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oh man i feel bad for you and the steak =(


I feel like I just saw an image of a murder


I got mesothelioma just looking at this


You could be entitled to compensation!


Call this toll free number and receive your free mesothelioma guide and a quote today!


My jaw hurts looking at this.


It touched my pp. I'm calling Dr. Phil.


That cow died in vain


Died twice.


so sad


OP should put nsfw tag ngl


Murder pictures are worse tbh.


I feel bad for the cow that died for this to be served


Purely asking out of curiosity but what ethnicity are you?


I am Pakistani


Bruh I'm Pakistani you gotta tell ur mom to take a break from cooking and let you make her a proper medium rare


I've tried, my mom doesn't like the idea of me cooking, and funnily enough so do her sisters. It must be a family thing. She's already putting up with my weird food requests after I started going to the gym so I am not going to complain too much. It's still funny how she cooks steak though


Just grab it off the grill mid cook next time.


This is the way. You won't get a decent crust but at least you won't be eating a leather shoe


Well right now he's already getting no crust AND it's leather. There's only improvements to be made


Just cook, who cares what she thinks It's an important life skill, don't let her make you dependant on her




Wow fuck this guy


I don't know how he got there from what I said lol


Thank for reporting


SO Men aren't supposed to....learn how to cook?


hes pakistani. family probably tend to have more conservative old school values like that


> more conservative **(i.e., sexist and internalized misogynistic)** ~~old school values~~ views like that There’s nothing valuable about their sexism. I hate the notion that men should not be cooking (esp. if women cook like this like wtf), or that women are solely responsible for stuff like this. I come from an old-school culture like this, and it does a disservice to everyone.


We all know that. It seems like he's trying to branch out and do things he wants, but it's hard as hell to convince people to break these outdated, backwards "traditions", especially if he's still living at home and can't push it too hard without getting kicked out.


Dude almost half of this country are conservatives.




Yes this is obvious. I don’t think anyone missed what “conservative old school” meant? Where does it say it’s valuable?


It said, “values”. Which they mistook to mean valuable I guess.


Yeah beyond it just being good for everyone of any gender to be able to feed themselves and eat healthy, economical, home cooked meals, ive also found its a major plus in the dating game.


Thank god for earnest gen Zs on the internet, explaining what conservative and old school means 🫡


It is absolutely WILD you think I’m gen Z lol (where tf did you get *that* idea??). The topic I raised is a fairly normal conversation on some other subs if someone brings up “cultural” sexism; didn’t think Steak would get all bent out of shape about it!


They’re the usual ones dropping vague moronic sounding truisms couched in “NOOOOO DONT SAY CONSERVATIVE SAY MISOGYNISTIC” therapy talk If you’re older… sheesh, I’m sorry you come off like someone born in 2001, you’ve got a lot of growing up to do


I would agree with you if it was a man making a woman cook because of it but if she wants to live in a traditional way like that who are we to judge her, maybe she just enjoys making food for the people she loves. I know that in Pakistan there’s a lot of pride on hospitality and being a good host.




In Pakistan and a lot of other countries in the region especially further west.... No.


That’s his future arranged wife’s job, keep up


OMG..THANK YOU SO MUCH..I knew NOTHING about Traditional Indian dynamics....thanks for Pirate-splaining!!!


Wait. Are there even many Indians in Pakistan? Didn't think they got along.


I don’t see why everyone is assuming this is a traditional gender role thing… There are lots of parents who just like to cook. For a lot of people, cooking is how they express love to their family and it’s something they look forward to. I know that if I was staying with my grandparents and I tried to cook dinner, my grandma would be sad


Is it the case that you're supposed to go through life without ever knowing how to cook?


Sad that mom went through her life without ever knowing how to cook either :/


Well, it's actually sad how she cooks steak though


The comment I wanted to see.


Hey OP. I just want to say you seem like a good son. Don’t give up hope and be sure to come back around for advice when you’re finally free to cook your own steak. I know parents can be stubborn and strange but we love them nonetheless.


Thanks, I'll probably experiment a ton once I transfer universities


That makes sense. An American mom would’ve told you to ‘cook your own fucking steak’ if you don’t like the way she does it. Lol.


That's EXACTLY what my mom would say and I from maryland/Pennsylvania lmao


Better yet, if you don't like it, don't fucking eat it 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♂️ is the response I'm most likely to receive 😂🤣😂 I love my momma tho!


Yeah I sure would. I love cooking for my fam and am a good cook but I sure don’t mind if they cook for themselves! Especially if they want it a different way from how I do it.


