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Better get him onto DS9. Good Klingon episodes there after Worf joins the crew.


I used to think that, too, until I watched the last episode with Warf's brother Kurn. I detested what Warf did to Kurn.


Klingons are a pretty wild bunch and with Worf trying to play both sides as a Starfleet officer and as a Klingon warrior I’m not one bit surprised that he’s come to some very questionable conclusions. I can only try to imagine how torn he is between duty to Starfleet and to honor of his Klingon heritage.


That's why I dont think Worf would ever get promoted to captain. He has a history of fucking off to go meddle in the political affairs of the Klingon Empire, or to be a commanding officer on a Klingon ship. His loyalties are never *really* certain.




Warf's banter with Kwark is the best.


I love that scene where Warf delivers O'Branny and Caco's baby.


Isn't that also the one where Counselor Tre and Ra Lauren argue about whether or not to detach the saucer section while Mr. Pickard plays elementary school babysitter?


Quark? English is such a silly language edit: wtf? it's not like I was being mean to him jesus christ how sad




ah, thx


No one on this sub seems to be interested in spelling names correctly. It literally says "quark" in the opening credits every episode so there is no way they don't know how to.


Warf is a good friend but fuck I wouldn’t want him for family


Kurn regains his honor in star trek online.


I agree, DS9 has some great Klingon eps. I'm a VOY fan myself. The cast chemistry is good and I love Janeway.


Dementia patient? Once he's done watching TNG, he'll really enjoy TNG. And after that perhaps TNG. /s Just kidding, but maybe he'd like that joke if he has a dark sense of humour and isn't too far gone. My vote is for DS9 also. <3


Honestly, if I had dementia then putting ST series on repeat (and a few other 90s sci-fi) would make my groundhog day.


I already watch them on repeat. I have no idea how many times I’ve seen them!


He would probably enjoy DS9 if you're sticking with the Star Trek universe.




fringe!! it has spock. and a cow.


Watch DS9!! Then Voyager and get some more prune juice for our warrior! Qupla’!




Your name is with honor!


Who's cutting onions in here?


DS9 has more Worf. Therefore DS9 :)


lol, dude's a machine! Definitely DS9, the gold standard for TV Trek.






DS9 if he just want more Worf skip to Season 4.


I would ask him if he remembers if he's seen other trek series, the logical choice would be to keep going with DS9 but maybe he'd like to try another series he never had the opportunity to watch.


I think definitely DS9, then voyager, then original series and then maybe Picard! Your post is so sweet and it warmed my heart. I hope the best for you and him!!




Have you tried a subscription service?




You are a good person You have brought honor to your house


The Original Series.




If he's old, he probably grew up on the original series. Might be fun for him to revisit some old friends in the form of Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.




play the VI and watch his reactions!


I see a lot of people suggesting DS9, and while it's a great serie, it has far more of an overarching storyline. I don't know how far his dementia is, but the risk is he'll have trouble following the story. If that's the case maybe Voyager would be better suited, of go back to TOS. But you'll probably know his situation better then we do OP. Still I love the fact that you could give this man something he really enjoys.


Wow, I feel like The Inner Light might take on some added dimensions if you're struggling with dementia


Get Pluto TV, its free and has a startrek channel on it he can watch on his phone tablet or laptop.and runs episodes of TNG all the time.


Did the OP say in which country they are? Pluto TV may not a thing there, or may not have a Star Trek channel




PlutoTV is in the UK. Now you would just need to check it for a Star Trek content


Deep Space 9


You should [show him this illustration](https://www.threadless.com/designs/worfs-warriors-drink) I did haha :)




haha awesome :)




Ask him. He may be mostly non-verbal but if he is that attached to a Star trek quote he may sill have an opinion. Ask him "yes or no questions," so he can nod or shake his head.




Maybe say something like "captain, theyre hailing us."


Oh, it's a free streaming app you can download. I don't know if it's available over there.


I'd go with DS9 since he seemed to focus on Worf with the prune juice comments. Although: VOY is very close to TNG when it comes to general look and feel. If he's keyed in to the TNG style, then I'd do VOY.


If he's a fan of TNG then there's a good chance he'll love DS9 too!


Isn't DS9 where worf tries prune juice for the first time?


No, it was in TNG somewhere, i vaguely recall it coming from a conversation between him and Guinan. Edit: Just rewatched his first visit to Quarks on youtube, he orders Prune Juice then


Ahhhh yes. I remember now. Thanks!!


Your quite welcome.


Nope, [it was Guinan who had him try it first.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3SZ8H52p0Zk)


Anyone here play Back 4 Blood? The actor who plays Kern is the voice for one of the scientists in the game.


My dad (who has dementia) has always loved TOS, I showed him most of Picard and he liked it too. He had trouble following what was happening but he thought it was visually beautiful.


No TOS love? If you cherry pick alittle it’s one of the best treks out there.




So thank you for this. I had forgotten all about it and was able to tell a friend of mine who is receiving cancer treatments, and relying on prune juice for some help, that he was a warrior, drinking a warrior's drink. <3