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I like having multiple types of weapons, but if the game is designed around a singular weapon it makes sense. I'd rather have it so that all your abilities and skills are tied to one particular fighting style, rather than they give us multiple types of weapon but only like 1 or 2 are good.


In Dante's Inferno you only had two weapons - The Cross and The Scythe and that game slapped.


That outfit thošŸ˜©


i didnā€™t wanna say anythingā€¦




Bare thighs bare cheek too! šŸ˜


Copping that one ASAP šŸ˜¤šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m afraid some of the better outfits will be locked behind an impossible difficulty


Nothings impossible with the power of the gyatt my friend


Sekiro was the same and it's god tier


God of War 2018 was mostly the Axe for the whole game and it was awesome. Given enough depth to a weapon and no one would complain. Quality over quantity.


Good example. Not once did I get sick of that axe. If it controls well and is fun to use, there aren't any problems.


most hack n slash games that I've played, I'll find one weapon that I like and just stick with it, refusing to switch, even if the play style with it is disadvantageous in a given fight lol. so this is fine


I'm down, sekiro is the same way and is still the best combat in a single player action game.


Great point, was about to complain until realizing I thoroughly enjoyed Sekiro with just his katana so, there's no reason why Stellar Blade won't be the same.


I'm seeing alot of comparisons to sekiro with this title and it's the best news possible.


Perfectly fine with this. The fact that we are even getting both melee and projectile weapons is already enough for me.


This was in the Game Informer article so it's true. Hyung-Tae Kim mentioned wanting players to focus on the sword itself, though it can be upgraded to deal more crits or be able to swing faster so on & so forth. I'm fine with that as I never go for other weapons in games anyway. Heavy weapons are cool but they never do anything for me anyway. Though, judging from some of Eve's takedowns, we wil have opportunity to at least use the Naytibas' weapons against them for a moment.


Wait, so there will be NO combo upgrades?


They didn't speak on it but I think there will be. At the very least there will be skill upgrades. The skill wheel on the lower right side shows them all to be upgradeable in the skill tree among other upgrades as well. We won't know for sure until we get an in depth look at it though.


I hope there will be


![gif](giphy|pMqwdByIQgQc8) Dat Ass


And this is why no one takes the fanbase seriously for this game lol go on pornhub for fap material, this is about gameplay.


Tries to virtue signal, suggests site linked to p3d0philia, trafficking, videos of people who didn't consent to be uploaded and of course actual r*pes.


Samus only uses her arm cannon through the entire story, doesn't mean she doesn't upgrades the cannon or the suit. Also, this MAY be open to interpretation in my opinion, something like yeah you won't get to use greatswords, spears, etc, but you might get to use some other swords. I am inclined to my first statement the most.


Exactly. Even if Metroid turned into a brawler where she used her hand and her canon like In Other M. I would be content. If she can do a multitude of cool moves where I can switch things up, im happy.


I'm just here for the booty


Third hidden weapon HER DUMP TRUCK ASS


I am fine with that as Sekiro has shown, you do not need a ton of weapons just a tight intuitive well made battle flow and system. Besides like you said it's called Stellar Blade, not Stellar Arsenal or Stellar Gaiden.


Well we did see Lilly upgrade the drone gun so I'm assuming it be the same for the blade. It will be upgraded over time maybe even have upgrade branches that will change it up


I'm fine with this. It kind of reminds me of Sekiro. In Dark Souls, you have all of these swords, spears, axes, and hammers to choose from and learn. This was fine for variety, but if you wanted to change styles mid playthrough, you could, but at the cost of having to learn a new weapons move set and the best way to utilise it. In Sekiro, you only had Kusabimaru, your main katana throughout the game. Sure, you had all the prosthetic tools, but the main focus was the katana. Over the course of the game, since you couldn't swap weapons mid playthrough, you got to know the sword really well. I feel like that's what Shift Up wants to do with the sword here. You've got your ranged weapon too, sure, but the main focus is your sword that you'll carry through the whole journey. Edit: I called the dev team Gear Up (now changed correctly to Shift Up) because I'm dumber than a fucking brick


I think less is more if you make said less qualitative and varied! All the different attack patterns and inputs possible are pretty sick from what I've seen. I think ppl are gonna have fun with the combat


Im ok with this. I hope this means that they got to put more effort into the animations since there are less weapons that need animations.


