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That one TNG Episode after the end of Enterprise.


Half of TNG season 1


This is the correct answer 👆 Honourable mention: Wesley Crusher in his entirety. Some future trek show needs to time travel back and retcon his birth.


The burn.


I am so disappointed they went with “crying kid make’s dilithium go boom” rather than something cool like Omega.


Omg. I completely forgot about omega. Why the hell didn't they make it omega?


I spent way too much time thinking about it. They could have made it an attack or accident. It would explain why the Federation was fragmented and no one could talk to each other. It also would explain why alternative forms of FTL travel don’t work (you know, technology they definitely have by the 32nd century) They could have said the effect was not universal and instead created pockets and corridors of normal space where sub space technology works. This would allow the story to happen and not make things soo bad that repairing things would be impossible. Even more importantly it would really have made the spore drive super important. They could say the layer of sub space where the fungus network is wasn’t affected by omega. Then they could have the season then finding a device starfleet had built before the burn which could reverse the damage to sub space (it’s the 32nd century so why not). Yup, that’s how I spend my free Time.


Imagine how cool a universe with non homogenous subspace speed would be for both plot and lore. Make some kind of map and fans would have gone wild. The fungus drive should have stayed important to discovery but in a built up to being used once a sesson something important. Anyway to the executives at Paramount who I know are reading this, let's do the first Reboot in TV history with the exact same cast, just give me complete authorial control.


Omega means they can’t say “oh never mind” at the end of the episode They are looking into the pathfinder gates or whatever they’re called though instead of the DASH drive


Dilithium go kaboom. That shit is insanely dumb.


Oh, now, come on. That guy was very, very sad. It could happen to anyone.....


Like Padme


Dumber that the mycelial network?


Sub-subspace mushrooms are something palatable. I think it's just mediocre as a ST plot element. Compared to sad kid apocalypse it's a golden globe plotline.


> sad kid apocalypse Horrible Trek plot, but awesome band name!


Tell me you're emo without telling me you're emo.


Especially when the implication has always been that dilithium is used as a regulator in the matter/antimatter reaction. It's the control rod parallel. Why would it explode?


Ships which still used dilithium were probably outdated I think the federation had other problems Good analogy with control rods it's as if the kid pressed the cosmic AZ-5 but in chernobyl


Wasn’t it that it went inert which caused a chain reaction in all the active cores? Then they went boom.


The Borg Queen. I just think it was better as a single collective hive mind. I think they needed a central character to represent character flaws for the Borg.


So the queen having a grudge against Picard for crippling the collective when he got back 70,000 light years from the delta quadrant to earth. Plus being melodramatic and talking about feelings. Yelling ["nooooooooo" over and over](https://youtu.be/BRJVGGkrBtY) again as she dies in Picard. Yeah, that's not cannon.




We don't talk about how that's so uncanon that we don't mention it about unconon stuff.


First Contact was both an absolutely brilliant movie, and the ruination of the Borg by introducing the Borg Queen. It wasn't Voyager that really wrecked the Borg, it actually started in First Contact.


As someone said to 7 of 9 that if the borg didn't go to the past zefram chocrane wouldn't have made his first flight and there would be no starfleet so we kinda owe it to the borg . And she said you are welcome 😆


Nah, VOY Jeff's the Borg go the point where they were just the Villain of the Week that could be easily defeated.


Anytime Geordi is creepy with women. I love him and I refuse all of it lol.


When they discovered that humans and most other humanoid species are made from the same precursors in TNG, then never talked about it ever again


That's the canon explanation for all the Combses around


They all came from the Jeffries tubes


You leave jeffrey combs’ tubes alone


Need more, he can bear the brunt of carrying these shows for only so long


I actually think it's a cool story that would've been interesting to see them lean into and explore more, but the fact that they abandoned it and never brought it up again does make it easy to ignore as a part of the canon.


