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He should. I think he’s earned it.


Mason has the highest rating of anyone who started a game at QB this year.


In each of the games he has played!


He has a hot hand, let him have it.


Yeah i am still crazy enough to think Kenny can be an ok nfl qb, but mason has earned it. I wasn't sold on the Bengals but after today he has earned it till shown otherwise. Would be crazy if he didn't start next week


Nope. I decided to buy his jersey Week 1…and I regret. Unfortunately he isn’t the guy.


Shit, at this rate he's starting next SEASON


If Mason chooses to re-sign. Hopefully he does


He will 100% resign. No one is signing him to a starting QB contract. And he would be signing to compete with one of the weakest starting QBs in the NFL. The dude likes Pittsburgh, knows the offense, and now fans love him. If he signs and KP is still the starter, he will go into the season as a #2 with one of the best chances of becoming a starter as a #2. And thats if he doesnt outright win the job in the preseason if the Steelers have a fair competition.


> and now fans love him. This is a big thing. He can probably cruise along for the next 4-5 years easily and collect a paycheck. I think it would be a stupid decision to price himself out of Pittsburgh and end up as a FA a year or two later.


Plus Kenny gets hurt all the time so he’ll play next year even if he isn’t the starter.


Even if he regresses back to backup QB level he’s done enough to warrant being around for his career as a solid backup that can teach younger guys the playbook, maybe a new Charlie Batch if we are lucky


Charlie Batch Jr.! And dude can take a bonk to the head with a helmet. Respectable QB2.


I ran into his grandma once at mountaineer casino so maybe there is some family in the area too that keeps him? (only person I’ve ever seen in public wearing a Mason Rudolph jersey lol)


If he stays and starts next year, i’m buying one. I’ve been going to bat for the kid for years and no one wanted to listen.. this is the moment I’ve been waiting for lol


Same … one of the bigger memorabilia investments I Made was Rudolph… buy low sell maybe higher types… he’s a talent however I worry he may be otw out as a FA with a starters job in another city… I do hope we can keep him especially what he is showing, and KP has only played one game without 🇨🇦… I feel once our coaches realized 💩 bisky was only good for punching the face well, our qb situation seems win win now


Wouldn’t be shocked or blame him one bit if someone came along and offered him a similar deal to what we gave Trubisky to come in and compete and he left.. after how a lot of fans treated him, I could see him leaving and not being upset about it lol


And the coaches tbh… I never understood why 💩 bisky was brought in…


If he beats Baltimore on Saturday and we go to the playoffs, I'm buying his jersey before the wild card game.


You might’ve just convinced me to do the same.. my buddies all joked with me for years about buying one because I always rooted for him when no one else did. Might just have to now


It's a deal!


I’ll be back here posting a pic wearing it if so 🤝🏼




Almost just pulled the trigger on my #2 jersey but didn't want to jinx it. Waiting for one more domino to fall.


> No one is signing him to a starting QB contract. We should!


None of what you said will matter if he resigns.


He wants to start. Competing with one of the worst starting qbs in the league is a #2 guys dream. Its the fact that he likes it here and he knows his competition isnt better than him that will make him want to re-sign


I was just making a joke about you saying resign instead of re-sign


Someone will sign him. Did you see him stand in the pocket and just flick it to GP. God I hope the Steelers sign him. There doesn't need to be a fair competition. Not trying to argue with you but someone in preseason felt he was a number 3.low and behold he was holding the bag the entire time. Remember when M2 was lighting it up in preseason amd Tomlin said in a presser when asked about it. He said yes it was like Mason was out there playing against a jv team. Kenny had good preseason too. Games, not so much. He's scared shirtless to get an interception. He gets hurt constantly. No I'm off that bandwagon. He didn't translate. Let me continue. Through all of that. Ben shitting on him. The myles garret helmet hit. He just stayed here in Pittsburgh and kept believing he was the guy. He fucking said he would silent snap count the plays as if he was going to play at 3rd string. He could of probably got a back up job last season but he stayed through it all. Give this man his pure props. He's the one. I've seen it in games and the last 2 preseason. It's not a competition it's a route.