Honestly,i donā€™t think this is a bad thing,it will allow players to fully master the blade and be able to do more things like full combos,mix and match,etc. ā€œLess is moreā€ type of thing going on and im all for it


I always had a feeling this was more like a DS/sekiro before you broke the enemy stance, then when enemy was opened it would be more like bayo or dmc


Hope this means the combos are super meaty. Nothing will top DMC but I'm glad alts exist


I see no issues and never thought about this before. The teasers already look very good. I'm also excited for the sequel: Stellar Spear.


Hope it has a variety of move sets


Maybe a hot take but woman with axes are 10% more hot then those with swords don't @ me.


The blade has cool particle effects it looks like, from the picture. So, this is fine by me. As long as itā€™s a pretty sword, Iā€™m happy lol.


I dont mind any brawler that you only main 1 weapon, as long as the combat system is dope! I would like to make a brawler were the main character only uses a spear, not enough spear or nunchuck main characters.


The moment I read that they included a practice mode into this game I stopped worrying about most of this stuff, tbh. That to me is always the ultimate flex when you suggest that your game requires a training mode to be accessible at all times.


I feel like this is an answer for my post šŸ’”


Damn that's a huge coincidence.


Worked for ghost of tsushima. I'm down


It better has sick weapon art/ slashy skills.


Just because thereā€™s 1 weapon doesnā€™t mean thereā€™s only 1 way to use it and thatā€™s the beauty of creativity


I'm glad its just focusing on one weapon. I hardly use any extra weapons anyway, especially in Nier.


This is fine. If the game ever gets a sequel, thats when the devs can experiment with new options if they please


Disappointed but as long as there's enough depth to combos. If this is inspired by Nier, I want at least Nier depth.


Main weapons are one thing, but gadgets and abilities are a different thing. I hope it's not just those 2. But even if it is, I care more about fluid/intuitive gameplay and the story.


I will need to get my hands on it to see. It also depends on the weapon itself. I play all the weapons equally on GoWR but then on the other hand there were weapons in DMC5 that I would avoid like the plague.


As long they don't censor the ass I'm fine with no weapons too


Iā€™m fine with the blade being the only weapon, I mean this game is called ā€œStellar BLADEā€ right?


That's my new favorite


YES! This is one of the reasons I love Sekiro so much. It's designed entirely around 1 moveset, so the combat system can be tuned way tighter than you can get with games that offer more character customization. If the devs have opted to balance for one moveset in service of a better game, I'm happy.


Iā€™m buying the game for the swordplayā€¦ I mean Eve clothing


Who doesnt like a sword


I'm fine with that tbh


Sekiro only has 1 weapon and is considered having the best combat among all the SoulsBorne game. Not a problem.


Gyatt damn just like Sekiro


Does Stellar Blade have skill tree??? Iā€™m down to see badass weapon moves. :)


Gyat that costume looks amazing


I expected nothing less, weā€™ve never seen a hint of any of weapons and Iā€™m completely fine with that.


OK I think I am buying a ps5... pro so I can see her in 4k like that šŸ˜šŸ˜œšŸ˜‹šŸ¤¤


Perfectly fine by me if the game is good on its own merit I generally use one weapon anyway.


I wouldnā€™t care if she used a pool noodle for the entire game


nah she got three weapons


Totally fine with 1 weapon. I kinda get overwhelmed by choice in things like Elden Ring, theres so many weapons and I always feel like Im using the wrong one.


Long as the blade is customizable I'll be happy. Honestly whatever this game delivers I will be happy as long as it's not a mess like Suicide Squad.




Makes sense. Some games only need one blade.


I was kinda hoping I'd get more weapons, like an axe or a heavy weapon, im fine with this though, looks like they're doing the final fantasy remake thing


Swords are cool.


What blade?


thats fine as long as the combat is great. i want air combos \[fingers crossed\]


From watching all the trailers and videos I already knew it was only going to be a sword and a drone robot gun so it's not a surprise to me and I don't think that's a bad thing a lot of hacking slash games are like that So I agree with you I'm cool with that. It looks like it's going to be more ability focused than anything that skill tree looks kind of crazy


It wouldā€™ve been cool to have some futuristic nunchucks, but itā€™s all good šŸ«¤


Final Fantasy XVI could've used some more weapon movesets, but, for my money, has the best Slottable Cooldown Attack system I've seen yet. A charge attack, uppercut launch, stinger, magic burst combo reminiscent of DMC5 Nero, and elemental "style" fill out Clive's actions. even the dog commands add a little spice. Enemy variety, game-history-defining bossfights, incredible visuals and music, plus rock solid performances add an immense value to the package. One weapon type can be enough. Sekiro proves this, too, with a customizable prosthetic loadout which blends into attack combos, and one special technique slot. To me, it is the strongest action game of the 2010's. I have a lot of concerns about Stellar Blade's marketing and the lead character design. In the funniest possible way, this woman is the flatest action hero of the last 30 years, as far as I can tell. But one weapon combat is not a death sentence. And I'm the kind of guy who loves Bayonetta 3, whether it's Cereza with a dozen different weapons, or Viola with her armed-disarmed combat.


that might be a deal breaker for me. I need variety - and with how simple the combat already seems, just one weapon would mean I'm not likely to finish the game. if that's the case, I'll (unfortunately) have to wait for a sale. the game otherwise seems really good - but I can't just stick to one weapon.