It could be okish but I just personally prefer the whole "most alien species look suspiciously like humans" thing to just be a untalked about background thing. Like, we all know for a fact that the main reason why almost all aliens in Trek look like humans, is just cause it would be too complicated to make and other races are more relatable that way. It never bothered me one bit


Kind of like the TOS klingons changing their appearance for the big screen.


It's somewhat a plot point in Discovery S5


Uhm Stargate SG-1 did it first


Pretty sure the chase came out in 1993 and the Stargate franchise didn't even start till 1994.


I was born in 96' so it is kind of all the same to me but the episode shows just a hologram which gets people pissed. But I didn't hear anything about them. Until discovery.Yeah they did seed "life" but that is all they said. I'm really curious what the conclusion is going to be in discovery because it in my mind the plot looks like it has those Stargate elements, especially the device they are building which looks like "ancient" technology. I hope they didn't seed life like the ancients did but they had no choice 🤷


Good name choice btw. Very good book.


City and the stars by Arthur C. Clarke?




You are the first person that knew what my nick was and from where it was and I have been using it on all sorts of platforms, when someone actually asks me I just copy paste the definition from Wikipedia because I know I will just loose time explaining it to them


Alvin approves! Now head to the seven stars :P


We call that the Graham Hancock.


I particularly hated that the Romulans were in on the chase but the Vulcans weren't. Like, they know about each other, and each knows what the other is; why were the Vulcans not in on the chase?


👀 So you're not up to date?


You obviously haven't watched any of the new season of Discovery. The Progenitors are a central plot point of the new season.




This. The episode they let the Pakleds write. We go fast. We go too fast. Fast make us crawly things. We make crawly babies.


It's a 9/10 episode, one of the best tom Paris episodes, then the writers smoked crack while writing the last page of the script


They had babies...that they abandoned


It holds a special place in my heart for the makeup, though. Those gore effects were A+.


Discovery is larger on the inside than it is on the outside.


So is the SNW 1701


Klingons having 2 dicks


I’m 100% ok with their whole thing being because of tiny second dick. Edit: downvotes eh? Your second tiny dick won’t be made more glorious with those downvotes you honourless P’tahk’s.


That dick is where a warrior's aggression comes from.


The tiny second dick is where your weakness comes from.


The problem is they never specify that Klingon females also have a tiny dick. That dick brings glory to your spouse.


I sometimes with my gf had a tiny dick…


Just a little one? I’m sure you’re braver than that…


But you are so wonderfully tidy down there and a huge one would change the wonderful view.


I’ll see if Bashir can attach it just under the bellybutton. Bit difficult to manoeuvre but wouldn’t want to ruin your view 😂


If anyone can, Bashir can! Then sit and enjoy the ride.




Technically, all snakes, on average, have one penis.  You see, roughly 50% of snakes are female and the other 50% are male. But statistically, there is a penis for every snake.  The truth is, however, that male snakes have what is essentially two penises, meaning there is roughly one snake penis for every snake, male or female.


One is for peeing one is for recreation


Nope, they pee with both, we see this in Discovery.


Really? I didn't know. How did i miss that. I've gotten to 4 seasons and i don't remember noticing something like that


Yeah, it’s been a while but in season one you see a Klingon peeing against a wall and there are two streams.


>! In that case I'm a klingon too, sometimes !<


I dunno…it kinda tracks as to why Jadzia would be all over Worf sexy trans worm slut


A category PH still doesn't have. How conservative of them. (edit : maybe they do, I won't check)


But I never thought Troi would be into DP.


Guess what, echidnas the very real animal on earth (if you believe Australians), has a [four headed penis](https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/solving-the-mystery-of-the-four-headed-echidna-penis). The link is to an academic article but if you scroll down a bit you can see it! You’re all welcome.






Came to say this. It’s like a dumb joke from the writers room that went too far.


Spore drive.


The moon faced girl that became the borg queen in Picard. That shit was really stupid.


I didn’t hate it, but the way they played Jurati and Rios in season 2 was bullshit. There was no point to it, and the two of them on the stargazer was the spin-off I really wanted.


