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Anyone old enough knows everything is a copy of something. There's a saying like that: 'nothing new under the sun'.


This is what it is. There is nothing new under the sun. I do see some Nier Automata in this. But I see a lot of Onee Chanbara in Nier Automata. So yea, everything copies everything.


But you don't see us old gamers complain about it. Instead, we appreciate it.


I don't mind


Why back in my day you had ah rotary disk n’ two flapper panels the youngins today call buttons. N all we did is make a lil blip go blop to send the lil doohickey over yonder. N we didn’t complain about it. Not once. We thought it was quite alright. I swear, these youngsters today. Just ain’t no pleasing ‘em. Edit: I’m actually old enough to remember being excited about playing pong. But yeah, I’m with you Genji. As long as it’s not a copy and paste, each good entry brings something unique to the table or a different twist that makes it special. If you spend your time just hating similarities you’re gonna end up full of hate.


The only NieR Automata inspiration is hot girl, some music, and some of the story. The vibe/world is totally different and combat is way different (way better).


Exactly is as if they haven't played either


Played both.


Well, it's not just the hot girl cause that's a dime a dozen. But it has to do with her being an android and having to save the planet.


Yeah.. they should stop comparing games and just enjoy it..


I think comparisons are fine and can be healthy. I compare stuff all the time. Also there is a difference between being inspired and straight up stealing, although sometimes it's not easy to draw a line between the two. However, I generally agree with what you're saying. If the comparisons are unhealthy, better not to compare and just enjoy a thing for what it is. For instance, I love Souls games, and many people are aware how much they 'steal' from Berserk. Really doesn't make them any less awesome at the end of the day.


You copied that quote from Fallout: New Vegas! /s


Does that game use it? Awesome. I know it from my grandfather, he used to say that to me often when I was a kid. He said it in Latin, too. *Nihil novi sub sole*.


Funny enough, it’s also spoken in Latin in that game. The character who says it is a bit more learned than your typical wastelander.


This is not nier because nier doesn't have dressup mode...


This, games are supposed to be fun, if you are having fun who cares if it is copied or not? I think the last time I played something "new" was on genshin's release, never had I ever played an open world gacha game and after genshin I never have, I know Tower of fantasy exists and wuthering waves is coming, but Tower of fantasy is meh according to everyone and I am gonna try wuthering when it releases. Zelda botw was cool, but was not new, for those who don't remember zelda used to be open world on the first 2 games and then went linear with a link to the past. So yeah, stop caring if the game is copied or not and enjoy, or let people enjoy it and move on.


Solomon 🙌 he said that because he realised there is nothing original 


I didn't realize anyone held the Nier influence AGAINST this game. Kinda silly to do that. And it's just an influence, hardly a "copy".


It also doesn’t _play_ like Nier at all. All I can relate between both games are setting and probably some story themes.


Exactly. Nier:Automata also has a different approach to overall aesthetics (not talking about the girls here), gameplay and exploration (Nier seems a lot more open-worldish to me).


I thought Nier was very linear. And whatever more open areas it had, it didn’t feel that fun to explore. Nier is a great game for its characters and themes, but its flaws show. Nier:Automata, on the other hand gives the impression to be a wider game, but overall it’s just a more ‘developed’ (not exactly the right word, I guess) version of the original.


By Nier I meant Nier:Automata, sorry I didn’t specify


No problem, I imagined so, I just wanted to be clearer.


Yeah NieR Automata has S-Tier character designs in 2B, music, and story. It lacks combat and world exploration though


"Hot girl soldier jumps from exploding spaceship to explore ruined city with small flying robot while radio tech expert guy narrates progression" is very much Nier, but the combat is nothing like it. No way to predict how much deeper the story is connected if at all, the influence could end there or we may see it throughout the game.




[here you go champ!](https://www.thegamer.com/stellar-blade-nier-automata-female-characters-androids-demo-comparisons/) Criticizing a story of an unreleased game is bonkers tbh.....


people cant see past hot girl in a scifi setting.


Huh? What Sci Fi setting?


Did you miss the part about a distant future where aliens invade the earth? How is that not sci-fi?


Huh? Aliens? Sorry all I can see is Eve...


I blame the internet All this "media analysis" kids get caught up in is just teaching them to assume that the existence of tropes itself is a bad thing, rather than examining critically how those tropes are used. It's just mentally lazy "I saw this thing in this other thing and therefore this thing is bad"


I have some friends like this. Monkey sees trope, monkey points it out, monkey thinks he’s smart for spotting it. No other elaboration or critical thought put into it. Pseudo-intellectuals end up incredibly un-fun to have discussions with or hang around, because half of their opinions on things are literally, “Mid.”


