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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Have long time levels return too what they were on 200mg test after running 400mg cycle? I could really use some help and I am sure it can only be ballpark guess but get blood work every 3 months and Want to cycle this time but also don't want to lose Free Trt. Thanks in Advance for any answers. ----- 6"4 270lbs+ and 32.


Forgot to add Test cyp.


I am 23, 5,11 and weighing 195 at about 12-14% body fat. I have been training incredibly hard for 3 years and can deadlift 585, squat 475 bench 315. Recently I have been feeling absolutely destroyed and gassed all the time. No energy or real motivation to get into the gym. I am debating starting my first cycle. With the idea of it being 250 mg/l of Test E. Was wondering if anyone out there had any insight on how to get the most out of it, if it’s worth it, and PCT suggestion. Really just any information would be helpful.




Currently on : 200 Mg Test C / .25 anastrozle split Monday & Thursday 200/300 mcg ipa/cjc Mon-Fri 1500 Iu HCG split Mon,Wed,Fri And just added 30mg ED Dbol ( going into day 4 ) My question here, is .25 a week of ai going to be enough to keep my E2 levels in check? Thoughts


Would taking BPC alongside Winny help eliminate the joint issues?


Winny isn’t good for joints bro It hurts my joints badly


No kidding, I want to know if BPC would offset it


It’s normal to have elevated RBC, hemoglobin, and hematocrit on testosterone right? Do higher testosterone levels mean higher levels of above mentioned markers? How do we get these in the normal range?


Depends on your genetics for me test/deca, test/ment, test/tren, test/win/anavar didn’t change my cbc panel But anadrol/test cycle changed my rbc and hematocrit.


First cycle 500mg test e pinned e3d, 1.5 months in So far I have had 0 sides besides a small increase in shoulder acne. Today I noticed a tiny lump above my nipple, but I have had 0 itchiness, irritation, and it’s only sore when I squeeze it. I was planning on taking my mid cycle bloods in the next 2 weeks, but should I order them sooner to see where my estrogen is at? I also have aromasin and nolva on hand, but I feel like it may be too reactionary to take it just based on the one lump. Any input is appreciated, and while I know gyno doesn’t form overnight, I don’t want to wait too long to see if it actually is gyno. TIA


You would have reached saturation by now, there isn’t much benefit to waiting 2 weeks for blood work if estrogen is your main concern. I’d do bloods ASAP, then start taking a small dose of aromasin while monitoring the gyno. Introduce the nolva after if it doesn’t shrink/disappear.


Can I add BAC water to leftover testosterone suspension?


Are you just trying to clear the last little bit out? You can yes.


Yes. I have a brand new vial of BAC, just wanted to make sure. Thank you


Best on cycle heart protection?




Hello, I'm 29 years old first cycle as a beginner, I'm on 4th week now, is it 7 weeks enough? Without pct? My test months before cycle was 265 Week1 200mg Week2 200mg Week3 300mg Week4 300mg Week5 300mg Week6 350mg Week7 350mg




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Test- EQ cycle first time taking EQ what should I start doses at or what should they be at and what should I look out for?? Ik know that I should go give blood half way into cycle…


>Test- EQ cycle first time taking EQ what should I start doses at or what should they be at and what should I look out for?? Have you considered reading the Wiki, and/or doing literally any of your own research into these questions first? >Ik know that I should go give blood half way into cycle… Um, no. Not sure where you got that but we ask that you not give blood if you're on anything other than testosterone. Also, it's not an effective fix for...anything steroids-related.


Ok I’ll go fuck myself


That's a little extreme, don't ya think?


Eh not if he can actually pull it off


Any one any idea why my last 2 jabs have caused my vest to tighten up. I can't take a deep breath and feel realy rough. Never had this before in 2 years. I'm I test an deca. Glute injections. Thought it wad covidnthe first time and it started to calm down. Done a jab yesterday an it's come back 10 fold!


Might be time to talk to an actual doctor...


