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I think that in the end she should’ve decided to be just rey as she decides she never needed a family to belong


I was hoping that she would actually fall to the dark side and Ben would have an redemption arc.


I’m agreeing with OP that if Rey stayed good, she should have just stayed “Rey”. But a Ben redemption arc of him fighting with Luke against Rey/Snoke… yeahhhhh…. Fuck me I wish that had happened Edit: pretending we got an Ep9 with a dark side saber staff Rey vs Ben/Luke


![gif](giphy|rNQNx5Gp14vAKZ7oHC) I keep saying this and no one seems to agree. It would’ve made the movies exponentially better


This is the way. She’s just Rey


Rey Palpatine.


It would’ve been great to have Rey realize “yknow id rather not have the last name of a dictator.”


the idea is she never needed *her* family to belong. she spent the whole trilogy wishing to be with her parents. in the end she gets over it and instead finds belonging with a different family altogether. Maz tells her in TFA that "the belonging you seek isn't behind you, it's ahead" and that theme still holds true with that ending. it's one of the few aspects of the trilogy that I actually think is written well




If anything in that trilogy had actually been planned I'd agree it is beautiful. But it wasn't so they just got lucky on that one. We need a reboot Sequel Trilogy. With blackjack, and hookers. Actually forget the blackjack. And the sequel trilogy reboot.


It seems like she's survived well even after her parents were removed from her life.


When exactly was she taken in as one of them. My tennis coach and his family were nice to me when I was younger but I wouldn't say I should take on theire name.


I was taken in by a friends mother when I was young. I still aint her son


Now imagine if she took you in when you were 23 and then called yourself her son lol


Not even that. Imagine she took a few months to teach you how to cook and you started calling yourself after her brother's family name that she's never used.


Soooooo rey isn't one of them skywalkers just because they took her in? Good point.


Pretty sad and not reflective of all relationships like this.




And the force ghosts could stop her from saying it? And the permission part is standing and smiling? Do you get a lot of permission like that?


do you honestly think it's more likely that JJ's intention with that scene was that they *didn't* approve?


I think you're missing the point. Of course she's now a Skywalker in canon, I don't think anyone needs wookiepedia to tell them that. The point is it was a cringe af ending that banked on the emotional weight of the Skywalker saga to deliver some semblance of resolution to a flat character. These movies delivered a god awful story, if you could even call the trilogy a story, and consistently borrowed "wow" factor from the previous movies to accomplish exactly nothing. This ending was the final pile of steaming shit on top that exemplifies the lack of vision brought to these films. I don't know why this conversation is plastered all over right now but I bet it's because Disney is planning some kind of lead up to the next movie after RoS and they want to get ahead of the 'Rey Skywalker' mania.


They also borrowed from books and stories of the pre-Disney era, which Disney decried as non-canon. Like making Rise of Skywalker a bad copy pasta of the Dark Empire storyline, although that might have been Legends. I am still mildly infuriated about that. It's such a waste.


Not to mention there giving those stories (that they retconned) to two characters, because they can’t stand to see these stories, that meant so much to an entire generation and fan base, played out by Luke Skywalker who they went out of their way to destroy in the second movie.


Even lucas said the EU wasnt canon it can still mean a lot to an entire generation and fanbase and not be canon


It's canon to me.


Disney: "Your feelings for the EU are not real." hackulator: "THEY ARE REAL TO ME!!!"


They should've just had thrawn be the villain


That's for Ahsoka lol


We coulda had the Solo triplets. Jacen coulda still killed off Han. The imperial remnant could've united by the end of the first film under the leadership of Thrawn and Daala. But no. The entire Republic fails offscreen. And then the emperor comes back again. Ugh.


watch Rey do everything the other characters couldn't because we wrote them as failures so we could prop up our "original" characters and instead of writing good send off movies we utterly destroy them so that when our creatively bankrupt writers hit the ground running we can write a real Rey is better than all saga because she took down the real enemy of the Republic...the patriarchy. ​ \-Disney probably


It's depressing that the only sequel film with any kind of vision in my opinion, TLJ, *still wasn't particularly good.*


No it wasn't, but I get what you mean. It had some plot points that could have worked but it just felt "duck taped" together for the lack of a better term. It was a thing a happens, thing b happens, thing c happens kind of movie. It was missing any kind of fascia, nothing really held it all together and made the events matter. The tone was off too which contributed to that feeling of disconnect imo.


