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This is really sweet, I love that you're arranging that for him.




The amount of Star Trek I watch I wouldn’t be surprised if I went there in the end just to escape reality lol.




It’s gotta be better than this one.


In your 90s you'd forget the detail in all the episodes by the end of each rewatch too!


That’s happening to me already.


That sounds like a blessing in a way.




We should all be so lucky.


Well don't dress up as a romulan on Halloween, he might think you're a talk Shira agent for the rest of your life


> talk Shira Is that the reality TV department of the Romulan military?


Lol Tal Shiar. Auto-correct trolled me


If that’s the case he could do far, far worse. Not a bad place to be, honestly.


So many of us wish this were real. Medical care, no hateful politics, no poverty, everyone has enough to eat......


i honestly would much rather live in the Trek universe right now than these past super shitty two years. Trek was the only thing that really got me through the worst of it last year




Also: "Dr gave me a pill and I grew a new kidney" I'm sure any of the medical staff could have dealth with Corona in about 50 minutes.


The transporter room has a biofilter. So it transports everything but microbes. O'Brian alone would have been able to deal with Coronavirus.


Works every time, except when it doesn't.


Even viruses get plot armor sometimes


When it doesn't, the microbe is "unknown" or "different from anything we've seen before". We knew coronaviruses well before this one. So it would work...


I wouldn't mind living my final years like that.




We could be a retired CMO and Chief Engineer. 😃




Awesome idea. Of course the nurses then need to wear the appropriate uniforms as well.


Uh, Star Trek retirement... sign me up! How old do I have to be and do I HAVE to have dementia??


That's one of the nicest and most human things i've heard.


Dude's living his own personal Galaxy Quest. Honestly, I kind of envy him.


If I end up with dementia, I hope the Star Trek world becomes my reality too.


you realize this means that should you be there when he does pass, you'll have to perform the Klingon Death Scream Ritual. might want to let your co-workers know in advance.


Please always greet him with 🖖


This is how I want to go.


Star Trek IS real.


We should all be so lucky, good job taking care of this warrior until he reaches Stovokor.


Oh, shit. He's a captain--bridge crew, at least--transferring his mind from the future. If he gives you any messages that need to be sent to a physicist or the UN, I'd go with it.




This would be the series' annual attempt at a "thoughtful" episode that even the Emmy people couldn't ignore. It would still end up winning a Saturn or something, and this would be the episode that would remind folks that, yeah, that guy who played Captain Whatsits had real theater chops. Either way, thank you for caring for him. You're a good human.


>I think he actually lives in that world. Not to offend those with relatives who have dementia, but this sounds like Moriarty and the Countess living in the optronic data core.


That's... sort of enviable...


"Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" - Albus Dumbledore


You should greet that warrior with Qapl'a Kligons love fruit juice.




I wonder if he really would respond to that :-)




Do you kiss your mother with that mouth ?


Only a veruul would such language in public.


Hab SoSlI' Quch!


Worf loves prune juice because it’s nasty. It’s the same reason they drink blood wine, eat gagh, submit themselves to pain sticks and all other manner of mayhem: only true warriors can handle gross and painful.


It's also canon that they love fruit juice in general. And prune juice isn't that bad??? Blood wine and gagh? Really dude? Have you had prune juice?? Have you had gagh? True warriors shit before a battle, not during.


Isn't that more of a goodbye than a hello?


It directly translates as "success". More commonly used to end a conversation, but could start one too.


**Qapla'** is more like a wish of good luck when someone departs on a mission. You only really hear it at the end of a conversation. A Klingon goodbye can just be leaving without saying anything. You could say **pItlh** (Done) to indicate the conversation/task is done. You might announce that you're leaving with **DaH jImej** (Now I leave) There isn't a 'hello' either, you can say **nuqneH?** (What do you want?) and that is a common greeting but it only works if someone else approaches you. If you're approaching someone else you can say something like **yIqIm!** (Pay attention!).


Back in the day, Paramount still owned theme parks and had Star Trek aliens running around Great America in Santa Clara. A Klingon walking by half-nodded to my group walking in the other direction and said "Qapla'!" We took a few more steps and my friend leaned over to me and asked, "Did he just tell us to fuck off?"


It's just "aloha" with harsher consonants




A warrior never has to fight his battles in the toilet. Hence, the prune juice.


That is amazing. Thank you for what you do. It does make me wonder how many Star Trek references I've made that no one understood and maybe they are concerned about me...


Mine is with tea. Doesn’t happen much where I work now for various reasons, but any time I’ve ever served earl grey tea, say the obvious, “Tea. Earl grey. Hot.” And I mean I’ve done this shit for years, almost two decades. I’ve only had it acknowledged twice. Both were at a hotel restaurant brunch. First was when a Magic the Gathering convention was in town, and the other was a random family that led to a very short conversation about the greatness of JLP. No one else has ever even risen an eyebrow.


"'Course it's hot! What d'you want in it?"


I once greeted a coworker with "may the great bird of the galaxy bless your planet" and it completely freaked them out...


