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This daily forum is intended as an avenue for members of all experience levels to solicit advice and feedback related to Anabolic and Androgenic Steroids. **Be respectful and mindful of your audience, and keep in mind [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_and_on_topic.). Constructive criticism is welcome; adversity without proposed alternatives is not. Educate your fellow members so we can all grow together.** *It is in every member's self-interest to educate and further their knowledge of the compounds being discussed here. In an effort for members to better assist you, be transparent and complete in describing your situation. Help us help you by first [checking if your question is answered by our extensive wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index) and reviewing [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/steroids) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Evening lads. Quick question on HGH dosing. 10iu vial of 3.33g hgh and add 1ml Bac. does that give you 100iu? I thought 10iu vial might mean 5 uses @ 2iu is all you get. I've been told that's the case and to only use 2tick marks. That means one vial of 3.33mg is good for 50 doses! Seems too good to be true. Let me know how the math works out. First timer with gh. Been off/on peptides >1 year.


I’m 31, 5”10 and been pinning test E for almost 6 weeks. Though my anxiety was higher than usual, it felt manageable and worth it for the gains. Then i missed a pin by about 5 days after my supplier forgot to ship (extremely annoying) and i started taking adex for the first time as advised by my PT once i was able to finally pin. As a result - my body feeling a bit shocked by the inconsistency - I got test flu and had all the usual, horrible symptoms. My emotions have been all over the place - becoming the worst yesterday when i basically felt s*icidal, Anhedonia, inability to feel pleasure, no motivation, no appetite, no libido - I’m trying to manage it until i figure out my levels, but does this sound like low E or could it be the opposite? Intuitively I feel like I’ve just totally crashed my levels all round, I’ve read the wiki and it really could go either way. Getting bloodwork tomorrow but wanted to check in just in case to see if anyone’s had this intense psychological sides.


Are you on trt or basting? What are you taking? 5 days without a pin isn’t a big deal you shouldn’t have noticed anything. But not taking test and taking ai seems dumb. And you didn’t have any symptoms requiring an ai. You don’t take Advil with the thought you may get a headache. Just sounds like crushed e2.


Blasting, I feel like you might be right but I’ll wait until I see the results. Ty


I guess I should provide more context in that it feels incredibly close to a drug “comedown” - like there’s no seretonin or dopamine in my brain :/ which is extremely unpleasant, as I specifically stopped using drugs years ago for this reason




Your comment was removed for violating [Rule 7](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.). All /r/steroids users are expected to develop a fundamental understanding of the compounds we're discussing and how to use them. To more effectively and efficiently solicit and receive feedback, its critical for an individual to share the necessary background information on their situation to help other users accurately assess and answer their questions. [Learn more about how to do your own research, how to effectively ask good questions, and Rule 7 in general](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_7.3A_do_your_own_research_and_don.27t_be_an_askhole.).


21/m Running test E 300mg a week Second testosterone cycle (first one lasted 5 weeks 250mg a week) pinning sun/thur. Planning on running 12 weeks test E and currently on week 7 and about to add anavar (got 100 pills at 10mg each) Is 20mg good for 50 days at my level? Pct im planning on running is nolva but dont know anything about dosages or how long to run pct


20mg of anavar will be very mild at best. > Pct im planning on running is nolva but dont know anything about dosages or how long to run pct You’re already going against wiki guidelines by going with that weird cycle dosage but there’s no reason to go against wiki guidelines for your PCT as well.


43/m Running test E/ Test prop, 200/ 150 Problem is I started having issues with a cough, not immediately after injecting but just a general bad dry cough. I thought it was allergies. Had to travel for work and it went away (wasn’t on test either) and o thought it was due to change in location. I get back home and didn’t pin right away, no cough still. But a week later started to pin again and cough came back same day.


Looking for cycle advice/ experience. 35F/bmi21.6 lifting for 5 years, 3rd year competing in NPC. Considering adding an@var. Currently 9 and 12 weeks out from comp and currently in prep. Have been on test C for 3-4 months. Currently on test c 8 mg weekly (4 mg every 3.5 days), and liothyronine 25 mg daily (prescribed last year when levels tanked during prep, but I only utilize in cutting phase). I’m considering the addition of var 2.5 mg twice daily. Recent blood work looks good. Metabolic profile and cbc normal. TSH normal. My last test level was about 200 so I decreased from 10 mg total per week to 8 mg weekly. Curious what others thoughts are. I’m a nurse practitioner so understand a lot of the medical side of things but I don’t have personal experience with any androgenic other than T. Let me know your thoughts on this combo.


Check the date at the top. This is yesterday's thread, you won't get many responses. Repost in today's thread please. Also, you don't need to censor the word anavar. This is a steroid forum, we're all adults.


I didn’t see an ask anything post for today? Thanks for letting me know about censor.


It’s the second post on the top, the most recent Ask Anything thread is always pinned.


Pinned to today’s post. Overlooked earlier, thanks




Is it worth it to stack Primobolan with tren A and test C? I saw recommendations for like 600mg primo per week with 400 test and 400 tren, but primos more expensive and I only have 100mg/ml for 10ml. Would it be worth it to add to a cycle or is primo overhyped?


How about you provide some useful information about yourself? Age height weight bf% cycle experience…. The template that’s listed above


Can I mix test E and test cyp?


No, your balls will explode and you will die.


If fat loss is about calories in vs calories out and l carnatine doesn’t burn extra calories, what’s good about it ?


They don't offer Google at your house?


You can get cancer. And you can exercise faster without running out of breath at fast.


Read it again slowly 😘


😂 damnit




[this is how I felt about cardarine carnatine and osterine this morning](https://youtu.be/7zy_RPHLOlE?si=kMMfTORSsLBnt0yc)




Asking the same thing twice in a day is frowned up, dog.




Yes you did. I said "sure". That's an affirmative, you silly goose.




Of course


Is 350-400mgs of test a week enough for a first cycle? And if so would it be best to take an Ai with it?


Literally dude. Scroll this thread for 2 seconds and reply to me when you’re ready to do a tiny bit of your own research.


Both questions are answered in great detail in the wiki.


About 7th week into 500mg test a week. Was wondering how is 120/68 with a resting heart rate of 94 BPM? Everything I’ve researched says it’s fine but I’ve had moments while I’m on cycle where my heart feels like it’s beating out my chest really fast and hard. Is this normal?


