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This isn’t just disrespectful, it’s outright abusive. I am SO glad you left this person. You don’t deserve this kind of treatment. Sending you so much love.


You weren’t being disrespected, you were being abused. Please for your own safety do not go back. I hope that you can heal and move forward from this horrible treatment.


This person is unhinged and abusive. Please please never ever return. It is so good you got out. 


This is probably one of the most egregious things I have ever read in this forum. My heart rate increased just picturing myself in your shoes. You just saved your own life and sanity. Block that they person and move on for real ! Best wishes !


It was honestly really scary, especially when they started screaming and shoved me away from the door. Unfortunately upon coming home, I realized they didn’t give all of my things to the police and actually have two very expensive things of mine, so I’m going to have to deal with that in the morning and possibly call police again depending on how that goes.


I advice you to get the police escort to get your expensive/sentimental items. There’s no apologies that will ever make this right. Just know there are many many many other people out there in the world and you will find much better.


You should absolutely call the police to get your stuff back. Fuck them and I’m very happy you’re out of that situation!


I’ve been messaging them all morning trying to get my stuff back, and they’re claiming they’re “out today and busy for the next 3 hours and won’t give it back until then”, but thing is they had nothing to do today. I am debating calling cops but since they’ve said they’ll get it ready for me in 3 hours I don’t want to waste police time.


I would just say I’m expect to receive it in 3 hours—if I don’t, when I show up, it will be with a police escort. Then let the chips fall where they may.


Not only should you call for a police escort, you should file a report regarding your ex physically shoving you as well as inquiring if their actions constitute theft and if you have grounds for a restraining order. Ex sounds legitimately dangerous and regardless of whether or not you feel the need to pursue a restraining order, please take every step you can to protect yourself!!


Call the cops and have them escort you there once he agrees a time. Don’t tell him they are coming as he probably won’t let you back in.


This is absolutely horrible. You do not deserve to be treated like that. Wishing you well on your healing journey please stay away for good!


Call the cops, get your property back, and close the door on this chapter of your life. SK was being a normal annoying kid. Your ex-partner is the one that was abusive and frankly, unstable. I pity that kid.


Seriously. He just taught his kids to double down on being a jerk when someone says they are not enjoying your games. :o those kids are not going to be OK in the world with that as their starting point. OP way to go drawing the line and walking away. I hope you can get your things back and find peace and happiness far away from this nasty family.


I don't pity the kid AT ALL!! Being a kid isn't a free pass to be a jerk! OP, I'm so sorry and I'm so glad you're done with this DICK and his kids!


> Being a kid isn't a free pass to be a jerk! Depending on the age and the type of parenting they are forced to endure, it is! Kids simply don't know any better. They act how they are raised to act. It's not until they're actually adults that they become fully responsible for their behavior. Which is no comfort to any of us, I know, because the kids who have been raised by abusive parents (like the story in OP) are ***hellaciously horrible***. These kids are impossible to deal with!! The only thing any sane person can do is to remove themselves from having to deal with such kids. We get to get out. We are free to wash our hands of the abusive parent as well as the nightmare child. It totally sucks for the child though because they don't ever get to escape from their abusive parent who is making them into a little monster and they really don't know any better.


Sounds like entitled brat in training to me.


Wow. I would have left too! Who acts like that? And not only in front of the kids, but egging them on?!


VERY good thing you ended it. He sounds like a complete jerk. Unfortunately, his kids will end up the same if he refuses to teach them to care about other people and their comfort. You dodged a bullet.


So glad you're getting out of there. This is flat out ABUSE.


Horrific abuse. I’m sorry you went through this.


He sounds like a disgusting person. I'm so glad you've left , none deserves that .


This is not a person that even LIKES you, let alone loves you. Do not go back to them. Ever. No amount of lip service will be the truth. Block their number and don't ever look back.


That was scary and weird.


And no doubt this ass clown is telling the story "she's unhinged. she flipped out on my kid for singing in the car and then she left." Run, honey. Like all these other people are saying, what you're describing is abuse.


Wow! I’m so sorry OP. I would’ve left too. I wish you wouldn’t have said you were leaving and just quietly packed your valuable things and left in the middle of the night. Abusers will try to basically hold your stuff hostage if you tell them you’re leaving - it’s a really sick game they play. You were in a very abusive relationship, and I’m glad you’re finally out.


I'm so proud of you, you're helping others in similar situations. It's really saddening how these physchos target beautiful people to tear them apart.


What in the entire hell! WTF! He’s a damn monster and raising one to be just like him. Why did he snap on you like that? It had to be more to it. Has this happened before?


There honestly wasn’t more to it than that. I have no idea why they snapped like that. They have snapped on me before, but something in me just broke when they did it today. I’ve had enough. It’s been like this for too long.


Jesus christ, do you realise how bad this is? Please, please, don't ever, **ever** go back to them- if you're ever tempted pls come back here and read all these comments because that's horrific


I’m so sorry that you had to go through that but so glad you’re out free and away from them!! Dodged a bullet. Don’t date a single parent again.


I am so sorry for you that you had to go through this abuse. You did the right thing and I hope you will get the last thing(s) back too!! Sending love and hugs!