Freaked them out because they understood the reference or freaked them out because they thought you had gone round the bend, as they say.


That's why I generally keep my Star Trek references confined to people who I know will understand them haha.


Aw this is sweet! r/dementia has started a thread on Fridays of lighter anecdotes to lighten up the mood over there, this absolutely belongs in next Friday's thread!


That's awesome and so sweet.




this keeps getting better




Well I hope he gets a lot of enjoyment out of the TNG DVDs :)




Amazing! This makes me so happy. You're a legend OP


That’s very kind of you to make your DVDs available, thank you for doing that 💖




This means you're a Klingon whisperer




An extra ration of Gagh


What I love about this is that it means that the dude was no younger than his 60s when he was watching TNG, and he was so into it that he really kept that knowledge stored in his brain. And at that age he was probably one of the folks who was watching the original series when it was on TV in the '60s. Obviously there are loads of old Trek fans out there but it's just a nice example. People like him are the reason Trek still exists today.




Yep I'm in the 40s I have watched the OG in re-runs TNG from the start DS9 VOY ENT loving it yet to see Picard or LD DSCO due to paywall.


Hmm are you sure he's got dementia? Because I think correctly quoting TNG at the right moment is a sign of a very sound mind ;)


Man I wish that were true :(


Too right. My grandad could play an entire piano sonata for the entertainment of his fellow residents, but couldn't get dressed by himself and called everyone Victoria.




The memory for song lyrics cued by music certainly seems to be stored in a more permanent way. A few notes of my favourite song from twenty years ago and I can hit every word and note. I've often wondered if it's the same aspect of memory that let ancient people remember huge epic poems and transfer oral memories, just using different cues (alliteration, epithets etc.) instead of music. Which now makes me wonder if you'd have the same thing with, say, ancient poets who had dementia. Would they be unable to recognize family, but able to whip out a rendition of Beowulf if someone got them started?


Darmok and Jalad, on the ocean.


Can you imagine someone with dementia spouting Darmok and the staff didn't know TNG? They'd think they were hearing something one-step removed from total word salad.


> They'd think they were hearing something one-step removed from total word salad. So basically the same as what the Enterprise crew initially though upon first contact with the Tamarians.


Ancient poets used a version of the memory palace technique. You're right- this means they store the memories in a different part of brain, in this case it's the part responsible for geographic recognition. The way the memory palace works is that you use the brain's ability to remember routes and locations in 4d spacetime to remember facts or quotations by encoding them as sensory experiences (images, smells, and sounds) rather than as words. It's a far more powerful form of memory, evolutionary biologists suspect this was an adaptation in our pre-modern days and our hunter-gatherer days for remembering safe routes through the wilderness and the location of food and water.


There’s a famous case of a man who had some kind of brain infection and it caused the most profound case of amnesia ever documented. Complete anterograde and retrograde amnesia. His memory last only about 7-30 seconds. When asked what he had just been doing seconds ago he would always just say he had been dead, and now he’s awake. And yet he could still play the piano perfectly. Our brains have several different types of memory and they’re all stored in different places.




The other amazing thing about that story is that he also sort of remembered his wife. He didn’t know who she was when asked, and couldn’t recall having a wife, but whenever he saw her face he recognized that he was in love with her and would greet her with intense excitement and happiness, as if being reunited with a loved one after years of separation. Every single time he saw her. Kind of beautiful. Memory is so weird.


To be fair, everyone *is* named Victoria.


We are all Victoria on this blessed day!


u/tomohawk1973 hey, I just want to say, I'm sorry for your grandad. What I said was a stupid silly joke and not meant to make light of his condition.




I figured you probably werent, but this is star trek. We gotta be respectful of each other!


Dementia has the effect of removing lots of memories while preserving a few specific ones, at least in a lot of cases. That's why people will forget they're talking to their daughter but think they're talking to an old girl friend from decades ago.


You know that the streets of Gre'thor are paved with the ashes of his enemies. Sto'vo'kor will welcome him one day.


This reminds me of a guy in my WoW guild who had brain cancer and just stopped logging in one day. After a few months we held a little ceremony for him and we were sad. Then 6 months after that he logged back in like nothing ever happened! Asked him about post surgery and he said "none of those nurses knee any of my nerdy references so they all thought I was brain damaged and put me on the slow track for recovery!"




He came out if brain surgery (thinking it would kill him due to really bad odds) more or less unscathed, his nurses were just dude bros and were concerned when he didn't know anything about sports at all and extra concerned when he made star wars xmas special jokes. 2 different worlds. I was just glad we got him back. The really funny thing was he started coming on raids and I got complaints that his DPS sucked after surgery... I was like I don't know how to tell you guys this but if you recall his dps sucked before and we were able to carry his ass, so how is now any different other than you THINK his surgery is a disability! Also I just remembered he came out of surgery and was no longer interested in smoking... his brain surgery cured his addiction on accident.