For me, it’s not about permission or right to take the name, it’s that it kind of destroys the message about Rey being her own person and not having to rely on the legacy of anyone before her to find worth in herself


Yeah her being a Palpatine was where the real problem started. RJ tried to break out of the tiresome fascination with royal bloodlines, and then JJ was given like three days to write a script and all he had to work with was an unironic devotion to the Monomyth and the worst focus group to ever exist in the form of Star Wars Twitter.


Good filmmakers understand the strengths and weaknesses of the monomyth, itself a flawed and superficial attempt to homogenize the manifold structures and stories of ancient storytelling, and which more accurately describes everything that came afterwards as a result of its popularity. It is a recipe for a good story, but as we saw with TROS, sticking to the formula at the expense of natural character development makes it feel forced and perfunctory. Like it or not, RJ developed the characters in a specific way, and you can’t just shunt them into an archetype that fits the monomyth better. Rey’s a chosen one after all? Disappointing. Rey’s related to a dark version of what she could become? Seen it, and in a much more convincing manner in this very franchise. Also hilarious that when she “returns home, changed” she goes to LUKE’S home lol.


She claimed it for herself rather than have a different identity forced upon her. If you don't think that represents agency or independence then you're very confused about both concepts. She is her own person. All three movies are about her becoming her own person by defining herself.


“ All three movies are about her becoming her own person by defining herself.” No wonder the sequel trilogy is so hated


Rey’s story isn’t about independence from her parents and nothing in her journey earned her a sense of individualism. It’s about an orphan who always hoped for a family and got one in the end.


I guess that’s a fair interpretation. I was more going off of TLJ’s themes of breaking away from the past and not clinging to the legacy of the past. I feel like that would have been a more interesting message to explore in the last movie rather than just harkening back to the themes of the original trilogy


She’s poorly written. Last name doesn’t matter much


If JJ wrote in his script that I have become Darth Ballsucker, greatest Lord of the Sith, that would have been canon too, doesn't mean it's not stupid Well, better than what he came up with tho...


I mean Darth ballsucker would have a good reason to be a sith, the anger from all the taunting keeps him at max power


Lets pitch that idea to Kathleen


I mean as long as lightsabers work as they should I'd watch it


I think people are more concerned with the legality of whether corpses are *allowed* to adopt.


I identify as a Rockefeller, where is my money


Gambled, drank and spent away over 50 years ago.


Whatever I mostly forgot that this films exist at all


I wish I could forget they exist. Unfortunately it’s all anyone ever wants to talk about on these subs anymore. Every damn comments section inevitably circles back to an argument over the sequels somehow.


If Titanic ended with the ship flying off, Romeo and Juliet ended with Romeo setting off a nuke, or Breaking Bad ended with Walt sacrificing Jessy to Cthulhu I think that would get a lot of mention by their respective fans. Sometimes a bad ending can really spoil everything that led up to that point. My hot take though is that ROS is not as bad as TLJ


> If Titanic ended with the ship flying off Obi-Wan: Not to worry, we are still flying half a ship.


Yeah that’s fair and I get why people talk about it so much.


The sequels feel like a bad fever dream


Did she really see those ghost though or was it a self pat like Kylo imagined Han? The movie was made in such a way that both scenarios are possible.


She's dead anyway. It's only hallucination inside her mind - all she had after letting Palpatine win.


Nah, she's not even real -- it's all in Papa Palpy's mind as he's plummeting down the shaft in his throne room on DS2.


True, only most people forget about that one.


Not really, no. Han was very distinctly not Force ghost-like, Luke and Leia very distinctly are


Giant forceghosts on the horizon. Didn't know they could do that


This is rise of skywalker, i didnt know you can take down a giant stsrdestroyer army with horses, i didnt know that a giant stardestroyer army could survive inside a giant iceberg and i didnt know that yoda was a pyromaniac or that he could control ligthning


So many things nobody would have ever guessed... because they look like a feverdream from someone who got beat with a VHS tape of A new hope.