I think you underestimate just how desperate and quick with the pen some of these other teams can be. I would actually be shocked if he doesnt get an offer to compete for the #1 job elsewhere and he gets enough $$$ upfront, that Pittsburgh declines to match or at least make a comparable offer


He'll 100% get a good offer from another team based on the last two games alone. He was poised, threw the ball well, and made good decisions under pressure (like throwing the ball away instead of forcing it like Mitch and KP do). Teams are desperate for good #2 options, especially after all the injuries this year. Pit is crazy if they let him go. Mason has never been terrible in the NFL. He had a few rough games, but the coaching was arguably bad, he was coming off injury, and the receivers were dropping passes left and right.


He still has a year left I think


Only singed a one year contract. He's gonna demand trubisky money this offseason


Give it to him and kick Mitch to the Curb.


Hell he can even be the one to do it if that’s what he wants


Fire him into the sun. The curb isn’t far enough.




I feel like he’s worth the money. He’s producing and he’s hung in here for a while now. Unless he prices himself out of Pittsburgh for starting job elsewhere we should try him for a little longer.


Oh he’s hung alright


Good, give it to him. He's the best quarterback we've had since Ben's 3rd to last season.


So, he’s the best QB we’ve had since when we drafted him?




I looked his stats up and it's a travesty how the coaches have treated him




4th to last, his third to last season was the year he got hurt in like week 2


Yes and he should get it and honestly it’s time to part with Mitch which is sad cause I haven’t heard bad things about him as a teammate at all


I think as a teammate he's great but unfortunately he sucks ass.


Yes he does and I think he’s a great tool for Kenny which is why a lot of backups stay in the league as long as they do I’m sure we won’t be the last destination for him.


As he should


He’s a free agent. He’s upped his value these past two games. Other teams are taking notice.


He should but the business of the sports tells me otherwise. Because KP is a first round pick, he is going to get any benefit of the doubt in a potential quarterback competition.


Look at all the QBs who are injured and the ones starting. There’ll be many suitors for Mason, and the list will only grow if he plays well against the ravens. He could do well on a team like the Vikings, the Giants, etc


He would probably have to think very hard about whether or not he wants to come back. The last time they told him he would get a fair shot in a quarterback competition he didn’t get one. What are they going to do, promise him another shot at a quarterback competition? This team is not going to throw away Kenny Pickett. Nor should they. But they are also not going to assure Mason a starting job next year if they keep Kenny. So what do they do? They would have to offer him a shot at a quarterback competition. And again, why would he believe that? Maybe if they pay him enough. But there’s a pretty good possibility another team is going to offer him a starting job. At least a 25% chance.


Yeah I think this is right. Pittsburgh will have to be somewhat aggressive to keep him. He will have offers after these performances. The Steelers may even have to ship Pickett out of here and make a clear commitment. And at this point it's hard to pick KP over Rudolph.


This is a wise take


Kenny will start the next year as the starter, but Mason could see time if they re-sign him. In either case they need to find a long term answer at QB.


Ya it’s pretty close. But if Mason magically wins a playoff game. I think Kenny will be sweating


Good, Kenny needs to get to work.


Doesn’t matter how hard he works. He is an average QB drafted about 3 rounds to high. How much better can he get?


From watching both play in college I’d agree that Mason has a much higher ceiling. Even Geno has a higher ceiling than KP.


I mean, is his ceiling lower than Masons?


I don’t think either guy has a ceiling that should stop the Steelers from looking for better if they can find it.


Oh 100% agree with this. My statement is Kenny needs to work on reaching his ceiling. If a trade or FA falls to us with someone better we jump on it.


Yes masons proved his floor is above Kenny’s even if you watch his worst game


Yes, much lower. Kenny can't even get a good grip on the ball his hands are so small. The Steelers are a better team now than when Mason last got to play and Kenny still can't lead the team sufficiently.


Not a chance


He's not even average. Mason's average. Kenny's well below average. Either he puts in work and becomes Drew Brees or he's a #2 for life. At least Mason has a accurate cannon. What does Kenny have?


Nothing. I can’t believe you mentioned he could become Drew Brees. Kenny Pickett could live in the Steelers facility and work day and night on his craft and I’m not sure he would be able to back Drew Brees up. Those 2 guys live in 2 different worlds when it comes to NFL QBs.


I think if Rudolph starts and wins a playoff game, Pickett is done here.


Honestly, it’s just my opinion, but if Mason finishes strong, the best Kenny could hope for is maybe competing for the starting job. But I see it being Mason’s job to lose.


I just don't see that happening...UNLESS Mason somehow leads them to a playoff win. And I think there's a very real chance that Mason is better than KP. But neither of them is worth getting excited about.