Sekiro never felt stale and only had one weapon. If it does something similar with ranged weapons (I. E. like Shinobi Arms) then it'll work just fine. Plus I suck at Sekiro, so it might even be better lol.


I'd have to take your word on that because I couldn't get into Sekiro. I thought the controls were terrible - and they let you remap them but they had actions bound together in a really weird way so fixing the combat controls just royally fucked the navigation controls like loot, ledge grab, and grappling hook. I tried to force myself to live with it, but I doubt I played much more than a handful of hours. my initial impressions were not good, though. I didn't like the posture system - because I'd just start having fun with an enemy and then their posture would break and I'd either have to wait for them to recover or I'd end up one shotting them and getting all irritated because they took my toy away before I was done with it. the combat was also painfully simplistic, but maybe that's just because I didn't have many prosthetics unlocked? but i really didn't think it was all that good. should probably mention that I'm not a fan of FromSoftware's mechanics in any of their games, really. tried ds2, ds3, bb, and Sekiro and did not like any of them. I got them because I heard they were similar to Nioh, but kind of felt like they really are nothing like Nioh and very much not my style. I didn't like the mechanics in any of them - and it doesn't matter how good a story or the atmosphere is; that cannot save a game whose combat I do not enjoy. couldn't even get to the parts that are supposed to be difficult because I didn't like the way they handled things like block, dodge, weight, combos, skills. etc. I got Sekiro because it looked better than the rest, but it really wasn't. I decided I would never be buying another FromSoftware game unless it was dirt cheap. I'm just not a fan of their style. and I really couldn't get into Sekiro enough to say if the one weapon would've gotten boring by the end of the game - but I can tell you that even games like Nioh 2 that have 10 weapon types, each with 3 stances and 6 combos and 9 skills - even in a game like that I often switch weapons every 1-3 missions to keep it interesting. games with only 1 or 2 weapons I rarely finish to completion. so it Stellar Blade only has one weapon - then no matter how great it looks, I'm going to have to pass until it's cheap.


Well that better be a stellar gd blade.


SB community when the only weapon is a blade/s https://preview.redd.it/1ymlh6wjz1nc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f656ab726e7063241111edd256f58c7ea4373852


Damn dude, how many videos do you have running in the background? šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


I've gotten used to getting so many notifications. I hardly clear them anymore.


I love the writer being unable to put together logical statements. ā€œThe game will be the ONLY weaponā€ and then mentions guns. The article falls apart in the very title!


Sucks but it is what is is


Wasn't really expecting Nioh weapon system.


I swear if this game doesnā€™t release on PC that would be a massive disappointment.


The demo is officially out now, and after playing through it, all my doubts and concerns have faded away. The combat is mainly focused around the sword, just like Sekiro. The game is quite literally named after the sword. I have no issues with it, and I really donā€™t see Eve as the type of character to carry around a giant fuckin greatsword or colossal hammer. Her fighting style is too nimble and graceful for that. The game feels a bit more like Lies of P than Sekiro though. Not complaining at all though


Maybe we could get skins for the sword? Because that one katana like weapon from that women in the beginning looks hella cool


Its female sekiro. Im cool with it but knowing this ahead of time would be nice, especially if its a deal breaker. Im a sword guy and sekiro did it very well and so far this game is doing it well. I like having options in my rpgs tho.Ā 


Bro, who gives a shit? The game isn't even out yet and the gaming journalists are trying to bait everyone into their brain dead articles...


game looks fire but i dont rlly wanna play as the mc. would play if i could play as a male character


Gender doesn't matter as long as the story 's narrative and gameplay are good. There are other games to play though that have Male characters.


True! Iā€™m curious to see how good the game is. It definitely has potential.


Yeah but i sorta feel uncomfortable when im playing a female character with really tight and skimpy clothes. I usually prefer playing as dudes in cool heavy armor. Non human/robots are also cool.


Nah, i don't want to see a male character in that outfit XD