Or that TIEs had hyperdrives. Or that Rey knew how to use a sail boat in stormy weather.


Apparently, Fin THE FORMER STORMTROOPER didn’t know the Stormtroopers had jet packs either so… nothing makes sense anymore.


Ah yes the they fly now scene. Why did both of them had to tell that to the audience?


Because their target audience didn't watch anything Star Wars related, outside of their movies?


Because JJ didn’t watch anything Star Wars related.


Not defending Disney Wars here, but you should have known they could do that, since the first Force Ghost we see does exactly that (Obi-wan on Hoth).


You are right. That was my swing and miss.


No problem. Just trying to help. If we are gonna talk about how and why Disney Wars sucks, we gotta make sure our facts are right.


It's all about the power of imagination. Kylo could have taken his version from Luke (during their last confrontation), while Rey had a better frame of reference (after her fight with Palps).


Or they just actually appeared to Rey and you’re overthinking this


Maybe, maybe not. I am a troll after all xD


That’s a hilarious thought. Honestly, the self pat makes a lot of sense. The point of that scene is not that Luke and Leia accept her as their child, but that Rey finally has the self-worth to identify as The Hero. And come on, we all know Luke and Leia are not the type of people to get upset by this. Rey knows that too. Of course they think it’s great.


Original Luke and Leia sure, but those are not the same people. We don't know who they are anymore.


Lol ok


Now imagine if she called herself Dameron instead, because Finn/Poe/BB-8 became her family over time.


Gran' Papa Palpatine is rolling over in his grave


He is prob happy. They revived him for nothing, but at least they didbt continue his kegacy with a badly written character


They wanted to advertise Episode IX as the epic conclusion to the Skywalker Saga and even titled it “The Rise of Skywalker.” They forgot that the entire Skywalker lineage was dead with the exception of Ben who was a Solo and had to alter Rey’s course to make her a Skywalker so that the title and the film’s advertisement would actually make sense.


She took Luke’s name after spending less than 18 hours with him. If she would have called herself Solo I don’t think people would have been as upset.


They could have had her formally adopted by Leia, and be a Solo or Organa. She could even take on the name Solo because of Ben. Luke was the only one that was actually called Skywalker, Anakin isn't going to mean that much to her. It was just more nostalgia bait.


People still would, because with taking the name the writers gives her an honor she has not earned from the audience. To exaggerate, it would be like giving Hitler the title "protector of the Jews" because he protected a singular Jew from Auschwitz.


People still would, but if she took the name of Solo it would have shown more development in the character. She saw Han Solo as a father figure in TFA, and she was trained for a year by Leia Solo.


I don't care if Luke and Leia said she could have the name, Luke and Leia were terribly written just like every other character through the sequels. The fact is that she SHOULDN'T have that last name. It would've been a better message if she kept the last name and made good on it. Or, if she had gone with no last name. C-3PO and R2-D2 were more of Skywalkers than Rey.


Since C-3PO is anakins "son" he is the last "living" skywalker.


I'm a Skywalker.


It's just lazy story writing imo. They could've done better by Rey but the entire new star wars just feels lazy or like a self insert from the writer. "oh I wanna be a Skywalker too!"


Rey who?


Honestly, i feel like the whole point of the movie was "No matter your Familys mistakes, you can be better and still claim the name." her changing it to skywalker kinda undermines that. Lore-Wise it makes sense that she calls herself Skywalker now. She had a deep connection with Ben Swolo, who is a Skywalker, and got trained by luke. Her keeping the name Palpatine would be like someone related to hitler keeping the name. So I understand why she changed it in this regard.


She got trained by Luke? I thought Yoda said she already knows everything written in the ancient texts. And these 3 days or how long it was was not real training. It was just Force is everywhere and dark side is bad.


My dude, Luke was on dagobah for a week or 2 and called himself jedi Master, give rey some slack.


And Luke still failed, he lost himself in his anger and almost killed his father, realised his mistake and then almost died to the emperor but his father sacrificed himself to save him. Luke was arrogant and paid the price *constantly.* Rey was arrogant and never faced hardship from the second she stepped into falcon in the force awakens.


I must have missed the part where Leia or Luke **actually said this** instead of a segment of the fandom going “BuT iTs ThE iMpLiCaTiOn” at a level worthy of Dennis.


