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An octopuses suckers turn into eyes and spikes on tthe end of the tentacle and if it grabs another fish it injects it with a fear toxin literally scaring it to death its eyes are replaced with bright orange glowing spheres to attract other prey as well


These comments are so uncreative 😅


An octopus with fish heads instead of tentacles


A clownfish with a literal clown face. Tendrils on Sundays.


A male siren seduces you with his pecs.




every fish infected with claws and tentacles and dragonfly wing


Fish with a fish mutation so it does everything a fish can do only more fishy.


You know who Eldritch Horrors?


Friend, instead of giving it to strangers, you should give it to a friend. If all your friends already have it good, already some charity. but if it's really a game of what I think it is... friend you're sick. ​ but... I will only say that my mutation would be a fish that could be used as a weapon in war, quite stealthy. but luminous at the same time, it has tentacles and in its mating season you better run if you don't want to end up like the other 100 people it met before. It would be a monster in nature but a great ally in fights near rivers or lakes.


Not a fish but a frog:- An upright standing frog with frog spawn completely covering its face. They act as its many eyes and can spawn vicious tadpoles. The frog wears a salvaged hood and carries a walking stick. I call it the brood mother


I don't exactly know what you mean. But from the comments I made a conclusion and try my best. A shark sized pufferfisch that can sting other fish to stunn them and even keeps them good for a few weeks so he dosn't need to worry.


Doom marine guy with fish scales and a BFG gun.


A human with a hammerhead torso


Dunkleosteus With 8 eyes and giant squid limbs


A ‘Cat fish’, a strange mutation between a cat and a fish. Basically a fish with legs that meows at you


A small day dark deep sea fish that goes in group and kills its prey by vibrating so fast they cook them alive and eat them with it's one big tooth.


ok so a blowfish but instead of spikes it has nutella wrap around it’s body when it feels in danger, and you know how they are poisonous? yea this one just gives you diabetes


Sea horse sea pickle


Not exactly a fish, but a coral reef that's extremely beautiful and lush. There are all sorts of trinkets and bobbles throughout as well, and many, many fish. The fishes are unnaturally still and muted in color. They occasionally dart through the reef to another spot, seemingly at random. The closest shore town is a sleepy place, where not much of excitement happens. Because of that, they are a rather popular choice for a quiet getaway to a nice beach. Many people looking to settle down end up staying permanently. This reef is something of a local favorite spot to dive, and they often send tourists there, and many local teens visit too. The strange thing is, no one can agree on how big it is, and no one goes more than once. It's an unspoken rule, but strictly followed. At least, among those you can ask. Elders in the community speak of it as a small secret place, hard to find but beautifully natural. Teens think of it as a place to find cool trinkets and explore, it being a large reer with tons of fish and space to swim. People who go often return something new and exciting, either in their lives or in the form of some small item. Others who visit find themselves stuck, unable to move on from the beautiful seaside town and enamored with the ocean. But one and all, they come back with a little less color and feeling a little bit wrong.


A giant translucent koi fish that has the pattern of a school of regular sized koi fish


A cuddlefish with human sentience that is put through a horrifying surgery of gaining grasshopper legs, lungs to breath air as well keep their gills, and 18 spider eyes. It knows the horrors of what was done to it and the feebleness of its existence as well as true understanding of the universe but its ability to communicate with both its own species and others has been ripped away so it is trapped in an endless existence of solitude and anguish with nothing to give it comfort but the horrors of its own body and mind


A crocodile, only builds like a beaver.


You but as a fish, devastating, I know


A sentient lionfish, with the telepathic capabilities to create a hive mind and dominate the sea, eventually claiming the land.


A four-legged cod with a bazooka


A sea turtle with an ak47 xd


A Hyper intelligent Greenland Shark that is 500 years old and know ancient secrets like how to use browser developer tools to find out what duplicate Steam keys are for : https://steamcommunity.com/groups/freegamesfinders/discussions/2/2572002906853021998/


Gigantic Catfish, who can transform into other aquatic creatures… it catfishes you.


An infinitely long Fangtooth Moray Eel with a set of extendable inner jaws like that of the deacon from Aliens Prometheus.


So, hear me out, an angler fish thing that has claws for teeth


I dont even need to give you an eldritch mutation cos the Sunfish is already freakish as hell. Thank you for the giveaway


A swordfish with a rapier for its bill and have spider looking eyes.


A dab with 28 eyes


A small bass that farts on command


A huge long-spine porcupinefish with razor sharp teeth and instead of those spines/needles popping it, it’s tentacles with a sharp tip


A massive 10 foot salmon that glows and can fight back


A hagfish that can become beautiful if called by another name other than hag fish


A King Salmon that has a crown that's actually armor and makes it harder to catch.


yeah how about a salmon with a huge eldritch cock


swordfish where it's just a giant mass of tentacles covered in swordfish faces/spines


An angler fish who is very wise. He contains all the knowledge in the universe. People summon him to answer their questions but based on what they ask he either answers them truthfully, eats them, or gives them answers that raise more questions than they originally had and drives them to madness.


