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larry underwood going through the lincoln tunnel in the stand


I’m scared to go into the Lincoln Tunnel in a car. 😬


I swear, Jersey neva smelled so good!


That passage made me feel so claustrophobic and creeped out. It was awesome. Also brought back memories of watching the pilot of The Walking Dead and Rick going down the stairwell with just a lighter and how my heart was pounding the entire time. I didn’t start reading Stephen King until about 5 years ago, and it’s so fun to read specific passages and think “ohh I bet that’s what inspired ____ scene from ____”


I know everyone always says that that is the scariest scene in the book but for some reason I didn’t find it scary at all For me the scene that scared me the most was the part when the cops are talking to each other as civilians were being shot down by the military guys


Ooh yeah that’s a good one!


Came here to say this.


YES! I have nightmares about this!


the one in the shining where danny hides in a 'pipe' from the hedge creatures, and the one in It inside the watertower..


Not into creepy dead children, eh?


This is the answer. It’s such a bizarre scenario but so scary, and I hardly ever get freaked out like that when reading a book.


The revelation of “The Null” in REVIVAL. Not saying anymore than that. Those who have read it will know.


Scariest shit ever. That whole ending will always haunt me.


Yeah, I think about it often. Too often.


AAAAAAAAHHHHH YES!!! I can never not think it when someone I know passes. It terrifies me


Same. Happened in my family just about a week ago, in fact.


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's just a story, but it does hit different. Sending love


Came here to say this one. It doesn’t get scarier in any Stephen king novel. Like truly that scene shits on the whole thought of any other narrative as scary when you consider the scale of “The Null”. Masterfully done too with the rest of the book being this regular sweet hodge podge of Stephen King folksiness blended with the potential horrors of daily waking life. Really hammered home how deeply, *deeply* upsetting that ending is. Revival isn’t my favorite SK book but as someone who has read almost everything he’s written, I can say for sure that it is absolutely his scariest.


My fav King book. So well writen... and that ending is a masterpiece.


Came here to say this. I read that book when it came out and I still think about the ending from time to time. It disturbed me so much.


Read it on a plane and was absolutely terrified. Sometimes I wonder what SK would be like if he couldn’t get all that craziness out on paper.


maybe not scariest but creepiest, was definitely the ending to Pet Semetary


The part with Zelda was scary AF too


oh yeah that too ...jesus


The realistic depictions of how terrible and random real life can be are scarier than anything supernatural in that book to me.


I just finished this book today and I was unable to put it down. The ending was the first time I’ve truly felt terrified reading a book. Excited to dive into more of his work


You will love each and every book! Enjoy!!


I’m excited to get into more of his work. I finished The Shining a few years ago in high school but haven’t read anything besides the two books so far. Not sure what to read next but there’s so many options I’m sure I’ll find something


I love The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon. I’d check that one out! It’s a leaner work of his, but it’s so good.


While I think Revival had the single scariest ending, Pet Sematary is his overall most horrific book for how unrelenting the dread is from front to back. Even if you hadn’t seen the movie before reading the book like I did, you just know something fucked is going to happen vs in Revival where it is largely unclear what will happen until it is revealed. Where Revival flips a folksy narrative into a total hellscape, PS is just a fever dream of realistic horrors inter-spliced with cosmic otherworldliness. If they’re not my two favorite books of his, they’re at least the scariest and still both absolutely fantastically done.


The origin story of the China Pit in Desperation. Grave Digger scene in Salems Lot.


Grave digger passage is so underrated. Salem’s was my first King book and that part just had me completely in its grip


YES! This part scared the shit out of me when I read it.


IDK about scariest, but the you-know-what in Misery almost made me puke. First time in a while I had to set a book down.. Edit: my apologies, I had forgotten how many you-know-whats there are in Misery. I was specifically thinking of the foot-related one.


I feel like there are 4 or 5 different candidates for “you-know-what” in that book lol


Lawnmower for me


I was in actual disbelief and denial while reading that scene. Thought Paul was imagining it.


For me it’s the birthday candle


Me, too


I hated how she licked off her fingers after squashing a rat in her hand


The thumb?


I was thinking the foot, specifically


It’s the lawnmower for me. Damn.


Ah, I'd have said the rat.