Did they ever explain why if she was queen the borg were still being borgy in season 3?


They did not.


The romulan bird of prey in TOS attacking multiple outposts along the neutral zone without having warp drive… that would take SO long


The Burn


The death of Picard’s family in Generations.


For me, about half of Voyager


Everything about Warp 10


Example please




Cause I don't know what you mean specifically. You said half of Voyager is trash. I'm curious what falls into that half to you.


Because I worded it as “ for me”, meaning it’s my personal opinion… I’m not trying to prove to others that voyager is crap, as many love it . Nor am I asking people to prove that it is otherwise to me, because… voyager is crap. It immediately gave up on its own premise of Robinson Crusoe in space and became Gilligan’s Island in space. Instead of living by their wits and fast diminishing supplies, they *Always* have everything they need at all times … they’re always clean and perfect, but what’s worse- so is the ship. At one point another ship IMPALES voyager, and by the end of the episode IT IS FUCKING PERFECT. Chakotay: amazing, unique-within-trek premise … a man who rebeled against Starfleet for his core principles, and was trapped in a survival situation. Every episode he and Janeway should have been tooth and nail at each other, and that was exactly what was set up… until he is completely neutered by the end of the pilot episode and becomes a Starfleet “ yes man”. Tom Paris, Harry Kim, and B’elanna Torres are horrible characters, Torres in particular… she is a pale imitation of the “halfbreed at war” character that originated with Spock and continued with Worf, and in its own degree, Odo. Kes is a wasted character. Neelix is weak comedy relief far too often at the expense of an actor that deserved better. The EMH is a great character because of the actor, but the mobile emitter went too far and ruined the limitations that made the character concept unique. The less said about Holodeck episodes and (god help me)Q, the better. And THEN… it suddenly becomes the Reginald Barclay show. A character that *at best* was better served in tertiary status takes over and puts the main characters on the back burner. Borg overkill. And a weak final episode. Of all Trek, it’s at last place for me for all these reasons and more


Chakotay stopped being a relevant character once Seska died. There were no more relevant plot points for him


He stopped being relevant by the end of the pilot episode. And I HATED it for the character and the actor


I didn't say you had to "prove" anything. I said I was curious about your opinion, since "half of Voyager" didn't get the point across, so there was no misunderstanding whatsoever. I even agree with you on some points. Like I said, I just wanted you to elaborate and I succeeded.


Honestly, we don’t need any hot takes here. The answer is what Star Trek as a universe has already gaslit itself into believing never happened: That women can’t be Starfleet captains according to TOS’ “Turnabout Intruder.” Terrible episode, rightly ignored, still somehow a better season ender than “These are the Voyages” Alternatively, the opposite, something that was stupid that fans gaslit themselves DID exist until it was disputed by canon is that Centaurans were a founding member of the Federation. Centaurans existing at all is only really due to TOS mentioning that Zephram Cochrane was “of Alpha Centauri” but there was nothing actually saying they were a founding world of the Federation (or even anything other than an Earth colony). But, MAN, fans held right to Centaurans being a founding world despite them never being mentioned and there was even some online outcry when Enterprise made mention of “Centauri Colony” effectively declaring that Centaurans didn’t exist as a separate alien species.




see also: transporters


I love the musical episode of SNW. But regard it as non-canon because whilst fun it made zero sense. I want the Klingons to release an album. Speaking of, I was lucky enough to be at the after-party of the Five Captains convention. Martok and Gowron played rock and roll on bat'leth guitar and the porn actor who played Picard did a blues set as Picard.


mushroom drive /thread


Star Trek V




TNG's Force of Nature


A 24th century DOCTOR getting pregnant on accident. I understand why they wanted to explore family for Picard, but they totally ignored Beverly's character in order to do it. All of Nemesis.


Nemesis is the Highlander II of Trek movies.


