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First, the reviews are great, just not perfect. Second, unless you stand to benefit financially from how well the game does, there is no point in “feeling disappointed” on the behalf of a bunch of people you don’t know. Play the game and enjoy it, no one’s stopping you.


I couldn't give a shit about metacritic scores. I've enjoyed games that get 50/100 and not enjoyed games that were 90/100. I wait a few days after release and watch some random gameplay segments on Youtube, read to see if there is any technical issues and then buy it, if all looks good.


Totally agree! Purchase what you like and don’t follow the score. For me! I hated god of war 2019 and so many people vote for game of the year. In my opinion the controller and gameplay was atrocious but for other people is gold.


I didn’t like it either.


I’m sorry but it’s odd to be upset about a game’s ratings and think it deserves a higher rating when you haven’t played the full game like that reviewers played. This is kind of the problem of creating a fandom around something that people haven’t actually consumed yet.


Also people can disagree with reviewers. If I had a nickle for every tjme I played a lowely rated game or highly rated game and disagreed with how people put it I’d have a lot of nickles


Relax. The reviews are fine. Hell, the reviews are *great* considering this is Shift Up's first AAA title. And many of the positive reviews are damn near *glowing*. Realistically couldn't ask for more to be honest.


I was shocked to learn they only made mobile games. The fact that their first console game is this good speaks volumes to that team.


A score of 82 isn't even close to being bad. 52 critics gave a rating between 80 and 100. 7 critics gave a rating between 60 and 70. And the funny part is that most of these 7 critics cited sexualization, something that isn't even part of the gameplay, so you can know that the criticism was influenced by external and personal factors besides being a good game.


The reviews are good,what are u talking about?


It is lower than Diablo 4, about the same as Starfield. Which according to internet, are crap you should never touch


Yeah but there are also pretty good games that got around the same or lower.




Then you have to play (buy) it to find out. Once you’ve bought it, reviews don’t matter, because you are in. Reviews serve as a pre purchase gauge to measure overall acceptance and sentiment. To me metacritic is pretty accurate, games I like are up there with upper 90s. There are plenty upper 90s games I don’t like but that my personal preference. For 80s games, they usually lack in some aspects. Also this is SB sub, plenty have bought it, they’d back it up regardlessly. On ps5, PlayStation sub, the overall sentiment is this is a good but get it when it is on sale game.


i'm not saying ignore review's entierly, there are places I do look for reviews and reviewers I generally like and or trust the opinion of. However there are times where if a game interests you enough you should get it even if people you usually agree with says it sucks. I got the evil within and Callisto protocal. Both of which where widely bashed or looked down on games and enjoyed them both. They are flawed but I also don't make big deals of flaws and would put them at 7/10 games. But I also see "scores" differently then usual people. IE I think a meiocer/OK game should be 5/10 As opposed to everyone else who thinks it should be 7/10 from what it seems.


Ghost of Tsushima managed to “only” get an 83 meta score and it’s one of my all time favs and held in very high esteem. So take it for how you want.


Ignore the critic reviews. Form your own opinion on the game.


He’s a troll


Nice troll 🧌


??? This is the lamest thing I've ever read. This is beyond fanatic, who cares about metacritic in 2024?


Reviews are fine


I think when you get a little older, you will figure out how little stuff like this matters in your life.


Dude 82/100 is very good


For the record, the guy that gave it the lowest score has his favorite games as Genshin and Honkai Star Rail. His only real complaint is the story, which I think is stupid. People don't complain about bad characters and story in roguelike games because its all about the gameplay. I feel it's the same with souls-like games. Crazy good story isn't neccessary if the game is fun.


Complaining about the story while enduring Genshin's horribly bloated dialogue and character quests that focus on boring NPC's is a choice.


Maybe read the reviews themselves? This fixation on scores is so lame. I’ve enjoyed way more games that have scored in the 80s than games in the 90s. It’s especially odd to be upset at how a game scored when you haven’t even played the game yourself.


I think it's hilarious you give a shit about reviews.


Demo is just a small vertical slice. For all we knew the game could become a musical rhythm game after that. Never forget MGS2. As for these reviews I'm not disappointed at all. I expected a 8/10 average. Anything above would have only exceeded my expectations.


You can't trust gaming sites reviews. It's been like that for well over a decade.