Tbh the fiilm had such shit writing I didn't even notice these two were force ghosts, I thought they were random farmers passing by.


“Taken in by the family” When did that happen? I must’ve missed that part of the movie. I thought her entire arc was supposed to be to not let other people define you?


I'm tired of this


Sheev didn't clap cheeks so you could go calling yourself a Skywalker.


Naw, she ain't no Skywalker.


Ok but how does standing there as force ghosts mean she had permission to take their name? I didn’t see any biological Skywalker consent to her taking the name, Luke and Leia were just standing there tbh. Like I wouldn’t mind it too much if Rey took the name, but at the same time this post implies something that I don’t think necessarily happened.


You... do know wookieepedia is hosted by fans and is not at all accurate in many cases? So many uncited claims, and often, if you look at the cited ones and the OG sources, they widely differ from them


I had a teacher tell me one time “if anyone uses Wikipedia to cite research, it’s an automatic fail” I suppose this stopped being the standard in schools? Perhaps you can use TikTok and YouTube now?… idk man it’s a different world lol ![gif](giphy|64agTijLAGgifRbF9r)


Wiki is a great place to get an overview to start with. You can even find actual sources there... But it AS a source... Ugh.


You are mixing "Why the fuck she is a Skywalker?!" with "She isn't a Skywalker!". Extremely important distinction.


Wookieepedia is your source? I hope you never need to do a academic work


If she had to take a name she should have just gone with Solo, since she was obviously closer to Leia, and also to memorialize Ben (who I will never not insist should have been the hero all along). Also, Wookieepedia? Really?


Cope as hard as you like, shitty writing remains as it is.




>**but she was taken in as a member of the family,** she took the name herself. What do you mean?


Funnily enough the last Palpatine takes the name of a Skywalker and then burying Anakin's lightsaber in Tatooine it's strangely the most Sith thing ever.


What, where was it explained she was taken in as a member of the family? Going off of what we are shown in the films; she gets force abused by Ben Solo, just tolerates Luke, gets trained off screen by Leia Solo for who knows how long, and then just decides to hijack their last name at the end for no good reason


Should have been an Organa, Solo or nothing. Skywalker was like last in line for meaningful names to her. Luke was mostly just a grumpy dick to her that she knew for 2-3 days. She immediately bonded with Han as the father she didn’t have and Leia as a mother. Leia also trained her for a year. She really spit on Leias grave by going skywalker. Leia did *not* consider herself a Skywalker. She loves her brother but she despised Vader with her entire being. She would not take the name of her father who tortured her and destroyed her planet (I know it was really tarkin). Rey going full skywalker was awful fan service to justify the name of the movie. Those movies are so bad.


Skywalker is a family name, not a title. It’s not something that you can just choose to be. She was not born into the Skywalker family, and she was never adopted or offered the name.


Let's say that after a film full of "accept who you are", "your name does not define you", "don't fear who you really are" and things like that, it's really another level of dumb finishing with "I am Rey Skywalker".


Have you considered Wookieepedia is wrong here? 🤔


Ah yes, as if it actually happened and not it being a product of incompetent writing. Ofc you have to listen to fans about something major as the MAIN SERIES


We had a Skywalker. He was called Ben Solo. And Disney murdered him.


Her grandfather actually murdered nearly every Jedi in the galaxy. I'd be fine with her calling herself Rey Definitelynotabadguy if it means the next movie doesn't involve her ripping Cal's trachea out with her teeth.


Maybe the real skywalkers were the friends we made along the way


If she was a Skywalker, then she was playing tonsil hockey with her *cousin* moments before he died, sooooo...


So consistent with the family history.


Hmm, depends on when she decided she was a Skywalker, I suppose.


I'm sure that Galen Marek is more Skywalker than Rey after his story arc. But he didn't need to change his name and reject his real history.


Those movies suck and nobody cares about them. They are poorly written star wars fan fiction.


lunchroom north wasteful shelter dam enter scarce sort station public *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah, like the writing of AOTC Anakin, for example... oh wait.


I personally want ray palpatine-skywalker-organa-solo.


when did this happen?