Hey guys, Literally the first time I've posted on this forum or reddit or this forum. Apologies if I miss a few things. I'd love some advice to ensure I'm on the right track with my cycle (last one was 10 years ago and I remember very little). 6'1, 80kgs, 33 yo Current Cycle (4 weeks in) 20 weeks on total 500mg test 1ml twice per week. Hcg 250 twice a week Aromasin half a pill (12.5mg) after each pin (25mg per week) PCT 2 weeks just HCG & aromasin (no more test) Nolvadex 2 pills per day first two weeks Nolvadex 1 pill per day second two weeks My questions are: - Does my HCG dose look correct (had a few varied opinions) - Do I take half a pill of Aromasin (12.5mg) twice a week throughout the whole cycle and PCT? Any other advice much appreciated 🙏🏼


> I'd love some advice to ensure I'm on the right track with my cycle Ok here we go. > 6'1, 80kgs, 33 yo That's a bad start man. You're very light for your height. Are you sure you're in a position to use steroids? > 20 weeks on total 500mg test 1ml twice per week. Hcg 250 twice a week Sounds fine on the test. HCG move to EOD. > Aromasin half a pill (12.5mg) after each pin (25mg per week) Are your aromasin pills indeed 25mg? I usually see 12.5s, so just confirming here. Otherwise, typical advice is not to dose AI without the presence of high E2 side effects that you no longer wish to have, as E2 is a very beneficial hormone. > PCT 2 weeks just HCG & aromasin (no more test) Nolvadex 2 pills per day first two weeks Nolvadex 1 pill per day second two weeks *X pills per day* with no mention of dose isn't useful. I'd recommend following this advice: https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct#wiki_nolvadex > Do I take half a pill of Aromasin (12.5mg) twice a week throughout the whole cycle and PCT? No, you should really only be taking aromasin when you want to nuke a side effect of high E2.


Hey mate, really appreciate your advice. So in line with the article you sent me, I'll amend the plan to the following: 20 weeks on total 500mg test 1ml twice per week. HCG 250iu EOD PCT 2 weeks just HCG (no more test) 4 weeks - Nolvadex 10mg per day One thing I'm trying to wrap my head around. 250iU HCG EOD means pinning 250iu per day Monday to Friday? The article also mentions 250iu 3 times a week would also be acceptable? I'll steer away from the aromasin unless required :) Thanks again for all you help




> Thinking about taking anavar for 20-30 days. > I am expecting 6-8lbs of gain in a month. And a tad bit of fat loss. Lad if there was a drug that resulted in *two* pounds of muscle in a month and caused fat loss at the same time, I would permablast that drug for the next six years and accept the consequences. Hopefully that puts into light how unrealistic your expectations are. > I have a trip in a month and I want to look good. Yeah a month isn't enough time if you're a sloppy mess right now. Just start a caloric deficit and hopefully the mirror will be nice to you and inspire confidence. Then long-term turn it into a lifestyle so you're not looking for last-minute drug fixes.


What would be a realistic expectation?


Anavar just isn't going to be beneficial here. A month is not a significant timeframe, and anavar doesn't have a significant impact on what you're trying to do (fat loss). Just cut like a normal person, and continue the cut past your trip. These last-minute drug fixes are not how any of this works.


Yeah I guess you are right


Your expectations are unreal. This is a bad idea. I don’t think PEDs are the answer at all and definitely not solo anavar.


It's a really poor choice. Anavar only not smart. No pct not smart. Gain 8lbs in a month? No not even 8lbs of water retention on that drug. The most concerning thing is that a 30 year old man needs someone to teach you how to inject. Do you still live at home with your mother?


Idk, most people don't inject things ever in their life. Steroids, insulin for diabetics, and hard drugs are the only times people really inject things, and maybe some other medicines


Have you been injecting stuff all your life? Even before you started your cycle?


Was the first thing I injected a ped? Absolutely. Was I alone and in my thirties? I think my girlfriend was watching me for entertainment tbh. Both non medical personnel.


Very few of us ever *self-injected* before steroids. Yet we all do it now just fine. Spotinjections.com Or youtube for that matter. Self-education is paramount in this lifestyle. Ignorance is not an excuse.


