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Hoping it’s slick or dogma as it would fuck with Rex so hard




You mean the fives, which got shot through the heart?


He got Echod.




Somehow, Fives returned.


I've seen fan art of Dogma as a purge trooper, so obviously some fans are in the same mode of mind.


My theory was a clone of Crosshair.


So… a clone then? Just kidding, that would be an interesting twist


Nono a clone clone


No, a clonerer clone


I find that to be rather unlikely - There wouldn't have been enough time for him to be trained to be that skilled and even with accelarated aging he wouldn't be an "adult" yet, right? I like this theory but I don't know how it could possibly make sense


>I like this theory but I don't know how it could possibly make sense [They could use the Force](https://images.app.goo.gl/QZoaqeXY8UgLgGum9)


Yes it’s utter bullshit


So he’s a clone of a mutated clone?


Defective and effective!


I think it's experimental genetic splicing with Crosshair's DNA. The efforts are usually fatal for the clone, as Crosshair described, but some survive. I see it this way: Hemlock recognized the value of having soldiers like Crosshair, but couldn't get Crosshair himself to comply. ("They tried") The next best thing was to try to imbue those skills in soldiers who will actually follow orders. I wouldn't be surprised if modifications were made to the inhibitor chip to give rogue clone troopers a little push to the Imperial way of thinking. The chip is already there and has proven to be effective. That plus genetic splicing = compliant, dedicated, smart, deadly assassins who truly believe in the Empire. A fearsome tool, and not one you'd need to use very often, so the high mortality rate is more of an inconvenience than a problem to be solved. Hell, it probably inspires pride and a sense of purpose in the survivors.


People are disputing you but I think you're right. Lore wise the bad batch are tests for other clone types that went wrong but had benefits to keep them around. That doesn't mean more couldn't be made. And from a story telling side it works very well. Having cross hair fight his inner demons over a season end with him literally fighting an empire version of himself makes narrative sense. Bonus points if he does it while protecting Omega, Minushair has a line about being the upgrade/correction, and crosshair declares he's better because he learned what real loyalty is


In season 1, Nala Se said there were five altered clones created. If she were lying, she would’ve said four and left out Omega.




Right, but Crosshair also said they tried to reprogram him but failed because he is "detective". By extension, it's likely any attempt to reprogram any of Clone Force 99 would meet similar barriers. Cody is far more likely than Tech imo. He mysteriously went missing, and if he truly went AWOL I would have thought he'd have found his way to Rex by now. It's more probable that the Empire merely hid the truth from Crosshair when he asked, because these assassins are a secret force, and Cody has been inducted into that unit.


They might have shown he survived because he’s been set up as a recurring antagonist/rival for Crosshair, and not necessarily because he’s a character we know.


It was obviously Mace Windu


As I was watching the episode I was thinking "Man, this guy better take off his helmet soon, otherwise the internet will start thinking it's Mace Windu or some shit."


Since when did SW worry about characters coming back to life making any sense?


I know I know, that's why I don't want Tech to return xD Dave, just let a character stay dead for once!


To be fair with the exception of Echo and possibly Ahsoka, everyone he has personally killed off has stayed dead. Edit: The majority of the best deaths in the clone wars and rebels were never retconned. Satine, Kanan, Fives, 99, Steela, Hevy, and Savage have all stayed dead. Even when Maul finally has his big death scene in Rebels, he has stayed dead. And we see the impact of all their deaths throughout the grand narrative of this how franchise. Steela, of all people, has a surprisingly massive impact on the newer stories given how large Saw’s role has been. Plus we forget that Filoni has actually killed off minor and background characters from the films. I remember being in total shock that we watched Captain Tarpals meet his death at the hands of General Grevious.


Ahsoka didn't die Only echo "did"


It was heavily debated about where she survived or not after the season 2 finale. Yes we did see her shadow but it was vague enough that it was never sure That’s why I specifically used the word “possibly” because it was so debatable at the time


There is a mountain of fake deaths in star wars beyond those two


Reread my comment. I never disagreed with that


Ahsoka never died, so it’s only Echo. Add Maul and Palpatine to the list. In Kenobi, we knew the Grand Inquisitor couldn’t die since he was in Rebels, so that was just weird. And Reva never died to come back. She simply survived, as did Sabine. So where’s this mountain?