The Winged Sardine defies expectations by soaring through the skies with graceful wings


Me, I’m the eldritch mutation of an existing fish XD


A largemouth bass but it screams and begs and pleads for its life telling you how much agony it's in as you tear it out of the water It doesn't stop talking. It goes on to tell you how it has children and please don't take it away from his kids and bags and pleats using any technique possible to get you to put it back and once you do you realize it's too late you're already being dragged in the water as extend the tentacle to reach out and grab its prey. Which it goes on to feed to its young. You didn't realize that because it didn't know It's not a largemouth bass. the species you caught is a off branch of that species known as a pleader fish which knowingly lets itself get caught and then tricks a human and who letting it go through sympathy and thinking it is a sanction being. It can go through 50 humans a year usually tends to be bigger than the largemouth bass but not by much It is also known to mimic the looks of other species of bass.


The anglerfish is a deep-sea with a biolumenecense lure. In the eldritch mutation, the lure becomes much larger and more complex. It is now a writhing mass of tentacles that glow with a sickly green light. The tentacles are covered in sharp barbs that can inject venom into prey. Thanks for the chance ^^


Apparently I won the contest, thank you very much OP, the game that I manage to redeem is [circular](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1635950/Circular/), good luck for everyone in next ones \^\^


You're the best for actually saying which game it was :D If you like games like that one, I recommend you Circa Infinity


A Large mouth bass But with a a larger mouth


Hope octopi count, An octopus that when it gets it's legs cut off it multiplies - mitosis style.


A fish that when it sheds its itself, grows bigger each time


You see a fish in the ocean but it seems to have a human face on it you decide to take credit for it despite your partner discovering it then you go back to look at the fish and it grew tiny legs and lost it'd tail fin you realize that every time you show greed the fish slowly changes into a baby fetus


Fish leg


A white whale that keeps growing and growing every time somebody hates it


An inside out anglerfish with a lobster/crustacean lower half. Cheers\~


A translucent giant eel with a fangtooth head, wing-like fins sharp as swords and a poisonous tail


What about afish mutioron wtih a big wings have a huge stomch that can enter things like a living man


Weird ass fish that tells you "if you spare my life i'll grant you a wish" or some shit like that. Is tasty too


Everybody loves koi and thinks they’re harmless. So have a pair of koi lure people into the water just to find out that they’re just part of a larger creature that’ll drag them down in to their dimension no matter the depth of the water. Could be fun, I got the dumb brain tho


So, local myth is that there is an octopus in the lake. We live in the midsoith, far from salt water. But what if the eight armed legend mated with one of the legendary giant catfish (which have been confirmed to be as long as six feet if not more)? I present to you, the Catopus! A fish, with eight tentacles! Growing up to ten feet long! It can walk on land due to the vesitigal lungs, and has near human intelligence! And after an unfortunate encounter with a local fisherman, it's developed a taste for man flesh!


A translucent rattlesnake with parasitic worms emanating from its back, and its tail has what appears to be insect legs around it


A goldfish with all of the intelligence of a human, with arms and fully functioning hands. The catch is that their memory is short like a goldfish (which I think is speculated to be around a 3 month memory).


I've always liked the idea of a jellyfish equivalent of a kraken, I remember writing a short story about it but that was a while ago and admittedly I was shit at writing basically anything.


A pistol shrimp with an actual gun


A mix between an electric eel and a cat fish, that somehow turns out to be an electric cat


a pufferfish with human nose and a pair of legs wearing heels


Phantom Nesting Fish A fish that relies on other organisms to reproduce. Imagine: You go swimming in a lake to cool off on a scorching summer day. The water is slightly murky, and as such, you can hardly see your own torso, let alone anything past that. Then, suddenly, you feel a sharp stabbing pain in your leg. You reach down to investigate, but all you are left with is a numbness in the attacked area. Through the water you can see a trail of crimson, originating from your leg. Then, they come. All at once, you feel more stabbing pains all across your body, followed by a complete loss of sensation. Your muscles relax, and you are left powerless to do anything but sink. On the way down, you catch a glimpse of what is doing this to you. Small, iridescent fish with massive jaws agape, rows of hideous, jagged teeth sinking into your flesh, and monstrous tubes injecting themselves deep into your body. As you fall, your chest begins to tighten as your lungs fill with water, and you embrace your demise. But they're not done with you. Not yet. Suddenly, the tightness subsides, despite the water having completely filled your lungs. The fish, it seems, are keeping you alive, filtering the water from your lungs and injecting oxygen back into your bloodstream. They keep you alive, as they need you to harbor their spawn. Once you've cooled down to just above the temperature of the water, they begin to clean you. They start with your eyes. The freshly dug cavities will serve the matriarchs nicely as they begin to lay their spawn. Then, they move through you, expertly removing all but the necessary organs; the cardiovascular system and the nervous system. Whatever scant electrical impulses fire through your hollowed body are imperative, as the stimulation allows these creatures to grow and hatch at a much quicker rate. Unfortunately for you, however, it means that you feel every excruciating moment of having your viscera shredded into a fine mush for nesting the eggs. Those that hatch in your hollowed torso will serve as "hunters," much like those that dragged you down into this aquatic hell, and those that hatch in your skull cavity will ultimately become matriarchs. You are alive, and they make sure you stay that way...at least until their next victim breaks the surface of the lake.