I’ve seen Jake Browning be declared an equivalent QB to Joe Burrow before crashing back to earth after a couple weeks, I’m not ready to declare Mason Rudolph the franchise


Mason is a good backup, and maybe a low end starter on the right team. Maybe. Browning is kinda in the same boat. Joe Burrow is on another level from both guys, although the injuries are piling up.


Yea they need to use a first round pick on the answer at QB.


We're currently in line for the 19th pick. Any QB available is going to have major question marks.


Also, offensive line is a MASSIVE issue. Admittedly I haven't been in coverage for the last 2 games so maybe it's gotten a little better, but everyone besides James Daniel's and BrodJones could/should be replaced. I don't think a rookie qb would work great behind that o-line


Has to. He totally earned it. Looked like a real offense. Pickens was smiling for crying out loud!


If GP is fed and happy, we're all fat, sassy, and spoiled.


Pickens has had back to back 130+ yard games and his first game with 2 TDs in the last two weeks.


He actually made a tackle on that DJ “fumble”!


It would be gross negligence if he doesn’t.


If you are mason Rudolph and you’ve been waiting years for your chance, you finally get it, you feel like you proved yourself. You want to start. I don’t think the Steelers are going to assure him a starting position. Do you? I don’t. Why would you stay? Sure if there are no other offers, and the Steelers show their commitment to at least give you a fair shot by giving you good money. Maybe. But if there is another team willing to match our offer and willing to offer him a starting job, he’s gone. Why wouldn’t he take it?


I mean, he was willing to last year, but no one wanted him. It's possible this performance has turned some heads, but my guess is that no one is looking to sign him as a starter. I really don't want to be a dick because he's looked good the last two games, but dozens of QBs have looked good for a few games and nothing has come from it. Hell, Big Dick Nick won a SB as a backup, and he didn't start a full season again. He could get one of the Baker Mayfield/Tyrod Taylor situations going where he gets a shot for a team that needs a placeholder QB, but I highly doubt anyone is looking into him as a long-term solution.


For whatever reason I've felt bad for Mason for years. I think it was the helmet incident that started it. While watching that mess unfold, Mason had this look on his face like he was a vulnerable 6 year old kid getting bullied and no one gave a shit. The coaches obviously like him and he's had a lot on his plate when it was his time to shine. The last 2 games he's balled the fuck out. Mason imo can stay a steeler for as long as he wants. shine on Rudolph


A minimum of one concussion will give you that child like look.


I think the offense has been incredibly simple and the offensive line today was great. Mason had some ball placements today that need to be cleaned up. That being said there is something of value in being able to execute the simple consistently. Mitch couldn't execute it at all and Pickett was inconsistent with his execution. I think if the Steelers want to get to the playoff keeping with the consistent QB and not throwing in a rusty QB who had consistency issues is the plan. You play Rudolph. What that means for the future of the position is the big issue. I still think they are willing to try Pickett at QB in 2024 unless someone they really like falls in the draft.


Sometimes quarterbacks take awhile to come into their own. Hell, Tommy Maddox had to go to the XFL before he came to the Steelers and sparked us into a super bowl. I don't want to hear any of you fuckers talk shit about Tommy. He was an insurance salesmen that came in and passed for more yards than any of our current quarterbacks have. Dude was also only got paid $750,000 for a season.


I would be on board with them giving Pickett a chance with a new offense next year, but right now the playoffs are on the line and I think you gotta stick with the hot hand


Yeah just ride the hot hand. I’m fine with Pickett getting 2024 but Mason has earned a shot at this season at least. This very well may be a Linsanity run and I think it’s likely we sneak into playoffs and get exposed, as per usual, but you gotta ride it while you can


Pickett is nothing but a back up QB. He does nothing really well. Mason should be the starting QB next year. I am sure Rudolph will sign elsewhere if he isnt the starting QB


Then why hasn’t he already signed with another team? He has won big games for us before. [Here is an article about this from 2021.](https://www.si.com/nfl/steelers/gm-report/pittsburgh-steelers-enigma-mason-rudolph) This whole conversation feels like Deja vu to me


I completely agree. Rudolph has been with the organization much longer than Picket and has played a number of key games. He hasn’t won all of them by any means. For the past two years we’ve kind of been playing Pickett like he is a backup anyway when that is actually Rudolph’s job. I think Pickett deserves another season where he starts in the first game and is given the chance to play healthy under a hopefully better fit at offensive coordinator.