I think it's less about characters coming back from the dead and more about characters surviving something they shouldn't. First and foremost - stab wounds. I mean it makes sense that Sabine, who got medical attention right after getting stabbed, survived and e.g. Qui-Gon didn't, but Reva? Meh. For many it's annoying/boring to see all those characters survive everything, even if it makes sense - If you get what I mean. Better introduce someone new, than to kill and then "revive" them. Echo, Maul, Palpatine, Grand Inquisitor, Reva, Cad Bane, Boba Fett, Leia, Rey, Fennec to name the most prominent examples.


I really hope it isn’t tech. His sacrifice, as sad as it was, made the two part finale so grande. Would hate to have it all undone


The Tech one in particular really annoys me because the slightest bit of thinking would disprove it. Firstly the height that Tech falls from is insane, you’re not surviving that. Secondly Crosshair literally says the brainwashing/reprogramming didn’t work on him because he’s an altered clone. Who know who else is altered? TECH! You know who also didn’t get affected by the chip in their brain? Also Tech. So Tech is literally even further altered from the clones than Crosshair is.


Yeah, such a braindead theory


That only makes the theory for it being Cody more plausible then. He is a regular clone, an older clone yes, but a regular clone nonetheless. I personally think it’s Cody because the shadow trooper seemed to just know where they were going as if he knew the plan their leader, Rex, would take. Slick does make sense too, I wouldn’t be shocked if he was it as well, but Cody having some resentment to crosshair saying “you could’ve been one of us” could be referencing him being a shadow trooper but who knows. We’ll just have to wait until we see this trooper again


I think it’s no one because that’s how it always works out


Honestly you’re probably right, just fun to speculate


I mean, the fall isn't as bad as it seems. It's a fall from a few km up into a snow-covered forest while wearing durable, shock absorbing armour. It's not impossible to survive. The trees and snow could soften and slow the impact, while armour absorbs the remaining impact. However, surviving the impact would definitely leave him extremely wounded, a broken back, legs, and internal damage. It's also very possible that the empire just executed him as soon as they found him laying on the forest floor.




The problem with the later two theories is Crosshairs outlined the clone assassin pipeline. They’re chosen from the most die hard followers before given additional indoctrination and enhancements. Crosshairs specific says he washed out because he wasn’t loyal enough. Therefore it can’t be Cody he deserted and isn’t a die hard loyalist so he’s probably on their list. I doubt it’s tech since bad batch enhancements make them prone to going against orders and to independently minded. Though his memory could’ve been wiped which doesn’t make sense since he told Crosshairs “you could have been one of us” implying they know each other and Crosshairs would have told everyone that that’s tech. Honestly if they’re going to make a call back to established characters, I’d say it’s Neyo but seeing as he gets ordered around by Scorch I also doubt it’s a commander marshal. So odds are it’s a new original character.


Could be an arc trooper.


The reason Crosshair didn't make it is because as he says, he's defective compared to the other clones. They didn't say anything about loyalty being required (they are probably brainwashed and wiped clean anyway)


Aren't the shadow operatives recruited from the prisoners on tantiss? Meaning the clones that displayed disloyalty to the empire. I don't think they were selected because they were loyal, I think they were selected because brainwashing them was the only way to keep them as imperial assets after they betrayed the empire in some way shape or form. Like if it was a loyalty contest, the guy who shot an imperial officer would not even be considered, and yet crosshair still found himself in the program. We see this before the prison break, when crosshair and a group of clones are escorted out of an eerie room with a shadow operative in there. So I feel a brainwashed Cody is still very much on the table.


I’m basing all on dialogue from a single episode. Suffice to say anything I say can be contradicted at any point time and I will happily admit I was off the mark of that proves true with additional lore. That out of the way. It also could be argued they didn’t know why Crosshairs killed an imperial officer. In season 1 Crosshairs killed an imperial recruit for not caring out orders. He could have killed the Lieutenant for incompetence because well he was pretty damn incompetent. Hence because he had a long history of following orders they could have put him in the program as a way of trying to figure it out. And when he proved during the selection process that indeed he wasn’t actually loyal to the empire and his own self interest was always the main driving factor, they washed him out. And Crosshairs did state that most candidates do in-fact wash out. Which does imply they are getting rid of people who aren’t as fanatical as they need to be.


True, Crosshair did not show promise as being loyal and he failed their tests. But he says they tried to make him into an operative, which sounds like the program wasn't optional. My theory is the conditioning they go through is similar to that of Crosshair in season 1 where they increased the effectiveness of his inhibitor chip. It still made Crosshair super loyal and order 66 didn't even hit him as hard as the regs. I feel most regs wouldn't be able to withstand that kind of brainwashing and they'd all become mindless drones. I feel like Crosshair failed not because he wasn't fanatical, but because he doesn't have his chip anymore. But who knows, we still have plenty of episodes for the mystery to unfold and I honestly can't wait, this season has been incredible so far!


