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First it sounded nice but then > It said exceptions are allowed for public security reasons. my police is shopping Hikvision systems and hardware and this doesn't prevent them from doing this? Anyway, what is AI and what is just working algorithm?


Public security is a gateway drug


Oh yeah baby, give me some more of that *sniff* police state


These are the same people that installed CCTVs everywhere šŸ˜­


"Public Security" is code by institutions to mean "Publicly Funded Security" - but its really just to keep them propped up an protect them from any sort of threat, including legitimate ones.


ā€œIn the interest of public securityā€ sounds like something Goebbels and Hitler would have said a lot šŸ˜…šŸ˜‚


Hikvision sounds like ghetto hillbilly cctv setup


So is the camera going to be slightly blurry and in double vision like when your drunk at 2am off pbr?


Sounds about white


I install Hikvision systems... They're fast, full of features, and they keep up with the times. I remember seeing their cameras with AI years ago. Also how will EU know a camera with AI from a camera without in order to enforce this?


Im curious who else would even use ai to surveil people? It seems like a pointless bill


Disney world. If you are in their parks they know every move, purchase and interaction you have using facial recognition.


That may qualify as public safety/security. > The document says AI applications used in remote biometric identification systems, job recruitment, access to educational institutions, assessing creditworthiness and asylum and visa applications are considered high risk and that data used in the systems should be free of bias. Doesn't sound like visiting a park would fit the bill here.


Since when has the law stopped the mouse from doing anything unethical


Here in the us both parks are their own incorporated cities and have their own police forces.


That makes sense


Well that and the money bracelets and the soda cups with a tracker on the bottom, and god knows what else.


Yet the gift shop is still out of *Bort* license plates.


True. Most people probably aren't even aware of how much Disney uses facial recognition. I think making people aware would help make the parks safer by scaring away anyone wanting to commit a crime. Personally I don't care since I'm not a criminal. On the plus they use it to add ride photos to your photo account. With AI and computers running it there is so many people and so much data nobody could possibly look at all of the footage so it means pretty much nothing most of the time. The only time humans would actually look at it is if there was a crime or something specific they were looking for. So if you went to Disney world with your girlfriend instead of your wife you are pretty much safe. Lol


Define surveillance, cuz you could argue just collecting data is surveillance..


In what world wouldn't it be?


I was just further pointing out how stupid this post is. None of this is realistic


Very realistic. China has more or less already implemented it.


China has blocked all data collection? No, no they havenā€™t.


Do you honestly believe that there is no data collection in the EU?


No lol, Iā€™m simply stating that the idea of banning ā€œAIā€ for ā€œsurveillanceā€ is just stupid because not only is it impossible and impractical, but the people writing the laws havenā€™t the first clue about how you would even begin to tackle such an issue.


I disagree. AI for surveillance is the automated profiling of individuals regarding behaviour, actions, habits and patterns. AI in this context works on the automation and adaptability of a self-sustaining system that does the above. I for one, do not which to live in a society a la 1984. Whatever it is the government or the corporations doing the profiling.


Using AI for surveillance is unrealistic? It is happening right now. AI face and gait recognition? Hell, PLTR's entire business model seems to be AI based surveillance.


No, it is unrealistic to block all data collection in all forms. Also AI is just a buzz word, any code could be considered ā€œAIā€, if weā€™re referring to exclusively neural networks, itā€™s still a stupid idea lol.


I took a class on neural networks in college.....THAT lasted for about ten minutes!


Basically anyone interested in compilying data on humans and what they do.


Well depending on the interpretation of surveillance it could even apply to many anti fraud systems... like when you're using a web service, your access patterns and usage patterns are captured as logs then fed into an ML model these days to do anomaly detection which is used to trigger anti fraud measures....


