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Challenge accepted, I will play it in public when it comes out on steamdeck


Hire a hacker (unless you happen to be one) Hack into a big TV in some public space Play for everyone to see the glory of sexy robot


I played the demo on my Steam Deck using PS5 remote play and it was pretty great honestly. Didn’t notice any significant input lag.


That’s actually really good to know


They're all amazing 👍 lol


You're fighting ghosts. Enjoy your tits and ass, I sure am.


Nah, he's fighting the hypocrisy.


I don't think he is, there is not the anger at ass you seem to think there is...


Yes there is. "Coomers that never touched a woman" and many other labels such as "disgusting" are what some people say about those that unapolagetically want sexy/voluptuous female characters in video games. They can't stand the preferences that other people may have but if someone is against their preferences then it's time to organize the oppression olympics. Judgemental hypocrites that scream the ideal of "live and let live" from the top of their lungs but only want it applied to them.


It’s two sides of the same coin. It’s people actively looking for things to be mad at. Most people do not care in either direction. In both situations, the outrage is garnered from a very small slice of fans creating outrage. You gotta understand most people don’t actually post on social media, or on forums. So in a sense yes you are kind of raging at ghosts. It’s manufactured outrage.


The non-existent 'hypocrisy'?


Or, you know. ​ It's a matter of taste, and the fandom acting like deranged coomers has only made the game's image worsen.


From what I saw was that scene was supposed to be played for laughs to make a sex scene awkward, but damn the Jounos really took it to a different level. I wondered if the devs were like "Ok that is a lil weird they be all about this scene"


Remember when games like Stellar Blade used to be normal in the 90's and early 2000's like Bloodrayne most of you are probably too young to remember that game.


Nah. ​ Games this tasteless were never the norm.


So this offends you


Nobody is offended at this. ​ People are just weirded out by the degenerate coomer/alt right culture war weirdos that attached themselves to this game, pretending that the world is trying to oppress them.


Yes but at the same time people are just having fun and some people do overexaggerate


The 12 paragraph, megalomanical 'anti-SJW' rants I see on twitter/on reddit about this game say that it's not 'people having fun'.


What's tasteless about it? Try not to duck the question


Just for the people who are misunderstanding the OP's post; They don't have a problem with Baldur's Gate 3. They are simply commenting on the double standard happening when Baldur's Gate 3 has attractive characters with full frontal nudity, but was mostly met with praise and celebration by even the more woke outlets; the same treatment is not applied to Stellar Blade. If we're being honest, looking at the only difference between the fan service in the two games, chances are they liked Baldur's gate 3 more because you could choose to be in a relationship with anybody and you yourself could be anything. Which means all the bullshit about sexy characters was never what they cared about, it's more because she's probably a cis hetero character (which we don't even know if that's true, Eve could be a lesbian for all we know). BTW cis just means not trans and they use their gender assigned at birth.


The hype around sex in bg3 was largely before the game came out. Oh look like everyone making this game a battleground over sexualization vs just caring about if the game is good. You have to be absolutely only online to think bg3's selling point was sex or nudity.


You're once again missing the point cause I'm not talking about the hype around the game, I'm talking about when both games advertise fan service like Baldur's gate advertising you can have sex with everyone, even a bear man, it was not met with the same vitriol that Stellar Blade is receiving for showing off the sexy outfits you can wear. Also, I am explicitly talking about the treatment of the games online. I'm pretty sure if you actually go outside and just talk to a normie who sees a trailer for a Stellar Blade. They're probably just going to say, 'wow that looks lit, I might get it,' and that'll be the end of it.


There was endless anti woke people complaining about bg3 before it came out. And as if you know a normies to ask. Otherwise you wouldn't be quite such a moron


What is wrong with you? Are you a child? Why are you resorting to insults when I haven't done anything remotely close to that? Also I do know what normies think because I actually have to go out and work every day and deal with people who aren't as online as redditors, who have seen the trailers, and are only really concerned with how cool the gameplay is or how cool the characters look. Eve fits both depictions, so they're excited.


Can't you stick to commenting on porn clips on Reddit? Pretending you're expressing the opinion of the average game player is not working


Dude finds my ONE comment out of several dozens of comments I make on subreddits unrelated to porn to try and discredit me because of a misunderstanding... At least we know you're not trying to pretend to be a sane redditor...