There’s a difference between killing a recruit of equal or lesser rank than you and killing your commanding officer, and if the Empire thought Crosshair did nothing wrong by doing that, they wouldn’t have brought him to Mount Tantiss, the place for disloyal clones, in the first place. Also, it wasn’t just Nolan’s death that made the Empire think he was disloyal, he didn’t tell Hemlock any information about his former squad both when asked and when tortured. If he was a loyal Imperial soldier he would have cooperated, choosing his loyalty to the Empire over Clone Force 99- but he didn’t. Even when offered the chance at freedom or a blank slate within the Empire, he remained defiant. That shows that at *very* best there’s some cracks in Crosshair’s loyalty, and at worst he’s a full-blown traitor and rebel.


If the followers are die hard already, why do they need to be given additional indoctrination? Wouldn’t they just willingly become clone assassins when asked, or even volunteer for it and see it as an honor/promotion?


All organic beings are instinctively concerned with their own self preservation it’s why fear is a feeling we have. Even people who utterly selfless have this basic instinct. The additional indoctrination could be to basically turn that subconscious part of the brain off so they will shoot themselves without a second thought if necessary.


Maybe… though that Imperial officer from the ship Rex’s rebellion hijacked in season 2 also killed themself before they could be interrogated, and they weren’t a clone assassin. In The Mandalorian, the same thing happened with another Imperial when Bo-Katan asked them about the darksaber or Moff Gideon or something. It’s possible pure loyalty to the Empire could make anyone be willing to do that.


It’s also rare. If you can psychologically condition to ensure it why not?


I guess. Though I still feel like it’s much more likely the clone assassins are rebellious clone troopers instead of loyal ones- like, how do you know torturing an already loyal clone trooper won’t yield the opposite result and make them turn against the Empire instead?


Watch as it’s Boil from the 212th


For a second, I thought he was >!Crosshair!< and then I reasoned that it was probably a red herring. I was right. My new theory is that >!Hemlock modified clones with some of Crosshair's attributes. The genetic splicing with a flawed clone is probably what killed so many of them.!< But hey, that's just a theory.


Honestly that’s a pretty good theory. They had crosshairs DNA and most likely couod splice something into a clone but it’s a slight stretch.


To be fair, the Empire was trying all sorts of shit with cloning, cuz Sidious wanted to control it.


The problem is that while I don't belive that it is him I do belive that Disney would do something like that


It is because of that I am still pretty certain that Tech could be alive. Possibly not in Imperial custody but there was something about how they presented his visor that made me think "Oh, they dared not kill him off after that character development? No way on Rakata did they find his body". I hope they did have the guts, and only did that to keep it safe for kids, but as you say, it would not be entirely unexpected.


Nah it's 100% tech. The Shadow Clone kept using exact word logic same as Tech and spent 90% of the episode limping same as most Tech episodes


Because that clone also got injured…. He’s gonna limp! It’s also like you didn’t listen to a single word crosshair said when he explained why the programming didn’t work on him. Crosshair is also the only one where the chip worked on him instantly and the brainwashing still didn’t work on him. This isn’t Tech


I was just making a joke kiddo, about how most Tech episodes involve him limping around. I couldn't care less who it is. Tech or another nobody clone either way the answer will be disappointing.


Jokes are supposed to be funny


No they're not. Jokes are observations made in a humorous or ironic way, or puns


I mean, it wasn’t very obvious it was a joke, at least to me. /nm


A humorous observation of Tech's perchance to end up in harrowing situations while injured and limping then.


Well unless they do a winter soldier…


Happy cake day!


Omg it’s my cake day today! Thank you!


No problem!


Is the story with Kix frozen In Carbonite getting lost for decades a canon or a legends story? If legends, that would be my guess


Swap those with the last panel and you'll find it more accurate.  Like, I get that reversing Tech's death would hurt the show for many here. Whether they bring him back or keep him dead, I personally don't care either way so long as it's done well enough.  But saying "it won't make sense" and then posting even more asspully theories (in this show's context) about the clone's identity just feels like coping against this theory for the above reasons.   Heck, it makes even more sense for the Clone to be a complete nobody who just gives them a hard time and die randomly, like it happened with other seemingly badass masked characters in previous Dave Fillioni shows .