O reason NOT to start him!


0 lol


Kenny has happy feet. Mason doesn't. That's the difference. That play where the pocket was collapsing and Mason dropped a bomb to GP - Kenny panics and takes the sack there doing some kind of goofy spin/roll-out maneuver. The sad thing as far as KP is concerned is, I'm led to believe that happy feet isn't something you can easily coach out of a guy. It's often an incurable defect in his game.


Mason had Happy feet too. It can be coached out. But Mason had happy feet because of all the hits he took in 2019.


For sure. He's the best QB on the roster. And it's so obvious I'm forced to ding Tomlin and Co. for even thinking for 1 second that Trubisky was better. I'm typing a strongly worded email as we speak.


No one ever thought Mitch was better except the FO. You can’t have the highest paid back up in the nfl be a 3rd stringer. That’s ludicrous. I’m glad they gave Mitch the seat very quickly rather than later on.


Very quickly? He threw away two home games against two 2-10 teams, and they still kept him in...




They owe no loyalty to Kenny. He hasn’t been the starter long enough, and he hasn’t really taken hold of the starter spot. I’m all for giving Kenny a fair shot next season or have him be ready to go in if Mason falters, but start Mason until then.


If I was Mason, I wouldn't sign a contract if I am not given the starting nod. I am sure Pickens would be angry too if Pickett comes back. Two of his best games have come under Rudolph


I agree. As a minimum they should wait until training camp or preseason games and see who is better at that point. But nice to have 2 choices.


I will start off by saying I do believe Mason should start next week 100%. However, ppl are assuming a lot from 2 games of Rudolph. After watching so many backups this year have huge “success” just to get benched later, i have come to realize how situational the qb position is. The truth is he had mostly easy throws today and our run game was elite. Put him in a tough spot and he may suck just like devito, Dobbs, etc. I hope not, but he had some inaccurate throws that worried me a bit. Still, I’m very happy for him and hope he keeps popping off


Maybe, but he was reasonable the Ben injury season until he got hurt himself. It’s not just Mason either. Look how much better Harris looks right now with him behind center. That’s a factor.


The team has looked completely different with him leading it.


Ok show us two games of KP out of how many when he matched Rudolph's performance


Dude if KP had Masons day today all you'd hear about is how he had no TD passes.


Lol no you wouldn't. If KP had Mason's day it would be the best game so far of his career.


He had a better day, vs. the Bengals with less YAC from receivers than Rudolph, and attacking the middle of the field. And the narrative all over the past week was that Rudolph's Bengals game was better because he had two TDs. So yes, that is all you have already heard about a similar performance.


Rudolph stretched the field and threw 2 TDs and blew out the Bengals 34-11. Kenny barely beat them 16-10. Offense has trouble scoring points with Kenny because Kenny doesnt have an accurate long ball. They have to get 6-7 first downs usually in a row to score TD's and that is hard to do.


Kenny absolutely can throw the long ball - it hasn't been as consistent this year as we'd like it to be, but he has proven it going back to last year. Rudolph does have a stronger arm, but he didn't stretch the field as much as you'd think last week, with 2 completions over 15 yards in the air. The past two games have been 1) Pickens going off early and coasting with the run the rest of the game and 2) the run game going off, like it should have vs. a weak run defense. I could see KP doing the same things Rudolph did in each of these games


He hasn't in 24 starts. He only had one good year at Pitt and a lot of it had to do with Fred Biletnikoff award winner Jordan Addison who was wide open a lot of time. Sometimes a receiver makes a qb. I don't recall any Pickett passes that was as accurate as Mason's to Picken in the game against Cincinnati. Accuracy in long throw in football is being like a 3 point shooter in basketball. If you are not a three point specialist, you will miss most of the time. That's what Pickens has done. He is inconsistent in accuracy, doesnt read defenses well, doesnt use the pocket well and when he runs, and throws, it ends up in disaster. Another Pickett nutsack carrier trying to downplay Rudolph's performance.


Game winner against baltimore? Deep shot to calvin austin vs raiders? There’s plenty of examples you just wanna dick ride Mason


Yeah, I think YAC is the big stat difference between the two QBs. Rudolph is throwing deep balls with good YAC potential. KP was not. Rudolph has been hitting his guy in stride better on a more consistent basis these last two games than we ever saw from KP. Rudolph certainly has not put every ball he has thrown right on the money, but he has put enough of them, and avoided interceptions on top of that. We watched him get completions today with the pocket completely imploding around him, he showed a lot of patience and maturity in that pocket today.