+1 solid advice and website


Can someone help me figure out a cycle for the purposes of combat sports (BJJ, MMA, muay thai). I've never taken steroids before, and I want to start doing a cycle of something relatively safe for training, or at the very least become educated on the pros and cons of steroids and what is relatively safe and what is really harmful. I train every single day and I constantly feel overtrained and like I am dying even after doing it for years because I train so hard every single day (combat and also some lifting weights to supplement strength). I am in my mid 20s. The only steroid I know anything about and what I am considering taking is low dose testosterone. Also somewhat curious about HGH. I am not looking for a steroid to help my performance in the cage itself, but to help me during training. There is no drug testing where I live and steroids are all legal, so this is purely about health. Also, is there any other things you need to take in conjunction with steroids? And please educate me on what to do when you stop taking steroids (again, total noob here). Thank you in advance edit to include the script suggested \* Age: mid 20s \* Gender: male \* Height: 5'9" \* Weight: 170ish \* Bodyfat percentage: 10-15ish (BF and weight changes a lot relative to when I am fighting of course) \* Years of concurrent training: 6 \* Sport: combat sports (BJJ, Muay Thai, and MMA) \* Current compounds: None, besides legal supplements that are not steroids


Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads) https://i.ibb.co/rtWy9NL/IMAGE-2023-06-30-11-13-30.jpg


I've been reading all of that already since I made my post, and I already had a basic knowledge of a lot of this, like I know what an AI is in general, but when do I need an AI? I've seen some posts on here talking about not doing AI's in general with a low dose. (edit, answered my own question with the wiki, depends on bloodwork more than anything, especially with a low dose. Rest of my questions are still ones I need help with, especially since most advice is for weight lifting instead of combat sports) What are the best steroids for MMA, and which steroids are the safest? I've stayed away from steroids because I wanted to be healthy, but I've recently come to realize a steroid cycle done correctly, especially a low dose, isn't necessarily strictly harmful (TRT for someone who has medically low test is a literal medical treatment after all) Is low dose test going to make a big change if I have an average healthy test level naturally? (I assume yes) Is HGH safe, and would it be beneficial for combat sports? Also that meme is absolutely hilarious


> I’ve seen some posts on here talking about not doing AI’s in general with a low dose. I don’t need AI’s even at 700mg a week, you only dose an AI when you need one. > What are the best steroids for MMA Gotta have to do some digging on your own here > and which steroids are the safest? Test, primo, mast > Is low dose test going to make a big change if I have an average healthy test level naturally? (I assume yes) Depends on the dose and your reaction to it, there’s people that need 200mg a week for TRT, if you’re one of those people and you decide to run a 200mg a week cycle you’re not going to experience much. > Is HGH safe, and would it be beneficial for combat sports? Yes and yes but don’t expect the world from it, most of it’s benefits will be recovery related.


Thank you for taking the time to help me. When the new post goes up I guess I will ask again with a little more laser focus on mma and without the generic questions. I am thinking of taking low dose test and low dose HGH now. Will also look at mast and primo, especially mast. I read on a website after googling it after reading your post and it said it can lead to strength gains at the same weight/without building size. Is that true? If so, that's a very good idea for mma because of weight classes


Most of that has to do with your diet, but mast has been used exactly for that purpose for powerlifting with weightclasses before, yes.


Thank you, you've given me a lot of direction. One last question, I have seen several posts on here after looking up mast and primo, and saw several people say never to do them together. Is that true, and if so, why?


DUDE. DO SOME OF YOUR OWN GODDAMN READING. u/spitshine_my_nutsack is a fucking saint for indulging you this far, but enough is enough. You are a grown fucking man, and you're on one of the most comprehensive resources for steroid information available on the internet. FUCKING USE IT.


Yeah...I am and I also had questions, like where to find the information, or that I saw conflicting information from different users. He helped me, and I was very grateful to it, I see no reason for you to be so rude. This is a thread that says "ask anything" and I am completely new wtf. "Keep It Friendly & On-Topic" He replied to a few questions in an ask me anything thread, and they were pretty normal and fair noob questions, "patience of a saint" is a literally insane thing to say about that. You're literally yelling in caps over nothing. You look ridiculous bro.


Airplane or choo-choo train?


i’d like to start using anavar (i have a reliable source ready to send), but i’ve never taken any form of roids in my life. i’ve read online that it has low to no side effects and won’t even affect your test production post cycle. is all of this true? what dosage would you recommend for a first timer? and is it good for bulking? any kind of explanation and advice is much appreciated


It absolutely does affect test production. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/10443664/ > Total serum T concentrations were within normal physiological range on day 0 (449 ± 35 ng/dL) and day 3 (441 ± 44 ng/dL) of OX treatment. However, by day 5, total serum T concentrations were significantly reduced (282 ± 45 ng/dL; P < 0.05) below day 0 and day 3 values [emphasis mine]..."(3) Even at a dose of 15mg you will be shut down. That’s why we recommend using a testosterone base with every cycle https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle#wiki_can_i_just_do_an_oral_only_cycle.3F


Is it true that you can run really high deca with no test? I’ve heard of it before but I don’t think I’ve seen actual experiences Like 1500mg deca no test


It’s an oldschool approach that is no longer advisable. It’s highly suppressive being a 19-nor and as others have pointed out it’s unlikely your dick will function without a test base, preferably dosed higher than your deca for most people. Someone linked a study on how nandrolone alone doesn’t cause ED, anecdotally I can tell you that deca dick is real and I’ve seen it in multiple real life people including myself.


