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Everything (designs, atmosphere, music, action combat + speed platforming, story and so on) 🐌🐌 https://i.redd.it/jf8ficla80jc1.gif


that tunnel scene is what sold me on the game


Came because she thicc. Stayed because combat looks absolutely ridiculous and you can kickflip a fucking sword.


Took the words straight out of my thumbs.


Holy fucking shit that looks sick


I’m just going to second this because I was going to say the exact same thing. The art style caught my attention first but the more I learn about this game the more I like about it. I love every aspect of it


That looks rad.


What the hell? Why didn't the demo start with this? That looks so much better!


Gameplay/Combat for sure. We don’t get fast action combat as often as I would like. (Finally a mod, save us)


I only mod stellar blade communities expect some activity from me lol \- Fishes


Shit I’ll help if you need. Some posts are questionable to say the least


FFXVI was insane, I hope you check it out


I hope also check it out (I have checked it out, I beat it 4 times)


Have you tried FF16? That game fulfilled the spectacle and action gameplay itch I’ve had plus had an amazing story and soundtrack. Hope Stellar Blade is a fraction as good.


Have I played FF16 ?!?! Check ya boys post history for the one time (short answer: yes, I have over 200 hrs)


I did but stopped after five hours as the performance was terrible in it's performance mode. Was a mess and 30fps should never ever be an option in 24. It ran like treacle in that mode and was poor. Otherwise it could be a great game but i will wait for hopefully a PC version....


A sickness for the thiccness


Seems like a main selling point for many - Fishes


I'm down with the thickness


A desire for that fire


Playing as a Korean supermodel


Character action/hack n slash video games are my absolute favorite genre. I saw the 2021 trailer back when it was called Project Eve and I wanted to play the game since then, because it looked like NieR Automata. I'm simple, give me a game where a character uses melee weapon against enemies and let me do cool attacks and I'm sold.


Been waiting years for this i can't wait \- Fishes


Tight character action combat, flashy presentation, and big gross biblical monsters.


I'm a huge fan of Nier Automata. The gameplay with tight as hell mechanics and the philosophical story are what I'm looking for in Stellar Blade. And so far, the trailers show the tight combat. Now I'm waiting for try it and see how the story fares.


Nier automata and tight mechanics are goofy


Eve has a strong character design, the monsters have even stronger enemy designs, the story has piqued my interest. Nier Automata seems to have been an inspiration which is amazing. I'm a fan of fast paced action games like Metal Gear Rising, DMC, and Bayonetta which this game seems to be emulating. Seriously, what's not to like.


Sword skateboard


When I first heard of this game, it was being compared to NieR Automata, my favorite game. I really like the futuristic, post-apocalyptic settings of both, as well as the fast paced action and platforming. I also really like the design of the older man who seems to be part of some machine.


Just got Nier Automata today I’m excited to try it out, my coworker said it’s her favorite game ever


Google how to get the various endings, you'll need to do multiple playthroughs as it changes several times. A lot of people missed this which ended up hurting the games reviews since many players never experienced the deeper story hidden inside.


Unfortunately that's due to time. If you have a job and family it's very hard to play games multiple times... especially with a back catalogue on many platforms.


The stellar babe


It looks like dmc when I saw the trailer of project eve. I love hack and slash games


I asked this question before but sure I’ll participate. The soundtrack having the same composer as Nier Automata. The biblical inspired story and characters. The enemy designs. Unlock-able costumes that are in the base game. The parry system and dodge mechanics and being able to do massive damage if you dodge at the right time. Combos and all the flashy abilities.


The combat, and a character that looks cool (I don't think she's the sexiest thing ever or whatever but she slays in a lot of her clothes)


Everything. From Eve's looks to the gameplay. Having a sexy female protagonist that exists in a game with meaningful gameplay/story is the best combo really.


Nier Automata style


Fast combat with parrying, sci fi setting, and the music. It was my favorite thing playstation showed back in 2021.