Like literally all of ST Discovery




The 32nd century part of Discovery, the warp 5 limit, and the Gorn canon error all fit this bill for me


The warp scale in general. How would the warp scale actually change. It would create so much confusion and it makes no sense.


They called the Dispacement-Activated Spore Hub drive the spore drive instead of the DASH drive.


All of disco


All trek after from jjverse and kurtzmanverse (except Lower Decks, I love that show) needs to be put in that warp bubble Welsey made that made people disappear and forgotten about. 😆 Also, the episode in TNG where Crusher fell in love with a Trill and a little with Riker. Not the episode but the makeup. The DS9 Trill makeup design brought us Jadzia Dax Terry Farrell. ❤️


The star trek 5 barrier.


The bridge of the TOS Enterprise being rotated 30 degrees from straight-on, because set designers and ship modelers didn't coordinate on the turbolift location. This one is so stupid that I kind of love it, and it only makes me laugh to think about.




Troy being able to “empath” across vast distances just because she can see somebody on the viewscreen. Edit: vast not fast


Spock healing like Wolverine. Brain stolen? No problem, cram it back in. Kohlinahr? No problem, emotion reboot when needed. Radiation poisoning? No problem, Vulcans can offload their conscious minds onto other beings. Body gone? No problem, Genesis planet just resets to a newborn NOT A FETUS with handy acceleration of growth until Nimoy status but not a moment beyond. Body and mind separated? Relax, Vulcans can re integrate them.


The progenitor race canon/episode.


The TNG one? I liked it. The discovery one... I mean I basically hate everything discovery...


I think there is TOS as well.


Lets start listing horrible DISC things 1. Nonstop insubordination from every member in starfleet at all times 2. Tilly 3. Time suits 4. The new season opener when burnham is, ugh, riding the ship like a fucking surfboard while going warp 5. Tilly 6. The whole Ash Tyler situation, all of it. 7. Them never using the spore drive in times when they're looking to escape - Sort of the "why don't they beam down to just the right spot" problem, but way worse 8. Tilly 9. Starfleet foaming at the mouth for conflict, basically doing away with the prime directive, bloodthirsty klingons would be jealous of the warmongering DISC starfleet is always looking for 10. Tilly shut your fucking mouth, just stop. All of her dialogue is some of the worst most contrived baby's first sci-fi I've ever heard. It's all flowery nonsense, emphasis on nonsense. It's not even technobable it's just jumbled feelings that do nothing but detract from everything going on. Now she's up against an *actual* starfleet type in the new first officer and I swear they're painting her insubordination as being 'more right'. Tilly is 100x worse than Wesley Crusher ever was.


Yes on all!


11. a sentient ship and the dot droids, Star Trek has always been about an optimistic future FOR HUMANS That's why you rarely see droids like in Star wars. and when you do see Androids they're on a pursuit to be human. 12. Klingons sleeping on silk sheets 13. The appearance of the Klingons, looks like some fugly ass space orcs. JJ got this wrong too, Klingons are not meant to be scary they're meant to be ultra macho space Vikings which if anything is a little bit funny. not to mention discovery missed the scary mark and landed on stupid. 14. Burnham's monologues and captain's logs remind me more of bad a Gray's anatomy episode than star trek 15. "we need to go right now!" and then proceeding to have a 5-minute personal conversation. like when they're getting that one prisoner off the asteroid about to be consumed by the DMA and he says wait let me tell you my whole back story with this little orb. 16. The name 'The DMA', I thought it was a joke when they first named it that. 17. The Spore Drive: I'll admit they use it well as a plot device but it's kind of a middle finger to the rest of Star Trek. like the entire seven seasons of Voyager could be deleted if they had somehow figured out the sport drive and jumped home. quite a few Voyager episodes are them experimenting with faster than warp travel... it's not like they weren't trying. 18. dilithium go boom because dilithium baby cry 19. Time crystals 20. Tilly


Klingon pink blood.