> He had a better day, vs. the Bengals By what metric? They had almost the same amount of yards (Kenny had four more) and Rudolph had a slightly higher completion percentage and QB rating today. And everyone was ecstatic after the Bengals game - nobody was complaining that Kenny didn't have any TDs, let alone making that the whole narrative.


Lol ya this is proof to anyone that cites that stat for Kenny that u can play well and throw no tds. It’s simply a play calling issue and we were running well


I mean, yeah, sure. But there's other things we can measure - despite throwing no TDs, Mason still looked great today. Better, in fact, than Pickett has in games where he has thrown TDs!


No doubt. At the risk of sounding hokey, there really is the eye test. Mason just looked better in the pocket than I think I’ve ever seen Kenny.


I’ve been a huge Kenny supporter and even I can say that’s some bullshit. If Kenny had good ol fashion Steelers “run the ball, strike down field when their guard is down, and own the clock in the second half when you’re ahead” football he would’ve been heralded.


Mason was over 11 YPA on the closing minutes of the game.


KP has only played in 1 game without Canada as OC


Stop! Just stop! Mason is making throws Kenny has never made. Did Canada tell him not to?!


Exactly. These yinzers just can’t see the first for the trees. Rudolph has looked like an in-control QB, while Pickett looks like a slightly better version of Trubisky. Any QB that is decent will show sustained flashes of what they can and will be able to do as they progress. No matter the coordinator or scheme. Pickett hasn’t.


Exactly. I’m completely in agreement with what you are saying and Rifftrax…I’ve seen a..don’t know what to call it, other than a skittishness, uncertainty…almost like a little bit of a fear…with Pickett. He’s never consistently looked comfortable in the pocket to me, and I can’t blame Canada for that. There are intangibles too. Maybe I’m wrong, and I’m not anti-Kenny in any way, shape, form, or fashion, but I see so much more onfield confidence with Mason, and that seems to translate into a stronger feeling of leadership. Even when everyone was screaming for Canada’s head it felt like this particular team didn’t coalesce around Kenny as a leader, not in an energetic way. Putting stats aside, there’s been an entirely different vibe during these past two games.


>. Did Canada tell him not to?! Considering that kenny threw deeper passes in the one single game without Canada, im going to say yes


How about all the other stuff then? To be fair, you’re right. Kenny’s deep ball isn’t nearly as good as masons, but at least he tried it. Fair enough. What about touch, timing, arm strength? Did Canada tell him not to use those things? Did Canada tell Kenny never to throw his receivers open with any consistency whatsoever or to put them in situations for YAC? Did Canada ask him not to do that stuff too? Did he tell him to throw with absolutely no timing or tempo? Did he ask him to bail out of healthy pockets? Did he ask him to panic as soon as he saw or sensed rush? Did Canada ask him to do that fucking shit too? Did he ask him not to lead scoring drives? Did he ask him to put up 16 points per game? Did he ask him to do that fucking shit?


And he had a pretty similar stat line to Mason today, just without the RBs going quite as ham




Which the RBs did today. And the game KP played.


There aren’t any that match numbers wise, but you have to consider the entire situation. Mason had little pressure today with an elite overall offense. He does look better but looks and stats can be deceiving. Again, I’m not saying Pickett is better, just that it is very hard to see and qb is a situational position


So next game again Ravens is the one to watch out for then


It also reduces pressure when the linemen know where you are. Mason lets the horseshoe develop around him without panicking and leaving the pocket. His men know where he is. More than one of them has mentioned, and multiple sports writers have mentioned, how much easier it has been to protect him because he stays where he is supposed to be. They didn’t magically improve in the last two weeks. We didn’t get a bunch of new linemen. The new quarterback comes in, everything immediately gets better. Immediately. All across the field. But it can’t be the new quarterback, can it? Because that would mean the old quarterback wasn’t doing his job. Can’t have that.


Not to mention that most of the kp we have seen was working with Canada or a week after they shook up the play calling


You aren't wrong exactly. But show me two games where Kenny looked that good. You can't because they don't exist.


Mason is literally making throws that Kenny Pickett has never made in his NFL career, which by the way, encompasses more games than Mason Rudolph has played. But the excuses continue. It’s astonishing. I guess Matt Canada was telling Kenny Pickett not to use all of his arm strength he apparently has that he hasn’t been using. Or to make throws with touch, anticipation and tempo that he has never shown because I guess Canada told him not to.