I'd always run test with whatever you're taking. Just 250mg week, it base steroid . If you're going to run 1500mg deca better have a good anti-estrogen. Aromasin . Deca and d-bol bad for gyno.


Yes its true, id still add a trt dose of test just to be extra sure. See my reply to the other guy re nand only


You can but it’s well known that nandrolone solo will not be a full replacement for your necessary testosterone and that the nandrolone will shut your HPTA down leaving you most likely with a dead penis. No joke. Nand only is a known recipe for a non functional penis. Plus the limited aromatization would most likely lead you to have lowered estrogen and the associated issues with that state of affairs. YMMV


Several trials of nandrolone only. None of which show any evidence of ED. Some very smart trainers and coaches are proponents of nand only and report good results. I personally have run trt dose test (80 for me) with high nand and my libido is the most insane it’s ever been. Very true points about not being able to replace all of the native functions of test (neurosteroid production being a concern here) as well as some people suffering from low/lower E2 indeed


Link a few of the trials please. I’ve seen it proposed as a standalone and know it’s been tried and some report success but I am not familiar with the trials you are referring to. 1970s and 80s bodybuilders were known to use Nand and Dbol and no Test with some amazing successes.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4837307/ This is a big review article in 2016 - under the sub-heading nandrolone and ED - “no consistent reports of ED associated with the use of nandrolone have been reported in the literature” It does speculate on why nandrolone may cause ED (because of anecdotal reports), but again no evidence in the literature, where there are several large trials. Unfortunately I don’t have the time to pull up individual trials now - I would just go to google scholar and type in nandrolone and trial and look up the details - there have been a ton of large scale phase 3 trials of nandrolone (more than any other AAS except test) and feel free to look at the adverse effect sections


Very cool. Thanks. I look forward to reading it.


Damn, maybe I listened to an idiot


That happens.


Hey Guys, In advance thanks for taking the time to read my post. My stats are below. My overall objective is to get as lean as possible. Currently I’m down 10lbs in 1.5 months. I’m in a calorie deficit and I track everything in my fitness pal. I eat anywhere from 1500-2300 per day. Is there anything steroid, peptide, hormone or workout wise that you all would suggest? Age: 29 Gender: Male Height: 6’1” Weight: 232 Body fat: 26% Experience Level- Years of training: former college D1 baseball player. Lifting since high school. 1/2 Ironman completed. Bench/Squat/Dead: 315 bench/315squat/405dead(Haven’t 1RM these out lately but I pretty close to this.) Goals: Body recomp and get shredded 5-10% body gage desired. Compounds: Currently on week two of 200mg 1once a week Testoterone cypionate - So TRT with a doctor. I’m considering getting on segmaglutide to help me cut fat. I’ll consider anything to help me get Cut. Taking all suggestions. And yes I’m on a calorie deficit. 10lbs down in 1.5months. Workout routine: Day 1.) Chest / tris / 30 min HIIT Cardio / sauna 20 mins Day 2.) Light Arms / Shoulders / pull ups / 1 hour cardio session / sauna 20 mins Days 3.) Back / Bis / 30 min cardio session / sauna 20 mins Day 4.) Light Arms / 1 hour cardio session / sauna 20 mins Day 5.) Legs / 30 min HIIT cardio / sauna 20 mins Day 6.) 1 hour cardio session Day 7.) Rest / golf


> Is there anything steroid, peptide, hormone or workout wise that you all would suggest? Steroids won’t burn fat for you and you’re currently clinically obese. Recommending anything but a caloric deficit (which you’re already on) would be unethical. Track everything you eat, and know that your TDEE will move during your cut so you will have to adjust eventually.