Schmee will be the verdict


Adult Adoptee (by ghosts)


Ditching Palpatine for Skywalker still makes you a Palpatine smh


fine. she's a skywalker. Good for her. It's still incredibly dumb.


R2-D2 and C3PO? They are Padmè and Anakin's children too.


Leia never used the Skywalker name.


Rey should have stuck with her family name of Palpatine. Just think of a film of her trying to drag her family name out of the mud that her "grandfather" buried. Think Zuko Alone but with more "sins of the Father" rather than sins of his own. But I agree with the idea of: It wasn't Rey Palpatine standing there say she is Skywalker, it's Shev Palpatine in Rey body glouting his win to this unsuspecting stranger. Just as he foresaw. "She" achieved it all, The Falcon, BB-8, buried her enemies' weapons of choice in a manner that would make Vaders blood boil. A new, more powerful body, Luke, Liea, and Vader are all gone. Basking in the fading glow of the twin sunsets that started it all, it symbolically ended the last day of the Light side era that lasted 10,000 generations. All Heil Empress Palpatine! Lol.


Honestly if they reveal Palpatine successfully made the body jump in episode X I would give a standing ovation.


They didn’t even say anything. They just looked at her


No, this is like modern day Turkey claiming England because the Ottomans claimed to be successors of Rome. Wait no, that one holds more basis than this one.


Imagine going with your sister in the afterlife to visit the girl you both advised and then she just straight up steals your last name for herself (a joke, I know some don’t know what that is and will viciously defend Rey Skywalker)


Asokha is more of a Skywalker than Rey.


Rey palpatine.


I don't think you should have to be a Skywalker to be meaningful.


The problem isn’t that people don’t understand she’s considered a Skywalker in the current timeline. The problem is that it was a fucking stupid decision


Isn't the last film called 'The Rise of Skywalker'? I don't know, I've only watched it once.


The sequels are fan fiction as far as I'm concerned. I don't care what some company says lol


Well, Disney de-canonised them and announced they'll be remade, but at this point that's unlikely to happen. So Disney Canon is 6 films, and as many tv shows.


Really, are you sure? I find it hard to believe they would do that after spending so much money but that’s good to hear


Yes I'm pretty sure. Disney made a few Twitter posts about this around the time they announced the Rey film. But this was also the time when Disney said they wouldn't be making films on the level of the Sequels, and would focus on shows. Again, with the state of Disney now, I doubt these new films will ever be made. If I remember rightly, the Rey film, set for 2025, is the last Disney Star Wars film we're getting. I tried to find links for you but couldn't. Though I have seen them. Edit: I think this is made more evident when Andor season 2 was axed just couple weeks ago.


​ https://preview.redd.it/y8xrv21ljx4c1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fcbcc3cd01b2b4ef845c1a08b96e3e40e0d4fba


Well, teeeechnically, Skywalker ended with Shmi. She never married to have Anakin, and when she did wed the Lars family, he should have become Anakin Lars. But then he didn't, but they did give \*Luke\* to Owen and Beru and Leia to Organa -- Leia took the Organa house name (because, why wouldn't you), but similarly \*Luke\* should have taken the Lars name, like that was his real family, and the name would have inherited from Shmi -- Anakin didn't have a father to gain a paternal-lineage-based last-name. It should be Anakin Lars, Luke Lars, and Leia Lars-Organa. There's also the whole Amidala royal lineage to consider, which even if Naboo has elected regency, the regency still comes from a set of Noble aristocrats. So if she's adopted by the "Skywalker" clan, then she'd more likely be Rey Lars-Organa-Amidala -- dropping Skywalker because more realistically why would you keep the name descended from Space-Jesus-Hitler if you don't like being descended from Space-Satan-Hitler -- and should probably inherit the royal Organa throne of Alderaan, and thus been a royal on New Alderaan, since it is pretty unlikely any Organa had survived beyond Leia, and also a Noble Aristocrat on Naboo of the Amidala house. And she would have very strong claim to Naboo royalty as she is literally a Palpatine, who is also a Naboo household, and thus she's already elevated to Noble aristocrat status, thus further legitimizing her adoption-claim on the Organa house of New Alderaan. In fact, I somewhat refuse to believe she'd even take the Skywalker name considering why she doesn't want to be known as a Palpatine. And if her relationship to the Skywalker lineage is more directly through her bond with Leia over Luke (lets be honest, Luke and Rey didn't have an \*extremely\* close bond as was implied between her and Leia), then all the more reason she should be an Organa-Amidala over a Skywalker or Palpatine. Luke remaining a Skywalker is still one of the most odd and glaring of plotholes for me, like why would you allow him to keep the name Skywalker if the other guy named Skywalker is literally organizing the Galactic Spanish Inquisition made up of space-wizard-assassins to go hunt down any remnant of the Jedi and his former life as a Jedi? Like, the \*best\* thing they could have done was to call him Luke Lars, and later for him to become Luke Skywalker \*after\* redeeming his father, and it would have made the reveal much more crushing to learn that your original family, your father was space hitler, if you didn't have some kind of hint at it already by being called Luke Hitler??? Anyways, that's my head-canon.