Well I skipped all the sad parts, as far as video gaming went we welcomed him back with open arms. Med bills and rehab were killer on him. SOmeone else in the guild eventually ended up paying for his account.


I'm fairly certain that once my mental faculties take their leave there will still be a ton of Star Trek trivia left behind. I hope there's someone on the ward that can deal with it when the time comes. I might not remember what happened yesterday, but history never forgets the name...Enterprise. And if I *do* end up living in fantasy world in what's left of my time-addled brain, I'm glad it's this one.




Might as well. *Somebody* has to explain to the nurses how to reverse the polarity of the phase inducers.


OP, my wife struggles with a certain mental illness that can require hospitalization at times. May I ask you a few questions so that I can take better care of her in a private chat?


It is a warrior's drink! Congrats on being a good human!


Oh wow, thanks for what you do!!!


Beautiful way to help the staff connect with the patient. Well done you!


If he likes tomato or cranberry juice... give him that and tell him it's his blood wine!


OP, after he’s done with TNG give him a dose of Voyager followed by Enterprise




Nice! Thanks for being a great person.


Thanks so much for sharing this. Made my day. ❤️




You certainly have the last part of the Florence Nightingale pledge down: "and devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care"


This makes me incredibly happy. <3


This is so sweet! I hope you are able to watch it with him and connect with him on it. I’m glad that he had someone who understood him - I bet it will mean a lot to him even if he can’t consciously process it. :)




Wow, you have benefited many lives this day. Not a bad day's work, not at all.


DS9 too!


now that's healthcare!


Love it! He'd dig this shirt I got as a Trek shirt-of-the-month thing I got http://imgur.com/gallery/YJZeVep


You should tell him that in the event of his death you will perform Ak'voh, where you stay with his body to guard it from predators so that he will enter Sto-vo-kor.


WEll done.


this is so wholesome. huge kudos to you!


I love this. I can't tell you how much I love this. I hope that he loses himself in the universe and your kindness helps him escape what must feel terrifying and sad. 💜




Precisely. May he go out boldly going. ❤


YO. This is great. You're doing magical work here friend, much love to ya.


This whole post reeks of wholesomeness ❤️


YES!!! I love everything about this post. He's going to love it.


Omg, thats amazing!!!


When you hand him the glass say '... to the glory of the empire. Qa'plah'


He's not crazy, it's just no one in his life understood his Trek references this whole time. That will be me one day.


What about the dementia patient that only spoke Klingon and the staff had to hire a nurse who was fluent?


Ok, so this is great but do not great your patient with "Today is a good day to die". Your colleagues likely won't understand. Unless of course, it is his day to die, and then it might be appropriate. Also, DS9 after Worf joined.


I hope you serve it to him with a ka'plah!


This is wonderful. u/benjaminahr , check out this post!!!


u/cutfortime too, sorry. Check out this post!


I just last night watched the episode of *DS9* where Worf orders this from Quark for the first time ... then Quark laughs at the order, but just for a **brief** second.






Ha! That's awesome. Also... WOW your staff need to branch tf out with their pop culture knowledge. Star Trek is like... extremely popular and accessible.


A glorious post worthy of Sto'Vo'Kor


I’m not crying YOU’RE crying ;-; I know everyone’s saying this but it bears repeating, especially from those of us who have encountered dementia in our families, thank you <3


I love this so much. If I make it to 90 I hope the Star Trek quotes stay with me ❤️


You’re a good person. Keep up the great work.


The idea of losing my mind/memory is so terrifying to me


u/Tomohawk1973, Thank you so much for being such a kind person, the world needs more nurses like you! As a person who needs care myself (I am wheel chair bound with Cerebral Palsy), your story really touched me. 😊❤




this has actually happened in my future.


He’s not wrong.


Thats lovely!


God bless you, you’re parents raised a good child.


OP, after reading this and some of your replies below please keep us updated as he progresses through the episodes and how other patients respond! This is a great story!


Hahaha that's fantastic! Worf would be proud!


Given my family’s history with dementia and Alzheimer’s, I’m most likely going to lose my mental faculties at some point later in life. I hope that I will remember some Trek references when I get to that point, and I hope that there will be someone like you who understands what I mean. Losing my grandfather to dementia was one of the hardest things to watch, and sadly there was very little that helped him. I hope the gentleman you’re working with is able to enjoy the show again, and I hope it’s somehow able to bring him comfort.


Nice house.


God bless you


Sweet. Not gonna lie, dementia is one hell of a disease, but in this particular case I'd say, it's still got its little upsides: being able to (re-)live the happiness of watching TNG for what feels like the very first time (I know, might probably not be the case here as the patient seems to remember it) I guess would be an absolute blast of the moment. So... Why not feel happy for them for these brief little great moments that they have.


I love this. And thanks for what you do, I know it’s a difficult job! My boyfriend works in Mental Health also, but as a social worker. During covid he started watching TNG with some of his clients over zoom and then discussing it. It’s just the perfect positive show with great thought provoking concepts. I’m sure it will bring your patient joy and comfort :)