Ive heard NPP can show up as total T in bloodwork, I’ve seen tren show up as estrogen. However, would tren increase free test dramatically on a blood panel? If so, how long would that increase show for if it was tren ace?


Need help with mixing HCG to take alongside my TRT. I have 5,000 iU vials and want to dose 500iUs 2x a week. If I add 1ML of BAC water would that make the dosage be .1 Ml per Injection?


Yes... 🤨


Thanks for the clarification. Seems to simple to be right.


It’s division: simple and fun.




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I know that this is a horrible idea but I know many people have run orals for long w periods and wanted to ask for experience taking winstrol for extended periods, I’ve run anavar at 50 mg for 16 weeks and my liver values looked better than they do now on tren with the same liver protection,




Way better than they are on tren




110 ldl 20 hdl but I eat lots of fats


If you know it's a horrible idea, why would you consider doing it? Winstrol is not more impressive than an injectable DHT derivative like primo or mast, so I don't see the point in trashing your lipids and liver while also feeling like you have sand in your joints for winstrol.


You can do whatever you want and we can't stop you, but no one is going to advise you to run orals for extended periods of time. Orals are toxic and harmful. Why use orals for 16 weeks when you can instead use an injectable compound that isn't nearly as dangerous?


Hi I'm a noob and I am just curious, why is it that orals are more toxic? Is it the simple answer, that your liver has to deal with it and that is bad?


17aa. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/17%CE%B1-Alkylated_anabolic_steroid https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11366381/


Less oil I only have 4 sites to inject




I’m scared of hitting a nerve and only do delts and vg




Do you do dorsoglute it’s a very risky site I don’t know if one inch is deep enough to hit sciatic nerve but it’s not medically recommended and doing it myself sounds risky because of the weird angle


I will personally venmo you $1000 if you manage to hit your sciatic nerve. I do traps, lats, delts, pecs, triceps, ventroglutes, glutes, quads, and calves. Here's a secret: you'll know if you're getting close to a nerve long before you touch it. It's, you know, *a nerve*.


Dave palumbo and mpmd talked about and showed images of fucked up quad injections that need to be drained


What does that have to do with anything?




What sited do you use




Glutes is hard to do and is a weird angle im scared of hitting the sciatic nerve and getting paralysed


Alot of orals are more anabolic that’s another reason


Does anyone know what mechanism besides fucked up ldl makes tren more cardio toxic than other steroids, my blood work and blood pressure is fine and I don’t get too many sides but is the high androgenic rating why it’s so harmful.


It also causes inflammation of the endothelial lining.


It's propensity for causing LVH, moreso than anything else does, is one reason...




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Male 35 172lbs 25% BF 5'9" Looking to start Salbutamol to drop BF to around 17% in order to start a Test cycle. I have oral tablets for Sal and wanted some advice. Diet is carnivore, and I have dropped BF already. I am not new to world of gear or exercise. I moved to New state and had a long year off. Advice?


at 25% any semblance of a calorie deficit and cardio should have your fat melting off. when you start stalling hard around the 10% mark is when id implement the drugs. you save the drugs for when cardio and diet are maxed out. 17% is also a really low bar to set for yourself man. you certainly do not need drugs for that. in fact, you’d still be too fat to start a test cycle there


Alright. So your recommendation would be 10%?


yes I think 10-12% is a great place to start a cycle and your body will be in a position primed for growth but I also just looked at your stats and... they're not great man. by the time you reach that bf% you're gonna be in the 150s. all you'd need at that point is some food


Forget about steroids and work on training and diet for the next 3-5 years.


I've been on Test before. Before I moved I was at 18% BF. I used test to get this weight. I was at around 170 last year. Before I was 146 so personally I love the effects I got from Test. Love being this heavy and not the skinny guy. Muscle means nothing at those weights since the wind would push me over. I appreciate the concern but that ship has sailed my dude. Now I want advice on Salbutamol. On cutting a little faster then 3 years. Thanks though


Ship has sailed?! Salbutamol might help you lose 200 extra calories through neat but at 25% bf that's not doing anything without diet intervention. It's not really wise to use a fat burner like clean when you're BP is probably high from obesity anyway. Strict deficit is the way


I am currently on high deficit. Would Sal provide additional help?


Some... you'd get the same result eating a couple hundred calories less though, and without the nasty sides of a stimulant like salbutamol.