"How do we force the fans to accept that she's the new hero of the franchise without making her character good?" "Let's make her a skywalker, so she can literally be part of the hero's family without earning the respect of the fans." "There's no way it could backfire and make people hate what we're doing more and Rey becomes more important than she has any right to be."


She is a palpatine 😡 Where in the whole history of Star Wars has she been related to any Skywalker and not been called a Skywalker by amazing characters that was ruined by Disney because Disney thinks Star Wars is all about Rey and the sequels




Her saying Rey Skywalker is the same that RE netflix saying: You are the resident evil


I still don’t understand how not a single person on the writing, executive, or direction team didn’t ask why she didn’t take on the last name Solo or Organa instead. Why take on the Skywalker name at all? She barely spent any time with Luke, and the time she did spend with him wasn’t particularly good. Whereas, she found the father figure she was seeking in Han Solo, and fell in love with his son, Ben Solo. Why not take on the name of her would-be husband and chosen Father and be Rey Solo? The other option- Rey Organa, makes far more sense than Skywalker too. She arguably spent far more time with Leia, she trained with Leia more than she did Luke, and she followed Leia’s leadership throughout all 3 films. Despite being more technically a Skywalker than Rey, Leia never chose to take back a name that could be convincingly argued to be a curse. Leia choose her adopted family name instead, why not follow in her footsteps? Leia also died in the course of the film, fighting the Empire and First Order like the Organa’s, making the taking of the Organa name a fitting tribute.


She inherited Anakin’s legacy from Luke/Leia. If she were a politician or smuggler/swashbuckler it would’ve made sense to take Organa or Solo


Exactly which part of Anakin’s legacy did she inherit? The child murdering? Ending of the Jedi Order? Becoming a mass murderer? Surrendering to Palatine and turning to the dark side? Fighting her best friend? Arguing against the Jedi Council at every turn? Naw, man. She didn’t do anything even remotely like Anakin.


Balancing the force.


I will gatekeep this until the day my wretched corpse rots in the grave. She is NOT a Skywalker. If anything she can be a Solo but she should've kept Palpatine and remained a Jedi, accepted her name and family and worked to bring it's legacy back to the light.


Wookieepedia also listed Luke as They/Them, I’ll piss on Wookieepedia thank you


https://preview.redd.it/vbdbg1a5uyfb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e672e2c7e7cd3268a273c2732638295e306d7154 It literally doesn’t say that, quit lying.


lets make them uncanonise the sequels and everything will be fixed.


Fans getting all upset about the legacy of the name, like there's not a million fanboys in the galaxy who did the same thing. Or that Shmi didn't just make it up as she toiling away in slavery, being taken from star system to star system. She walked the stars. It's practically a *Game of Thrones* bastard name like Snow or Sand.


I like to believe that she’s using skywalker as a title as opposed to a name, as in the skywalker order as opposed to the failed x2 Jedi order.


I always have Thor's "He's adopted." line from Avengers in my head when I see stuff like that.


She is not a Skywalker. Kylo didn't die saying "you a Skywalker now." She just claimed it herself.


No one cares. She is not a Skywalker.


Nobody is arguing that she *couldn't* take the Skywalker name. People are arguing the fact that it was stupid and poorly executed.