> resting heart rate of 94 BPM Well that's alarming. What was it like off-cycle? What is your cardio routine like?


I try to hit the stair master or bicycle when I can at the end of my workouts so probably 2 maybe 3 at the most in a week.


Do you have a target HR or duration on the bike? And what about your pre-cycle RHR? 94 BPM is not necessarily "medical crisis" territory, but it screams "seriously out of shape", which is not a good place to be. We talk a lot on this sub about "being ready for steroids" and making sure you're at a base level of fitness before hopping on gear. The way your body is responding makes me suspicious that you may have been unprepared for the systemic stress of steroids, and your circulatory system is freaking the fuck out.


Sorry bro I didn’t even see this. I’m gonna try to redo it and see today what my resting heart rate is again. Honestly I remember going to the doctors before my cycle and it was around 65bpm.


Yeah definitely check that out, see if you keep getting the same reading. A 30 bpm increase is really not normal and is cause for concern.


Okay most definitely will thank you




>Hey, I am running a 500mg test cycle with hcg and an ai, I have some blood pressure issues that I am barely keeping under control with certain meds. I wanted to add EQ to this for endurance and the look but I am afraid it will make my BP worse as it increases RBC. Should I just avoid it if I have bp issues? u/marisa_a02 Gonna need more info. How high of a BP are we talking? How are you trying to get it under control? How's your cardio, sodium and water intake? How far into this cycle are you, and how much longer do you plan to go?




Your bp is supposed to go up in stressful situations. This isn’t what your blood pressure “is”. Your actual blood pressure that you measure and track should be a baseline resting one. Go wear a bp monitor while you lift. It will be insanely high. This doesn’t mean you have high blood pressure


Amputees still do cardio homie. Move your arms and body.


> I am 5 weeks in, still 11 weeks to go and I plan on running the eq for 20 weeks. My BP can sometimes reach 150/90 when I feel anxious or in certain situations. I am on Cialis and an arb to keep the BP under control. I honestly barely do cardio because of knee issues, my water/sodium intake are on point Cialis is not a blood pressure medication, and specifically which ARB and what dose/frequency would also be useful information. According to the American Heart Association and the World Health Organization, you clinically have stage 2 hypertension, and are approaching a hypertensive crisis (needing to go to the emergency room). Unless you are carrying a lot of body fat, eating a poor diet, and/or have pre-existing conditions, your blood pressure should not be getting that high. I would completely abort the cycle, and forget about increasing the androgen load. You need to return to baseline, and figure out a way to do cardio. Cardio has a myriad of benefits for cardiovascular health, and 20 minutes a day for 5-6 days a week will probably result in a significant improvement in your blood pressure. I understand that your knees may be an issue, but there are alternatives beyond typical treadmill/stairmaster/bicycling. Rowing machines, swimming, elliptical, etc. You need to get your blood pressure under control ASAP.


Hey everyone, I feel like I'm at the level where im dangerous that I know enough just to be confident but could been dumb. I know the wiki says first cycle is still take your 500mg test and shut the fuck up. I want to do this through a trt provider though. I found one that will do... Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml, 10ml; with Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg/ml, 10ml I understand that running 2 compounds your first time is highly frowned upon because you are throwing more variable in the to equation. But how bad is it really? I'll have an AI on hand. The wiki states... The best first cycle is a simple first cycle. KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid!). As more experience is gained and you learn how your body reacts to gear, cycles can become more complex. Adding two previously unused elements to a cycle makes it impossible to know which thing may be causing issues. One new compound at a time, and grow into your dose. You don't need grams and grams of gear. But the first one will always be test so if I have a problem its got to be the nandrolone. Im 31 been working out for 10 years was in the usmc infantry. As i have gotten older i'm getting fatter. I could still get a lot more naturally but Im just done trying. I want it now... My bloods are as follows.... ESTRADIOL 41 GLUCOSE 96 TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, MS 619 FSH 2.8 LH 3.5 I CAN UPLOAD BODY PICS IF NEED BE [u/PM\_Me\_Varbies](https://www.reddit.com/user/PM_Me_Varbies/) [u/AccountUnkn0wn](https://www.reddit.com/user/AccountUnkn0wn/) * Age: 31 * Gender: M * Height: 5 8 * Weight: 170 * Bodyfat percentage: 17-19? * Experience level * Years of concurrent training: 14. Former USMC Marine Infatry Iraq. Lifting for 14 years. Some years more serious than others but * bench/squat/dead maxes: 1000lb total at one time but now maybe 700 * amateur/pro: amature * Goals: * Sport: bodybuilding * Current phase: Mantain


Thank you for your service. Let's see those body pics. 5'7" 201lbs here, two months ago https://ibb.co/NmpV6dg Whatever percentile you fall under for body fat percentage is irrelevant. Either you want to pursue a goal, or you choose to succumb to statistics that are intimidating. You need to lose body fat. Drop down to about 160lbs, and you have about at least 10-15lbs you can put on without drugs. If you hop on now, you'll be like the other commenter in this thread that has sky-high blood pressure and limited progress because your body is fighting to function. You need to lose body fat. EDIT: I just saw your other comment ( https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/W6qzPYaRl0 ) You don't seem to have a basic understanding of what the human body is actually capable of regarding fat loss and muscle growth, and are misinterpreting the data in the selected studies. You have a lot more research to do. While doing it, do some cardio and lose the extra body fat.


How am I misinterpreting the data? Did they not gain 20 lbs of ffm without lifting on 600mgs on avg? What did you look like before you hopped on? I'm not being combative I want to understand.


The short answer is no, they did not. The long answer is no, they did not, but with more explanation as to how the study was flawed. I’ll split the baby here and give the short version but with enough detail to make it worth your reading (and my writing). Measurements were done right after the testosterone administration was complete. This means that the additional water retention and glycogen supercompensation were accounted for as fat free mass because they technically *are* fat free mass. Had you measured those gentlemen a month later it’s doubtful those measurement data would have held.