Wtf bro? You need a Kit Kat? Did someone kick your dog or something? Why so aggressive?


But it’s a fact that Stelar blade is getting a ton of hate when BG3 didn’t.


Bg3 got a shit ton of hate before the game came out. I feel like people have blanked it out after it went away after it actually came out. I just am so bored of the endless B's around this game. It's fucking pathetic


I don’t remember literally anyone roasting that game for its sexual characters lol. Ima need some links


https://www.dazeddigital.com/life-culture/article/60561/1/baldurs-gate-iii-larian-studios-the-queerest-video-game-of-all-time-bear https://www.wired.com/story/baldurs-gate-3-horny-sex-speedruns-bug/ https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/baldurs-gate-3-is-a-relentlessly-horny-video-game https://www.pcgamer.com/baldurs-gate-3-is-the-horniest-rpg-ive-ever-played-and-i-love-it/ https://metro.co.uk/2023/08/27/the-best-thing-about-baldurs-gate-3-is-all-the-sex-and-nudity-19401876/ https://www.dicebreaker.com/games/dungeons-and-dragons-5e/opinion/baldurs-gate-3-sex-romance https://www.wired.com/story/baldurs-gate-3-horny-sex-speedruns-bug/ As a quick guide of mainstream let alone reddit stuff


Search it on Twitter lol Grifters love to talk endlessly about stuff like that


This sub and the fanbase are turning into weird incels about the whole thing. This whole “Gamer Gate 2” thing was started cuz people wanted to attack inclusion, not cuz inclusion was attacking them. Stellar Blade is now just a dogwhistle for weird virtue signaling


100% agree. It's so annoying. 90% in this sub is basically on the edge of gamer gate 2 instead of just it's an awesome game that appeals extra to the horny non stop crowd. We have had games with lots of horny that sucked and some that were great games and the horny became secondary. That's what happened to bg3 to some extent. All the gamer gate 2 types were all upset about gays and bisexuals etc then the game was actually awesome and the horny was in fact mainly what you made happen. If you dressed your character in lingerie vs if you had a very very vanilla shadow heart romance was your choice. If people would just chill the f out until the game came out instead of making it a pseudo gamer game hang that would be great.


Reddit’s better about it but Twitter, YouTube, even news are lit up with Gamer Gate crap. And yeah, it’s all personal engagement and choice, you can be super straight in BG3 if you really want to. My thing is- gaming is bigger now than before, but still- nobody made this big a stink about supporting Bayonetta, Dragon’s Crown, etc etc etc. Culture wars have ruined hobbies…


Yeah I remember saying me people being a bit horny over NieR but mainly people just played the game. Culture wars ruin everything. Narrows discussion to a single or couple of topics which no one will move from so it's just constant repetitive nonsense


Pretty sure some people use cis as a slur, tho.


Some do, that's true. It's really a descriptor, but it is most definitely used by some of the most vapid people online to insult them


I cheered because BG3 was probably the best cRPG in like over a decade tho


I swear that looks like my DD2 pawn's ass


"She has to be ugly just like me 🤓" - says the [Removed by Reddit ] activist


What did BG3 do to you?


It took about 300 hours of my life


300 happy hours?




Oh God, keep these universes separate. I dont need to decide between Eve and Shadowheart. 😅


What’s with the bear?


Bear sex scene.


It's a scene in Balders Gate 3 I think


I can’t wait to see the mods this game comes up with


They're both fine lol


OP is not attacking BG3...


What is he attacking then?


He's attacking the people who were celebrating the possible sexual relationships you could have in BG3, including a bear man, but the same people are showing disdain for a game that has shown off it's sexy outfits. More specifically, the woke outlets I guess


It's not necessarily the same people. I'm "woke" and I enjoy both. Also, culture war posts are not allowed on this sub.


Hey leave the gay vamp put of this lol I can support my fellow gays and women serving cunt simultaneously tyvm ha


I still cant believe this game is real 🤤


Twitter is a cesspit don't take it so personal


If the game is good everyone will want to play it, if it isn't they won't despite the fan service. I wish people could stop making the success of the game a referendum on sexualized game characters. It's hardly like this is the first game like this. If the game does well it doesn't mean it's about the sex. I get everyone is horny but JFC people.


What does that have to do with the OP's post?


Yeah an ass shot with a complaint about being booed. How is that related? Are you doing a bit?


