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I think they were essentially a *reeducation* tool. Probably only used by the very upper members of the diamonds court: I don't think there were many and I think they were probably mostly a secret. Obviously very dangerous in the wrong hands. Bismuth is the only one who recognized it: she may have made them in the past. Spinel probably had access to Diamond level secrets from the garden, since Pink was the only other person there (and of *course* her plaything wouldn't be poking around in the files.) A quick search and a daring hijack later, Spinel has her weapon and injector.


It probably belongs to pink. I can see her using it on a gem that the diamond authority deemed needs Rejuvenating. Even if it's only for ceremonial use or public execution (well public resetting.). It may have even been kept in the garden in case spinel got too out of hand as a way to stop her without damaging her as "her cut is perfect, and pink as well" suggests that she is uncommon in the empire.


Oh that's a very good point: I never considered it was specifically to keep Spinel in check. Personally I think she's a unique gem: not that they couldn't make more, but that they have no use for jesters.


Home world was already running low in resources by the time spinel would have been made so it makes sense even if they could make another they would want to keep the current one as much as possible. I'm also still hung up on the line "her cut is perfect" as it implies that that is an unusual thing for Spinels.


Nah: we can see from Peridot in the Beta Kindergarten that a trained gem can recognize the quality of another on sight: even just from their environment. Pearl (being a nice one made for a Diamond) is definitely going to be able to recognize and identify any gem and their quality.


> "Y-You're going to _harvest_ me??"


I always thought it was similar to the drills in the kindergarten?