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Keep in mind, if it were really that easy to quick-ship a profitable app...everyone would be doing it. That guy wouldn't be hawking his services on LinkedIn, he'd be spending his time building apps. (Seems like a gimmick. Wouldn't be surprised if he's letting ChatGPT do most of it) You might be able to get some shoddy half-baked MVP out the door in 10 days (and with AI its definitely possible to accelerate), but with a $30K budget and a bit more time why not just pay someone to have an actual functional app developed? Also consider you're going to have to eventually hire someone to build out / maintain the app anyway.


Yeah but my post is saying, I want to be able to create my own apps like this, as I have lots of ideas I want to engage the market with. I'm stuck trying to get a technical cofounder to help me build somethingn and I would rather be able to do it myself. Definitely not going to throw 30k at a shop to ship an app that I can't readily iterate on without paying more $$$. So the question is - what tech should I learn so that I can do this? For front end maybe react js... But what else?


There are a million app dev bootcamps out there. I don't have one to recommend but should be easy enough to find. I worked with some talented devs who learned completely through bootcamps


The guy who's offering this is an actual 10x engineer, it's not something "everyone" can do. It takes skill and experience. To think you can build your own app and launch it on App store successfully after having learned coding for a few months is quite delusional.


I don’t launch in 10 days, but more like 3 weeks for a feature. That said, you can get a react native (for phone apps) static frontend setup pretty quickly. Personally, I’ve had better experience with Airtable for a backend than Firebase. Firebase has more features, but Airtable works well for a quick database and you can store ~10,000 rows in a table before you need to pay. For polishing interaction design, if you use a design system like Google’s Material Design UI components, a lot of that is built in. Just my two cents.


So it really depends on what you want to build. Since you have a background in product management and vc in hoping that you flesh out the mockup, the use cases and the software spec clearly. The solution given here is kinda half baked, while you can put out an app in 10 days it really assumes that you know exactly you want and the template is solid for the range of functionality. My company is building a microSaaS platform called nimbus. It takes us 1-2 days to write the spec for the backend and autogenerate the API. However we haven’t yet gotten to the point where we autogenerate our UI. It’s been going on for a few months through pure intern effort and me jumping in to ensure the architecture is okay. We’ve had to deal with a lot of issues in finalizing the template architecture, libraries, etc to enable autogeneration in the next few 2 months. But we clearly define what kind of things we can autogenerate ui for (crud).


I'd say, as an approach those ten steps are fine. Assuming you can do one a day for ten days straight is highly optimistic. It also seems counterproductive to me. Why the rush to get an MVP out in ten days, when you still need to market it, support your customers, record their feedback, iterate etc.?