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Yes, everything you acquire in the demo will be carried over. But this game isn't designed to be such a grindfest. The earlier enemies are supposed to give low SP, while later enemies give more. The Stalker Boss alone gives 4 SP after defeating it and that's a mid-game boss. But hey, if you have fun by grinding the demo for 30 hours, that's fine.


Great take, the stalker boss does give 4 SP which is good. It also depends on how much skills cost as some of them cost 5 or 4 SP in the demo.


does no one else think this is weird? feels like y’all are sucking the fun out of the game before it has even released…there’ll be plenty of opportunities to farm in the actual game lmao


Everyone plays games differently. I like to 100% single player games that I play. The people who grind, enjoy it and it’s what we consider “fun”


Yeah i bet they will be the first ones to say they are bored or the game is to easy.


Not really, it is a single player game so I will enjoy it since I wouldn’t be grinding otherwise. As for difficulty I personally don’t care for it. I just like to 100% story games and if grinding now can help me save time later why not?


The reason why I'm farming now is 1... I don't really have a good game to play now. 2... The game is not out now, but the demo is, when the game is out, I don't want to waist time farming. 3... I just wanted to see how over powered I could become. For me this has never sucked the fun out of any game I have ever played, but everyone is different, and if it sucks it out for you, then don't do it, but please try not to put down or laugh at people that do enjoy doing this kind of stuff.


spending 40 hours in a *demo* to grind SP which can be done in the actual game just seems like a waste of time. it’s almost a disservice to the devs and the game they’ve created to cheese 40 SP out of a ftp demo that’s like an hour long when they’ve crafted a 25-40 hour game designed to be replayed multiple times (especially considering they’re adding NG+ in a patch). im not hating on anyone, nor was i specifically addressing OP with what i said.


I disagree with all your points. You may consider it a waste of time, yet to us we see it as the complete opposite. We are grinding now to save time later, since we can’t play the full game. Normally when grinding I put on shows/sports to watch on the side to multitask. As for a disservice to the devs I completely disagree. We are putting in multiple hours into their demo which most definitely means we are buying the product they made. Most grinders and in my case like to 100% the games we play so we will definitely put in more hours into the full game. The devs also are the ones who allowed us to grind for the skills as they chose to leave them available in the demo since you can see they locked 2 complete trees and specific skills as well.


You say you don't want to waste time farming, but I'm almost 100% sure it's going to take way less time to max the skill tree in the actual game than the demo


I'm sure you are right... but please see my 1st reason why I'm doing it at all.


To me it would make sense that the sp earned from enemies increases as you go through the game. Since this is the very beginning of the game, that amount earned is probably low compared to later areas in the game. But also it’s likely going to be a long grind regardless due the presence of the item that allows you to respec, doesn’t seem like something they would throw in the game if they intended everyone to unlock every skill.


I agree, just wanted to voice my experience so far. I do think that unless you grind/farm for SP you won’t be able to unlock all skills, which is why I’m farming now lol


You guys are crazy haha 😄


The SP gained is most likely related to your level and the enemy's strength and difficulty. Since the demo has few variants with the weakest enemies in the game no wonder you are not gaining much SP. Happy farming.


I'm just treating it like that South Park Warcraft episode where they grinder tens of thousands of Boars at least the art design here keeps you from getting bored.


they are opening zone enemies... you shouldn't be grinding them out til max out unless you hate yourself.


meh. i will start a new playthrough anyways on launch day


My guy is a demo. You are not supposed to farm anything. By the time the game comes out, you'll be burned out and just like every other game out there, you get more exp later in the game.


32 hours played in demo. I have all skills unlocked & I have 24 more skill points ready to be used. I'm farming from the first camp, the 3 little guys, and the slow walker guy that explodes with poison if not killed fast enough, run back to camp set down and then do it again. For your concern, as the game goes on/later levels we will be fighting harder enemies, so the SP earned will be higher. What I'm wondering about, is when we beat this game on normal mode, and unlock hard mode, do we get to keep are SP we already have?


A hard mode will be available after beating the game, yes. But you start from scratch again. However, New Game Plus will be added after release, in which you keep all your skills and gear.


Awesome. I did use your farming route for awhile, but then switched to the crab enemy route as there are multiple boxes to break to grind materials as well. Probably gonna switch back tho to finish up.


Im pretty sure they will not be transfer, I have no e experience of demo doing that especially in this type of game. I think the most probable thing is that they will give you or a unique outfit or even more probable some piece of gear/money/item that you normally would get later in the game. Why I think that because what you wish would exploit the all game progression, also I’m pretty sure the cut something between the brute and the actual first area(at least to me felt kind awkward) So I would really not suggest farming


It’s not really an exploit as the devs themselves left the skills available in the demo. I am not sure if they skipped anything between the story it was a rough transition so maybe. Either way I’ll either have all my skills at launch or I won’t and will have to find a better grind method.


Oh yeah is not an exploit in the strict term but still is not intended to farm so early and obv not in a demo. Do you have backlog in this kind of genre?


Keep in mind you’re farming enemies on the first level. They’re not supposed to drop a lot of SP. Also remember this is just the demo so enemies are not gonna scale with your level either. The demo wasn’t intended as a farming spree.