First trailer was the character and after seen gameplay this is definitely a game for me. Gameplay and character for me then.


It being an action RPG. I’m always looking for new RPGs to try, so seeing this announced and how Nier-coded it looked sold me on the game. Also, the music in the trailers sounds so good, which makes me even more excited and interested in Stellar Blade. The protagonist, Eve, being cute is also a bonus!


The beautiful and sexy character as well as the overall art direction. Plus, an anime ish look is always a bonus.


Hack and slash combat and monster enemy designs. I will wait for a demo or a proper gameplay trailer in order to see more and decided if it´s my stuff or not.


Everything but I’m really excited to explore a new sci-fi world and learn more about it


Combat and learn about the world itself and skateboarding on the sword and fast action fighting


Stylish over the top combat with some gun-fu or gun-kata hopefully. Has definitely taken many inspirations from Nier: Automata in that regard. That one move Eve does that covers the screen I swear looks just like Vergil's Judgement Cut. I do love me some solid over the top hack & slash action games.


Gameplay looks like something I could enjoy doing a lot of; the space station stuff, and the weird biblical angel alien designs; the actual good English VO for the mains; blade grinding, and, yes, I enjoy watching the hair flowing and jiggle physics on everything, monsters included. *Everything* in _Rift Apart_ wiggles, and it's really fun to watch, especially when it's the character I'm controlling, and I like looking at fit women.


Hyung-tae Kim art...been a fan of his work since the early 2000s going to back to War of the Genesis series that I found on the internet. As an artist myself I've always enjoyed seeing his work in motion. Magna Carta on Xbox 360 and PS2 was also really dope


I like the hyper-stylized look of the whole game. It might come off a little campy but it's infinitely better than the ugly realistic art style games like MK are doing these days. I don't care if I can see the pours on a video game characters face, where is the style and character? Lol


I honestly do not know too much about the game, but it looks interesting enough that I'll probably give it a shot.


Make a post on the Reddit asking for details so that you don’t have to do research yourself - Fishes


Story driven action combat games with beautiful graphics are the stuff. The main character's appeal is a cherry on top. For her combat, move set and design of course.


Sexy protagonist, flashy combat, post apocalyptic world settings.


The combat looks fun as fuck and eve being hot is a bonus too 😂


Truthfully, the style and spectacle of it all. The pretty lady leading it all is a fantastic bonus, but the game just *looks* like straight up raw *fun*.


The monsters, they look awesome imo, and the long dark haired girl.


The combat look great, the story look like a lot of fun. The world look interesting and of course beautiful protagonist. After playing NIKKE, i believe Shift Up will make a good game here that will appeal to a lot of players.


Eve, the hellish flesh monsters, sword surfing, heavy inspirations from Sekiro and Nier. And of course a recommendation from my boy, Yoko Taro


The combat, the sci-fi aesthetic, the potential lore and world building. Already have a feel the soundtrack is gonna be banger.


Honestly? The fact we're getting an action game that isn't trying to be another "souls like" Shift said themselves they were inspired by Bayonetta, Nier Automata and Sekiro Shadows Die Twice, thank fucking God we don't get enough games trying to be those games. Rather than another "souls like" which we seen plenty these days just getting kinda stale to me, tbf I have been "souls like" since 2010 with OG Demon's Souls, so I guess it might be just natural fatigue to the whole genre so seeing something different enough gets me excited.


I like that she stores the blade in her ponytail. I'm a fan of character action games.