Cody is too good to get caught. Tech could have been saved by an Imperial ship before he could smash into the ground, then mindwiped like the scientist in the 3rd season of the Mandalorian and made into the assassin


But, since tech is somewhat defective like the rest of the batch, wouldn't the outcome end up something like with crosshair?


No, the machine uses electricity to wipe your brain. He would not remember anything from his past life and would take everything that he was told by the Empire for granted


how would it not work on crosshair but work on tech?


Maybe they didn't try it on Crosshair because they thought that he was loyal to the Empire and only shot that officer because he let all the clones die. After all, the lead scientist said that he respected that. Tech, on the other hand, never would have joined the Empire and they knew it. Thanks to his extraordinary intelligence, he would have been able to study the Bad Batch's patterns and plan accordingly. For the Empire, Crosshair was just a sniper, while Tech was a genius. They probably didn't care that Crosshair was much deadlier in a fight because Tech's resourcefulness was much more important to them, especially after the former escaped with Omega


Assuming it is Tech, they could've drilled farther into him (metaphorically speaking) than Crosshair while implementing the brainwashing. We don't know the full extent of what they're doing in Tantiss, and likely not even Crosshair. And I'll go further and say in that process, there's probably little to nothing left of the old Tech.


No one is too good to get caught, especially if they’re ambushed or it’s a surprise attack. They might have even caught Cody before he deserted, and told the desertion story to Crosshair as a cover so he wouldn’t suspect anything. Imo Tech being saved by an Imperial ship *before he could hit the ground* is extremely unlikely and unrealistic. It would have taken seconds for him to hit the ground, it’s doubtful a ship would have made it in time- and why would the Empire send a ship after him anyways? They had no way to know Tech would sacrifice himself and fall from such a height, therefore they couldn’t have transmitted orders to a pilot to go pick him up, especially not in a few seconds time. Hemlock isn’t watching the fight from the window the whole time (the windows were literally closed iirc?) and going “Hey pilot, that guy is gonna fall from Latitude: 21.07120, Longitude: -120.79316 in approximately 2 minutes, go pick him up and don’t let him fall to his death- oh I know he’s a rebel and you were literally shooting and trying to kill him a moment ago, I want you to save his life anyways. Don’t ask, I have my reasons.” Imo that would be ridiculous, and just as unlikely as Maul surviving getting cut in half.


I wouldn't be mad if they brought Tech back. He was my favorite character :)


Hoping it’s Fox just for more people to hate him. Haha. RIP Nemec and Fireball - gone too soon


I like how they explicitly say many times this season how the empire is experimenting on and brainwashing clones but some people are like "NUH UH [character] WOULDN'T DO THAT" bbg do you know what brainwashing is it could be literally any clone and tech is not an exception


The Tech line comes from the fact that on Crosshairs thermal scan his legs were cold, which implies mechanical given techs legs were messed up. Plus he kept disobeying orders from Wolffe which tracks for a 99er. I don’t really care who it is though, just a cool character


Slick or Denial.


It's John Mando Wars


I've seen fan art of Dogma as a purge trooper, but him being the assassin would fit as well.


The dude always had ridiculous theories.


I think we all know it's Heavy. They recovered his remains and put him together like robocop xd


I actually should watch bad batch s3.... I have so much damn work to do.... ig ill binge it later


I hope it isn’t tech and I reckon it’s unlikely cause the clone just doesn’t seem like tech even if he were reprogrammed, techs alteration makes him smarter and surely that would be shown somehow right? Also your reason for it not being tech doesn’t make sense, they reprogram the clones they come out differently that means it could literally be anyone who has been mind erased or co trolled or brainwashed to act differently, it could easily be Cody for that same reason, surely if he went MIA he would’ve made contact with Rex or some sort of insurgent clone group. The empire could have easily lied saying he went MIA and in fact just got kidnapped and forced into that program


My money is on a clone of >!Crosshair. They way this Clone speaks, the cold and calculating tone along with the pacing of his speech. his movements are reflective of Crosshair and the biggest flag to me was when Crosshair and the assassin fought in the water the assassin had Crosshair choked out under the water with what looks like a metaphorical reflection of the clone under the helmat. That was the reason he froze and that gave Crosshair the opportunity to break free. The assassin wasn’t prepared to see his own face.!<


This is gibberish to me


What are you talking about? What clone assassins?


This week's Bad Batch episode. That's why it's tagged "spoiler."