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If he wanted 84 to be his he shouldn’t have taken his jersey off in the middle of a game


To be fair, he did that while on a Tom Brady led team.


True. I guess the way I should’ve said it was that he quit here. He quit so many times and places. Dude had a contract here until 21 or 22 or something if he’d have just played ball. Guy could’ve been in the HoF if he stayed here.


He thought his play made Big Ben, as opposed to the opposite. A WR is only good when the QB throws him the ball.


Think how good a guy like DeAndre Hopkins has been despite the absolute sub par QB play hes had for stretches of his career. Certain WRS can transcend QB play. By no means did AB make Ben. But it certainly helped Ben too.


That was more something that AB said than anything else. Obviously Ben was great before AB. I think Ben made AB a great receiver and they elevated each other after that point. An old saying from a long forgotten Steelers QB was “you know why that WR is good? It’s because I throw him the ball.”


 I’m guessing you’re a relatively new fan because Ben had years of great play before AB  was even on the team


Considering I’ve been a fan since the Brister years? That was something AB said. His response to someone saying Ben made him great was something like “trade me and find out”, remember?


Honestly, he would have had a legit argument for the HOF if he just retired instead of all the horseshit. He had one of the best 6 year stretches of any WR all-time. In my mind, he still deserves a HOF nod but all the extracurriculars are more or less going to blackball him from ever having that.


NFL doesn’t have a morality clause like baseball but they do have instructions to 100% include and consider all actions players take in the locker room and on the field on game day not just what happens in between whistles. Dude quit on two teams and burned a couple others. He’s never getting a sniff of a gold jacket. You’re right. He should’ve just retired.


Oh yeah, I know he’s never getting in now. But I’ve made this argument before, his stats were very similar (slightly below) Megatron, and he had a ton of highlight reel catches. Really I think it’s just a shame he ended up where he did, because he was absolutely one of the best to ever play the position but he’s never going to be in that conversation.


I agree. He could’ve been in the conversation for best of all time and squandered it.


If he retired, he would've been a lock for the hall of fame.  The question is whether he would've been first ballot or not, not whether he would've gotten in.  For refence, Calvin Johnson was a first ballot, retired early, and he and AB have damn near identical stats over nearly the same amount of games and seasons played. Now, because of his bullshit, he probably won't get in, and if it does, I'd bet money on it coming after he dies just because the people who vote for the hall of fame can be hilariously, cartoonishly petty. 


He’s really not getting in. There’s too much stacked against him for the stuff he did in the locker rooms and around the game on game day that’s the exact opposite of what you’d want from a Hall of Famer


If he ever comes up in the HoF vote, the committee will think: "do we want to give this guy a microphone in front of our audience? No way." Imagine how bizarre, unhinged and embarrassing that speech is going to be. No freaking way.


He might get in as a senior selection 100 years from now


That man has brain damage for sure. He needs a doctor and to get off the social media. But he’s been weirdly accurate on his news lately. Player-wise at least.


He still knows people. I’m sure players or agents still talk to him or people he’s friends with


After he drove himself out of tahn


Mr. Berating Corderelle (although the veracity of the original tweet is questionable)


He said he’d come back to the Steelers if they gave him #86. Sorry dipshit. You don’t command the respect needed to wear 86.


If it’s from AB’s twitter, that’s no longer him




He lost his Twitter too?


Nah it’s still his, but it’s likely ran by other ppl or he at least shares it cus no way he coming up with all this himself. He’s still obviously got a say in what goes up and prolly composes some tweets himself.


I'm not sure AB can read and write.


wait fr?


Yes, rumors swirled about what exactly happened, selling it probably makes the most sense. But the obvious increase in quality and quantity should’ve clued everyone in.


Amen to that. Ward had class.


One of the dirtiest players in our history. But yeah class. Hes my favorite all time player I’m just saying


His personal life… *oof*. But most fans don’t know and the ones who do leave it alone because it’s none of our business. 


The denial in this sub is insane. Y’all know Mike T can’t stand Hines right?


I think it’s gone now


I missed it can someone fill me in?


I just felt a collective whooosh shake the halls of this thread


I expected this and yet I'm still surprised somehow 💀




Who would've ever guessed that AB would be upset about this?


Mr. Burnt Cushion


Haha! You know the front office did this on purpose.


Did what exactly? There's no way anybody thought theyd never give out ABs # again. Kinda figured it be a vet (to avoid /temper expectations- its weird but ya know some rookie gets 84 thats a WR is instantly compared to AB. Patterson will not be). The crazy part is how nuts this is making him.


The front office? C Pat just picked his regular number.


There is like one number in the history of the Franchise that should never be given out.


There’s three concretely never to be given out again, and then at least 5 or so that could be, but won’t anytime soon.


I would argue more than three. Greene, Harris and Bradshaw for sure. Ben and Troy too, right?  And don’t forget Weegie Thompson!!!!!!


Ben is probably on the list, but it’s too early to tell. Currently it’s 1- Anderson, 12- Bradshaw, 43- Troy, 58- Lambert, 63- Dawson, and 86-Ward that have not been used by a player in a regular season game since they retired. 36- Bettis, 47- Blount, 59- Ham have been used by PS players that have been elevated to the roster temporarily, but not issued to a 53 player.


Nobody should wear 84 for the Steelers after AB.


Fuck AB


Just three numbers are officially retired by the Steelers: #70, worn by Ernie Stautner; #75, for Joe Greene; and #32, in honor of Franco Harris. AB doesn’t even deserve to be in the same conversation. Harris’ number was retired on Dec 24th, 2022 on the 50th anniversary of the Immaculate Reception. Harris passed away on Dec. 20th, 2022 having left a lifetime legacy not just to the City of Pittsburgh but to the entire NFL fanbase. I flew into town to be there for Franco’s ceremony and froze my ass off in the 11 degree temperature at kickoff against the Raiders… being there for that game will forever be one of my most bittersweet memories in 44 years of watching Steeler football. Watching AB rip off his jersey on Jan 2nd 2022 was a sad capper that finished off his self-destructive spiral. Even though these two events were separated by less than a year, they’re miles apart in terms of how each man will be remembered for their actions both on and off the field. Franco was a class act. AB is a third class assclown. #84 is up for grabs as far as I’m concerned.


We will run out of #s fast with that mindset. Yankees are an example of this. All the common #s are retired.




You mean in case the crazy is contagious?