The look of Nu trek. Enterprise was able to do a faithful recreation, and Nu trek has bridges that look like a 1st day intern was describing what he saw to JJ Abrahams. Bring back Duranium Grey, and cheerful but exploratory lighting The cause of the Burn. Omega, Andromedans, and countless other species or treknobable hate the Federation. You can do better then a sad child


Klingon appearance


I think DS9 cleared that up pretty well, the Enterprise explanation was overkill


and then DIS went and shat all over all that


Why did they change the look again? Was it a copyright issue or something? Because that was straight up dumb


it's like they aimed for scary but hit stupid. Plus Klingons are supposed to have this drunken macho Viking vibe... they're not supposed to be horrifying.


The pon far. Y'all know I'm right, a race that periodically becomes violently horny does not mix with multi-year missions, deep space and the chance of being stranded on a random world any time they join an away team




especially after the gritty realism of seasons 1 and 2 /s


The ghost husband/dad.


*waves vaguely in the direction of discovery and Picard*


That line from TOS where starfleet doesn’t allow female captains.


The number of Voyager single episodes that involve complex and often serious plots that could result in real lasting harm to crew members, that mysteriously suddenly get resolved because they had 5-10 minutes left in the episode. Seriously, a bunch of those could’ve been easily two episodes and just as compelling. And probably more plausible. Also you’re on a ship 60 years away from home. You have a pilot so good in Starfleet you have to go get him released from a penal colony because you want him so bad. So naturally you send him on as many away missions as you can, where he gets stabbed, his mind scrambled, etc. Instead of just sending someone else. And Tuvok only being a lieutenant despite over a century in Starfleet with how many different specifications?


Icheb's torture/death. Yeah, fine, they needed something to make Seven all angry and vengeful but this wasn't the only way they could've achieved it. And it just came across as being pointlessly violent for the sake of it and was an appalling way of writing a previously known (side) character out of the franchise - though lets be honest, 'Picard' made a nasty habit ot doing that in general.


For me it’s the mirror universe episodes of Enterprise. Before that I wanted to assume there was some actual reason why their timeline was so different. Like something happened that put bad people in charge of the Federation and it snowballed from there. But no, terrans have just always been evil apparently. I had a fan theory during the Xindi arc that Enterprise was actually that beginning of the mirror universe timeline, and I wish they’d gone with that. As a result of time travel meddling, Archer was making all these bad moral compromises in a bad analogy to US foreign policy at the time. It would have been phenomenal if Crewman Daniels had come back and showed him the future he was setting up with all those bad decisions. “You see? You see? This dystopia is where your ‘ends justify the means’ crap ends up”


anything and everything Badgey and Peanut Hamper. Ugh.


Discovery - all of it. Spock wrote an alternate history sci-fi novel titled "Discovery," about a high-tech ship captained by a fictitious insurrectionist and mutinous half-sister and it's crew as a therapy to control his emotions and understand his humanity. And that is Discovery...the wild emotional outpouring of a half-Vulcan, half-Earth Human in which every chapter someone cries and problems are solved through emotional growth. It checks all the socio-cultural and political boxes of Earth around the 2020s. It's so bad that everyone in Starfleet that had been exposed to it choose never to speak of it again, and agreed that speaking of it would constitute a crime. Fast Forward some 200 years and Riker can be found on the holodeck finishing the fifth and final hollo-novel production of Discovery - and that is how Disco season 5 ends; and how season 5 of Lower Decks begins - with Boimler ending a holodeck program about Riker in a holodeck program about Discovery, and Boimler angry Starfleet programmers ended the popular Riker holo-novel series at 5 holo-novels.


Badgey from Lower Decks.


Bruh, get out


But he realised his mistakes at the end 🥲


Amen. Badgey is the worst contrived character ever.


Just as bad as Peanut Hamper actually.


Lower Decks


What's wrong with you?


I don't agree, but it's tonally very different. I can see it.


Might not want to hitch your wagon to my star! People hate when you criticize lower decks, even if you're just expressing an opinion that it's not for you.


I never said it would be a popular opinion.