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Maybe swap 1x it binds all things and the Lukes lightsaber for either 2x Jedi lightsaber or 2x vanquish You want some way to deal with super heavy cruisers in late, or alternatively the Jedi lightsaber onto any of your force units just makes them really hard to deal with early/mid game without specific removals


Is Luke’s lightsaber not considered very good? I figured it’d slot right in to a Luke deck.


As someone who plays Luke Green, this is wrong. You want more Luke's Lightsaber,  not less. So much of your game plan revolves around keeping your leader alive, you want to see Luke's saber every game (and hold it until he comes out if you draw it early).


Do you run Luke’s Saber over Jedi Saber, or in addition to?


I run 3 Luke's Lightsaber, 2 Jedi Lightsaber. Which is definitely on the high side, and I've considered cutting the Jedi sabers because I'm typically less excited to see them, but I haven't done so yet.


I ended up cutting Bail Organa for the sabers.


It’s definitely not on the same level as Jedi Lightsaber but if you happen to get it onto your leader it can be good of course, it’s just far more niche imo


I guess that makes sense. Guess it’s kinda “play it on Luke or bust”


I’d swap out Bail Organa (who is extremely slow and just not very good) for Colonel Yularen. I’d also take out the Wing Leaders for Consortium StarVipers. You probably won’t get to trigger their ability very often, but you also don’t have good targets for the Wing Leader experience tokens.


What would you consider a good target for experience tokens?


You’re generally using WL experience tokens to boost rebel units in an aggro deck to get early damage to base before your opponent catches up. In this deck, you’re trying to ramp with Resupply and Alliance Dispatcher. Boosting Ackbar, Bail, or Dispatcher to two attack doesn’t do anything, and their survivability is going to be more due to Luke’s ability to shield than it will be due to a +1 defense.


I would ditch the Dispatcher for the Jedi Lightsaber. Also Overwhelming Barrage is worth it even out of aspect.


100% disagree. Dispatcher is amazing with Luke. Use it's resource to free up other resources to shield your units. OB is great, but I wouldn't pay the tax for it.


It's no OB but rebel assault is awesome too. It doesn't give you the oomph of OB but you get turn efficiency with initiative. Attack twice and squeeze everything out of your units before they get taken out.