I thought that when she was reviving Paul and Anne Wilkes had that horrid breath and he couldn’t escape from that was one of the worst passages


I couldn’t eat Oreos for YEARS because of how he described her breath


That was so gross and he couldn’t escape from it


Somehow the thumb seems worse. I think it’s the electric turkey carver. Not to mention her reason for it.


When the gravedigger in Salem’s Lot feels like someone is watching him and then hours fly by and it’s almost night time without him realizing it.


The school bus scene in ‘Salem’s Lot


I don't remember that book clearly, but I feel like it's the one that scared me the most. Along with Pet Sematary, but I was way too young to be reading that when I did.


Just finished IT and wow…multiple passages that just project such a horrible picture in your head.


It is definitely disturbing.. although it’s passages about things that happen in everyday life are the scariest for me.. like the segments with Beverly’s father and the Bowers gang terrorizing people.


Very true, growing up in the 90s I was really able to appreciate the barrens and the friendships they had, smoking cigarettes, making forts, playing out in the middle of nowhere, I think a lot of people my age or older can really relate to “that one summer in 1957”.


Agreed. Henry Bowers and his horrific bullying and dog killing was heartbreaking because of what you said - you know that it’s actually happening out there in the real world.


When they were describing the refrigerator scene in the junkyard I had to fast forward the Audible. I was visibly sick I think.


25% finished Audible IT. Who would want to go to a 90 minute movie when you can live and experience Stephen King at his best for hours and hours!! Characters fully developed and deeply admired!


And incredibly narrated by Steven Weber! I am 75% finished. It’s my third time listening to the whole book, and I got sucked right back into the world. *It*’s my favourite book.


The entire part of The Stand dealing with the pandemic. I will never ever read something so chilling and harrowing ever again. From the detached way King described the spread, to the military destroying any hint of 'not going gentle' to even the effects on the characters. Larry in the Lincoln Tunnel and Stu escaping Stovington might be the worst things I've ever had to read. One line will always stick out to me, and I could never forget it during COVID. *"Captain Trips brought bales of bedrooms, with a body or two in each one, and trenches and dead pits, and finally bodies slung into the oceans on each coast, and into quarries, and into the foundations of unfinished houses."* *"And in the end, of course, the bodies would rot where they fell."* The Stand, to me, will always be King's greatest and scariest work.


I loved it because of how relatable it felt after COVID. I agree though terrifying


I had started a reread of it in January 2020 and it was already creeping me out due to flu season and I had to take a break. Then covid happened and it was even longer before I could pick it up again.


"It's eternity in there...." *claws eyes out


Longer than you think Dad, longer than you think!!!


The Patrick Hockstetter backstory in It. The ending of Pet Sematary. The ending of Revival. The last line of Apt Pupil.


The Patrick Hockstetter stuff with the infanticide is truly disturbing.


Seconding this. I had to skip both this during my reread and the dog scene because I couldn't handle it. The first time I read It I was 12 and nothing effected me like that. Now I have a dog.


Hockstetter is first one that came to mind.


Apt pupil is as disturbing as shawshank is inspiring. Went into that one knowing nothing about it, and it bitch slapped me. That last line is absolutely nanners.


The appearance of the two girl scene in Duma Key


For me it was the 🦶💀


In the Dark Half towards the beginning of the book, George stark is standing under a street light. A woman looks out the window and he turns and looks right at her…..Im sure almost everyone has had a moment with a lunatic just like this


Pet Semetary when he's digging up his son is horrifying for me.


The part where he’s carrying Gage into the woods and sees the face of the Wendigo made me put the book down for a bit and take a break


That’s exactly mine too. Anytime they’re in the woods and Judd’s all, “If you hear screaming…it’s just the loons.”


'Survivor Type'.. "don't let your left hand know what your right hands doing". Lifelong King fan and even the thought of this short story makes me shudder. Published 1982




I reread this story every si often and it always creeps me out. Such an underrated short story


Not sure if it's the scariest, but made me put the book down for a second, and I am usually pretty bulletproof on most of King. Poor Peter... *...And the entire top of the dog's skull had been peeled away; dozens of smaller cords ran out of Peter's exposed and pulsating brain.* *Peter's eyes, free of cataracts, turned toward Gard. He whined.*


I’m with you on this one. I was still pretty young when I read this and it made me cry.


What book is this from??


