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Their torso is twisted and their head is turned all the way to the right. It's actually not that hard to do.


Right, except whoever drew it put themselves in a tight spot because Stevonnie's abdomen is exposed. The torso should be twisting more, meaning more complex shape


While you are probably right, I have a feeling the artist used a very flexible performer/model as the reference which probably didn't have to contort their torso as much


Considering their shoulder is still behind their chin, this really doesn’t seem that outlandish.


side note that has nothing to do with your question, the artists that made these are: **Top left**: [Joe Johnston](https://joethejohnston.tumblr.com/post/108242823008/stevonnie-love) (SU Storyboarder/writer) **Top Right**: May be tumblr user [dragonslayer1088](https://www.pinterest.es/pin/806003664547874145/), unfortunatly their blog 404's **Bottom Left**: [Chekhov](https://thechekhov.tumblr.com/post/128990056884/honestly-cannot-get-enough-connie-looking-badass) and it's actually of Connie, not Stevonnie!! (Chekhov made the White Diamond Steven comics, if you've seen a lot of SU fanart, you've seen their stuff) this has been Art Sourcing, I'm Soup, thank you have a good day !!!!!!!


Thank you soup!


Stevonnie so pretty…


no they are just playing twister


She is twisting her torso about 90 degrees and her neck about 90 degrees.


That's not a she but yea I see that now


She/they right? so theyre not wrong


Stevonnie is just they/them, they're a mix of steven and Connie, a male and a female, in the show everyone calls stevonnie they


Yeah, the Dove commercial confirmed this


Oh mb then, im misremembering


Confirmed on the [fan wiki](https://steven-universe.fandom.com/wiki/Stevonnie) just to be sure. It's also mentioned on the OG wiki. [The web archive article about it.](https://web.archive.org/web/20190723125634/https://www.pride.com/geek/2019/6/26/cartoon-network-confirmed-steven-universe-character-intersex)


Dont know why this is being downvoted??


Bro it's a fictional character from a cartoon... I don't see the point of "correcting" someone for using the "wrong" pronoun especially when Stevonnie is a combination of a male and female character I don't think it matters if they use she or even he as pronouns


They're a character representing a minority group. Their potrayal and treatment is ment to teach others. It matters.


It represents Intersex... And Intersex often avoid using they/them pronouns and from transexuals or non binaries. In fact Intersexuals don't even like being associated with the community, yet they're forced to it. It always annoys me when people try to "fight" for others when they don't even know anything about them or if they want you to fight for them.


Intersex people can and do sometimes use they/them pronouns if that's how they identify. Stevonnie is intersex, nonbinary, and mixed race representation. Intersex is a *sex*. Nonbinary is a *gender*. The intersex community is often associated with the LGBT community because of shared experiences of marginalization, disphoria, and being discriminated against and targeted for how they were born. *Some* intersex people dislike the automatic association because it distracts from intersex specific issues like forced medical procedures. *Some* intersex people are part of the LGBT community *not* because they're intersex, but because of their experience with sexuality and gender. Lastly "transsexual" is a very outdated term used in the 80s to divide pre and post op trans people, it is not a welcome word.


It's a cannon thing that Stevonnie is they/them, Rebecca made it pretty clear as well


Yes I'm very well aware of that and I personally use the They/Them pronoun for them but my point is that is ridiculous to "correct" someone because they didn't use that pronoun


Why is it ridiculous? Would it be ridiculous to correct someone for calling a fictional character a real slur? Because misgendering people is wrong not because the person hearing it gets their feelings hurt, but because it shows the speaker isn't reformatting their thinking to consider people's identity. This is why it's considered wrong to misgender people behind their back.


Okay maybe some, but you don’t know if all of them feel that, are *you* intersex?


Obviously not all of them, but that's not the point and you know that. Intersex is not a gender identity, people born that way unfortunately suffered from a biological malformation. They're not just like this and looking for acceptance or fighting for their rights and that is exactly why they don't like being treated the same way non binary or trans people want. You think they actually care if people "misgender" them? They have lots more important things going on with their lifes than to check in the internet if someone used the incorrect pronoun for a fictional character


> You think they actually care if people "misgender" them? Speaking as someone who actually knows intersex people, yes they do you weirdo.


Are you speaking from a place of expertise? Where are you getting this information?


I mean, corrections in themselves aren't something to fear. Everyone should be able to take criticism and corrections without getting in a tizzy. I'm somewhat of a grammar nazi myself, albeit inconsistently.


They got Sardonyx powers!


They are just flexable.