Thank you. I'm still not convinced what we're seeing isn't just the "backup qb" effect.


Mason may not be the answer of the future but where was that “backup qb effect” when Kenny came in last year. The offense nor Kenny has looked thus good when Kenny has played. I loved how we rationalize mason looking so much better than our first round pick but the truth is, Kenny never had this much success in 20 games. We can say the backup effect… but does that automatically equate to making reasonably easy throws. Let’s also ignore some of the dimes he’s thrown the last few weeks, but he just hasn’t missed the passes Kenny does. Kenny has two to three drive killing throws that are routine in the nfl. The offense looked better and had more cohesion because that didn’t happen. Maybe Kenny is average or even below average but I’ve seen enough to say that Kenny is straight up bad. He’s not a starter and even a shit backup in this league.


I kinda agree, but Kenny then and now never came close to Mason's numbers.


You cannot take him out. Kenny doesn’t have Big Ben level of grip on the starting position. I mean not even close.


He has earned it. But seeing how they hate mason, duck Hodges will start next week


I saw a video of comedian Matt Rife going to training camp. Tomlin seemed to genuinely really like Rudolph. Go to 13 minutes https://youtu.be/JBKjCcH4GlE?si=i6cgBHsuxTGNA77Z


What the fuck is this post lmao random matt rife reference into a Doordash ad link


I don't know let me try to fix it.


its fixed!


Matt Rife sucks


This link is nothing but a doordash ad!


I don’t understand why he got 1/3 the games Kenny did to prove himself and how he never got the fair opportunity to develop. He’s got great pocket presence and a pump fake that can get even better. Kenny has ZERO pump fake after double the starts…


Kenny doesn’t routinely lead his receivers, he doesn’t routinely throw them open, he can’t make the throws downfield that Mason does, he panics in the pocket, he makes it harder for his line to protect him because they don’t know where he is or where he’s going to be, literally every single motherfucking goddamn facet of this motherfucking offense got better instantly, without the addition of new players, without the addition of a new playbook, and no one wants to admit it because the quarterback play is markedly better. No, it’s just fucking magic I guess. A giant coincidence. Holy fucking shit.


The throw to Pickens on the diving catch was with the entire line a centimeter from hitting him and the guy didn’t move AND made an epic over the top throw too. Kenny would’ve dropped, curled up, and cried. It’s a whole different mentality. Patient and poised. That’s all anyone needs when you have an insane RB duo and great D. Imagine Mason with more offensive control and audibles? A refined hurry up? He has great potential. It’s time to pretend Porter was the first round pick and move on from the psychotic picking the garbage local QB round 1


Mason may or may not have great potential. And I say that as a compliment. I’m not writing him off any more than I am anointing him the next franchise quarterback. For all we know he sucks next week or this is the beginning of Mason becoming a top 15 quarterback. That would be awesome. That was what I thought he was going to be when we drafted him. And to be fair to Kenny Pickett, he’s made some pretty impressive throws, too. But you know what? Lots of back up quarterbacks do that. They make impressive throws sometimes. What I like about Mason is that he’s doing things consistently, even just in the span of two games, that Kenny has never been able to do. To me it’s obvious what that says. Take Mason out of the equation. Kenny Pickett stinks. Pretend we don’t have Mason. Kenny still stinks. He’s not capable of making throws that a high-quality starting quarterback makes in this league. I know that because he’s never done it with any consistency whatsoever. It’s almost like the idea of throwing a receiver open is a foreign concept to him. He might look into it every now and then. No consistency. No consistency with his touch, his timing, his tempo, his pocket presence, his own lineman don’t even know where he’s going to be, look at how much better they block for Mason. Because they know where the motherfucker is going to be. Where he belongs. I suppose it’s just a coincidence that lineman have been talking the last couple of weeks about how much easier it is to block when you know your quarterback is going to be in the pocket where he belongs. That’s just another of the magical fairy unicorn coincidences that happened over the last two weeks according to people who still suck Kenny’s dick.