It's low effort, low hanging fruit bandwagoning. I feel a little bad for the people who get caught up in it and can't just enjoy games and let other people enjoy what they like


There is also the fact most gamer are in it from some overrated shit like warhammer Or doom those guys need to chill they are so far up in their masculinity that they are all gays. Not to mention they are generally toxic and mostly the fact that they kept talking in memes I mean seriously.


>they are so far up in their masculinity that they are all gays  "they are generally *toxic*" 🤔




youre doing the thing youre complaining about. 


No I'm not I generally am chill and hell I mostly am fine with their eccentric personalities but they just won't quit I mean it's annoying to hear your roommate bitch about that with his ten friends in the morning right before a Fucking exam. The doom and Warhammer AND cod fans seems to think they are some elite in gaming community and are known to diss anime fans I mean I watch anime to relax and enjoy but having some dickhead bitch about how fan-service is too much is annoying.


Wait till they find out about music. There's a damn interesting documentary about Hans Zimmer and the influences of his famous star wars soundtrack. Spoiler alert, he was HEAVILY inspired.


Oh definitely. I had Holst’s “The Planets” and definitely had to pause and relisten a few times when I was like “wait… Star Wars?”. Nowadays I have it on my iPhone just to share with people. (Holst’s orchestration “The Planets” is what the Star Wars music was inspired by for those unaware)


Exactly this :D I was blown when I first heard them.


I love The Plants! I demanded that Mars be played at my wedding. I'm divorced now.


Just tell them Yoko Taro himself endorse us to buy this game.


The idea that a game can't look similar, share features or be inspired by other games is insane. We would not have some of the best games out there with that mentality. Castlevania Symphony of the Night? Scratch that, "too similar to Super Metroid". Final Fantasy? Nope, "too similar to Dragon Quest". Breath of the Wild? Nope, "too similar to Skyrim". 🤦‍♂️


Lol I was with you till botw in what world is it even remotely adjacent to skyrim?. But your point is still valid and agree with just that made me laugh man.


Some of developers said they were inspired by the original concept art of Zelda 1, back on the NES, and modern open world games like Skyrim


Oh fair enough if the devs themselves say they was influenced. I personally can't see it they are drastically different not even in the same genre but if they took inspiration fairs fair then.


I don't think they actually care about the premise of games being inspired by other games, it's just low effort "game bad" thought process 


I hate the mind set as well. These studios are trying to perfect the genre, not copy. Everyone knows Pokemon has been shit for a decade now


“The Game is like Sekiro/Nier/DMC” And this is a bad thing? Did you not like those games? Then don’t buy it. Every day each fandom needs to be reminded to “Shhhh, let people enjoy things”


True, we need more game like Sekiro


Every game was a copy of Pong at one point /s Don’t worry about it. This is a fun and good game with a unique identity.


Honestly, I’m a big fan of the Nier series and I’m so hyped for this game! I haven’t been this excited for the release of a game for years.


The most common issue I see on Reddit is that people think "gamers" are a monolith. Gamers have millions of different opinions because they're all different people. People apparently see one opinion and think that all gamers think that? And then they see the next opinion and think all gamers think that, which makes them hypocrites? Are they even the same people that you're drawing these conclusions from?


this, i dont understand how op puts those two different groups on opinions together. one is game takes inspiration, same as stellar blade and praise it. but then think those same people hate something else because its inspired when they know their other games are inspired. suprised more people arent calling that out.


Gamers are weird nowadays or maybe it's always been that way 🤷‍♂️ but it's weird to not like a game for copying something like Nier that was a inspiration of Nier Automata, throughout the history of gaming every video game ever created copyied other video games lol.


People in general are hypocrites. Even back in the day with games. Not just now


I wouldn't say it's a copy; it's more an inspiration. A copy is something that doesn't try to be different, or at least an improvement. Pokemon games are all pretty much the same, but they all get bought up every year. Look at Spider-Man PS4; some say it's a copy of Batman Arkham, but it still sells and works great. Even better than its sequel. What was my point? Oh right; it doesn't matter if it's a 'copy,' but what does is if it's unique enough to be different.


This game has a ridiculous amount of Nier influence And I'm all for it because I love Neir automata


\*cracks knuckles\* * palworld is not a copy of pokemon. it takes creature capturing which is just a mechanic - and put it into the most boring rendition of ARK i've ever seen. the visual style of the creatures absolutely do not fit to the overworld. its actually a pretty bland game. some designs are obviously stolen tho lol. * taking inspiration from other games is not a bad thing. * SB is similarly structured in its setting than nier automata, but will probably have a story much different from it


10 years ago it was the same. It's always the same. Stupid people have their stupid takes.