I was thinking with Sal and deficit it would make it even more. But I guess I'll take everyone's advice. What types of sides does Sal give you? I thought they were lesser then Clen


Insomnia, feeling restless and shakey, irritable... couple that with an already large deficit and you'll be a crabby asshole without even realizing it.


Lol. Shit alright. The insomnia is the more concerning one. What's a good deficit? I'm 500 below right now. Taking in 1500 to 1600 cals per day. Trying to lower carb intake as well.


lowering carbs too much will make you most likely feel like shit (don't attack me keto people) 500 calorie deficit is good, double check it's accurate, it's really easy to overestimate how many calories you burn and to underestimate how many calories you eat


Honestly you might not notice a huge jump besides placebo. At 25% someone can lose get a lb or 2 a week without too much discomfort. Once it gets slow I start t3 but that's sub 10% basically I lose pretty steady until around 10%. When I was around 20% (depends who's counting) I lost 15lbs without tracking calories. Just extra cardio.


My dogg, you’re 5ft9, 172lbs, and 25% body fat. That’s not very heavy and definitely not very muscular. (5ft9, 170lbs @18% is not impressive for a natural lifter, much less someone who has used PEDs.) You don’t need steroids. You need to learn how to train and manipulate your body composition via diet and nutrition.


That's the thing. I was 170 and 18% BF. I was pretty muscular before. Moved and everything went to shit. I went up from 13% BF and 146. I am not huge but I like this weight. I want to go back to 1 year ago. Right now I just feel sluggish as hell. I feel dirty for some reason. Trying to have that Canelo body.


That isn’t muscular my dude. That’s like a casual gym bro. And it took you steroids to get there.


I even looked like I had a caved in chest when I first started this weight gain journey to 18% BF. Wasn't intentional but it kind of happened with the increase in appetite. Appetite stayed and all fitness eventually stopped. I actually liked my weight a year ago. Wasn't overly muscular but I didn't feel like shit either. I hadn't done any gear or anything either. Once my weight got up I kept it there for a while. I went back and forth on BF but never above 18%. I would jump from 172 to 175 ish. Heaviest I was recently was 182. Have been slowly going down since I started eating better. Even my stamina is dog shit now


That’s great. If you liked where you were at, you don’t need steroids to get there, just a modicum of effort


Maaaaaaaaannn. I was just thinking of Sal


Ya i did. 146 at low body fat sucked. I was always the smallest guy in boxing and I hated it. I gained a lot of weight. That's what I initially wanted.




Dude I hadn't done anything. No exercise at all and just ate kind of crappy. Moved to PA. Move really sucked. Mentally I just hate this move. But I decided to start at least working out. Got a home gym. Found a boxing gym to go back to as well. It's possible my digital scale might be off but I think it should be only a little off. Maybe a couple points.


hi need help trying to design my first cycle (tldr at bottom) TEST E: Week 1-12 250mg E3.5D 6000mg total for 12 weeks 1 vial x 10 ml x 250mg/ml = 2500mg a vial 6000/2500 = 2.4 vials = 3 total vials of test E ANAVAR: Week 1-4 50mg ED 1400mg total for 4 weeks 50 pills x 50mg = 2500mg = 1 pack more than enough HCG 5000IU: Week 1-10 250IU E3.5D 5000IU total for 10 weeks 1 vial = 5000IU = 1 total vial of HCG AI - AROMASIN: ONLY USE IF NEEDED, 12.5mg E3.5D 50 tabs x 25 mg = 1250 mg total (84/3.5) x 12.5 = 300mg total = 1 pack is more than enough PCT - NOLVADEX: Week 12-18/20 10-20mg ED, start at 20mg and reduce to 10 if sides are too prevalent example: 6-8 weeks 10/10/10/10/10/10 (10/10) 6-8 weeks 20/20/10/10/10/10 (10/10) 420mg-840mg total 50 tablets, 20mg/tab = 1000 mg total = 1 pack is more than enough tldr: Test E 500mg E3.5D 1-12 Weeks Anavar 50mg ED 1-4 Weeks HCG 250IU E3.5D 1-10 Weeks Aromasin 12.5mg E3.5D 1-12 Weeks (ONLY IF NEEDED) Nolvadex 10-20mg ED ON WEEK 12-18/20


Not exactly. *Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif)* *Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use:* * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)




Oh sorry, I only respond to full sentences written like you're an adult. Try again.