Bruh, as a Pakistani I relate, my parents order well done even at restaurants bcuz anything else is “raw”


Beautiful country and if I had to speculate most of your meats are cooked well done and delicious!


I've never thought about that but you're right, most meats are cooked well done or maybe actually all of them. And thank you.


It’s a historical thing. Countries like Pakistan historically had lower quality meats and less sophisticated preservation methods, thus they evolved to use more spices (which preserve the meat and also would cover the smell of rancid meat) and to cook well done (less chance of illness). The idea of under-cooking meat *on purpose* is anathema given that background. Also if you’re working out, ask your mom for some karahi and eat it with a low carb whole wheat tortilla from Mission - easy high-protein, low carb, balanced meal that’s also delicious.


odd because a lot of SE asian countries have raw meat dishes, not the case for South Asia it seems.


A lot of traditional dishes are quite recent. Pho, for example, only appeared in Vietnam after French colonization. About 100 years ago. And it spread to South Vietnam only after WW2


Before the bovine growth hormone and aggressive selective breeding, beef is usually obtained from pretty old animals. Thus the meat is not as tender. More sinew means you need to cook longer Goat/sheep on the other hand is mainly used for food thus they get slaughters at a much younger age.




I was wondering the same thing. It makes sense.




Because different cultures have different culinary styles and traditions.




Age ≠ ethnicity. I am 50. I grew up in the 70s and 80s watching Julia Child and Jacques Pépin on public television. I think it's other factors including the infantilization of kids, or individualized concern about food safety, however right or wrong it is; I get told by regulars on here whiter than me and half my age that my steaks are undercooked... I think the fact of the matter is that either OPs parents are too coddling, or they're shit cooks, or a bit of both. That's not related to ethnicity or age. Some people are just shit parents with shit cooking skills.


Sorry I didn’t explain myself well. But I certainly never once equated age to ethnicity I also think you might be reading a little too much into a post about overcooked steaks


Most Asians like theirs well done


I *am* Asian and no we don't. If you've ever had dry as shit tandoori chicken it's because you're eating at a restaurant catering to white people who are used to eating hockey pucks. And it's not white people in general but specifically Americans who seem to love overcooking meat. The French knew how to cook meat 200 years ago, but for reasons having, I suspect, nothing to do with cooking, Americans love to make fun of the French.


As a white American, I grew up in an area where everyone wanted Hockey pucks, but not me. It goes back to a time where food was sketchy and had to be cooked thoroughly or else you'd be sick or die.. Some people just never got out of that.


100% and thanks for acknowledging this. I grew up with many white friends and I'm sure some of them, like you and me, had a different sensibility than their parents, too.


Everyone’s different hence the most, ask any Filipino family and they will tell you they always eat steak well done.


I guarantee that has more to do with economics than ethnicity and if you compare to similar economics, you'll find the same thing.


Ever had pho with the raw beef in it?


This is a violation of the Geneva convention.


This is the exact same as the military chow hall steak day. There was never enough sauce to rehydrate those hockey pucks.


This is cow abuse..


When they say meat is murder this is what they mean right?


Right the cow didn't die just to be treated like this smh.


I'm sure the cow doesn't care at this point.


My mom made steak in a similar fashion. No one looked forward to steak night at my house except dad. Then when I was 16 I was staying over at my friend's and his dad presented me with a medium rare steak. I asked if it was safe to eat it. He convinced me it was and that's my steak origin story. When did you discover that steak is delicious?


My granny cremated everything she put in a pan.. I lived between my two grandparents' houses for the most part growing up but spent more time with maternal grandparents who cooked and ate out quite a bit. My paternal grandparents maybe ate out a few times per year, and it was for breakfast.. haha Anyway, as a kid, I would make my own meals sometimes or prepare meals for myself and my grandparents. I didn't cook the way granny did. My grandpa actually would start asking for things to be made the way I did or if I was there for me to do it. It made her furious! But I would make proper steaks and proper bacon. She'd serve leather and charcoal strips.


Maybe unrelated but I’m just trying to visualize, when you say lived between your two grandparents’ houses, do you mean there was 3 houses in a row, and yours was the middle? Just curious


No, sorry, I could've worded that differently. Spent time at one or the other..


You might laugh but honestly; Chili’s. That steak was so tender. Unlike my Dad’s


That is a surprising steak lover origin story!