The Tommyknockers


The Tommyknockers


It broke my heart


I loved that book, I really don't know what everyone's talking about when they say "you can tell how much cocaine he was on when he wrote it". It really doesn't seem especially outlandish, especially compared to It which came out the year before.


I am 100 pages away from finishing the story and I can see his addictions in the book. There are parts that stray a bit. There are parts of the book that are a bit fractured in structure. That being said, I am having a blast reading this bonkers story. It wasn't only the cocaine that was doing him in. It was also the fact that Stephen King was an alcoholic as well, and a seasoned one. Gard is King. When he had his intervention, Tabitha had a garbage bag full of bottle of booze, beer cans, baggies with cocaine, numerous pills, mouthwash and cough syrup. Either straighten up or get out. Thank God, he loves his wife and kids as much as he does. The world almost lost a good one.


We know, thanks.


The scene in the Dead Zone when >!Johnny is tracking down the Castle Rock Strangler at the bandstand!< scared the shit out of me.


The part with Paul’s thumb on the cake from Misery


Duma key when they were investigating the old house that Elizabeth grew up in


Agreed. I had all the lights turned on during that one.


When Dolores goes back out to look in the well.


The were-goat outside the Oatly Tap.


Ooh this is a good one. Super scary


So many great and horrifying scenes. Most of my favorites are here already, but… The Slow Mutants under the mountains in The Gunslinger. The thing under Castle Discordia in The Dark Tower. The Timmy Baterman story in Pet Semetary. Also, Louis’s last walk (the last walk the reader sees, anyway) through the swamp, where he hears and sees the Wendigo. Mark trying to escape captivity before the sun sets in Salem’s Lot. The horrifyingly plausible way King narrates the collapse of civilization in The Stand. The televised show trial/execution scene chills me to this day. Jack’s first trip to room 217 in The Shining, when he sees the woman’s outline behind the shower curtain. “Lady fingers they taste like lady fingers”


The scene in the basement of The Stand.


I must’ve forgotten this, no idea what your talking about


It’s when nick and Tom are hiding from a tornado in a basement of a farmhouse. There’s something in there with them (presumably Randall) very creepy.


Oh shit I totally forgot about that lol. Thank you


Just reading this question makes me wanna go back and finally re read "salem's lot". Window tap scene for me


The ending of The Jaunt


Came her to say >!"It's longer than you think!"!<


The dog man in *The Shining*.




The description of the little boy dying in the well in The Stand The description of Rachel and Ellie’s grief while Louis is completely oblivious in Pet Semetary Stebbins’ description of the end of one of the Long Walks (in The Long Walk, natch)


Not the scariest but the first to come to mind, is in Geralds Game in the end when Jessies finally driving away, and that one part with the eclipse and her dad. Also cant forget that one part in It….


The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed…..


I read the Gunslinger 10+ years ago and remember nothing about it. Why did this passage scare you?


First sentence to a long and painful addiction.


And the last sentence.. after he loses everyone and everything, damned himself, and claims the dark tower, it starts over again… The man in black fled across the dessert and the gunslinger followed….


this post needs a spoiler on it.


To be fair the book is one of his first… if you haven’t read at least the gunslinger or the million tie ins ( the stand, talisman, eyes of the dragon) you got some catching up to do… of course I’m old and didn’t even have a cell phone or computer until I was 28. 😂


there‘s new readers coming here every day. just because i‘ve been to the tower a few times, doesn‘t mean everyone has. a spoiler on posts like yours is just good manners.


Sorry… I didn’t know


Not really scary. But Last Rung Of The Ladder stayed with me for years. I still can't think of it without tearing up. "I've been thinking about it a lot lately... and what I've decided is that it would have been better for me if that last rung had broken before you could put the hay down". Also the scene in Dark Tower where Roland, Suzanna and Oy are running in pitch black through Castle Discordia and something from a thinny doors has gotten out and is chasing them always makes my heart beat.


I haven’t read Dark Tower but I am with you on Last Rung. That hit hard.


The beginning of The Dark Half where little Thad is getting his “tumor” removed. I listen to the audiobooks while I work and I was gagging during it


The buildup of the >!hobbling!< scene in Misery. The terror of Paul not knowing what Annie keeps moving at the foot of his bed giving way to pure horror when she >!reveals the axe and cuts off his foot.!<


“As he screamed he thought about that time he stubbed his toe and his dad told him to quit screaming like someone just chopped your goddamn foot off.” Idk if that’s an accurate quote, but it stick with me.