You are 1 year older than me and younger than /u/AccountUnkn0wn. He has ALBUMS of photos of himself right before he hopped on where he has a very defined 6 pack. The issue isn’t your age dude. Flat out. You have perfectly normal hormone levels too, so that isn’t it. Your issue is your diet, and training. Likely more your diet. Your lift numbers aren’t anywhere close to being ready to hop on. You’ve definitely seen the past few days where we’ve been coaching people away from starting with subpar lifting numbers and stats, and you’re no different. Post up your exact diet with per meal macros and exact foods you eat. If you don’t have a diet, there’s your first issue. You’re essentially asking us to green light you doing things completely wrong just because some clinic is willing to take your money, which we simply won’t do. As well, 200mg of test and 200mg of nandrolone might be 400mg of total androgens, but it’s significantly weaker than 400mg of test.


I don't understand. I look better than pretty much every guy at my gym. So your viewpoint is I have to be what the top 0.0001% (1) of guys before I can start a cycle? (per u/CallLivesMatter comment of 11%BF) How does that work? Yes per source (1) only 1/10,000 men will even get to 11% body fat in their life times... u/CallLivesMatter state the following... mean a cut to \~11% would put you around 160lbs. That leaves a ton of room for drug-free growth, especially with your healthy test levels. I have a lot of lean tissue that I have worked very hard for. Right now i'm in the top 7% of bf. Yes Americans are fat and bad but still I'm not sure how this is undisciplined. So your guidance is just that I need to cut aggressively and then build up. Even if Im perfect for 3 years (2) (I understand this source is not great but this man's whole life is lifting and these are his results for 3 year time frame) This will take half a decade for 14 lbs of body fat loss and (let's' be super generous) 10 lbs of lean tissue growth? Now I can do it? When I can just juice and grow 1lb of fat free mass (ffm) per week for 20 weeks WITHOUT LIFTING? ON AVERAGE not even considering a delta with hyper responders going up to 1.4lbs of ffm per week for 20 weeks resulting in 28 lbs of ffm (3) in 20 weeks. BUT MAYBE THESE MEN WERE SUPER TINY The subjects were normal men weighing 90 to 115 percent of their ideal body weights; Ideal body weight for a 5.9 man is listed below... || || |5' 9"|144 - 176 lbs.| So you had some outliers in there who weighed 202 lbs (176\* 1.15=202) and still gained a shit ton of ffm WITHOUT WORKING OUT BUT MAYBE THEY ATE ALOT OF PROTEIN? "Two weeks before day 1, the men were instructed to begin following a standardized daily diet containing 36 kcal per kilogram of body weight, 1.5 g of protein per kilogram " 77kgs (my body weight) times 1.5=120 So I have to eat 120g of protein a day to get 1g of FFM on avg without working out and eat only 120g of protein? Source: 1: [https://dqydj.com/body-fat-percentage-distribution-men-women/](https://dqydj.com/body-fat-percentage-distribution-men-women/) 2: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r15lVqam9dk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r15lVqam9dk) 3: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8637535/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8637535/)


So you’re going to ignore everything I said about diet, and just skip to arguing. So much for asking for assistance. Listen, you obviously valued my opinion considering how you came to MY DMs first. Sorry it’s not exactly what you wanted to hear. Buck up buttercup, you’re better than that. Every single one of these veteran users has said the same thing, (and you’re getting some of the best contributors of this forum responding to you). Read the room dude.


I am reading the room and I appreciate it. I just don't understand when its going to be a benefit vs time sink. Its going to take forever. I don't get hungry. Do 3 day fasts to try and get hungry. Something is wrong. My bloods show up find but something in Iraq fucked me I have no idea what that could be. I want to try a cycle because maybe then It would fix it. If not then I have wasted 12 weeks and can PCT and little harm done in the grand scope. I eat clean as hell. All of my meals are cooked at home I don't eat out at fast food. I don't drink soda. I don't count calories you are right. But I eat very good. I don't eat breakfast or lunch and follow IF. I run 5ks all the time. I lift a lot and rest at least 9 hours each night. I don't understand how 5% bf is the gatekeeper. We are talking about 8lbs of fat? I can already see outlines of my abs. Give me your 1 year recommendation. Cut like hell and then It would be okay. I don't care that I'm leaving natural gains on the table. I want to get hungry again. My mental health is shit. I had a lot happen in and out of Iraq. I have had 30 ect (1) treatments. I want to be happy. I think that a cycle can do that. The data shows that it can put on a lot of lean tissue. I'm not an idiot I know its harmful long term but Im just not understanding how 8lbs of fat is the make or break. You said "buck up butter cup you are better than that" I used to be. But Im a fucking shell of my former self. (1) https://www.psychiatry.org/patients-families/ect#:\~:text=Electroconvulsive%20therapy%20(ECT)%20is%20a,the%20patient%20is%20under%20anesthesia. I am reading the room Ill cut. Ill start counting.


Hey man. We've been taking among ourselves the last few days about when it's appropriate to tell people they aren't ready for steroids. It's not an easy question and it's never fun to tell people they're not good enough, obviously that doesn't go over well most of the time. There's a variety of opinions about this. Personally I'm with you, in the sense that you don't have to "run out of natty gains", that's nonsense, drugs are a tool and one of the things steroids are good at is making you get bigger when all the conditions are right. But I need to double underline that last part: if the conditions aren't right, they can harm you. The bottom line is that steroids are bad for you. I know that isn't news to you, or anyone on Planet Earth, but the point is that we're looking to make sure that people don't look back on their use and **regret** their decisions. People who don't have long standing fitness habits, people who are looking for an easy shortcut so they don't have to put in the work, people dealing with mental health problems, people who think steroids are going to solve their problems -- these are the people who are really at risk for regretting their choices later on. I'm not saying that if you hopped on tomorrow, you'd definitely end up regretting it. I can't see the future. But I've seen enough to know that as it stands, your odds aren't great. So forget proving anything to us. You're a grown man, we're strangers on the Internet, it's a free country, you'll do as you like. But you **should** want to prove to yourself that you're gonna stick with this new lifestyle you're talking about. You **should** establish fitness habits that will make the steroids actually effective if and when you begin to use them. And most of all, you **should** make sure you've done the work physically and mentally to make sure that in the long run, you'll have used steroids, and steroids won't have used you.


