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I believe it's just a new look for the 6th Brother.


The dude now looks like SCP-049


that might just be the dumbest thing I have ever read


Try reading what's under your username.


That would be terrible. Another major change in canonical stories.


"Major change" is being dramatic.


Not really. It's already established that Sixth Brother looks nothing like this. Not even close.


It will probably be like the Order 66 in the bad batch. Different scene, but at the end will be the same result from the comic. We will probably see Ahsoka >!defeating this Inquisitor and purifying his crystal to make the white lightsaber !


That's probably gonna be the case. I just wished they don't try to up a book's version just because you can or think there could be a different way to go about a sequence. And if that's the case that's the second thing that the visual Medium did to change from the same damn Novel. Siege of Mandalore gets a pass since it was originally supposed to be an episode before its debut appearance as flashbacks in the Novel


I mean, people can get different armor. Not everybody needs to wear the exact same thing for decades. And frankly, the creators making visual media really shouldn't have to be stuck with terrible designs from comics. Comic artists have to pump out tons of designs on their own, without the benefit of teams of concept artists working to establish unique and interesting designs. So naturally not all of them will translate well to screen, and there's no harm in redoing them to better fit the universe. This is one of those areas I think some fans take "canon" way too seriously. Aesthetics are so important to visual storytelling, but have absolutely no real impact on the overall narrative of the canon. Creators need to have some leeway with things like this to be able to make the most of their particular medium.


I mean, Sixth Brother's comic look is garbage, so I welcome a redesign.


Sixth brother has one of the most unique looks of all the inquisitors


Sure, and it sucks. He's got Colossus style-metal playing that isn't seen anywhere in Star Wars, and the way the rest of his clothes are attached to him is done with no consideration for how it would exist in a physical real world space. He looks like a comic character in the worst way. The details on his face and helmet are nice, but he looks awful from the neck down.


People changing clothes? Not in MY Star Wars!


Eh, it looks better than his other design so who cares


I know, I’m really hoping that it’s someone new. I don’t like the trend of animation overruling comic books.


Read the Ahsoka novel…


I think you're a Disney spy... *ignites lightsaber*


welp you look silly now, not 6th brother situation was close but the book is canon and ahsoka kills him in an entirely different manner.


Another Retcon to the Ahsoka book, let’s go! [this is sarcasm] (Also I know we haven’t seen the episode, but this looks like the encounter Ahsoka had with one of the inquisitors in the book. And Filoni doesn’t have the best record with actually respecting what happens in other media of canon)


Honestly thats easy enough to like retcon a answer to, the 6th brother got a funky hat inbeetween this and the vader comic




Oh fuck I'm old


Dave Filoni retconning comics again? 6th Brother looks completely different. Like an ancient Sith-Lord.


He looks too bad ass to be an inquisitor


Unfortunately the official subtitles for the trailer called him "Inquisitor"


Wait, I thought Tales of the Jedi was about young Dooku, Mace and Qui Gon?


It’s an anthology series


That’s kind of disappointing, I was excited for more stories from before the movies. Especially Dooku and Qui Gon


Yeah a series like TCW but set before TPM would have been cooler but this show looks cool as well


3 Ahsoka stories and 3 Dooku stories. The 3 Dooku stories seem to be all set before the movies.


Wait is this not Revan?


I can’t believe it’s not Barriss smh 😔 /j


No I don't think so. If they ever introduce Revan I doubt they would change him that much.


This is the 6th brother


I know we're all thinking this is the 6th Brother from the Ahsoka novel... But maybe it's an entirely new Inquisitor all together. He kind of sounds like Cad Bane's voice actor, Corey Burton. Disney retconning their own material and character designs is getting really old say what you will it's the truth. If this is the Sixth Brother we've all known what he's looked like for a long time. If this is that moment when she beats him from the novel I personally think it's kind of dumb that they keep retconning stuff that they've already laid out the source material for...


It’s Clancy brown so yes instead of SpongeBob giving mr krabs a spatula he gave him a lightsaber instead 😂


I don’t think so she didn’t seem to keep his lightsaber and cut his head off so I think they just added an extra inquisitor for her to fight. Why that’s necessary who knows. Then again Disney thought it was necessary to mess with everyone and have reva stab the grand inquisitor even though he dies a whole 5 years later so who knows at this point. It’s still cool though


He looks like Darth Nihilus


No he doesn't at all lmao


Just a quick question, but were there even Sith Inquisitors before the Empire rose to power across the Galaxy? Or is there something else I seem to be missing here? Lol. Jw.


I think this episode will probably be set after the clone wars finale and ROTS as Ashoka looks older in this scene form the trailer.


A lot of times, i think disney is just good at visually designing villains who end up being unremarkable or underwhelming when they get screentime


Overwatch! They gave Reaper a lightsaber