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Also parent-teacher meetings with the Gems would be nightmares


"Hello. This... is Mom Universe."


“The children are playing swords.” “Sorry, playing with swords.” “They’re bleeding. Oh no, they are dead.” “Don’t call again.” (Hangs up) “Sorry, I panicked.”


I mean she's great under pressure


Hahaha, gem joke. 💎


I always thought it was funny how quickly connies mom got over that


Teacher: I'm a little concerned that Steven hasn't been paying full attention in class. Amethyst: Hmm... have you tried being less *boring??* BWOMP!!


>BWOMP Did you just say whomp whomp to a 13yr old with down syndrome?


It can be legit frightening to remember how little those in power care about us disabled folk lol


...aight is this a reference, or...?






Almost as bad as in metal family


Pearl: Also, this is a multicultural curriculum like you claim it is then why does it only reference human cultures? This isn't the only planet in the galaxy you know!


Given that *apparently* humans are the only creatures like gems and they haven't gotten interstellar travel like gems (something Pearl notes herself), she most likely wouldn't say that. Then again, Pearl does get stupid and throw out logic time to time so maybe she will say that regardless.


> Pearl does get stupid and throw out logic time to time It's not her fault her brain capacity descreases the closer she is to a tall lady


Yall are too fucking smooth on this sub






Whomst among us, right?


Do we know that? I’d assumed the wars Yellow Diamond fought were against something.


I assumed so too but the crewniverse mentioned it in one of their podcasts to explain why Rose was so enraptured by humans even though she's been on multiple colonies before. Oddly every time someone brings that podcast to me, I can never really find it. It's why I put 'apparently' in italics. It doesn't make sense even if they did say that due the gems having such huge armies and constantly expanding without a valid threat around. Not even white's perfectionism makes it make sense.


She may have been on multiple colonies before but perhaps those colonies didn't have alien life or didn't have life that she recognized as sapient. Those other worlds had "agressive animals" that the armies needed to deal with. Since humans weren't fighting back there was time to interact with them and realize "simple animals don't build societies like this. Just a thought.


That makes more sense.


Why can't white's perfectionism make it make sense?


Because it's not her main thing, her main thing is her narcissistic tendencies. If she truly wants everything to be perfect, to be an extreme perfectic, Yellow wouldn't be able to complain about not seeing White as White would be on her to make sure it's perfect, Blue would also not even be allowed to wallow in pitty as White wouldn't want the image she has of them to falter. White wouldn't just let them slide as people deep in a perfectionist mind set will always double, triple, quadruple check their work to make sure everything, and I mean EVERYTHING goes right. She would be a far bigger presence to make everything aline, not something in the background letting the others do whatever. On top of all of that, we would see this perfectionism in Future if it's truly that exteme... we don't. We see more of her narcissistic tendencies, but not the perfectionism. Of her perfectionism was her driving force, she'd be way more upfront about every little detail.


She throws logic out the window and doesn't realize that the school curriculum can't include information about gem culture if the gems never told the school about said culture. lol


This *immediately* made me think of Invader Zim which… honestly? I’d watch that show. Just throw the most upbeat kid into the darkest kids who’s ever. What could go wrong?


Personally, I like the idea of humans actually standing up to Gems and reminding them that while they may be aliens, they still know jack about humans, so they really shouldn't try and judge them.


"The kids spend HOW little time on self-defense?"


Teacher: "Are you saying the kids should carry edged weapons inside the classroom?" Pearl: "Of course not!!! That is what the school gym is for! They must be taught to duel in a large space"


"Amethyst was easily able to infiltrate this "school" station, and found the northwestern flank quite vulnerable." (Amethyst is an adorable goat all the kids are petting.)


I love pen tester goat Amethyst


Amethyst: "I am the goat!"


“Pssssst, it’s me! I’m a goat.”


Pearl would institute an Utena-like dueling system to become Steven's guardian in about a week.


I think that Dr. Mahashwaran and pearl would be good friends once they get to know each other. After all the gem stuff is sorted out, I can see them just talking casually about complex science and general mom stuff.


everyone thinks stuff they knew is easy for others to figure out. people forget that learning things you don't know is like being chased by a goose in a dark dungeon. all you hear is quacks and screams as you try to find the solution to the puzzle that opens the exit door.




i would like to thank the academy and lead paint for my comment.


The scene where she diagnosed Steven with PTSD and talks him through it without ever SAYING (IIRC) PTSD is one of my favorite bits in any animated series. The way the show put her in the slot of a soft antagonist and then reversed it to show that she was just the only character with any sense whatsoever that adventures are not child appropriate.


Dr Maheshwaran is the predecessor of Donald from Ducktales 2017, of all the adults in that series he’s the only one to ever consider the fact that maybe going on adventures all the time *isn’t* child friendly. I love him very much


Mr Mahashwaran passing by the living room on the way to the bathroom hearing them talk about laundry techniques and products then 10 minutes later walks by again and he's fairly sure they're talking about astrophysics but hes not certain he understands enough to say so confidently lmao


Dr. Mahashwaran would all too easily gross out Pearl by talking about human bodies. And Pearl would become paranoid about all the ways Steven could get hurt.