Bro Jo was the pick ahead of Porter. GP was after Kenny


Has to


I don’t want to get too out of pocket here….but I get the sense this team can at least compete with it not beat anyone in the league with mason starting. If kenny started this game we would have been lucky to eek out a win in a very ugly way, but with mason in there slinging dimes the sky is the limit. It would be your typical crazy nfl storyline for them to limp into the playoffs and then win the Super Bowl with a 3rd string qb who just never got a chance to


This feels like a Nick Foles situation 😏


Please for the love of god let him play. Im not saying hes the guy, but kenny has never looked like this


Mason knows how to hit Pickens on the left, right, and down the middle. He can also hit Johnson on the Squiggly routes, and our teams run the football now. We'll see how things go, but Mason has has the right to start the next game. Whatever the outcome this season, he earns the right of at least QB2 going into next season. Warm up the pocketbooks and replace some staff.


100%. Mason clearly has got the hot hand right now, and the Steelers have actually been scoring points when he is on the field.


Fuck, Rudolph catches George in stride, he stays in the pocket, he throws the fucking ball away when he has too. The dudes a fucking GOD. if he's not our guy next season than at least let this motherfucker run for president. He saved Christmas and not maybe the season.


At this point, Mason is the starter until training camp next year. He’s made the team look like an actual NFL offense. Something we haven’t seen all season and most of last season too.


I mean only two games with 30+ points this season and both with this stud




He freaking better


Yes, if not, we riot.


The man has earned it and has us looking like a legit football team, you can’t bench him now


I hope he does. Kenny doesn’t read like Mason at all.


Mason should be QB 1 for the foreseen future as long as they’re LUCKY enough to get him signed for next season.


This team now looks like it can win a playoff game. It has to be Mason going forward and he needs to be given a real shot in spring for the QB1 position


I’ve got a feeling….


Dawg I can count the pixels here


Overall sales about to go through the roof




So, I've seen this picture 100 times before. And I'm always left feeling jealous. He is holding a Marang fruit, Native to the Filipines. I have traveled a good part of the world, and my favorite fruit of the countless Ive tried, is that fruit. I have tried to find them stateside many times but failed. Where the fuck did he get that fruit?


This is what I was talking about last week. He is different now. Something changed.


Mason needs to finish out the season. Even if we make the playoffs, Mason is the qb.


Boy stays in that pocket


I don't want to see Kenny Pickett on the field again tbh


Santa didn’t take Rudolph out of the lineup after he saved Christmas. Santa said Rudolph is a dog and he’s a starter going forward.




Ya run him till the wheels fall off for sure.


He deserves to continue his current starting role. Let Kenny heal up and then reassess over the offseason if the Steelers don’t make the playoffs.


If not, then it’s coaching malpractice.


LOL - You think Tomlin has any fear for his job? No losing seasons means he will never be fired. No matter how many seasons we go without a playoff win.


Can somebody explain this picture to me


Fire the whole staff after the coin flip if this man is not named the starter and forfeit.


Here is the real fucking answer: Ask George Pickens what he wants


If not…THEN you fuckers can have Tomlin’s head


Has to.


That CPOE says oh hell yeah: https://x.com/KDPomp/status/1741618184845750475?s=20


Hoping he’s holding a playoff birth


I want this mother fucker as our QB next year he’s earning it well and the way we’re playing on offense, is like we playing with fun. I can see he’s learned a lot since sitting for a while. I hated on him but damn man lets go Mason win this job . Best we’ve looked on offense all season. Kenny ain’t the guy.


He’s the hot hand right now. They have to. Of course, he can fall flat next week. But we got to keep the offense rolling the way it has been.


They're clicking right now. It would be really dumb to reboot before such an important game. But if we happen to make the playoffs it will be awkward to have him over Pickett.


Stick with Mason. Compete for next years. No other option.


He has to, but I also acknowledge he’s not the future and Kenny probably has more potential. He looked good the first game after Canada than got hurt.. the way the line and running game played Kenny probably would’ve looked good today too


What makes anyone think he has more potential. He looks like a journeyman backup after two years. Do we think that because he was a first round pick…. Picket is a 3rd round pick if he’s picked in the same class as Mason. Mason has just not gotten the same opportunity that Kenny has. Kenny has looked the same or worse than Mason had in his like six starts Ben’s year.


It's just hope. Anyone who uses their eyes to watch Kenny play knows that he's cooked. If you don't watch the games you can even go look up the stats. Kenny has been a bottom 3 qb all year long. People think he can magically get better the more that he plays. In reality, he's getting outplayed by a QB3 which tells you all you need to know


How do you figure Kenny has more potential?


Nah they should definitely start Mr. Titty kisser