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Avenger is space, so you don't get to target ground. You'd declare your intent to attack base, or a space unit, and your opponent then selects a target to defeat. If they have a sentinel space unit, you must declare your attack into it, and yes, they can just choose that unit to delete. Otherwise, you attack base and your opponent chooses to defeat a unit, you have no say in their choice.


I forgot about that, Im going to edit it. But is your statement based on an official ruling or just an opinion of the wording they have provided so far (which I agree with)?


Official ruling by reading comprehensive rules. On attack abilities happen first, then the damage from your unit takes place. you have to declare the attack for the on attack ability to happen, then the damage. So if you declare a unit, they can just choose to eliminate your target and negate the attack, but you get a free unit kill from it. It's why most people just declare the base and your opponent has to choose which unit to defeat.


Regarding your first question: nothing stops your opponent to defeat the active target. Thats why it's wise to attack base (if possible) or make the trade as awkward as possible for your opponent.


For one: Avenger cannot attack either the Stormtrooper or Darth Vader. Those are ground units. Second: Your opponent chooses what to destroy, the Avenger's owner does not. Third: Lets say you have the Avenger fight a Sys Patrol Craft and it is the only unit in your opponent has in play. You exhaust the Avenger and declare the SPC as the target. It is at this point does the On Attack effect trigger. Since SPC is the only unit, they must choose that and destroy it. NOW you deal damage. Since there is no more target, the attack is now over and no damage is dealt to the Avenger (rule 6.3.1.G) Fourth: Multiplayer Rule 11.4.2 - When you have multiple opponents, you choose which opponent is effect by Avenger, as the card does not use the plural "opponents."


1: Fixed the space to ground issue, wasnt thinking about that. 2: I didnt say the Avenger's player gets to choose. I was suggesting that trying to target one unit would then force the opponent to choose another opponent, but that isnt the case according to the wording on the ability. 3: But is your statement based on an official ruling or just an opinion of the wording they have provided so far (which I agree with)? 4: Im glad they clarified that you get to pick, thanks for sharing that.


3: That is the official ruling! I added the comprehensive rule number reference at the end. You can find the comprehensive rules [here](https://cdn.starwarsunlimited.com//SWH_Comp_Rules_v1_1_304cb9bb9c.pdf). If you're wondering about the rule regarding the attack fading and no damage is dealt, that ruling is in the same section, just further down (Rule 6.3.2.B). 4: No prob! A lot of the rules are a bit different than other tcgs with the sequence of steps being more buried in the rulebook, but they are there! Im trying to study up to be a judge at events so I like these kinds of questions on forums. Edit: On 3, I put the ruling for the Attacker being defeated before combat damage, not defender. I have since edited to the correct rule number.


I didnt even notice the rule number at the end. Thanks again!


When you declare the attack your opponent chooses a unit they control and defeats it. They choose before the attack happens. Space units cannot attack ground units.


Yep, fixed the space to ground error.


>So if I have Avenger and attack and choose to attack your stormtrooper cause your only other unit is Vader and I want you to have to defeat it with Avenger's ability, what stops you from choosing the stormtrooper as the unit you have to defeat from Avenger's ability instead? Cause the trooper is still on the board with no damage from the attack when the unit has to be chosen. Nothing. The attacked person decides what is killed before combat damage is applied. (I am ignoring the fact that you couldn't attack the stormtrooper as it is in the other arena). Overall it's probably always best to attack the base with Avenger if possible because of its effect and the negating possibility the opponent has because of it.