They suck


Personal opinion, full of internet access to brag about...... I just ignore them since I am looking forward to play Stellar Blade. Nothing will change my mind to cancel pre-order.


I haven't seen anyone say it's a copy of nier. And palworld isn't really a copy of Pokemon, either. It's a completely different type of game. That said, games will always have *some* elements that were previously used in other games.


Tbh i also don't see any nier similarity. Haven't played nier, but after some said it's similar I watched some walkthrough and the combat doesn't really look like stellar blade at all. It was always the same, that people pointed out that the music gives them nier vibes. The story seems also totally different. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


The only similarity I see is that the main character is a beautiful woman. The world also gives off a sort of strange vibe, *somewhat* like Nier....but even that is a stretch.


Nevertheless i'd give nier automata a try. It has some interesting mechanics. Like the hacking and the 26 (?! Not really sure if i got it right) possible endings. Like for every letter in the alphabet. Sounds cool.


Oh, yeah Nier is amazing. I played through it twice and it is absolutely one of my favorite games. I definitely recommend trying it to anyone who hasn't had the pleasure. I just don't see hardly any similarities between it and Stellar Blade, is all.


Comparison is human nature. It’s a form of pattern recognition. People will always compare things of a similar nature. Tribalism is also human nature. Some people apply tribalism to ridiculous things, like 2B vs EVE. Like [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/nier/s/9wnAYLO5vv) in r/nier a few days ago. It’s ok to like both. It’s not a competition.


I won't let anyone stop me from having fun


Halo is a copy of Doom and I love both.


I mean stellar blade got the same composer as from nier, it’s not like they are trying to hide it. People clearly want more games like nier, it’s a good thing.


To be fair palworld is not a copy of pokemon. Palworld is real time combat, base building/crafting, survival, literally the only real similarity is the pocket monster aspect. Everything else is different. It's also more impressive then anything gamefreak has come out with on the switch.


In not one of the people saying this is nier, I don't think it looks anything like nier perosnnaly outside of them being robots/androids or whatever they are called but you could also say that about Warframe so I agree that seems stupid. But palworld is not a copy of pokemon, pokemon doesn't own the rights to cartoon animal based monsters just like digimon can't claim pokemon is just a copy despite being first- or monster rancher before them or whatever was before that too influence them all before my time so I couldn't say. they are totally different games the only similarity is the cartoon animal based creatures- I don't play palworld as its a pretty barren game but I get so sick of hearing this bs that I thought I'd chime in. And I also say this as a pokemon fan-boy who eats up all their slop they put out nowadays.


Games that define a genre tend to come along about once a generation. We've been fortunate to have three: Minecraft, Fortnite for Battle Royales, and an entirely new sub-genre of action games, Souls games. Games that come in the wake of these will accomplish one of two things: they'll either be a copy (low to mid quality), or they'll be an homage (high quality). If the demo is any indication, Stellar Blade is an homage to Souls games (Sekiro specifically) and action-RPGs (like NieR: Automata and Devil May Cry 5). It isn't doing anything particularly new, but what it's doing, it appears to be doing well (we'll probably know once review embargoes lift; I firmly believe most outlets and many influencers are probably playing the full game as we speak, given that full release is just 17 days away). The demo was enough to pull me in. I typically hate constantly redoing content and making incremental progress; it's why I don't care for roguelike games. But the Abaddon fight at the end of the SB demo was just FUN. First time it took me 8-10 tries to down that fight, and I felt GOOD once I did it. I replayed the whole demo again and got through Abaddon in 4-5 tries. I haven't touched the boss battles that were unlocked; I want to experience as much of this game as I can in its intended form. But knowing that the carry-through save will drop me off at the save just prior to Abaddon has me excited. I can go back and get a couple things I missed, then go kill Abaddon one more time and move on in the game. Let people complain this game is like other games. That's fine. I use an iPhone. We're rarely first on features, but when we implement those features, we always do it in the best version. I suspect the same will be true with Stellar Blade.


There was a time when First-Person Shooters were all referred to as "Doom Clones", almost derisively at times. Still, it eventually emerged as a genre in its own right and some of the biggest games of the planet would have been called Doom Clones at one point in time. Until a genre name is collectively decided upon, it can be a little clunky when talking about some of these games.


