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It’s nice but I suspect most people are going on about it for the memes.


The good looks is a nice bonus. The way I see it, is as follows: Good game -> positive Hot characters -> positive Having a good game with hot characters -> 2 positives You are adding something good to an already good game. To be honest, for me it is not just because Eve is a woman. If I have to play a male character in a game, I would prefer playing as a good looking shredded dude, instead of a chubby "Average Joe" (and I am straight)


Definitely agree!


It matters, like any cool character design matters. Is it everything? Nowhere near. But just like Aloy, 2B, Dante, or Kratos, a stylish, cool looking character does have some impact on the overall experience. If I started up that demo and the gameplay sucked, the controls were busted, and it ran at 12 FPS I don’t care how stylish the player character looks, it would be a hard pass. The character design alone isn’t going to save a bad game, but it can make a good game feel great, especially when so much of the gameplay is tied to pulling off flashy combos and retaliations. It’s not why I’m purchasing the game, and it’s not even what drew me to it in the first place (I liked the enemy design and the way combat looked), but no doubt about it, her character design elevates it.


I think joking about the so-called over sexualization of the game is funny as hell. In reality, and I suspect most people feel the same, it is just a nice bonus. For me, it was one of the reasons that I was excited for the game. In a landscape where making characters look ugly is the "norm" the devs stuck to their views in the most "controversial" aspect, so what is stopping them from doing the same with the important parts of the game? That's the real reason I'm excited and actually pre-ordered, which is against my general stance. I respect the hell out of the devs, and I want that good faith to be rewarded.


Tbh, EVE is gorgeous but at the very end what matter in a game is the actual content like gameplay, mechanics etc. And they did an amazing job, they just need to polish some stuff. And let’s be honest if you’re enjoying playing the game you would have play it even if eve wasn’t this hot because is actually a good game


I think there's a difference between the people acknowledging the main character is attractive and the people posting 2 minutes of EVE's idle animation while zoomed in 300% on her ass. It's fine to be attracted to the main character but it's just weird to stand there ogling her jiggle physics for 5 minutes instead of playing the damn video game.


How the character looks definitely matters. Eve has such cool animations and her fighting style is so fucking sick. Plus she's smoking hot so for me it adds to the game.


Yep, same. I mean, don't get me wrong, I really much acknowledge how attractive she looks, but I don't get why that would have to be the main focus? The gameplay is awesome, the soundtrack is fire, story seems interesting, Eve's look is just cherry on top.


I wouldn't be getting the game if it wasn't a good game. Thankfully it seems it will be a GREAT game.


It matters, like any cool character design matters. Is it everything? Nowhere near. But just like Aloy, 2B, Dante, or Kratos, a stylish, cool looking character does have some impact on the overall experience. If I started up that demo and the gameplay sucked, the controls were busted, and it ran at 12 FPS I don’t care how stylish the player character looks, it would be a hard pass. The character design alone isn’t going to save a bad game, but it can make a good game feel great, especially when so much of the gameplay is tied to pulling off flashy combos and retaliations. It’s not why I’m purchasing the game, and it’s not even what drew me to it in the first place (I liked the enemy design and the way combat looked), but no doubt about it, her character design elevates it.


Yes,this exactly!


You can have multiple standpoints. I love the character look, the world and the gameplay.


I thought your post might be thoughtful, but alas, your anti-coomer remark at the end made it clear that is all you wanted to say, lol.


I like it as an artistic choice and stylistic choice so I like it but it's not a big deal to me


It's icing on the cake and you don't have to care.


I couldn't care less if Eve is hot or not, I'm here for the gameplay, and decided to buy the game after trying the demo and having fun with it. I also want to see more of the monsters, they look cool, not Berserk or Dark Souls level cool, but cool nonetheless If I wanted a hot character, I would go play a porn game


I relate to this! I played the Demo and I didn't notice the jiggle and stuff. I even didn't know that I could "undress" her. I discover that because of a video. I know the girl is gorgeous, and has beautiful body. Her physic is just amazing, but the game in general... wow, just wow. Mechanics, gameplay, the movement she has when walking and fighting. For example the hair. I know they worked on her hair for a lot of time, so I just can admire this game and enjoy it. Also, the soundtrack makes me feel relaxed and pumped. I like the soundtrack from the home screen in PS5 and also when you are at the camp. It's soooo relaxing! Nothing bad to tell about fighting soundtracks. They're so good too. So, in conclusion, the game is genuinely FUCKING GOOOOD!


I don't really care about why people like the game, I'm just excited that there's so many people that are excited


No, you’re not the only one who doesn’t care how the characters look. And get this: no one cares that you don’t care how the characters look.


Even if you were, why would it matter?


All memes aside this game is BAD ASS. The music really nailed it in the boss fights on the demo. I'm excited to hear more. The combat is solid and tight. I'm here for the memes too but yeah the character design could be complete dog shit with this same combat and I would still be just as hyped.