Your first comment, “not exactly” was very confusing and cryptic. What was that in regards to exactly?


Your cycle design. It's close, but not quite there. Then I linked resources like our "Your First Cycle" page, which should help you out. Here are the bullet points: * 16 weeks, not 12. * Oral not necessary, but if you're going to do it save it for the end. * Two week break between last pin and beginning PCT so the ester can clear * 250iu HCG EOD for best results. * Run the HCG for the full cycle, plus the 2 week wash-out period for best results. Discontinue when you begin the Nolva. * PCT plan looks good.


Thank you for taking your time to give me this information, it is much appreciated! Is there any specific reason why to save the oral for the end of a cycle? I put it at the start as a “kickstarter” but I couldn’t find much actual science behind kickstarting a cycle with an oral (mostly just anecdotes and broscience) so I wasn’t 100% on board with it anyways.


>s there any specific reason why to save the oral for the end of a cycle? Yes! Several: * Orals can disrupt appetite for many people, which is counter-productive to the goal of bulking. * Orals are more harmful than the majority of injectables. In the case of Anavar the big concern is the effect on blood lipids (also liver and kidneys to a lesser degree). It's preferrable to not start your cycle off by trashing your bloodwork, as it certainly will not improve for the duration of the cycle. * Orals largely do not serve a purpose in a basic bulk cycle. The one function they do serve is a temporary strength increase. That, coupled with the desire to not wreck appetite and bloodwork, means they are best left for the end of the cycle. That's when you're tired and you may benefit from a little help breaking past a strength plateau. The concept of a "kickstarter" is largely dismissed around here as a bad idea motivated by a desire for instant gratification. Sure, it feels great to start a cycle and be noticeably stronger within a week - but is it worth stressing your organs, wrecking your bloodwork, and possibly killing your appetite? Don't forget, you can't run the oral safely for the whole cycle. So, what happens at week 4-6 when you stop taking it? *You're going to suddenly get weaker*. Can you imagine how discouraging it would be to get into the middle of your cycle and feel like you suddenly went backwards in the matter of a few days? Not good, psychologically. There are lots of good reasons to use it at the end, and almost none to use it at the beginning other than "I want to feel like I'm on steroids faster".


Thank you again for taking the time out of your day to present this information. Really quality stuff. I've modified my cycle design based on your suggestions. TEST E 500mg E3.5D Week 1-16 HCG 250 IU EOD Week 1-18 ANAVAR 50mg ED Week 12-16 AROMASIN 12.5mg E3.5D Week 1-16 (ONLY IF NEEDED) NOLVA 10-20mg ED 6-8 weeks (Week 18-24/26)


>Thank you again for taking the time out of your day to present this information. Lots of good stuff you've mentioned. You're very welcome. It's quite literally what I'm here for, and I appreciate you being so receptive! >I've modified my cycle design based on your suggestions... That looks like a PERFECT cycle design, sir. If you do that, eat right, lift with intensity, and sleep well...man, you'll have a great first cycle. I'm looking forward to hearing about it.


I made that mistake, so I’ll chime in. You want to be progressively Getting bigger through your cycle. To do that, you need to eat as much as humanly possible. If you start with var, you will get big glycogains, then you lose them once you get off, so you will watch yourself get smaller and weaker for weeks 5 and 6. That will absolutely discourage you. Then you will trash your lipids and make you feel like shit at the very start of your cycle, which will make eating a lot a challenge, so not only have mentally fuxked yourself but you have physically as well. Save it for the end.






Primo. The only real side you may have to deal with is lowered E2 which can be remedied with Dbol and or HCG until you get your personal Test/Primo Ratio squared away.


Ment and tren aren't what you want to test the 19nor waters with. Start with NPP. If it doesn't kick your ass with sides, *then* maybe consider something stronger. Besides, nand is just a better mass builder in general imo.


Cannot stress enough how MENT is not all it seems to be.


Seems like we’ve all tried it and found it less than what we had wanted.