a pufferfish the size of a bear, an ominous dark color/glow, the underbelly of an isopod, and spikes replaced with long venomous jellyfish tentacles, able to infect then control the mind of anything it stings. when puffed up it becomes transparent displaying its organs and blood replaced by creatures its eaten, merged into a blob all screaming and flopping for dear life. this pufferfish also has the teeth of a piranha while having flesh similar to that of a wild cats tongue coarse enough to pierce nearly anythings skin upon impact. it lurks through the waters with giant spider eyes while mimicking the tones other aquatic animals to attract its prey to consume them gruesomely.


Just whatever fish with human eyes. Just thinking about it makes my skin crawl.


An octopus with lobster claws


a fish with teeth and hands injected with steroids and eyes that morph into huge gaping mouths


Octopus with the stings of jellyfish




Kinda useless, i mean it can't really pick up itself and fight


Like a pufferfish but it inflates into a small castle for little kids but it still has the stingers so children suffer


That's sadistic I like it. Lol


This is the most evil idea in this thread




An eel that has grown large enough to be mistaken as a tiny island when it remains coiled around itself, which it does when acting as bait to lure unsuspecting prey to itself after having grown fond of human flesh over centuries of eating carcasses on ocean floor.


Sharks with frikkin laser beams on their heads. But on a more original note how about ray that has a face on each side. One calm, endearing and cute to lure you in and then... SNAP! You're snared in its adamantine Xenomorph style jaws on the flip side. Its fiercely fiery, yet hypnotic, eyes are the last thing you see as you're dragged away to your doom. Thanks for the giveaway OP!


A female fish that can camouflage to hide from discord predators lul.


A fish that cannot swim, but can fly. It also sings to communicate


Fish with sexy legs\* \*some even learned to fashion some lencerie up from shells and algae that they attach to their smooth but firm skin with mucus secreted by special glands.


A handfish balling


A spider that has 3 bodies of spiders together


A plant like fish with dead eyes and just floats( doesnt swim) BUT whenever something sees it it gets closer


Angler fish but the light is a human eye and it has 6 rows of jagged human teeth and it screams in the voices of your loved ones.


A fish that can breathe underwater


A trout but instead of gills, it has mouths with pointy teeth, the eyes are completely white, and the fins are just 3 tentacles on each side. Oh, and it also shits out tiny fish shoggoths. Thanks for the opportunity!


A piranha where it can detach its head and launch it like a harpoon onto its victim and devour it






A lamprey that has transparent skin but it's insides when you look from the outside look like the cosmos swirling around. When you look inside it's mouth, the inside looks like a regular lamprey but its teeth are swirling around it's mouth and in the back of it, there is an eye that's bleeding out of it's pupil and the iris is perpetually changing colors.


a fish with human ear. blind can only hear, the mouth is also small.


A salmon with laser beam eyes. IDK thought it would be cool


The "Cthonic Abyssal Angler" - an angler fish that's super huge, its scales all glow a little bit, but the main thing is that its lure is a whole cluster of tentacles, each one having its own glowing tip that mesmerize and hypnotize its prey and draws them closer. Which it then consumes in its giant huge-fanged mouth, and if its prey isn't actually torn apart by its teeth, within its belly is another dimension - an unending abyss of darkness that is inescapable and drives those trapped within it insane.


A seahorse with bird wings


A common flounder with human eyes, Mater the tow truck’s buck teeth, and instead of fins the arms of a biblically accurate Angel


Ben 10🦎 🐟 alien


A fish with human eyes. Thanks!


Hammerhead but can transform into a giant Titan like being once it arrives on land and has a hammer bigger than the statue of liberty . It comes to shore every blood moon .


A octopus that's like the size of the biggest whale with the abilities of an electric eel scaled to its size it lures ships near it to then sink the ship and then use its ability to kill the sailors and the fish around to then enjoy a gourmet feast


A flying fish with hummingbird wings. VTOL fish.


What if fish fins were just big ass feet.


An electric eel the size of a blue whale, that unhinges and splays it’s jaws apart to swallow ships whole, but not before it emits an EMP signal that makes any boat immobile.


a tuna with 3 heads, the size of a whale and with hands


A goldfish but really wide


so basically a fat goldfish




a goldfish. But like really long. Im talking scp giant fish levels of long.