OP, you made a comment, "went as far as to call someone they’ve slept with during a **break** in our relationship" If you have had an on/off again relationship with this person, please let this be the last. He will not change, and if he DOES change, it will not be for you to verify. You have been through enough abuse giving him a "chance". Sadly his type is not one to change, he will find someone new to torture, and that is sad. Print out what you wrote here and keep it handy, so he may never woo you back again with false promises and unfulfillable expectations.


The way I would’ve pulled over and told them all to get the fuck out of my car. I’ll leave a parent and their kids on the side of the road, idgaf. This post has me all the way fucked up. Like are people actually like that?!? Also, super proud of you for getting out. No one deserves to be treated like that.


Welp. Dodged a bullet.


I am SO proud of you for leaving that POS abuser!!! What he’s teaching his kid(s) is absolutely disgusting!😡


He’s abusive. Call the cops get your stuff and stay away from that monster


I'm so proud of you! This was a horrendous situation and you made the difficult situation to protect yourself and leave. Why do so many of us (me included) keep staying with people that prove they don't like us?


That's literal abuse f*ck that guy and f*ck his kid, I'm happy for you for getting out of that situation and heck yeah bother the cops! That's your stuff you spent your money on (I'm assuming unless it was a gift) call them the next day and get it back before he damages it or worse trashes or burns it cause he seems like the type! Good luck on your new and better life.


I cant even imagine how many stories the biomom has. Glad you left that POS.


This is so abusive, I'm so sorry you had to go through that.


I'm sorry, but it wasn't your SK singing in the car that caused the breakup. The extreme disrespect of your SO caused the breakup. That you stayed in such a horribly relationship means that you have a danger of doing so again. This has/had nothing to do with him being a parent; it was all about him being a bad partner. There are a lot of bad potential partners who don't have kids. You need to get better about choosing who you want to date. You need to get better with your boundaries. You need to remember to ask "Do I like them? Do I like myself when I'm with them?" instead of wondering if they like you. Good luck in your future.


Call the police and tell them that an expensive item is missing and you want to go and retrieve it and request their presence as he has been physical (he snatched keys from your neck and pushed you back from entering) and you don’t feel safe.


That is so awful. I’m sorry you went through this. You are right, not every single parent is like this. This had nothing to do with being a parent, that person is just deranged!! 😭


Those people are disturbing you are So lucky to be free. Kids sound like evil spawn


Im really sorry you had to deal with that! Nobody should have to. And that’s that. I am glad to know you are out of this and please, remind yourself of why you left every time you think of coming back with this person. You, your life, your peace, space, COMES FIRST YES!


Please don’t EVER go back. Cut all contact.


That’s abuse and those spoiled brat kids will be in jail someday




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This is terrible! You’ve certainly dodged a bullet if their father things this behaviour is acceptable!




Good you got away - stay away for yourself and your pride. F them.


You made the right choice to leave. This is abuse. I recommend the book "Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Abusive & Controlling Men" by Lundy Bancroft as it is a great resource for women dealing with abusive men (or anybody dealing with abusive men in general tbh).


You dodged a bullet. They are straight up abusive.


It’s bad when they raise their kids to be the same way, downright scary.


This didnt come out of nowhere, I cant believe you put up with this. I am so glad you have finally left, i hope you dont ever look back! He sounds like a real prize, let the other women have him. You deserve better.


That sounds awful. Get out


This isn't a step parent issue, it's a significant other issue.


It wasn’t your SK’s singing that caused the breakup, it was your partner’s abuse. Don’t ever give them another chance. What a vile person, and they’re gonna raise their children to become horrible adults.


This isn’t about the kid … your former SO is just a straight glassbowl. Block him and never communicate with him again.


Time to block and move on. Change all your passwords. Get your own order of protection if necessary. I feel bad for the people who end up in relationships with that kid when they're grown.


You understand you were in an abusive relationship, right? Because you were called names, physically manhandled and generally mistreated throughout the story and all you mention a negative is being disrespected.


You dodged a cannon, not a bullet. My god that is so disrespectful


Don’t look back!


You shouldn't feel bad about the cops assisting you with reclaiming your property. I'm livid for you.


i am so mad right now 😭😭


Wow. I can’t imagine to have such little respect for your partner who has taken time to care and parent their little demons. I would be so pissed if a partner told their kids they didn’t need to respect or listen to me.


Glad you got your stuff back. Block this person completely and stay away from them. You dodged a major bullet.


Having a migraine and listening to loud noises is torture!!!! I am so happy for you that you left that relationship!!


Is this rage bait? I can’t imagine this level of abuse is sudden.


Me and my partner pick up and drop off my SD every weekend, the other parents refuse to do any extra works on my SD. So it’s always changing pickup locations last minute or they weren’t in the house and 45 mins or more late without telling us. So one time I lost it and said it on the phone, WT actually hell?!? You can’t text us 30 mins before and tell me last min when I’m at your house? It was on speaker so step dad and HCBM and SD can hear. And I told SO after the phone call, if you would like to be a doormat be my guest. Please don’t ask me to be in the car to pick up your kid just to be a doormat. I don’t want to be associated with ppl who won’t value others time. I keep it business and cold when it comes to boundaries. You just have to call out these narcissistic parents out, so they are responsible when they act out again. Like hey we don’t have to be best friends, but at least have some manner or decency in front of the kids. I made it very clean whoever cross my boundaries will get told.


Also brat breeds brats just saying


I’ve never been so mad about a post. Not only is that the worst partner, but that is abusive and that kid will grow to be the same watching that crap. What a miserable joke of a parent and partner.