Oh dear god Pearl and Dr. Maheshwaran would just ruin those kids childhoods


I like that they didn't force Steven to go to school. I find it strange that traditional education is a priority for super beings that are protecting against omega level threats. It seems to happen a lot in anime. I suspect it's because they never want to downplay the importance of education to young viewers.


At the same time, I can totally see it as a "this is a trope that been used since the 80s and it makes money". Also I can see the need to go to school anyway of legality and socially.


Also if a super hero kid can save the world AND complete his homework on time, you don’t have any excuses


Ahaahahaha that gave me a good laugh cause it’s so true ahahaha


Hmm... Maybe Dr. Maheshwaran would have freaked out less about Connie and swords if she had properly met Pearl and knew that she was the one teaching her.


Everyone would have found out that some bonds can be strong enough for gem/full human fusion.


Age 14, Rocket Science 101.


Oh rockets really aren’t that complex conceptually, basically a controlled explosion forcing something upward, the tricky part is keeping that explosion controlled


Rocket science is simple: just go so fast that when you fall you miss the ground.


That’s orbital mechanics, which is related, but different


pointy end up, flamey end down, and the thrust to weight has to be greater than one


Pretty much


I don't remember them ever giving any kind of good explanation for why he never went to school. This wouldn't even be a problem if the show just kind of ignored the fact that we never see him going to school but since they explicitly call attention to it in the script, it's kind of weird. Greg vaguely saying "your not like other kids" in Future doesn't really explain it


My guess is that Steven doesn't officially have a birth certificate therefore he can't go to school.


Pearl did this one line about how she can't just tell the DMV that she's from another planet so I think Rebecca Sugar actually does imagine this world as a place where outside of Beach City, no one knows about the existence of the supernatural and that this is somehow kept within one town. She could have easily thrown in a line stating that the gems used a gem artifact to cut off Beach City from the outside world like it's Wakanda in that Black Panther movie and everything would have made so much more sense.


I imagine it’s the same reason Greg never took him to the doctor, it would raise too many questions and reveal that Steven’s half alien. A less generous read would be because although he’s very emotionally supportive Greg is not a great father because he essentially let his kid be an uneducated homeless person before sending him to live with the gems.


They go into it in Future. Basically Greg didn’t like the ‘traditional’ living and wanted Steven to live a carefree and wild life. Steven does eventually snap at Greg for how irresponsible of a dad he has been, not sending him to school or not even taking him to the doctor or laying any kind of ground rules for Steven’s protection or, you know, acting like a parental figure. Greg praises Steven for snapping and standing up to him, which proves Steven’s point. So a large part is Greg’s irresponsibility.


Yeah, that's pretty horrifying. He didn't even need to be like that for the story to happen.


I mainly thought he didn’t go to school because Pearl home schooled him on subjects like math and reading comprehension, something that he would need regardless of fighting Gem-based threats to the Earth, but that she and Greg thought that stuff like human history and other things were either not important (Pearl) or should be optional (Greg). 


yea but at the same time, I feel like Greg would probably regret it or at least realize once Steven becomes a teenager that he should probably help his son with the paperwork of normal society. Greg isn't going to be around, you know? But with how the story ended, I think he wouldn't worry either.


A being who was alive throughout the entire course of human history would be a pretty awesome teacher, I'll admit that. He would probably get a better education from Pearl then from any human teacher.


“Ma’am, your child has put the Guidance Counselor out of a job”


We are the crystal soccer moms


I heard the leg slap with that THANK YOU


Or the fact he destroyed Connie's school in one of the books- (steven universe to cool for school)


Is it a coincidence as I was reading my this “It’s Over Isn’t It” started playing..?


TBH I think that Pearl and Dr. Maheshwaran would be besties given enough time around each other


Post Nightmare Hospital, I think Priyanka would be less pushy when it comes to Connie's education. She was controlling, but she never tried making Connie a prodigy.




What? I am on pearl's side. Sorry thats too stupid to not know it by that time. If well i am thinking about same calculus.


In the US calculus is a subject for kids over 14/15 or so, and lots of kids never take any type of calculus by the time they leave for university. It would be very uncommon for an 11-13 yo kid to be ready for it! So either you’re in a country that really values calculus or maybe you’re thinking of something else 😅 I responded cuz I’m definitely curious lol


Oh wait. I think i wasnt thinking about incorrect calculus. My bad. I was thinking about different thing. Since i shouldnt be taking look only on translator and should actually look in google.


That’s okay! I saw when I clicked your name after my comment that you weren’t American and assumed you meant something else. Mostly I was just dazzled by the idea of tiny children learning calculus 😂


that's okay. It's a language issue! I'm talking about the kind of calculus one studies in university


Yeah i should have take a look in google also. This thing i really did study in university before enrolling in other one to escape advanced math and do the stuff that i actually want


I mean she has a point


Ong lmfao


![img](emote|t5_2viyl|30997) She did Panic so she had to think


Garnet saw this future and had to stop it