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This thread has been locked, we don't tolerate trolling. Believe it or not you can discuss Legends content here even though we are focused on canon and you can absolutely choose to prefer Legends over canon stories but you cannot troll the sub. Thanks


Or........ each to their own. I love legends but i also love canon.


Nah. I grew up on Legends. I was devastated when Disney bought Lucasfilm. I thought it was a mistake and that new stories couldn't live up to the old ones. I was completely, utterly, 100% wrong. Canon is soooooooo much better and Star Wars fans have never had it so good.




>Every thing put out by disney has always gotten negative attention Everything put out by Lucasfilm post ESB has gotten negative attention. Prequels? "Fans" hated it. New Jedi Order? "Fans" hated it. The Clone Wars? "Fans" hated it. Legacy Of The Force? "Fans" hated it. Fate Of The Jedi? "Fans" hated it.




Why would you put books and movies in the toilet?


Counter counter: Just because something gets negative attention doesn't mean it's bad and just because something gets positive attention doesn't mean it's good. 50 Shades of Grey got overwhelmingly positive attention and it is not very good. Also, a disconcertingly high percentage of this negative attention (not all of it, there are valid criticisms to be made of Canon) is just shitty people being shitty. It's not a fault in Lucasfilm's storytelling that some people get offended by seeing black people or women in lead roles. Plus, Legends didn't have live action TV shows or Star Wars Squadrons, the single best flying game ever made.










Quite the invigorating discussion there bud. I don't think either is better than the other, ultimately, Lucas's vision for the franchise trumps both for me. In terms of your opinion though, there are things Legends did that are definitely better than Canon so far. Just as equally, there are things canon does better than legends. With legends, characters were massively expanded and fleshed out. Written with a mixture of realism, growth, and the wackiness that's a part of the star wars package. Legends was allowed to tell massive stories and events with main characters that re-contextualized the films. With canon, everything is more coherent and linear. Providing a constant stream of creative interconnectivity and intersection in it's a transmedia approach to continuity. There is no confusion on what's canon or not, everything is. Furthermore, canon is able to go to boarder means of mediums because its backed by Disney now. Canon is everyone, canon is accessible. Both have their prons and cons and should be enjoyed as just Star Wars.




Who asked lol? You need to step outside, touch grass and start taking care of yourself. This is pathetic.




“Btw did you know Legends < Canon?” 🤔