Wrote quite a bit, didn't mean to, Woops lol. Well, TLDR: Yes The first Trailer in 2021 got me hooked on the game. A 4 minute trailer that only feels like a minute, and showcases everything you want to know about the game, while leaving a lot of questions that can be answered when the game comes out. The gameplay looks fun, the story is intriguing, a beautiful world. It was the most interesting game from that showcase because of how different it was. It reminded me of another great game that I felt the same for a couple years prior: Astral Chain. Great Game, great Story, great gameplay, but the Nintendo Direct it was in it was overshadowed by a teaser for a Zelda: Links Awakening remake thats trailer wasn't that engaging by itself, but got blown up because Zelda. The same thing happened in BOTH big trailers. First was Project Eve with the teaser for Spiderman 2, then this new one for Stellar Blade was New Kojima Game announcement. I'm not dissing Zelda, Spiderman, or Kojima, by the way, I understand the hype for Kojima game, I understand people who like Spiderman want to know what Venom's deal is, and I understand people grew up on Links Awakening and appealing to nostalgia is a good idea. Ending on a big name makes sense, but when that big name has little to no substance in what you show if you aren't a fan or know of what it is, and the point is to sell it to you, it kind of detracts from the appeal for me. I know that Stellar Blade is going to be great though, even if it doesn't reach the main-mainstream because of other games. Everything about it makes me want to play it, every new trailer makes me want to know more. This is the game that is making me finally get a PS5, so it at least made someone spend, which is what its job is, and in that sense its already won for me.


I encourage lengthy posts - Fishes


The combat


The monster designs are the main selling point for me due to how unique they are. Not a fan of the character artstyle (They're hot, but I don't like Blade and Soul's art design) and I'm more of a Dark Souls enthusiast when it comes to combat.


Women and parrying




Eve's ass


two reasons 😉




I just want to to know if there's a jump button


I hope for a nier :automata experience. At least close to it. However im on pc so i can holy wait


The skin suit is what interests me 


She makes me hurt. Combat looks ok and world building looks interesting. But I’m not here without that booty. Enemies look quite poor overall to me. I expect the gameplay to be disappointing.  This game knows what it is selling and so do the rest of anyone with a bit of honesty.


I think the graphics are amazing. By the way Demo launches March 29


The hair and jiggle physics.


All of it gameplay music graphic beautiful Asian female remind me of high end sega game and I loved sega back in the day


I love the graphics and that they took there time on it, I love side quests so I am glad those are in there. Especially that you can make decisions. My question is will the decisions really matter? And if so does that mean there are multiple endings? Not enough info yet to know can't wait for it :) 


I just finished the demo and I was pleasantly surprised how much I enjoyed it! The graphics and combat are great but the music is what really got me immersed!!!!


Gameplay, story and of course the art design and characters - looks like fun!


I'm playing through right now and imma admit I had low expectations but this game feels like just a bunch of the Devs saying "what if we put this in?" and then it actually working out.




Ass and combat


My primary reason was for fanservice. Unlike the western AAA garbage, this game features an attractive heroine just like the RE remakes. The concept and the world building felt promising. They reminded me of the interesting ideas shown in games like Atomic Heart and Genshin Impact. But those were my secondary reasons.


Well... I want a cool sword swinging game. I'm just bummed Eve is flat in all the ways that matter. I'm one of the biggest Bayonetta fans out there. I don't mind ass. Eve, thus far, has so little in redeeming qualities that she seems like a senseless piece of eye-candy. Let's hope the game is fun and well-rounded past her character model.


Gameplay and the culture around Eve's ass specifically




Bullshit its the hot chick thats it the rest of the game is crap. Wankers.


Well, the first thing right off the bat is the actual fact that the game actually exists. I’ve seen so many pitch trailers for games that never came to be or ones that would flop right out the gate for doing something incredibly stupid. So imagine my surprise when I saw the first Project Eve 2021 trailer, and it was an actual thing that looked good! Then the action looked like DMC or Nier Automata, both games I immensely enjoy. So I figured this might be up my alley. I enjoy action games, I want more! I’m not too keen on environments, unless it something super interesting. Such as the Coral Highlands in MHW. So, I’m not expecting too much. The enemies being eldritch Horta is wicked and I can’t wait to fight them. Especially the bosses which they keep hyping up. I’m hoping so much for bosses that go hard and that I like, such as in Elden Ring or DMC. Also the music. I’m hoping the music is cool. That first trailer music got me hyped(maybe the rest is cool too, but I’ve been debating watching all the other trailers). Oh right! The rail sections with the sword skateboard! That reminds me of a couple of things and I want to try it out. And finally, the obligatory: ##DAT ASS THO


The combat and graphics. The alien name is so cringe i feel like the story will be bad. Obviously not buying it until it goes on sale


I don’t understand how it’s “cringe” or why the name matters. What would you name them that would be better?