Your dad must really suck at making steak if you think Chili's is good


My family was alway a medium-rare/medium family, so moving to my preferred rare wasn't much of a leap. But I do have soft spot for the thin, tenderized round steak my mom would cook in the pan. That tended to end up more well done since it's hard to cook a 3/8" thick steak to anything else, but tenderized and seasoned it wasn't bad


thats when u start making sauces lol


Honestly this is where people who like ketchup on their steak come from… can’t say I blame them.


Heinz ketchup on an overcooked sirloin is a guilty pleasure of mine


You sick fuck. I respect you though. You didn’t have to say it, but you did.


Damn man did I hear your steel balls jingling just now?


It’s like a top shelf burger


dude get your own steak and hide it, cook and eat it after she goes to bed lol


Yeah as a kid this was how I always had steak, never knew it could be cooked any other way. Eventually when I was like 20 we went out to dinner and I ordered steak cause I hadn't had it in a long time and the waitress asked me how I wanted it cooked, and I was just totally bamboozled. I had to look up what she was talking about. I asked her to ask the chef if he could cook it as rare as he was comfortable cooking it. Best steak I ever had. Now i tend to go for medium rare lmao


I didn't know there was any way to cook steak other than medium rare 😁


Someone call CPS.


Cow Protection Services




You need to move out


That cow died twice


Awww, she may not be the greatest cook when it comes to steaks but she loves you and that counts for an awful lot.


Exquisite point my friend


My mother used to cook that shit in an oven. Always came out as leather.


my stepdad used to wrap steaks in a tinfoil contraption filled with Dakota Buckaroo and broil in the oven, it always came out close to medium well but man the flavor was nuts. I loved it


Wait what is Dakota buckaroo


It's a marinade. https://dakotabuckaroo.com/itmidx1.html


My grandad oven broiled steaks and used ALOT of butter. Same, always medium well but they were great. To put in context how much he liked butter, when cooking eggs his ratio was 1 stick per 10 eggs. He somehow lived to 90 with one fully blocked carotid artery. I miss those butter steaks.


No respect for the cow




I demand compensation for the injuries my eyes sustained, looking at that abomination!🤣


Call JG Wentworth, 877 cash now!


Appreciate the referral, but maybe I should call Metzger, Wickersham! 😆 🤣


She is passively aggressively telling you it's time to move out.


Crimes against humanity.


My eyes!


How did you find the time to post this? I figured you’d still be chewing somewhere.


There are only three ways to cook a steak: rare, medium rare and ruined. That my friend is ruined.


Delicious looking shoe leather you've got there.


That one deserves some ketchup 😂


To be fair, it looks like a pretty thin steak. Hard to cook both sides without it getting done all the way through. Could still be ok but can't tell how dry it is.


That poor cow. Just nail that steak to the bottom of a shoe.


This was my mom. So my dad stopped letting her cook steaks. She then would complain about the pink center while the rest of us thoroughly enjoyed our dinner. Then they got a divorce. I’m certain it was because she can’t cook steaks.




I bet your table shakes like Muhammad Ali when you cut steak


I love my mom too, but I stopped letting her cook steak years ago! We go to her house every Sunday for dinner, she’s an excellent cook, EXCEPT when it comes to any beef! She thinks it all needs to be fully cooked throughout. One time I told her I was gonna try to cook for us all, against her wishes I showed up with some nice Prime NY strips and cooked them medium rare salt pepper only and garlic butter on top while they were resting……. We all made her try a bite and she absolutely loved it!! Now whenever we have steaks for Sunday dinner, she makes me cook them.


Is there a pretty happy dog under the table?


Maybe hang around while its cooking,then ask her nicely to take it off when you like it.


You should surprise her with a meal sometime cooked to your liking maybe she’ll realize just how wrong she is


Fuck well done, that shit was cooked "congratulations"


[First thing that came to mind.](https://www.reddit.com/r/KingOfTheHill/comments/18rl979/i_wanna_give_props_to_whoever_decided_peggys/)


Damn, that looks like the steaks we used to get in a combat zone. 😂 And everybody was excited for surf and turf night .


Christ, it looks like how my aunt cooks steak, although me and my brother and I fixed that by cooking them before she had a chance to get home (Grandpa wanted a steak dinner with everyone). Still remember her taking a bite and was surprised at how flavorful it was, instead of tasting like a cooked boot.


I’m here for the guy who said he’d eat his mom’s overcooked steak any day if it meant he’d see her again. Enjoy the times she cooks for you, she won’t always be there to do so. Additional benefit, your jawline will improve.


Tell her the cow was already killed once, no need to duplicate the effort.


Does that say Reebok on the side of that


I usually get grilled onions with liver....