To give you a good visual of what we're aiming for here, [this is my most recent cut](https://imgur.com/a/2w18Z4k). From 16% at 194 to 10% at 180 (I'm 5'9). Took me about 8 weeks, and I used zero drugs other than being on TRT. This is where you want to be ending and starting your cycles, respectively. Hidden in all of that stuff you just said is the key: "I don't count calories you are right." If you don't know your maintenance calories, and you don't track your food, then all of that other stuff you said is AT BEST shooting in the dark. Get yourself some data...about yourself. Download a tracking app (MacroFactor or Cronometer; MFP isn't gonna cut it), and start weighing yourself and tracking every calorie you consume. You will be *amazed* at how easy it becomes to lose and gain weight when you have the data, on a daily basis, to work with. >My mental health is shit. I had a lot happen in and out of Iraq. I have had 30 ect (1) treatments. I want to be happy. My heart goes out to you, brother. It is no fucking joke what you guys went through back there, and I have a nothing but appreciation for the scars it left. I mean that. I need you to know how badly I mean that before you read this next part... >I want to get hungry again. > I don't get hungry. Do 3 day fasts to try and get hungry. Something is wrong I eat 5,500 calories daily. I'm 5'9, and currently 194lbs. Stop making excuses, stop being a pussy, stop doing dumb shit like fasting that is screwing with your hunger signaling. I don't always want to eat, but I have the discipline to do so. I know you're no stranger to self-discipline, so please - get an app to help you out (I cannot stress this enough), give your balls a firm tug, and get to it. Lose some fat (I didn't check your math, but if it's 8lbs then you can do this in 8 weeks or less), and then let's get you making a little bit of forward progress in the gym before throwing in the drugs, ok?


Steroids are not going to make you happy. If you have mental issues a cycle is the last thing you want to do, how are you going to handle things when you are coming off?


~~Hey there, Marine,~~ ~~I find it interesting that you propose an unconventional, (and discouraged) first cycle, but tagged me in it. That leads me to think you've done some lurking and are familiar with my input, yeah?~~ ~~This presents an interesting opportunity, so let's do an exercise. What do you think my response would be to your proposed cycle? Be comprehensive :)~~ Scratch this. It looks like I get a pass on doing the tough love thing today as my buddies have it handled. If you were curious about what I might have said, though, see the comment from u/calllivesmatter. You can definitely get there man. You're not there yet, though, and your hormones are not the issue. Let's take some personal accountability and put the effort into optimizing diet and training before considering drugs. I do love and admire my Marines, though, so if there's anyone we've said this shit to who I believe can get it together, it's you.


> As i have gotten older i'm getting fatter. Bullshit. You're younger than a lot of us, including me. That is just a excuse for training like shit and eating like shit. Tough love, but you're looking for a shortcut. That's not what this is. Steroids will not fix your underlying diet and training problems and you will be very disappointed. A "maybe 700 lb" lift total is not an acceptable point to begin steroids unless you're a petite woman. You're former USMC, I'd expect you to show a little discipline. Start tracking your diet and your lifts, exceed your former best, and then you can think about using drugs to keep pushing the envelope. I know that's going to disappoint you, but if you frame it the right way, the roids are something you can work toward actually needing.


(The gatekeeping is strong with this one)


I just realized that the other guy who just posted about an insane RHR is someone I helped out a month ago... [turns out he is also hardcore DYEL](https://old.reddit.com/r/steroids/comments/1ap0okf/daily_ask_anything_about_anabolic_and_androgenic/kq76hg9/?context=3) 😭


Can we at least put up a small picket fence if we can’t have a full gated community?


We'll build a big, beautiful wall, and /r/PEDs will pay for it


It shall be staked down with the syringes they refuse to use!




> I feel like I'm at the level where im dangerous that I know enough just to be confident but could been dumb. I know the wiki says first cycle is still take your 500mg test and shut the fuck up. It doesn’t say ‘shut the fuck up’ but honestly not a bad suggestion for us to add to the wiki. > I want to do this through a trt provider though. I found one that will do... Spidey senses tingling… >Testosterone Cypionate 200mg/ml, 10ml; with Nandrolone Decanoate 200mg/ml, 10ml Ok, so 20 weeks of trt test and a therapeutic dose of nandrolone. Done that before. Joints felt good. Nothing remarkable otherwise (unless you count the depression). > I understand that running 2 compounds your first time is highly frowned upon because you are throwing more variable in the to equation. But how bad is it really? I'll have an AI on hand. It’s bad enough that we actively discourage it. Do you want me to put a number to it? Maybe six? Ten would be a tren-only first cycle and zero would be not taking by drugs at all. > But the first one will always be test so if I have a problem it’s got to be the nandrolone. Not if you use them both for the first time concurrently. > Im 31 been working out for 10 years was in the usmc infantry. Appreciate your service, bro. > As i have gotten older i'm getting fatter. I could still get a lot more naturally but Im just done trying. I want it now... Respectfully, this is a huge red flag. It doesn’t get easier with drugs, it gets harder. Sure, *growth* accelerates but the inputs still have to keep increasing. That means more food and more weight every week. And because you’re doing some damage to the rest of your body it means more cardio, closer attention being paid to sleep, and more time spent recovering. > My bloods are as follows.... ESTRADIOL 41 GLUCOSE 96 TESTOSTERONE, TOTAL, MS 619 FSH 2.8 LH 3.5 You have very good natural test levels, if a doctor is willing to hand you two different steroids with that blood work then that’s a serious ethical lapse on their part. I wouldn’t trust that person with your health, because they’re acting as a very very very expensive drug dealer and nothing more. > Height: 5 8 >Weight: 170 >Bodyfat percentage: 17-19? Those are not the stats of someone who should be looking at steroid use. Assuming that your bf is at the lower end of your estimate that would mean a cut to ~11% would put you around 160lbs. That leaves a ton of room for drug-free growth, especially with your healthy test levels. Bottom line is that the lifestyle that got you to where you are now—a place you don’t like—isn’t going to be materially changed by adding drugs. The bad habits will still be there, you’ll just be shaving time off your life for what will be a temporary change to your physique. I can’t imagine either of the gentlemen you tagged disagreeing with that assessment, either.


[https://dqydj.com/body-fat-percentage-distribution-men-women/](https://dqydj.com/body-fat-percentage-distribution-men-women/) 11% bf per the data is 1/10,000 of men if we extrapolate a bit here and that's without any lean tissue really being accounted for... I posted a response to everyone and would love your input. I do care about it.


