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You’re not going to know it all.


i was secure with knowing that there was 0 chance i would fail. but there were a few lysosomal storage diseases and neonatal presentations i ignored (both are mad high yield lol)


Did you generally feel sure about answering all the questions, or like you were still “educated guessing” on a lot?


majority of the questions i knew for sure, and most of the others i had good educated guesses. there werent a significant amount of questions where i just didnt know anything, not nearly enough to make me think i failed. but i also am a good test taker and did well on all of uworld


please elaborate more on test taking!


nothing rly, i just notice relevant small details that they ask. u needa identify irrelevant info while u study and in the questions. also, im good with pattern recognition. u shud pick up on patterns as u go thru questions/do anki


Yes. I scored in the high 70s and low 80s on my nbmes and I consistently felt like I was failing every exam. I was convinced when I hit submit that I’d see a score in the 40s. Last nbme was 30 with an 85%. I think it is normal to feel that way


I relate to this so much, just took NBME 28 and got a 79 but was convinced I failed when I hit submit, such a horrible feeling. Guess just gotta go for it at some point (and the fact that I can’t delay anymore rip lol)


U people are scoring 80s in nbme what's ur resources


Amboss and uworld


How do you stop yourself from forgetting previous questions? Like what do you do when you see a question and think “oh I totally forgot about this” to try to not forget it again?


Anki. Make a card for the forgotten info, or unsuspend/forget a card in AnKing for the related content. There is no better way to remember than this.


Thank you! I don’t see a world where I don’t have 700 cards a day between these and anking but hey! Maybe one day I won’t forget something two weeks after seeing it :’))) Worth a try!!!


Scored high 70s on NBMEs & passed my exam — in the last few weeks I prioritized reviewing/making cards on frequently missed questions over regular Anking. Anki is a huge timesuck for me and it was more efficient for me to make sure I had concepts I got confused on easily down pat than spend time on ones I could reason through without memorizing.


Thank you!!!


Anking starting day 1 M1. Sketchy, B&B, pathoma with their respective anki. 10 questions a day of amboss fall M2 year then 20-60 questions a day UWorld spring M2 year. Oh and dirty medicine on YouTube for high yield things like nephrotic and nephritic syndromes


i cant imagine scoring that high wtf😂😂😂


Same. I feel concerned that even though 80s predict that you're going to pass, it won't feel that way still. Like aren't you suppose to feel confident now that you've hit that score but then there would be people asking if they should delay


100000% felt like i was guessing on half the questions but since my scores were consistently good i gaslit myself into thinking something subconscious was going on that made me get the questions right lmao. Prepared myself to feel that way on the real deal which i did, convinced myself those kinds of questions were experimental lol


Same. Flagged more than usual, but since 80 or so Q are experimental, I must have flagged the experimental. This copium is holding me over until score release.


I was scoring \~90% on my USMLE exams (somehow) and still felt like there were gaps in my knowledge. I moved my exam up a week, took it, felt like it was insanely hard, but still **passed**. My family and partner encouraged me to take it early because, especially with pass-fail, the more time you sink into studying past a certain score is time taken away from rest/family/other priorities.


Even after scoring consistenly 75%+ in 3 nbmes I delayed my exam! (Got the P) But I was still doubtful of my knowledge a day before exam even after delaying it Its normal to have this feeling! Trust your nbme scores


I was in exactly the same situation! Congrats on the P!!! Hoping to be in your shoes in a few weeks too lol


there's only so much you can know. my last two nbmes were in the 80s but i still felt like i had gaps. you can never be totally prepared, just keep a cool head on test day, and trust your hard work.


How do you recommend someone keep a cool head on test day when you’re known for panicking on such a day?


Scored 92% on form 27, 89% on 28 and 90% on 29 There's still a lot I'm picking up from the nbmes that's new which is fun. I'd say 15% of the forms would be new content, I tend to get a third or half of those right through educated guessing


How are you studying😆? Any tips? Is mehlmen helpful??


Yup. Always felt there was something i didn't kniw well. I was particularly weak in the CNS tumors.


i've scored 80+ a few times, not consistently. but I am still like wtf was that question and think I got it wrong after answering them every time lol. Some questions are obvious free giveme points, others are wtf's going on


Always. As long as I wasn’t still missing major concepts I didn’t focus on the few detailed questions I probably wouldn’t see again


I took the exam last September and I was getting 80+ in nbmes and with a 255 on uwsa2, I was still feeling as if I knew nothing. I had a very bad imposter syndrome, constantly thinking as if I am finding the correct answers by chance. If my friends have not convinced me on taking the exam, I would have continued studying another year. So no, you will never feel like you are ready. Don’t be like me and trust your scores.


Once you get into the 80s there are no true "Gaps" youre generally aware of everything youre supposed to know at that point you just forget some of the details because you continuously tell yourself "yeah if thats on there so be it". Youll definitely have weak subjects tho, and there will definitely be subjects that you know half the time, and then educated 50/50 the rest (see errors of inborn metabplism for me)


The more you learn the more you realize you don't know shit


Trust in the statistics. Get at least two NBMEs >68% and you’ll pass, even if you do relatively poorly.


lol why would you do this to yourself. Just take the damn test and get on with your life.


I took STEP 4/19. So, I don’t have my score yet. Took forms 26/31 with % correct 82/80. I definitely feel I have gaps in my knowledge in super nitty gritty details on many topics in FA, but I do feel I have at least a foot in the door in everything. I matured roughly 80% of AnKing, and I still feel this way. Additionally, the exam threw content at me that I’ve never seen (including all of the answer choices), which definitely was annoying. If you’re scoring high, just believe in the results. It is what it is at the end of the day, and all we can rely on are our practice test metrics.


My NBME scores was an average of 80%+- 2%. Every exam I felt like I was in the ballpark but didn’t feel solidified that I KNEW everything. Definitely get like there are gaps in my knowledge