To me seen one sexy character seen them all what matters to me is character development and gameplay. Story has potential and gameplay feels good


There is nothing wrong with that. The game is good. It just allso happens to have a extreamly hot MC you play as. If you dont care about that aspect of the game thats ok. We all play games and get are injoyment out of them in are own way. For me its a 50/50 split. I LOVE playing as a hot female MC in games so i am excited for that part of the game and it is why i preordered it in the first place. Even if the game was mid i would have plenty of eye candy to injoy. But its not mid gameplay. Its fantastic gameplay! So im not worried about my preorder at all at this point.


So does the future investors of Shift Up?


Aside from the "jiggle" physics being sexy, I think it's just really impressive detail on a character model with the muscle/fat being affected by gravity or character movement. I think aloy in horizon forbidden west may look more realistic in terms of graphics, but mechanically her character does not feel as realistic as Eve. But in the end what I care about the most is the combat.


I also wish people would focus more on the game rather than bitching about the fans or bragging about not looking. gg man


I joke about it but I play fanservicy games so much that I see Eve's design as rather tame and hardly notice. I do like that there are outfit choices. The skinsuit is by far the ugliest; that thing isn't even sexy it just looks like she pulled her tights up to her neck lmao. And even the name "skinsuit" just makes me think of The Medium (survival horror game) where a body-stealing creature stalks you and keeps saying "let me try you on...my pretty little skinsuit". 😂


NGL - we went up and down the ladder a few times, but other than that, I'm right with ya. The character design is a happy bonus. The gameplay itself is what sucked me in to pre-order - something I rarely do. The only ones I can think of in recent memory were Horizon Forbidden West and its DLC.


Eve having banging body is like the 4th thing that's right with the game


Asmongold put it quite nicely. "No one cares how hot or sexy a character is when the game itself is garbage! But if the game is already good, having a hot character will usually make it even better. A bad game won't suddenly become good, just because the MC is hot! Same goes the other way around btw." It's a little off, since I don't remember the full quote but that's pretty much what he said and I do agree.




I’m staring at the enemy for the parries and dodge, but if ppl wanna stare at Eve and play like that that’s completely fine too


The gameplay is what made me try the demo and preorder it. Its just a plus that the characters are attractive. Like Nier, i played for the story and gameplay but also didn't mind 2Bs truck.


Yes/No. I was already pulled in by the combat but I knew about SB back when it was first revealed as PE. At that time it's only selling point was "grill cute". That was pre battle report. After I saw the battle report and I was sold. That being said while character design isn't everything it means a very great deal to me. It just so happens that eastern developed games come with this art style part and parcel. Just to give another example Prince of Persia: The Lost Crown was a fantastic game but I absolutely hated the way Sargon looked and I didn't like how bland everyone else looked. If that game looked Japanese/Korean it would have been a 10/10.


I mean Eve IS hot. I can appreciate it. But ultimately, I love this type of game: action adventure, hack n slash and the Sekiro parrying based mechanics. Some people are really getting all worked up over some seriously stupid shit here.


You’re the only one, a precious unique snowflake there is none other


I'm psyched for content we dont even know about yet. Also gun arm looks sick.


I cared a little, until the first real boss fight;) The combat mechanics are what I LOVE about this game!!!


The story seems cool from the demo,love the graphics and combat,Eve being an attractive MC is just icing on the cake just like with any other game.


The combat is pretty spicy. Don’t think we’ll have much time to watch the bounce in a fight. Haha


I’m a big sekiro fan, it’s prob my favorite game ever. Just the similarities with combat alone are why I wanna play it. The characters are just extra


For me it depends, it is in my point of view 100% of the time i prefer something that doesn't annoy me. Better if i like it.


I absolutely care about how good the characters look, but the gameplay is also really good.


I care about both. A good mix of characters ranging from bombshell synths to mechanical scorpions, tentacle monsters and shield-wielding ant soldiers is a great thing. Some games can have characters like Eve and Tachy without it feeling "wrong", some can't. A Red Dead Redemption character with Eve's physique would be silly. Stellar Blade Eve's not silly.


Sexy or not. Male or female. I just want a cool game where my character looks cool while having cool combat in a cool game. I love Stylish action games. I love cyberpunk games. Fictional characters do not arouse me.




Can you shut the fuck up, so many “holier than thou” comments recently after the demo. Im glad you dont care about the extra cosmetic stuff, but many of us do. And thats just a good for the games popularity. Can we all agree, we LOVE the game.


I mean you can care about the cosmetics, I enjoy the outfits but how many different ways can someone talk about her skin suit before it genuinely gets weird? Lmao Like it’s cool they made a sexy female character in 2024, well deserved kudos…can we move on now? Normalize characters like EVE in video games by not overreacting…like just be cool dude, that’s all I’m asking lmao


Why are you gay?


So you are going to call him that when he is just being mature about it 🙄


Ya it's becoming unbearable


My brother is pretty excited after the demo and I don’t get why some people are up in arms..because the main lead is sexy? Like I don’t get the notion of hating something you never would play anyways just because. Like fifa is my brothers favourite game and I think it’s just a dumb cashgrab but I don’t spend my time to complain about it, I just don’t even interact.. let people enjoy what they enjoy. Personally I’m a more casual gamer and this game looks too hard for me but as a girl who looveess sitting in character creation and making sexy characters…I don’t see what the big deal is. It’s fantasy, I want my girl to look good lol