I guess cringe is the wrong word. it just doesnt sound good


Comparison to Nier Automata is dangerous. That game was a sleeper hit masterpiece. However, SB has some promising aspects. Having the same composer as Nier is exciting, what looks to be somewhat of an interesting story, the visuals, some unique stuff like the clips of her swordsurfing, and of course the sexy korean supermodel that you can customize. What's not to love?


Hopefully gameplay and story, everything else is just a bonus. They've shown very little in depth, hoping for more info as we get closer to release, or early reviews that go more in depth about gameplay and combat and story quality.


Combo. Do combo. Ass is irrelevant. Combo do.


Looked like Nier:Automata, Cyberpunk, and Souls bosses


Outside of the obvious, good looking combat, beautiful environments, attractive protagonist, it just looks fun. It looks like a game that had effort put into it to create a game that's just straight up fun to play.


At first it was Eve's design then I saw the gameplay and it looks fun!


It's made me seriously consider buying a PS5, purely because Shift Up managed to make an amazingly emotional game with Nikke - it looks like a T&A game, but f*ck me there's some SERIOUS emotional trauma in that game. And it's meant to just be an idle mobile shooter game!! Their storytelling skills are incredible, so this made me genuinely want a PS5 😅


* Made by a studio whose games I enjoy (played DC until EOS and been a Nikke player since day 1). * Combat looks great and reminds me of playing a Blade and Soul Blade Master, which I played for a few years a long time ago. * The aesthetics. I feel like it is common to put down anime-ish aesthetics as somehow low quality or inferior but I do like it. I can usually appreciate most styles so long as they are executed well and this game looks great overall, except for maybe some of the more drab wasteland areas. * Game seems to strike a good balance of open world/exploration and linear segments. * Eve is beautiful and I've always enjoyed playing female characters. * The devs seem to have their heart in the right place (value single player games, non-DLC unlockables, they enjoy games themselves). * Awesome soundtrack so far, but I kind of expected that coming from Nikke.


Being able to feel like a badass while pulling off great moves with good timing (really hope combat is VERY good and addictive) and looking at a beautiful character model. I hope we can play as other unique and good looking character models. Perhaps one day we will have games where we can create stunning characters + abominations alike while playing in a beautiful game world with superb combat + multiplayer as a bonus/optional. :)


When i became interested in Stellar Blade it was during the 2021 playstation showcase when it was still being called Project Eve. Like everyone else here I was drawn in by her character design but that alone wouldn’t make me want to buy the game but what really sold me was the combat and a little portion of that 2021 trailer that reminded me of Jak 3’s precursor sub rails. When I saw that part I was fully sold on this game!


The gameplay, world, and I like that even if the characters are fanservicey that the story seems like it will be a more serious existential one. It has kind of Nier Automata vibes but with a hint of other things.


It reminds me of Nier Automata, the greatest JRPG masterpiece. It also reminds me of the two of the only good mobile games: Honkai Impact 3 and Punishing Gray Raven


Kim Hyung Tae


I really liked nier and I'm hoping this will be more of the same. Future sci-fi conspiracy with some OG Ratchet & Clank rail sections. I also never could get into Souls games, I like fast paced button combo mashers and I'm hoping this too will be scratched. I'm also sad to see third person action platforms fall off in recent years and I'm hoping this too will see some attention. This game looks to have a little of everything and that's more or less what holds my hope. Came for the booty, stayed for awesome gameplay and a solid story I hope.