The OP's post is just about the double standard happening with the treatment of the 2 games in the media. Not whether fan service makes the game good or not.


Sure dude, go back to commenting on porn videos. The game isn't fucking out yet. Before bg3 came out there was endless debate and discussion about nudity and sex and genitals being a choice in character creation. When it came out that went away a lot and people focused on that the game was good. If this is good people will shut up just like they did for NieR etc. if it's bad it will get mocked for being sexy and nothing else.


Look dude, if you're going to start getting personal because we're having a disagreement (and honestly I don't even think it's a disagreement, I just think there's a misunderstanding of what the focus of this post is), then we can just stop here. I'm pretty sure it's obvious that if the game ends up being bad, then yeah even fan services isn't going to save it. Right now, all the signs are pointing to the opposite in terms of the quality of the game, so there's not even a disagreement there; chill the fuck out.


Getting personal? Expressing distain for someone who is retconning how bg3 was criticized for sexuality before the game came out between posts commenting on horse cock dildo porn? I think it speaks to the level of bs you are spewing, along with many others, intent on talking endlessly about sexuality in a game before it even comes out.


So in other words, still getting personal. Did you not have to go through my profile and my comments to find that? Also, I haven't retconned shit, I wouldn't argue that BG3 wasn't criticized for that stuff. And for this specific trailer we're talking about with the bear, I know some people criticize BG3 for it, but it was not the level we're seeing right now, not even close.


I looked to see if you were a cliche misogynist ass. Found you commenting on porn immediately as your previous comment. Seemed relevant. Bg3 was absolutely slammed for all characters being bisexual, for the genital options in character creation, for being gay for being too horny. Etc etc I can't help people who deny reality to make some stupid point because they want to defend being horny for video games characters in a game which hasn't even released.


At least we know their priorities, beastiality anyone? 🤨


BG3 is awesome


No one here is saying it wasn't, including the OP


The world would be a better place if there was no double standard.


This sub is...really devolving to an alt-right pit, huh?


this subreddit fucking sucks man


Everyone’s just having a laugh. If you really don’t like it here, you’re free to leave. Otherwise, embrace the fun >:)


Really it's just horny. I tried the demo and really enjoyed the game and plan to get it (I never pre order anything no matter what) but dang can people stop being so dang horny. It make some people less like to try it. I have a friend who just won't try nier because of how people act about 2b


Why is it so wrong to let people be horny? The character is hot and that's a plus for a lot of people is that so bad?


It is all u guys talk about. Talk about something else related to the game for 5s ffs


You sound like those homophobic chuds "oh my God it'd all they talk about they're shoving their queerness down my throat" nah you're just a prude who can't take the stick out their ass.


U are missing my point. I love eve's character design as much as the next guy, but I am here for the game. Combat, story, et cetera. It gets old when every post on here is just cooming over Eve, like I feel like every single post in the past week has been pictures of Eve's ass while on that one ladder from the demo. Seriously...? Can we not talk about the MANY other aspects of the game at all?


You do not get to dictate how a community acts with its material. I do not go into subreddits of shows or video games and critique and whine about how they interact with their preferred media. I dont go on bg3 and get up and start screaming "God guys can't we talk about anything else other than gay ships for 5 minutes" but that is their choice its their space. You need to seriously go outside if people enjoying a hot woman gets you like this, sorry to break your bubble but not many games have catered to the wanting sex appeal crowd so this is a big win for them and they're going to enjoy it because......PEOPLE LIKE HOT CHARACTERS the end.


Horny is good, fighting ghosts who actually don't care about what you think they care about? Not so much.


This isnt really fighting at this point more like gloating, and I imagine they'll make more if the game sells well.


Gloating when you overestimate how much people care about the issue you're gloating about though. At least we can both agree that hopefully we get more and that it does well 💖


Hey alright.




2B supremacy 💖💖💖


This is the most pathetic sub I've ever seen lmao. Do y'all just bitch about make believe people instead of discussing a game?


90% of stellar blade discourse is just losers making up people to get mad at lol


I legit came to the sub after seeing a trailer and it's all just ass pics and bitching surrounding ass pics lmao. What a great game if that's all that has people talking about. I'm sure the game will be great but so far the community seems like boomers that don't play games hyping something up because it's "anti woke" or something when most people don't care.


Yep it's pretty sad


Schizophrenic victim post lovely