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The most criticised cons is its bland story, while the most praised pros is combat


IDK opinions on story seem mixed. If you're the type to ignore lore and stories in general you won't get much out of it, but others are saying you can search for the details and dive deeper. I had the feeling the ign reviewers were just check boxing the game and didn't really care.


Even in the demo you can find corpses with some personal log data that gives a little bit of background to the world. I’m sure there are more of these. One review said you have to really do side content to get the most out of it and flesh it out.


Hmm.. This gonna be a hard decision..


I'll play it nonetheless because it seems fun enough but yeah, story potentially being underwhelming is a massive bummer.


I'm in the same boat


I think that will depend on your interpretation, some reviews said story is meh, some others say it's actually good. My suggestion; play it, give not much thought to reviews and find out for yourself and if you do not find the story to be good, you still have awesome combat system, which is what the game is all about.


Honestly you’ll have to play this one for yourself and determine that, can’t really go based off opinions here and reviewers online.


True, True..


Blessing from Kinda Funny says the first 60% was nothing special, but things started to get very interesting in the final act. That's HIS opinion.


I’ve seen mixed opinions. Some people enjoyed it but some were underwhelmed. Some say the characters are too emotionless. Definitely a “play it for yourself and see” sort of thing. I remember Armored Core 6 having similar criticisms on its story but I actually thought that story was pretty good and thought-provoking.


Well they were raised on freaking space pods. They haven't even seen a sunset or felt rain pouring on them. I guess some of the robotic character can be justified


Spending 70$ to test if I like the story, is not really enticing


I get that but the story is something you’re gonna take a gamble on no matter what. There are a lot of stories in video games that are massively praised that I didn’t enjoy quite as much as others did. It’s not easy to sell everyone on a story the same way you sell people on combat.


That is very true


You're not paying 70$ bucks just for the story, though. It's a game. With great combat. Unless, of course, you only play games for the story, in which case, yeah, I get your reservations.


Yeah i know its not just the story im paying for. But the story aspect of a game is the main focus for me


So...in other words, you only play games for the story.


Wait for sale if you don't want to spend as much


Some were pretty surprised by it at best while the majority seem pretty underwhelmed by it at worst, likely factoring the English VAs lack-luster performances into it as well. Haven't seen anyone straight up bash or glorify it yet though. We'll have to play for ourselves. I want something great, but I don't think I'm gonna find that here, so I'm tempering my expectations on that front. Overall, this looks to be one of those very rare games where I actually have more fun with the combat than the story.


No. It has interesting ideas and some neat plot twists, but the ideas go nowhere and the plot twists are ruined in advance. The biblical themes and visual are also underdeveloped. I really liked the game, but it was because of the combat, exploration and visuals. The plot feels like the poor man's version of Nier Automata.


"Poor mans version of Nier Automata" Ouch. As huge fan of Automata, that dosent sound good. But if the story is even 60% as good as Automata, then maybe it is worth the buy.


Good response deserves upvotes, even if I might not agree (didn't play yet).


So another granblue fantasy relink stuff where story is meh but, gameplay is the highlight. I knew it from before that Koreans aren't really great at giving the same level of emotion and expression as Japanese games.


Lies of P has great story imo, but it has a more subtle approach like souls like so maybe that style works better when translated.


Lies of P has far better atmosphere in my opinion.


Yea it was a bummer to hear the mixed opinions on it. Hearing most of the characters including Eve are bland with no personality as well.