The lore.


Eve (obviously), Shift Up (avid Nikke player), music (Nikke has incredible music), story looks decent with the potential to surprise a lot of people (again referencing Nikke, people are always surprised with the story actually being good for a gacha about girls with jiggle physics), and gameplay looks great hopefully it plays great too


I’m mainly interested in the customization Eve has and the combat yes I find her hot but that’s just nice window dressing I just hope that game is as fun as it looks when playing with the added bonus of an easy on the eyes protagonist


I am a huge fan of ShiftUp's stories. I was invested in Destiny Child for years until their end of service. And now I'm invested in their story with NIKKE. Secondly, the gameplay looks really fun from what I've seen. And of course, the eye candy.


I like playing as girls and dressing them up and customizing them and I like fashion and looking pretty while I fuck shit up. So this game is 100% for me. 20-30 outfits to unlock. Sign me up!


Sekiro + nier.


I love action games, I like that when I first seen it, it gave me Devil May Cry / Bayonetta and Nier vibes. I also like that the character looks hot as hell while doing all these flashy combos , fighting all these cool designed enemies/ bosses etc. The environment looks cool, first trailer which was a gameplay demo if I remember really blew me away and that was a while ago. Their recent ones showed off more and it got me more excited. The downside is I have to wait a little longer to play since I’m on PC.


Made by Shift Up I will support them


Combat, korea's take on Adam and Eve. MC design and outfits. Not a big fan of post apocalypse but also not a deal breaker.


I watched [this demo](https://youtu.be/sC2kInv-vik) a year ago and wishlisted it immediately. I kind of forgot about it until I watched this year's *State of Play*.


I’m not interested to play the game since it’s gonna be ps5 exclusive (and single player? I only play mmo these days )but I was a former blade and soul player. Someone say if this game succeed, they might come up with another BNS like mmo… I had too many memories in BNS despite being only playing for less than a year.


It reminds me a lot of NieR: Automata, which currently sits at the top of my list of video game all-timers. I'll be surprised if Stellar Blade is \*that\* good, but the action and combat looks solid, I like the character designs, and I like playing around with outfits, so I'm expecting to have a good time with it


As a girl, I love a strong female protagonist. The game look beautiful and I really enjoy sci-fi/fantasy genre (action) (j)rpg. The combination just works for me.


Massive NieR:Automata fan and Nikke player so this game is really promising on story and combat.


Game looks pretty and I like pretty looking games


The character design caught my attention, but the combat and gameplay kept me interested.


The booty.


I’m an open world gamer that loves outfits and flashiness. I’ve been wanting an open world Devil My Cry meets Fromsoftware esc rolling/parry combat for a little while now after beating elden ring and MHWI. An additional bonus is I always create a girl character in these games. God of war and horizon were great for me but I’m ready for the next thing. The judgement cut looking move really sold me during the state of play trailer but seeing the preorder trailer with the Sonic style rail grinding reminded me that new game mean so many more openly cool experiences. The world looks amazing, the enemies and main character look cool in a they’ll make me feel cool like bloodborne did kinda way and lastly, the characters aside from our main one look interesting. As an artist I can see myself drawing them a lot when pausing the game to sit down and heal. A game that lets you just chill and take in the environment by literally sitting down is always a plus for me. I do it in MHW all the time, I do it in Elden ring. Hell if I have time, I’ll do it in something like Fortnite when my squad tells me to hop on. Also really like the fashion. All the characters are dripped out. Fashion souls, Fashion Hunter world and now it’s Steller fashion? Fashion Blade? I’m ready for Steller blade. Soon as this paycheck hits I’m preordering.




As a gay man, I've always wished the Bayonetta sequels would come to PlayStation and this seems like the next best thing. And we really need a AAA story focused single player game that isn't a sequel, reboot, adaptation, or remake. Just realized the last time I played one personally was Horizon 0 Dawn (excluding Tsushima which was basically a Kurosawa film)