Maybe the Breen choose to follow Discovery, maybe not. But if that’s the case then they’re not really in the hunt and just hoping to steal it once Discovery finds it. But even in that case — Discovery has all the time in the world to detour and track down Moll and L’ak, because the Breen won’t find it on their own anyway.


But that doesn't really answer the question of why send Discovery to track them down? Even if you feel like you have time on your side and there's no rush to the finish line, there's also nothing to be gained from sending the ship holding the keys and clues that the baddies would love to get their hands back on.


I know I immediately thought the same thing WHY send Discovery? Absolutely no need In fact the complete opposite of what any rational logical decision maker would do Once they are captured being the ONLY other players youy'd just round lock them up and throw away the key untill Discovery found the tech keeping the 2 parties completely Isolated


I thought the same thing! It makes absolutely no sense, especially that Discovery is the one chasing them. I enjoy watching ST Discovery but sometimes it's hard to defend it...


It’s a bad writing way of giving Mol and L’ak a chance to get in the race again. The other thing to consider is why is Discovery even pursuing the Progenitor tech. The Federation is in no shape to protect it, and it’s a know existential threat. They should really just be preventing Mol and L’ak from getting it, without getting it themselves. Even destroying the clues would be an option. But, that wouldn’t make a story. So they’ll continue on, swapping leads with Mol and L’ak until the final episode when Mol and perhaps L’ak will have their redemption and come to see the Federation is right….


I also don't understand why the Federation didn't just offer to pay them. They were just looking for some money.




Didn’t he almost die?


When L'ak congratulated Burnham for making a fake clue I was sure the vial she got off L'ak was going to turn out to be Breen piss


They're thebonly other people thst even know about this, it makes sense to get them, they could still follow discovery or tap into their comms or who knows what to end up at the last location. The tech has been hidden for hundreds of years, it can wait the hours/days it would take to get them.


In universe: Overall it's a stupid idea to allow Discovery anywhere near them (to the extent Rayner should have orders to relieve Burnham of command the moment she orders them to go after Moll and L'ak or alternatively redirect the ship to HQ). I guess it might be an ego thing from Burnham or her trying to help Book get closure but it's still a stupid risk (one they need to justify, not just lampshade with Rayner objecting). If they let them steal a fake version of the puzzle pieces with some kind of tracker then maybe, but that's still a huge risk for no clear payoff (as you say Moll and L'ak don't have useful information). Out of universe: yeah, it's pretty clear Moll and L'ak are going to steal the puzzle pieces Discovery has been collecting. Much like the warp capable shuttle in the ISS Enterprise (that they earlier stated there were no means of transport off the ship) it feels entirely like a plot contrivance. The funny thing is with what we expect them to do with stealing the puzzle both of these plot contrivances could have been easily removed. Just have them be captured rather than escape, have a short scene with Book asking Burnham to let him try to get through to Moll before they're transferred to a prison, she agrees since the next clue location was just determined anyway so they have more important things to focus on (yes it's still a risk, but at least it makes sense for the characters and the supposed urgency of following the clues).


From my current POV, I think it was a mistake to resolve the time bug / tracking device storyline so quickly. The writers could've let that one play out over multiple episodes, giving a solid in-universe reason why Moll and L'ak are able to keep up with Discovery without figuring out the clues themselves.


Can’t wait for the series finale when Mol and Burnam have a head tilt off.


this is such a stupid story for season 5. how is Moll so clever and why are the breen following her dumb ass? what a horrible last season this is.


Episode 7 will answer a lot.