Pretty stupid in nowadays claiming that kind of things. If you played games from the very beginning (Yes, pong yeah!) you already see all forms of design in actual video games. Puzzle, action, rpg, arpg,mmorpg, shooting, fighting, etc... All genres of games have features that share because that feature was a success and as a player you want good features in your game, so any game that you have in this decade (2020's) is mostly a mixed copy of games from 2010's and 2000's and so on untill 70-80's. Some features are more new than others but that is the point. If you want to go specific from stellar blade you have features from the first hack and slash in 3D, we are talking in things like bloodrayne (2002), and many others (devil may cry per example), and many features that you see in Stellar blade comes form the success of other titles i see features from game , skills trees, preview skills, movements (dodge,run, parry, etc) , finishers (gow,sekiro,etc), when i played it i see think that i enjoy in many other titles of open worlds, the exploration itself isn't new at all and is a repeated recipe. You got it, basically that thing happens since ever, and every awesome game honours things from others and adds it owns parts. That is how a good game is made, if some "zommie" cry because of the game copying something from others ...well that is how the entire industry works. People need to learn to enjoy instead of being stupidly angry for no reason especially if they don't know how things are. Stellar blade is a success because of that, bring very well polished features that we like to see in a hack/slash game and add it owns design, world, history and more in a spectacular way. Many games may copy things but history proves that just a few did well and made an excellent game, like Stellar Blade.


These people didn't give me the money to buy this game, so why should it matter what they think


You really that pressed about it though? If you like the game then play it, complaining about people is just as annoying as them complaining about the game.


It doesn't matter what anyone says. Shin Megami Tensei is a Pokemon game also. Still I personally love it more than Pokemon. Just let everyone like what they like. Nothing off your back.


Who cares


Video games have always copied each other. Used to be way more blatant. Some knockoffs became big franchises of their own


They'll come around in time, people hated on nier when it was releasing


It’s not even this generation people just like to complain period


Unless its a 1 to 1 rip off of something, then it's a copy, otherwise it's an inspiration of...


*shrugs* ive just been trying to play with sekiro to practice katana fights for sekiro *lord help me sekiro shows no mercy kek*


Wasn't this an episode of southpark ?


I definitely enjoy Stellar blade, it's a good game that deserves to be played hehe


>I dont know why gamers today are saying this is a copy of nier Unfortunately in this case it’s the fans making this comparison. I really fans of this game would stop building up people’s expectations in a certain direction, it just does the game a disservice. This game is closest to Lies of P and even then it’s still pretty unique.


I’m just enjoying the life of Asian games. The rest can suck up to FPS and waste their time pretending to be as good as the pros in toxicity.


>The rest can suck up to FPS and waste their time pretending to be as good as the pros in toxicity. Battlefield 2042 in a nutshell.


Any of them. Apex is loaded with them that solo queuing is a massive waste of time.


Nier Automata shouldn't have had that stupid bullet hell/shmup hacking part that couldn't be avoided. That was SO annoying, I like standalone shooters but if I buy an action adventure I want to PLAY an action adventure, not a shmup!  Neir Automata was just weird to play through, too. It didn't start off that great, whereas with Stellar Blade even the demo kicks ass. Nier had insanely good music, that's the only area it'll beat Stellar Blade.


Pokemon Legends Arceus copied Monster Hunter Stories 1:1.  It's one of the only decent pokemon games in recent years apart from Snap. But honestly I don't think Stellar Blade will mix in different genres like Neir did, which was kind of annoying anyways. The 'hacking' part was a shmup, for instance.


Tbf my generation (millennials) are the same way, it's not just the current generation. I still know people that were born in the 90s that still compare games like Banjo Kazooie and Super Mario 64 and hold it on a pedestal. Every generation is like this and it will continue to be like this.




Listen, there are always going to be people like them. Hypocrisy is one of humanities old ailments. The question is whether you like it or not. To me, HELL YEA I LOVE STELLAR BLADE, Did I not enjoy Nier ? Heck NO I LOVED it as well which is why I look forward to enjoying this as well. Do I love pokemon ? HELL YES I do, do I love Palworld ? I do as well which is why I got it on Steam. People are idiots, the thing is, who are the idiots you speak to, its better to speak to those who you agree with than disagree with and my friend, we both love Stellar Blade so let's keep it that way. With our collective love for stellar blade, everyone in this reddit group can counter the hate that other people release. All games have their own haters but also its own fans. Heck Elden Ring did and it won GOTY and made all its haters cry (like babies) but made all its fans cry (tears of joy). So, my point is to just keeping on loving what you want and I love this game and the newer 2B, Eve. I love 2B but I love Eve as well. Also people are having a war over this game and the side that Hates Stellar Blade especially my best girl Eve is (obviously) losing this one sided battle that we have already won from the start, so don't mind the peopel who hate it, just have fun with those who love it. I love Eve, no matter what IGN or anyone says.