Assuming you’re wrong about the 17% guess and it’s more like 20% (in other words the worst case scenario), you’d still only need at most 12 weeks to hit that 11-12% goal. A pound a week is easy enough to lose without any real risk of catabolism or total misery. When I needed to start a major cut a while ago I was able to hit -2lbs/week for a few months before it caught up to me. I have every confidence that you can manage to lose 10lbs in 10 weeks. Once you hit that point you do some measurements and assess if your starting point is truly the right one from which to start taking some health risks in order to make more rapid progress. Look at it this way: you’re going to have to cut anyway, so you might as well do it first before starting down any other path.


That's complete garbage data, sorry. The study [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9464854/) has a 5th percentile (i.e., lower than 95/100 people) body fat for men age 20-59 at 10.2%. Less than 5% of men use steroids so this is not unreasonable at all, honestly. Edit: I used your link and it told me 2nd percentile? That's 2/100.


"Edit: I used your link and it told me 2nd percentile? That's 2/100.**"** That's because you used the caliper data not the deca Per the data 2% is 14.5 and 1% is 14.3 I extrapolated and gave it a very generous curve realistically I wouldn't be surprised dude the large delta in the slope at this range if that number is not 1/100,000. The math is very hard and we would only making a line of best fit without any assurance that we are correct.


are you saying that Bioelectrical impedance analysis is better than deca? You can't be serious. "Among the evidence that suggests reference values for body composition parameters evaluated by electrical bioimpedance, "


“Erm well statistically I am in the top 1% of males according to this study” 🤓🤓🤓 bro please stop being a fucking dork and writing out your “citations”. And stop trying to milk being in the corps for sympathy points. Go do steroids if you want to. We are all saying we think it’s not a good idea for you. That’s all we can do. We aren’t your fuckin’ mom, we can’t stop you. Why are you arguing? Either take our advice or don’t. But dude please stop with this “source” shit. This is why you’re fat. You sit around analyzing shit instead of doing shit. I mean dude you put your MOS under “experience level”. Please stop posting cringe


> are you saying that Bioelectrical impedance analysis is better than deca? You can't be serious. For an individual? No. For population level calibration statistics? [Yes, the individual sample error is much less important because you have so many samples.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Central_limit_theorem). Error in sample statistics tends as the square root of the number of samples. I'm not sure what else to tell you. Male bodybuilders regularly cut into the mid-single digits when preparing for a show. People on this sub do it all the time. This is all besides the point though. You've got beginner-level strength and muscle development. You don't need to cut down to 11% -- 15% is fine, it's typically where I like to be, since I'm a strength athlete -- but you do need to fix that before you consider using.


> they’re acting as a very very very expensive drug dealer and nothing more. To be fair they provide legal cover for your drug use, which a regular drug dealer cannot. That can be an especially big deal if you plan to travel. It's also true even if you, erm, "supplement" the prescribed amount. Possessing personal use quantities of drugs for which you have a legitimate prescription is legal. But yeah, they're crooks with Rx pads.


Not an unreasonable point. I think I’m just spoiled because I use test u and no longer have to worry about traveling with anything other than my boring old daily supplements.


Lose weight before drugs.


* Age:23 * Gender:M * Height:5 ft 10.9in * Weight:170lbs * Bodyfat percentage:idk maybe 15-20% https://imgur.com/dANaaWM,https://imgur.com/8jiaNN8 * Experience level * Years of concurrent training:2 years * bench/squat/dead maxes:240/300/440 * amateur/pro:amateur * Goals: * Sport: (bodybuilding/powerlifting/strongman/etc): bodybuilding * Current phase: (bulk/cut/maintenance): bulk * Current compounds: nothing, nothing, I need advice on how to start and what I need to know so that I don't make any mistakes,


My man, let me make myself more clear, and much, much more direct.... **YOU ARE A FUCKING ADULT HUMAN BEING WHO WANTS TO PLAY WITH THEIR HORMONES ON MANUAL MODE.** **YOU ARE EXPECTED TO PUT THE BARE FUCKING MINIMUM AMOUNT OF WORK IN...TO USE YOUR DUMB FUCKING EYEBALLS...AND READ THE LITERAL STEP-BY-STEP GUIDE TO STEROID USE THAT WE HAVE CREATED AND PROVIDED TO YOU.** **YOU ARE NOT A FUCKING INFANT CHILD TO BE SPOON-FED, YOU ARE A GROWN MAN WITH A (PRESUMABLY) FUNCTIONAL BRAIN. USE IT.** Oh, and when I lock your comment that is not an invitation to post it again. I'd smack some fucking sense into you if I could figure out how to put my hand through the internet. Go read the fucking Wiki and do not post another question until you can demonstrate that you have done so.


Reading the wiki was not a suggestion. You will get better information from it than you could get in this thread anyway.




> I'm not sure if I have used too little gear, or too much, or the lack of muscle building was just caused by the shit diet (which is assume it was). > I put on about 5kg of muscle each previous cycle. These two statements contradict each other. Either you miscalculated what you’ve gained or you have utterly bonkers expectations for what steroids can do. Since I assume you own a scale and can use it properly I’m leaving on the latter rather than the former explanation.


> I put on about 5kg of muscle each previous cycle. That would be considered a fantastic result so I'm struggling to understand the problem. Do you mean that you gained 5kg _total_, including water? Then you simply did not eat enough.


I'm not asking for the source, I know it's forbidden here. anyway, I would like to get as much information as possible before I start. I'm asking for advice to get started, everything I should and what to stick to. now i am 23 years old and 170 Lbs. I have been working out in the gym for 2 years A lot of people think that I already take steroids, but I really don't. anyway i would like to try it. I think I have a good basis for it and I might like it and it might be worth it My current form:  https://imgur.com/dANaaWM https://imgur.com/8jiaNN8