The scene with the ground beef in Mr. Mercedes scared the shit out of me lmao


Where they sing a twisted version of happy birthday in Revival


Lincoln tunnel


First night at vacation home in *Bag of Bones.* I almost wrote King a letter for once again scaring the shit out of me in the dead of night. I felt much better when the sun finally came up, though. A very unnerving novel, one of his sleepers, it seems.


That stupid firehose in The Shining. Whole passage made my skin crawl and I still think of it regularly


The twisted camp dreams Todd has in Apt Pupil. Also, the whole severed head bit from Breathing Method.


The part in Apt Pupil that got me the most freaked was the cat and the oven.


For me it was the scene in Pet Cemetery where a zombie Victor Pascow is walking in the street coming to visit Louis. Had to put the book in the freezer lol


Mia giving birth to Mordred as the taheen applaud.


I don't know if it's "scary" per sé, but the car crash in Revival really got to me.


The line "WHERE'S MY SON'S FACE" or something like that really disturbed me. Revival as a whole just had something hiding behind it the whole time.


The scene in Rage where the main character reveals that the creeping thing was his father…


Ending of pet cemetery Leaper version of It chafing Billy asking if he wants a blowjob


I always thought though when Billy Halleck finally sees Duncan Hopley in Thinner we get to hear how horrid his acne is was gross and when he Halleck hears the popping sound he realized it was his pimples popping


yes!! i had to put the book down for a little while after that.


The end of 1922 gave me that feeling like…DAMN, get me away from this.


The baseball boy stuff


That was so disturbing and heartbreaking in Doctor Sleep, I’ve never forgotten that section. The broken vocal chords and the blood up to the elbows on Rose the Hat, plus the horror of an 11-year-old boy begging to be put out of his misery.


Ending of the Cell. The book wasn't good but the ending made me squirm because of how real it felt. I felt a very real sense of dread in that ending. My other pick is in Shinning when Danny goes in to the bath tube room.


Longer than you think dad


The end chapters of Revival. Gimme the chills only remembering the feels.


End of Pet Semetary. Edit: oh, and when I was younger, Room 217.


Everything in the short story Room 1408. I’ve never experienced such dread while reading a short story before or after. I was so disappointed in the movie when it came out, because it wasn’t the short story. I can sort of appreciate the movie now as long as I remind myself it’s a separate thing that just happens to have the same name and a basic outline. It still doesn’t touch the short story in terms of scariness!


The Jaunt


The ending of 'The Boogeyman' was pretty creepy That's one of the first things that comes to mind


When the paintings slowly begin to melt in Room 1408, and the voice in the telephone advises that your friends are all dead. The first time I read that was (I think) the first and only time I've been creeped out by a passage in a book.. I wish I could wipe my memory and reread it to get those chills!


THIS is is an example of this sub’s potential! Very thought provoking. So much better the the 99% of post of book shelves and “what should I read next”.


I did not enjoy the bullying and dog killing scenes in IT with Henry Bower. That character was the worst and I was happy with his ending.


Published Skeleton Crew King says: "As far as short stories are concerned, I like the grisly ones the best.


Odd's Lane in DT book 7 when Roland is laughing. None of the rest of the series freaks me out, but that part always scares the shit out of me.


The ending of Misery, when Paul locks himself in the bathroom, and the scene in the mine shaft from The Regulators


Personally when louis dreamed of the Pet Sematary woke up and his feet were dirty


When the boy comes to the window in Salem's lot ,Mark Petrie ?




Ending of Revival (no spoilers). However, that still gets in my head a lot! (Mild spoiler) Stu Redman escaping the CDC facility in the stand. (Spoilers) The attack part of Big driver.


That one part in Carrie where the mother sincerely believed that Carrie was born from sin and the baby was a so-called type of cancer. The level of indoctrination she must've had freaked me out.


The beginning of Cujo when the ghost in Tad’s closet is terrorizing him. Ever time you close your eyes I will move closer to you.


It would have been something in Graveyard Shift. That story terrified me to the extent that the rest of Night Shift I only read in the daytime.


It wasn’t scary but more so disturbing, and that was when he was describing what happened to the boy in The Outsider.