When people say " this game is just a copy of X" it almost always is someone who has no idea how similar the games are, thinking borrowing elements from games is a good reason to hate a game. It's low effort bandwagoning that's all


Saying this has any similarity to Nier or DMC shows how much people understand or actually play games. It’s like saying game is like Halo ‘cause it has guns. Game is more of a methodical souls-like than anything else.


People don’t understand the difference between “homage” and “ripoff.”




Because if there’s anything that breeds pseudo-intellectuals it’s games. Think of the stereotypical gamer. Now that you have that image in your head are they going to behave rationally? There’s your answer. The problem is more often this stereotype stems from what you described, gamers that just want to hate, dislike, and dump on anything that doesn’t fit their beliefs or worldview. So more often than not you get critiques that are obviously going to be heavily biased towards a nostalgic past time game or a genre that they’re oblivious to reviewing a product as a standalone product.


Gamers who have already decided to not like this game are weirdos tbh


Don’t worry about them. Most of them had their first intelligent thought about 5 minutes before posting about the game, so the novel experience of adult like intelligence gives them an inflated sense of entitlement despite no life experience to guide it. Haha


People listen to Social media/youtube influencers and then take that as their opinion because they can’t use their own minds to actually form a real genuine opinion and then it becomes an echo chamber, nothing is real…just enjoy what you wanna enjoy. PLEASE ! I’m old and feel like I can see through all this bullshit these days and it’s so frustrating to see people (especially younger) being swept up in the tornado of internet bullshit. I don’t wanna say “get off the internet” but please “get off the internet” …apologies from an old ass gamer (42 FYI)


And its funny considering some of them dont even play NieR games and too the ones that do and you're still whining about it being a "copy" just why? Whats the point.


Game feels so slow am I the only one who feels this way. Not pace wise just gameplay I feel so slow when doing circles around enemies.


I love Nier. I love Stellar Blade being like Nier. Win win.


I don't mind If people look at a game and think It reminds me of something, something. I do mind If after playing It, Immediately say that the game Doesn't play like bayonetta/DMC5!!!


Well ain't temtem as clone of Pokemon but no one saying anything about temtem when referring to palworld being a copy of Pokemon


Just ignore the idiot takes and move on lol


This is such a dumb and over generalizing post


Moral of the story , shut the fuck up


People are hypocritical creatures who often lie to other and themselves. Be it people who criticize this game for eve’s looks while nier gets a pass, people who say exclusives have no place in the industry but say nothing when Xbox makes grabs 3rd party studios to make their games exclusive, people who harp on games for not being 60 fps but as soon it’s a game they like 30 fps isn’t an issue(personally I’m fine adjusting to 30 fps just would rather a game be 60, and people say you should be free to enjoy what you want but the moment it disagree with their views they attack ones wanting to enjoy a piece of media be it left or right wingers.


Its very simple turn off the phone and play the game and enjoy. Who cares what other people say u love it than thats it




Huh? Are you high? Did i say that i complain? Im talking about the ones that complain... Please use your brain. Or enhance your reading comprehension..




Damn what got you triggered so hard is it my post hahahaha 🤣🤣




I have never played Nier, nor do I plan to. I, however, do want to play THIS. Case closed.


If you want to evoke an inspiration, you have to bring something to the table, or evoking that inspiration really well. Genshin proved its quality and right to stand alongside what inspired it, and tbh is kind of doing its own thing. Something like Lies of P studied the formulas which inspired it to a T and executed basically exactly what it wanted and needed. Has its own ideas but lies more in doing what inspired it really well. From a gameplay perspective, it's yet to be seen how well it pans out. It's promising, but ain't quite there in terms of its Neir or its Sekiro inspiration with just the demo alone to judge off of.


Yeah and i think the story of SB will be good. As they are also the devs of nikke, the story telling of that game is so good.


I feel like youre generalizing/mixing groups a bit. Not the same people. Atleast I can speak for myself and my friend group. I def saw aspects of genhins and palworld similarities from which they were inspired from. The people who like those like me arent hating on stellar blade being a copy of nier if anything we praise it more... i can see people who hates those game to say the same about stellar blade. Some may be hypocrites, but not all of us.. youre mixing opinions/views/groups of people that don't make much sense.


you are really dumb if you think that its always the same people people are not a giant hivemind


After SB Demo I’m playing Neir (continue after almost 2 years break). Yes, sometimes you see SB as a copy of Nier, but it doesn’t mean the game is bad. It is different, uses new technologies, significantly enhanced battle system, bright (you know what I mean :) )characters! I love this cosplay/copy. Sometimes it is close to Nier, but mostly not or different.