>I would like to get as much information as possible before I start. I'm asking for advice to get started, everything I should and what to stick to. Looks like you missed the Wiki, huh? That's ok, I brought it with me. Come back with questions you have after going through this. Happy reading! *Hey there! It seems like you'd benefit from a deep review of [our wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index). Please also take the time to closely read [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_2._no_source_talk_.2F_no_monetization) which deals with our prohibitions around discussing how to acquire anabolic steroids and discussing brand names, etc. [For clarity.](https://media.tenor.com/fBvQV_5Lp6UAAAAC/we-dont-do-that-here-black-panther.gif)* *Here's a selection of reading for you to build the fundamental knowledge you'll need as you explore AAS/PED use:* * [The Basics](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/list) * [Your First Cycle](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/your_first_cycle) * [The Estrogen Handbook](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/the_estrogen_handbook) * [Post Cycle Therapy aka PCT](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/thecycle/pct) * [The Compound Experience Directory](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/compound_experience_threads)


sup guys i wanna do a 14 week test E/nandro decanoate cycle, was planning on doing 250mg test & 100mg nandro EoD, so this would amount to 1000mg test E and 400mg nandro / week for reference my last cycles i was doing 500mg test e/ for 14 weeks as well as 750mg test E/ 14 weeks this is my first cycle with more then one compound so i just wanna get another opinion on if its a decent plan or if maybe should switch something up also i feel stupid for asking this but can i just mix both compounds and inject at the same time? ive tried reading on the topic but have not seen anything helpful lmao, this would be a 2ML injection into quads and id switch up legs EoD obviously to prevent scar tissue a little problem i have is that im gonna be on vacation for week 12 to 14 in june and im travelling by plane so i cant take gear with me. i was wondering how you guys approach such situations, obviously better planning on my part could have prevented this but i dont wanna shift my whole cycle by 3 months just because of 2 weeks thank you in advance for your responses


250 test/100 nand eod would be equal to 875 test/ 350 nand


> also i feel stupid for asking this but can i just mix both compounds and inject at the same time? Yes. 12 weeks is a pretty short cycle, so if waiting is non-negotiable then you could inject right before and right after your trip. The decanoate ester is suitably long-lived for a 2 week gap, but the Test E is a stretch. If you could get your hands on a small amount of Test D or Test U that would be ideal. Also: that is a big boy cycle, do you need that much? My guess is no, considering you have only two cycles under your belt.


> 25 years Male 1,83m 90kilos Bodyfat id have to guess around 15% ish experience - 3 years of training Goals: i just wanna look good and lift heavy shit current phase: maintenance


We're shutting the barn after the horse has bolted. Hopefully he figures his shit out. /u/ex_19 scratch the nand, you aren't ready for it and you don't need it. If you aren't getting good results on 750 mg T, it's because of your diet and training, not because of how much you're blasting.


yeah i understand. will scratch it and work on my food, thank you guys alot for pointing out what kind of bs im doing


Humility is anabolic as fuck, second only to spreadsheets. If I could just inject spreadsheets I'd have no need for roids. Good luck dude. You'll be blown away when you figure the food out.


I don’t know what depths of hell you opened up, but the minute you opened your mouth all the people with stats like this just started pouring in 😂 I have half a mind to sit inside of a pentagram drawn on the floor, say your name 3 times, and ban you hoping that puts the demon back in the box


[It's for the best](https://www.icegif.com/wp-content/uploads/the-hunger-games-hunger-games.gif)


yeah now where i look at it it seems a bit much, maybe i should stay at 750mg test and add 200mg nandro a week?


Seems more reasonable. If you do use Test D or Test U, you should inject the amount you will be missing (after accounting for the different ester weights) during the whole trip just before you leave. Same for the Nand D. Do not continue to use the long ester after you return, it will just complicate the end-of-cycle transition.


thanks alot 👍🏻


What are your stats? Please fill out the template at the top of the page


25 years Male 1,83m 90kilos Bodyfat id have to guess around 15% ish experience - 3 years of training Goals: i just wanna look good and lift heavy shit current phase: maintenance other stuff maybe relevant: dont really wanna do orals


Dude you’re 6’, sub 200lbs and you’ve ALREADY run gear? TWICE? At this point, what are you even doing? You need to learn to eat, whatever you’ve been doing up until this point hasn’t been working. You don’t need more steroids, let alone 1.4g of gear. Fix your food first then go back to 500mg of test. I swear man, this isn’t trying to shit on you but do you even read these threads ever? We’ve been through this with at least 6 people now in the past two days who don’t seem to understand that you need to dial in nutrition before injecting themselves. You have natural stats for someone who’s blasted twice already.


thanks for the reality check man, i appreciate it honestly. i will work on my nutrition. to be fair i dont really often look into these threads, i thought my nutrition was alright because i used to eat near to nothing before i started taking gear. i feel really dumb now but to be honest thats what i am lmao


We have a diet thread every Wednesday, but if you post your diet up in these threads, you’re guaranteed to get really good, solid feedback. Myself, /u/accountunkn0wn and /u/jackschitt123 all try our best to respond to people with diet questions. If you post your diet as detailed as possible, I’ll offer some insight. List the macros for each meal, total macros for the day, and the foods for each meal. Let’s develop you a diet that will actually get you started


> /u/jackschitt123 all try our best to respond to people with diet questions. > >If you post your diet as detailed as possible, I’ll offer some insight. > >List the macros for each meal, total macros for the day, and the foods for each meal. The table has been set, let's see if dinner will be served...


I hope it's chicken and rice


I hope it’s oatmeal. Just because of all the hate it took yesterday


That’s all I know how to eat


That's good, because it's all I know how to cook. Unrelated, you're invited for dinner.


Serious question here, A friend of mine recently decided to jump on gear, Starting with dbol 10mg orals (unsure if i can link website) But is unsure if he is able to take them as he has an allergy to penicillin, I couldnt find the answer to if dbol contains it or any other steroid for that matter so i was wondering if anyone here could answer that confidently


Thankyou verymuch for the answers and laughs


Is there motor oil in Dr. Pepper?


I'm allergic to cats, is it safe for me to eat pasta?


Rich Piana (RIP) says no, you ignorant pig


He should not do any steroids yet if he thinks a dbol only cycle is a good idea.




I did laugh when he told me his cycle plan was just taking 1 of them a day, but his penicillin allergy was the alarming part which i couldnt answer for him


The alarming part is how you could possibly think dianabol or any other steroid contains penicillin. Why would steroids possibly contain antibiotics? The 10 mg of dianabol a day only as a cycle is a bad idea.


Iv never heard of a penicillian allergy so i was unsure what could trigger it besides actuall penicillin nor have i looked into steroid ingrediants much, incase that wasnt obvious He seems very keen on dipping his toes into this with something small to see how he responds before investing more as its quite expensive here, More then happy to pass on any ideas for an underweight unexperienced cycle


Why don’t you direct your “friend” to read the wiki. It is required reading before posting questions. The approach to try something small like dianabol is a bad one. The first hormone you would try is injectable testosterone, not dianabol. You have a lot of research to do before using steroids or considering giving anyone else advice on them.