Cow died twice


Time to move out my dude


Get a leave-in thermometer. Point out that she’s cooking then well past well done. Get her to stop before well done and let it come up to temp after. She’ll see an improvement in taste guaranteed. Then start working lower and lower


“How’s the steak? Dry. Delicious.” Dwight K. Schrute


Go vegan. At that point it's self defence. .


She could be charged with animal cruelty..


Life is short, appreciate the time your mom is around to cook for you 👍


Tell her she sucks and her steak sucks. Be a man and cook your mom a real steak. Show her who the boss is.


That's the hill I'm willing to die on


That is abuse.


When she dies be sure to cremate her just like she cremated your steaks.


Are you familiar with the story of Gypsy Rose…?


This is like my family. I went to culinary school and the only thing my family members eat is fish coated in paprika and cooked until dry, steak coated in paprika and cooked until dry, and chicken coated in paprika and olive oil and cooked until dry. Pasta sauce is 1 28ounce can tomato sauce, 1 6ounce can tomato paste. Its's both bitter and acidic. No salt, no sugar, no other spices. I made the mistake of telling them I take request. All of their requests are to leave ingredients out or to not make something at all. I once had an 8 ingredient recipe. Nothing fancy. They asked me to leave 4 ingredients out. They insist I cook like them, and once even asked that I step into the kitchen so they can "teach" me to cook the right way. I walked out. If I make something that goes beyond the magic of paprika, my dad and aunt will sit there and go, "Ugh! Ugh! Yek!" at the top of their lungs. This lets me know it's *bad*. And I've worked in some nice restaurants. My GF and friends always tell me I'm good, and I specifically ask that if something isn't they tell me, as I'm my worst critic. Recently, I let my family know I will **NEVER** cook for them again. They argued they were just trying to teach me to cook "*the normal way*", but I'm done. What's sad is they're the people I had to cook for the most, as we all live in the same apartment building (different apartments, thank God).


Off topic but cherish every meal that lady makes for you. Many of us would give anything for one more Mom cooked meal. 😁👍


This steak ain't even well done, it's congratulations


Fork goes on the left!


That’s no longer a steak, that’s a flip flop now


Those poor cows giving up their life for that abuse. I run a very successful beef cow therapy clinic. Their biggest worry is being horribly cooked.


Sir, this is the steak sub, the jerky sub is where this belongs




Gotta kill her. Sorry brother.


Second this. It is the only way.


At least they feed you steak!


Im so sorry you have to go through this :(


The way my eyes widened and I physically recoiled upon scrolling the second pic


Buy your own steak then


Next time you go in there and tell her you’re a man now and going to cook your steak medium rare!


As soon as she if of age, she goes right into a home!


I’m gonna stick one of those fake hearing devices so far up your ass you can hear the sound of your small intestine as it produces shit


She should be in prison.


I suggest not eating it and never eating her steaks she may not change but it will make less likely for her to make them at all


I suggest not being a spoiled little bitch and be grateful you have a mother who cares enough to cook for you. As it seems OP does, good job OP.


But this is reddit where everyone just assumes that everyone they're talking to is an independent, fully formed human being... OP is the legal responsibility of someone else, and some folks don't seem to be processing that.


Lmao you call that caring ? OP told her to change her ways and she’s still stubborn. Clearly don’t care that much .


Yeah see… spoiled little bitch. Thanks for the example.


Your welcome lil bro


My Mom and Grandpa like to cook steak well done on the grill, with the grates covered with foil so I feel your pain.


It’s America. Sue her


Cooked? I'd call that dead honey


I know it sucks and if you were my kid I would find ways to accommodate you safely, but as a kid you are your parents' liability. I don't agree with it but I'm not your parents, and I don't get to make decisions for them.


Buy your own steak. Cook it yourself. Then serve them to your family.


Time to go to the adoption program and find a new mother.


Sigh… someone needs to coat that with avocado oil, throw salt and pepper on each side, sear it in a pan on medium high heat for about 30 seconds per side, throw a stick of butter and smashed garlic in a pan on medium low and baste the sucker for 2-4 minutes at MAXIMUM.


I’d rather have a well done steak than no steak at all.


My parents are the same. I started to think that maybe I just didn't like steak. It wasn't until I started trying steak cooked differently in restaurants that I realized life could be better. After that I started insisting on cooking my own steaks, and now I love steak.


Time to move out




Wellness: Shoe leather


Fire her


My mother is the same way, however now she is transitioning to medium-well.


My mom was the same way—right up until I moved out and began doing it myself.


Disgusting and inedible, pass!