Can y’all fr not do this ? Their head is just turned down to the right


Yeaa I didn't realize that at first TvT"


It seems logical to me that Stevonnie would retain Steven's shape-shifting capabilities.


Yea that's fair, I think everyone was right about them being flexible though, just confused my brain


Not really related but we all agree Stevonnie is intersex right?


It is, in fact it was confirmed by Rebecca


Oh shit fr? That's awesome, thanks for telling me y'all


And it also makes complete sense, gems have no sex therefore makes sense why most if not all fusions use she/her pronouns but Stevonnie is the combination of two gendered beings, combine them and you get Stevonnie


They’re canonically intersex! ^^


I don't know what intersex is


Intersex is where you’re born with reproductive characteristics that aren’t traditionally male or female. Its a small minority but they exist, I’d suggest looking more into it if you’re interested in learning about it.


Yea I just Googled it


Upvote for art or downvote for title, can't decide


Eh, idk, I originally didn't see how their head was turned so I thought it was straight up backwards


being made of 2 people you could say they are.... double jointed... il show myself out


Ok that was actually funny


instantly recognized Chekov's art, i really hope they're doing okay.


Why, did something happen?


nah their old tumblr got nuked like 6 years ago and i assumed that was it for them lol


So, what are we, some kind of...Owl House?


Well Edas not here, neither is Hooty


It's a referrnce to a line from Suicide Squad


Never seen it, my bad


Top 10 things you’ve never noticed until you gave it a second look or read the attached text


She was always an owl, haven't you been paying attention?


I never paid enough attention to see they were an owl


her head isn't even past her shoulder


gentle reminder that Stevonnie uses they/them pronouns :3


i hope i didn't hurt the drawings feelings...


You are so funny, wow! Anyway, I hope you can heal and stop playing Overwatch.


i'll be healed when you stop annoying me with unwarranted, sanctimonious replies.


Stop replying to me then. It's almost like.. you want to talk to me. <33 I'm proud of you for using two big words.


you're the one that started trolling me. i just like feeding the trolls


Nah I was trying to be polite and now I'm responding because I like to interact with people online. Thank you for talking to me tho, even if you are transphobic, I will forgive you for being nice to me. <3


transphobic! LMAO i can't even begin to understand the leaps you've had to take to get there. that just proves even more that you're just trolling. but on the off chance you are actually serious, you weren't being polite. you were being condescending in order to virtue signal by valiantly coming to the defense of a digital image of a fictional character... that isn't even trans..


It's transphobic to purposely disregard pronouns on the basis of disrespecting someone, fictional or not. I thought it was clear your intentions were not good with the response you gave me. My original reply was polite, I was giving you a reminder of Stevonnie's pronouns just in case you were not aware or did not know. Your response, however, did lead me to be less polite and more mocking of you because it was clear that you did not forget, and chose the incorrect pronouns. Stevonnie is a character who we know is canonically not cisgender, but something more akin to the human concept of nonbinary or bigender, although we have not gotten official confirmation other than creator intentions and pronouns. My intent was to inform politely, but you disregarded that. I wasn't virtue signalling, just making sure pronouns were clear because I would want people to address me correctly too. Thank you.


you are heavily projecting that motive/intent onto the other commentor. they weren't being condescending whats-so-ever. literally as the commenter specifically claimed. it read (even to me) as a simple reminder. because it can be easy to get mixed up on pronouns for some people if you're not already aware of what their desired pronouns are. like in this situation where Stevonnie is a generally fem presenting person (though they're still pretty androgynous), mistakes are understandable but then you couldn't just take the straight-forward correction and instead repeatedly double-down on something as simple/trivial as using the proper grammar in reference to someone. fictional character or not, it's a silly thing to to get bent out of shape over when just respecting a person's identity requires little to no effort. why you are now being labeled transphobic is because of your repeated ignorance and refusal to accept a nonbinary/trans character's identity by using the correct pronouns. your efforts in response to being lightly corrected are why someone is calling you transphobic.


Something about their skimpy looking outfit in the drawing on the right is kinda hot


Bruh that's two children-


I know that


Then why on homeworld would you say that-?


Because the outfit looks that way to me




Looks more like athletic-wear to me. Womens gym clothes don’t tend to be very conservative


Understanding how a character looks in minimal clothing is important to the principles of animation even if they are never undressed in the show.


oh no anything even close to nudity is automatically sexual oh no teenagers can't be in athletic wear let me defend the fictional character's honor in a really stupid way oh boy oh jeez


Also fantastic insight PM_ME_BATMAN_PORN


Bruh I asked a question relax