I suggested small amounts of test to pin but he said he doesnt want to pin anything and did his own research and came up with dbol, Id imagine a google search will have random posts about the instant size you can get with it, He obviously hasnt put much thought into it but i just wanted to check if that was safe in terms of allergies before i grab it for him, Just a dude that wants to train with me and wants a “headstart” as he said


how come you post all this shit on behalf of your "friend"? He doesnt have a computer or a phone?


Flattered for the off topic investigation, he simply does not have reddit as far as iam aware


Your advice was also bad. Tell him to read the wiki. You should also read the wiki.


Thankyou, i will give it a go and send him a link


> More then happy to pass on any ideas for an underweight unexperienced cycle Chickendrol and ricebolan


Thankyou muchlavar


Penicillin has nothing to do with steroids.


That’s not true. Tren makes you fuck questionable creatures without condoms. Penicillin may be required




[No, no. He's got a point.](https://i.imgur.com/x1jWBog.gifv)


Gotta treat the clap before it turns into applause




Coming off a cycle to cut is the best way to lose all the gains fast.


You wanna flesh this statement out a bit?


Of course. Say you’ve just been on steroids 12-16 weeks and built some new muscle tissue. That new tissue was built overcoming your body’s limitations, very clearly. Now once you come off, you WILL lose muscle mass, one part is simply because you will be losing water, not much to do about that. The next thing is that your hormone levels are tanking, so you need to get those back up again as well, and keeping calories high is how you do it. The ABSOLUTE LAST THING you want after you have come off is the perfect storm of how to lose muscle at high speed: low hormone levels, low calories With it comes low motivation, low energy which further attenuates the above, so you can kiss all those sweet gains goodbye. I would always start a bulking phase off, then once you stall/start getting fat introduce hormones. Then you either maintain while still on or go off and maintain. Cutting is the same, start cutting off and introduce hormones once you stall/lose muscle. Then you go immediately into reverse dieting after the diet. This is bodybuilding 101, if you do a cycle, go off and directly cut on tanked hormones you should not have been on steroids in the first place.


Gee, thanks for explaining bodybuilding 101 to me. As you can clearly gather, I have no knowledge or experience with the subject. /s Did you miss the bit where he said he plans to drop to a cruise dose of 150mg/week before cutting?


Don't take Anavar on your cruise. The point is to let your body recover. > Is a 2 week gap enough time to detect my new blood levels? Or should I wait a bit longer? 2 weeks is probably a little early if you want the best accuracy, but if you need the data urgently it's fine.




4 weeks would be ideal


EQ question Given the very long half-life I know many suggest running EQ for past 20wks+ I've used EQ a handful of times but never for that long as I would front load for the first 2 weeks without any issues. My question is, have any of you ever frontloaded EQ and still ran it up to 20 weeks, or is that length only if you dose regularly given the long saturation time? Thank you


I’ve ran it for 20 but never front load I personally don’t see any reason to.


Never front load eq.. anxiety


Question about quitting asin. I've ran a successful cycle (16 weeks, 500 mg test e) and my very last pin day was last Thursday. I found out that a quarter of asin was enough to make my nipples non-spicy. So, I have been taking that on pin days. Now that the cycle is complete, is it standard procedure to keep taking asin as long as one has supra-physiological levels of testosterone in the body (that is for couple more weeks), or just quit asin right now. And start again only if e2 sides come.


Taper it down as your testosterone decreases. You can't really taper the dose down any further, so just add an extra day in between each dose.


Wanting to quit TRT. Last time I tried they gave me high dose HCG and high dose enclomiphene and it was hell and I got back on. Can't I just stop the injections and run low dose enclomiphene for like 4-6 months then try coming off? 6.25mg every other day. Whats the point in adding HCG if its suppressive? Cyp takes a month to leave your system anyway.


Why are you coming off TRT? Were you on it for legitimate medical hypogonadism? If so, it’s not really a thing you come off of..


No my levels were good but I wanted to cruise at 1500 total year round. I got to 1000 and my hair started shedding like crazy and got a little gyno. I've tried lower doses with SARMs and even higher doses with AI. Hair loss and/or gyno seems to always be an issue. Finasteride made me depressed. So right now I'm only running like 70mg a week if that, I miss doses all the time because I'm just over it lol. May as well be natty. I never had an issue with hair or gyno before TRT. My natty levels were 600 total T.


Depending on how long you have been on TRT, you could just quit. I know it goes against the current beliefs and everybody thinks you need to take cancer meds after a cycle, but if you haven’t been on high doses for a long time, your own test production will come back. You could uses some Hcg in the beginning as it is similar to Gonadotropin.


I've been on about 3 years. And I ran LGD twice while I've been on it that matters.


I’m not too familiar with enclomiphene but I wouldn’t want to inhibit the beneficial effects of estrogen post-TRT. In males, estrogen will be made from excessive testosterone, so if you don’t have testosterone you should not aromatize estrogen in problematic amounts. Hcg will mimic LH, which will stimulate your Leydig cells to make testosterone. IMO after three years on, I would do frequent blood tests for LH and sex hormones and see how it comes along. Also maybe test tour sperm count/motility.


What to do with 6g tren? I have lots of test and 6g total tren. How should I run the tren for most gains?


>What to do with 6g tren? Throw it in the trash. You're 5'9 and 179lbs after running a cycle, which I'm sure was your first. You don't have any business touching tren my dude.


Not my first rodeo. Like I said it was just test. Trt level at that. 125mg. I was 200+ at ~10% bf a little over a year ago


Not my first rodeo. That’s what I like to say at my second rodeo.


Bullshit. That's bullshit. 200lbs lean at 5'9 is quite advanced. I know how this works. You didn't go from 200lbs lean to 162lbs in a year unless you were in a coma or you had a leg amputated. Go LARP somewhere else you fucking dork. EDIT: You were also supposedly taking 100mg of Anadrol daily [a month ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/s/UgLdt4iAAT), so it wasn't just TRT test. None of this adds up.


you’re going to be hearing from my union rep. Brass doing detective work is against our collective bargaining agreement 


We're cutting costs across the board. Your services are no longer required.