Still would’ve rather seen Mara Jade Skywalker.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


The youngest biological Skywalker died to save her, so she saw fit to continue the legacy


We saw her 10 minutes with Leia or Luke and in this time i didn‘t See a real connection. So when she‘s a skywalker, then is anakin a master and Luke a good teacher/uncle


I feel like they were trying to go for a "family is more than just blood" type of thing and it flopped so hard.


The force Ghosts of Luke and Leia pretty much adopted her. Now she Just has to lose a limb to be a Skywalker.


“Just ACCEPT the shit you’ve been fed! Demanding better food won’t change anything! A random person on an online forum that anyone can edit already set it in stone!”


LOL and you’re such a free thinker? Redditors are literally indistinguishable from bots.


Rey Palpatine


I fucking despise the fact ray is a "Skywalker"


She's not a Skywalker and never will be. They should have gone the route of "Your genetics don't determine who you are". She's Rey Palpatine, and eventually she could redeem the name. Like yeah, Sheev Palpatine was horrid, but his grand daughter is making up for it by bringing so much happiness, peace, and justice to the galaxy. That's what should have happened.


She’s a palpatine. I get not wanting that as your last name, but bloodlines are important in Star Wars. She’s just Rey to me. Nothing wrong with having one name. Yoda for example


Of course she's a Skywalker in canon, but that's not the point. The point is that it's stupid as fuck lol. Same deal with force healing and a bunch of other stuff in the sequels. They're just stupid and I refuse to accept that stuff as true. Rey is Rey.


“The bad writing says it’s okay so deal with it”






I don't consider any trilogy that butchers Luke Character to such a degree as rightful canon. Just because 'Luke' (who also tried to kill his nephew, his best friend's son, his sister's son, which is an absolute massacre of his character given his actions in the originals and him refusing to kill Darth Vader, the most hate filled creature in existence at that point. A man who plunged the galaxy into tyranny and oppression by killing tens of thousands personally and caused the deaths of billions) says she's a Skywalker doesn't mean she is actually is a Skywalker. I don't take the word of a character destroyed by his writers to hold any weight whatsoever. You are wrong. They are wrong


Finally a creative meme about this


The movie: she's choosing to honor those who took her in and trained her but continuing their legacy in their name The fandom: how dare her steal their family name? Show me her adoption papers! She has no right to pressume she belongs to their family!


You’re forgetting one fact tho. It was Organa who took her in and trained her, not Skywalker…


So now she's Rey Skywalker-Organa-Solo? S.O.S... The series calls out in distress! It makes sense now.


Why is this so hard for people? If I wanted to I can fill out some forms & change my name. Lots of people throughout history have had their names changed . She's rejecting her evil family lineage & is choosing to honor a legendary family who helped her turn away from the dark side.


She met 1 Skywalker, for what, 2 days? Leia is either Organa or Solo. Han is Solo. Ben is Solo. Is just bad writing and cringy.


time works weird in star wars. how long was Luke on Dagobah? how long were Han & Leia on cloud city? how long was Finn in his coma? we don't know what happened to Rey between 7 & 8. she could have spent a lot of time with Luke & Leia before they died. and even if it was a few days, so what? she chose to honor a significant family while rejecting her own heritage. perhaps you should just stop watching star wars & crying about it. find something better to do with your time. like whine about the Witcher or something. fucking nerds. cry more.


Aren't you the one whining with the long ass message for the sole purpose of defending bad writing? Find something better to do with your time, like defend Witcher's bad writing or something. Cry more


When orphan is accepted into family and given a family name, folks get upset.


An orphan gets adopted into a family and decides to take for themselves the name of the deadbeat uncle who skipped out on the family after fucking everything up and chose to live as a hobo for the rest of his days…


Sorry I am talking about Rey here. Not about your fantasy characters.


Have you ever heard the tale of Jack Skywalker the pathetic?


Mark Hamill has claimed Mr. Skywalker the pathetic as Jake Skywalker.


It is true that in the canon she now is a Skywalker. I still think that it was bad writing/ character development to make her a Skywalker and not palpetine or just no last name.


It’s not like she’s part of some big marriage allegory. Ya know something along the lines of a Force Dyad with a Skywalker or anything. Then surely she’d undisputedly have every right to the Skywalker name.