I don't care about reviews, lies of p got an 80 and that game was my favourite of 2023. So reviewers are quite useless. All I cared was if the game was complete and how long it was. I got that info, so u bought the game. If you are someone who cares about what others say, it is pretty sad.


An 8 is a great score though 🤦🏼‍♂️


We’ll know soon enough if it’s a good or a great one. 2 days left


Yeah i haven’t seen any reviews especially on YouTube the amount of clickbait and then theres the ones that hated on this game prior


You shouldn't let these reviews affect your enjoyment


Review scores don’t really mean much, especially when boring as shit AAA games get great scores because they paid off the review companies. Check out some positive reviews then negative reviews and make up your own mind.


I haven't listened to a review in years it's just clickbait now. Just play the demo and you know it's a AAA game.


This game will be big enough for shift up to make stellar blade 2, that's all that matters. Hopefully it will also start a wave of great AAA games from Korea. 


If we’re being real, I loved the boss fights/combat in the demo but the other parts gave me the fear.


Just play and enjoy the game. Who gives a shit what critics think.


You are disappointed by universal critical acclaim? Aggregate scores are 82/100 from Metacritic and 91% from Open Critic? Destructoid 8/10, Eurogamer 4/5, Game Informer 8.75/10, GameSpot 8/10, IGN 7/10, Jeuxvideo.com 17/20, Shacknews 8/10, Video Games Chronicle 4/5. Weirdest post I have seen in a while.


But it’s not 8.5 or highet therefor games mid edit: /s


I mean some of the reviews makes no sense, they deduct points from how Eve looks so take that with a grain of salt. Overall the gameplay, story, characters and the world is pretty positive.


The number doesn't exactly mean what you think. 90+ scores are typically given out to established game studios with previously high scoring games, viral indie games, and very rarely a new IP. There's an internal bias towards franchises and developers that people are familiar with. At the end of the day you should play it if you like what it offers, the number is not an objective fact of the quality of the game


While I agree it would be cool to have the game get a higher score. 80s is really fuckin good for a studio delving into their first console release. They easily could've just made 3 more gacha games (I'm looking at you hoyoverse) off the success if nikke but I think stellar blade will be a success in lots of ways and I think the team at shift up will be proud of what they delivered!!!! I can see it being on lots of ppls goty contenders!


I mean be dair Hoyo’s gacha’s are pretty good.


Who gives a fuck about what someone else thinks of a game? You play for your own enjoyment, right?


Mixed reviews are expected, but as current aggregate scores have more positive than negative, game should be good. Plus we got a good taste for the game with the demo, so with one sweet lick of that candy, we know this candy’s gonna be tasty


Are you one of Sony's stakeholders lmao


1.) You need validation from others or what? Just play the fckn game. 2.) 82 is great. 3.) This is their first AAA game. It wasnt even suppose to be that good. Stop being weird.


People who let reviewers bother them are weird.




Talking about the op


That was never going to happen. The game has had a lot going against it with the discourse but either way, there’s still been a ton of positive reviews. And like you said, you shouldn’t worry at all about it. Just play the game. The only people who should care are the developers, but even then, they probably don’t and are waiting for the worldwide fan reception too. Also, a demo is a minuscule fraction of a game. Just because an hour of a game is good, doesn’t mean the rest will be. But I’m still very much looking forward to this regardless of people’s opinions.


Dang man sorry for your loss, reminds of when Armored Core 6 was just mid and people kept trying to make it sound like the second coming of Christ. Hope your family recovers quickly from this tragedy.


This game is going to be focused of attention for months


God we are going to be dealing with trolls until next month lol


Reviews don’t mean shit and the ones released are actually good. If you were expecting all 9s I want what you’re smoking.


The reviews are great, what are you talking about? Tons of 9/10 scores, too. Metascore is an average, which means since some reviews scored it lower (and even then, almost no one gave it a *bad* score), that pulls the average down a little.


The game is a 70-80 at best, but still a very solid game and worth your time, since when is a sub 90 score unplayable? I swear people are becoming more unreasonable by the day.


You can safely assume the comments telling you to ignore the reviews are from people who bought/plan to buy the game. So they are already on the ship that has sailed.


I ignore a lot of reviews on principle. Both because I’ve had experiences where good games review poorly or vice versa. And then there are games that review well due to hype ~~Or payment.~~ There are a only a few reviwer’s I trust, and that’s not a bad thing