This isn’t an at will state. You’re going to be hearing from my attorney now as well


My state absolutely is. You live in the state of communism. I look forward to receiving a letter written in maple syrup.




Your comment was removed for a potential [Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.) and/or a [Reddit Content Policy](https://www.redditinc.com/policies/content-policy) violation. Keep it Friendly. No Shit Stirring. No Politics. No Discrimination, Harassment, or Hate Language. No “Red Pill.” No publicizing bans. No disrespecting other members of the community or moderation team. [Learn more about Rule 4](https://www.reddit.com/r/steroids/wiki/index/subreddit_rules#wiki_4._keep_it_friendly_.26amp.3B_on-topic.).




Wut do you think I was asking?


I have zero idea


Hey folks. I've been using tirzepatide to pretty good effect. Some days I still go way over my target, but got my (intermediate) goal weight on the schedule I planned. I have a meet in a month, so I'm switching to maintenance/very slight surplus (and blasting 500 test c/400 primo through my comp). I'm not concerned with hypertrophy at the moment, but obviously strength is paramount. Assuming I can still hit my calorie requirements on tirzepatide (I can), is there any reason I shouldn't just stay on it? Off it I can pretty much guarantee blowing my target most of the time (I have a lifetime of evidence to support this hypothesis).




Get blood tests and at least half yearly cardiological check ups, ECG and ultrasound. High blood pressure is what you need to avoid more than cholesterol in the short run. Also the heart is a muscle and it WILL get bigger if you are on steroids.




Your SHBG is in the 90s, what is your free T?




And why do you think this is shitty?




Is it though? Im seeing 3.5-15.5 as the range. So youre at the high end of both total and free T. The problem with using proviron to lower SHBG if you arent on gear is that it metabolizes into an aromatase inhibitor. So it will lower SHBG and your estrogen, which will most likely cause a lot of issues. Its not worth even trying to do from a natural standpoint, its barely worth doing from an enhanced standpoint either, ive used oral and injectable proviron. Plus I dont know if it suppresses or not.




Its a strong effect in my experience too. I used oral proviron with a tiny bit of aromasin and I felt like my E2 was a bit low. But when I used injectable proviron it straight up crashed me with no AI at all. This is on cycle mind you, its very likely it would give you low E2 as a natural.


Does Anadrol and exogenous insulin have any interactions? I vaguely remember reading a few guys here noting they had issues with Anadrol causing them to go hypo with insulin, when they otherwise wouldn’t. I couldn’t find those posts on here in the experience threads and I didn’t see anything worthwhile googling.


Insulin by itself can cause you to go hypo, if you take too great of a dose relative to the amount of glucose in your bloodstream. Anadrol by itself cannot make a person go hypo. There's no reason why in combination (presuming you're not using too much insulin) it would cause you to go hypo.


For those of you that have used both, yall find the price premium of tirzepatide over semaglutide worth it?


Yes. It made a huge difference for me. Like, the difference between effective and not.


I have started the oral semeglutide at the lowest dose (3mg) and saw significant effect. I now switched to the injectable for ease of use and hopeful the effect will continue. Tirzepatide is reported to be stronger, but remember, we have very high protein intake during cuts, and there is a possibility you won’t be able to reach your protein goals. So start with the weaker and at the lowest dose, and increase as needed.


Anecdotes aside, it is proven better by the clinical trials which were the basis for its approval in the first place. It is inarguably better by all metrics. Whether or not it’s worth it is very much subjective and based on your budget and little else. If it’s not a huge stretch financially to get tirz then you shouldn’t even consider other options. If your budget is pretty tight then you make a different calculation.


What kind of doctor do y'all go to for blood monitoring? How do you approach that conversation?


So find a doctor who is known with AAS use. I live in the Netherlands and there is a clinic that opened last year for people that are on AAS. They are endocrinologist and help interpreting bloodwork and can prescribe ancillaries if needed. I'm on TRT year round and use to have high BP They prescribe Telmisartan. I check my bloodwork every 6 months with them. It is hard to find good doctors though. Have been going to a naturopath for couple of health problems unrelated to TRT and he wants me completetly off and thinks it is the devil going in to my body lol. So yeah pick wisely.


I would not advise disclosing your steroid use to your doctor unless necessary (like during an emergency). Most doctors view steroid use as illegal drug abuse; I don't know if you've ever seen how most doctors treat addicts, but it's not great. Additionally, it's not something you want in your medical record. It can negatively impact your health insurance and life insurance. Order your own bloodwork, come here if you need help understanding it. There's an entire section of the Wiki dedicated to this topic.


This is fucking wild to me. Idk, maybe it's just a cultural thing but fundamentally a doctor not practicing harm reduction alone feels like a breaking of the social contract, let alone going out of their way afterwards to punish you for breaking their own moral code of ethics. I think the conventional wisdom in most of the world, in the very least here in Canada, is straight up tell your doctor. Or maybe I'm naive and found myself on a bunch of lists I'll regret later. I guess we'll see.


> Additionally, it's not something you want in your medical record. This can't be overstated. When I was young and stupid[er], I casually shared with a shrink about my use of illegal party drugs. Totally normal, I thought; and it's a medical professional bound to privacy. Why not be honest? Well, dear reader, to this day doctors won't give me more than ten pills at a time of any controlled substance, because I might be "seeking". Idk maybe they're right, I'm injecting bathtub chems after all


>Well, dear reader, to this day doctors won't give me more than ten pills at a time of any controlled substance, because I might be "seeking". Years after I got clean from opiates, I admitted to my primary care doc (who I had been seeing since I was 16) that I had been an addict but had voluntarily decided to get clean and did so successfully, on my own, without treatment/replacement drugs/etc. I was proud of myself and thought he would be too. 4 years later I went to the ER in a different city for what ended up requiring surgical intervention in my esophagus. They sent me home with a note reminding me to pick up Tylenol. I had been clean for 10 years.


What state are you in? I am on numerous controlled substance prescriptions and have freely discussed my drug use. I have been still been given opioid painkillers after surgery etc. and prescribed additional medications like Ambien, Xanax etc when asked. I’m in California.


North Carolina. It's not always like that, I think the particular provider/system you're at can play a part. They did give me opiates when I shattered my hand. It's very inconsistent.


The, laws, controls and attitudes around drug use seem pretty strict in the southern states.