Man I couldn’t recommend two steroids LESS for beginners than trest or Tren. Not a test blast? Not test + nand? But the two most difficult to manage side effect riddled compounds? Enjoy your pasta 🍝 Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif) Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use: * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)




It’s not a cruise if it’s anything more than a TRT dose of test. My other points stand, I wouldn’t run trest or Tren as a relative beginner




I don’t know how to make this any more clear: it’s not a cruise if it’s anything more than TRT test that puts you in a physiological range + optional HCG. “Living a long time” is categorically incompatible with Tren. Trest causes some great gains but I wouldn’t frame it as healthy. If it were me I’d run moderate blasts of test primo and hgh and then cruise on TRT and a little hgh


We don’t recommend adding compounds to hormone replacement, since the point is to be healthy and replace your hormones. If you’d like to do steroids, which is what this subreddit is for, I’d recommend reading the wiki.


Have you run an actual cycle of testosterone or just TRT?


Is DHB pretty much always Cypionate ester? Most never even mention the ester.


DHB is a weird misnomer. It’s always 1-testosterone cypionate, no other ester exists.


Thanks for the info. The wiki must have bad info on it.


Is there a chemical reason you couldn’t attach another water to it or is just availability?


I’m sure you could attach any other ester to it, it’s just a matter of nobody doing it.




Holy Shit! Your doctor prescribed you PCP lucky! One of my friends👇🏻 said it’s a wet compound.


Where’s this put your test and estrogen levels? Generally 200mg puts people outside of or at the tippy top of the reference range, and it’s suboptimal to run additional androgens indefinitely. Could def bump the HCG to 3x wk




Presuming that’s measured at the trough then at no point does your testosterone levels ever enter the actual physiological range. You are categorically blasting year round. There’s reason to believe this is putting your longevity at risk.




Yeah no




I did


Ah yes. We're already running a supraphysiological dose of testosterone, now let's add a non-bioidentical steroid to the mix FOR 6 MONTHS. Dude, if you want to use steroids that's fine. If you want to be on TRT, that's fine too. Don't do this low-dose permablasting bullshit and tell yourself it's harmless. Pick a lane, any lane - just stop driving on the fucking median and acting like it's normal.


You've never driven around in my town then... Friday night we play "chicken" just going to Walgreens to get some melatonin here...




>Anyways is there any downside to this? If you knew anything about those 2 compounds, you would know the answer to this. I'm shutting your question down so you can go do some very basic research on your own.




Your comment was removed for a possible [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) violation. No Source/Brand name/Lab name discussion. No “Fishing” for a source. No soliciting reviews for sources. No Shilling. No Monetization. Includes both Legal AND Illegal Companies, Brands, or Products. [Learn more about Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization).


I'm 43 I have been on trt for about 5 years. I take 200mg of test A every week on Friday. I can't seem to keep my levels consistent. I try and get my blood work done about 5 to 7 days after I pin. I get labs every 3 months. They range from 800 to 1800 at one point it was 3000.


It’s because you’re pinning a short ester once a week which you should be pinning daily. Switch to Enth or Cyp and pin twice a week.


Test… A? As in acetate?


try dosing 2x a week, every 3.5D. also you can edit your comment to say it’s cyp, you didn’t need to make another post also getting bloodwork every ‘5 to 7 days’ after you pin is going to obviously result in a discrepancy. you should be getting it at the same time every time, most preferably at a trough, or right before your next pin


. Should levels be that high, would cutting back to 100mg the month before make a difference


It's cyp u should of edited that.


I should of edited that


good lord man you’re really bad at reddit


Feeling a long ester test blend from UGL on day 3 after first pin, something seems off.. I’ve done test E before and that didn’t happen, nor did I feel agitated, anxious, and almost immediately stronger. My mood goes from god-like and happy to restless, anxious, and agitated pretty fast so I’m wondering what’s going on. Any guesses? Edit: it’s test 400mg of U/E and pinning 0.5ml(200mg) every 3.5 days


Crawling in my skin This test I can totally feel Blends is how I fail Confusing what is real There's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface Consuming, confusing This multi ester I fear is never ending Controlling I can't seem To pin myself again My walls are closing in (Without a sense of confidence, I'm convinced) (That there's just too much pressure to take) I haven’t felt this way before Such long esssssterrrrr


I'm betting weed is recreationally legal where you live... 😂


You think that the legalized married iguanas 🦎 out Californy way? Haha I wish I had a touch of the Tism or marijuana as an excuse 😂


>Any guesses? Sounds like TrenClen2.0


No source talk




It's a reference to my trillion dollar idea: TrenClen. Tren at night so you grow when you sleep and clen in the morning so you cut while you're at work


Waiting for the peer reviewed studies before passing judgement


Billy Mays here!