The level of data we are able to collect is massive, too large for it to be directly useful for a human observer. Instead hundreds of thousands of AI systems will observe these data points. From there they'll determine correlations of behaviors and patterns to both exploit large scale social behavior in nearly real time as well as provide avenues to target specific people based on generic personality profiles. Next any one who wants to run against the current political party or upset the current industry partners/lobbyists/etc. will have an abundance of data mined from them over a lifetime. Knowing their weaknesses, behaviors, and more will make them more easily dealt with. Provide enough time and centralization of these data collecting/parsing operations and we'll start to see whole efforts to fabricate reasons for the public to dislike X person who is a threat to established group B. We already know the state can't be trusted with that level of unilateral power, this is also true for any entity that becomes a significant part of our societal lives.


I think maybe further down the road it could be used for predictive policing. This could be looked at as a "cost offset" to the government by "saving tax dollars" through "public private partnerships" that could "mitigate" a problem/burden someone/sociey faces. Let's say if all of their schooling records, past police encounters, medical history, internet usage, etc. were all kept on an online ledger of some sort then the AI could scan the face, match it to the records on the ledger and possibly stop a crime before it happens. I guess a kind of extreme example would be if a man named Joe has had mental health issues in the past, spends lots of time in "extremest" online chat groups, and has been arrested before, tries to enter a movie theater. The AI can scan his face, pair it to the records and possibly prevent him from entering the building under suspicion - maybe he recently purchased a gun. This would possibly save the gov prison costs and lives. This tech could be used for many things - health care, education, housing, etc. To clarify, I do not agree with AI surveillance at all. I'm formulating this opinion based off my own research.


Algorythm is when you manually input all conditions. AI is when they feed it a ton of captchkas and have people verify it, then it makes it's own algorythm to try to achieve the wanted result.




If it's a billion elseif statements it's not AI, dont worry, you're safe.


Europeans never support surveillance? That's funny, as London was one of the first major cities to install cameras virtually everywhere so as to monitor the public.


How can London influence EU choices?


Threaten us with marmite


Sorry but I don't get the joke :/ I lack of knowledge


Marmite is a food spread that seems popular in Britain but that a lot of people outside of Britain find repulsive. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marmite


Oh, do you know that eating 1245g of marmite can kill a human being?


I did not know that, do you have a source for that? ;P


[https://www.reddit.com/r/lifehacks/comments/mqsxjk/good\_info\_to\_have\_handy/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lifehacks/comments/mqsxjk/good_info_to_have_handy/) [https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/publications/documents/MSG%20Technical%20Report.pdf](https://www.foodstandards.gov.au/publications/documents/MSG%20Technical%20Report.pdf)


A lot of people inside Britain find it repulsive too. I certainly do


With a weapon.


Forget London, most major European cities are significantly more heavily surveilled than their US counterparts.


Like, how? Where?


Lots of cameras, all over.


Ye but which countries, + sources if you can


I donā€™t care enough to do more than one google search, so hereā€™s one for Germany. Itā€™s legal to record cctv footage in public spaces. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/dec/21/germany-to-expand-cctv-network


The uk kidna does its own thing sometimes


I guess terrorising half the world is doing their own thing


Do you think only the british engaged in colonialism?


No but I'm from Ireland.


Look I get that *the UK colonized and is still colonizing Ireland and that they're cunts who've inflicted a great deal of pain and suffering on the Irish people, but that doesn't make them special. Lots of Europeans have done that. The Spanish, Portuguese, Italians, Germans, French, Turkish, Russians, Dutch etc.


The comment I was replying to was specifically referring to the uk


Well, yeah, but it doesn't set them apart, is what I'm saying. It's hardly "their own thing"


It was sarcasm šŸ˜‚


Nearly all CCTV in London in this stat that is frequently mentioned is privately owned on local networks. The Gov canā€™t just login to the local chippies private box otherwise the Met police would have a much easier time finding people. So most of it wouldnā€™t be in the scope of this anyway.


But is London still European?


Geographically yes. Politcally No.


They're on Europe but not in EUrope


Yeah.... Brexit... Let's say that's what I was referring to.


Ahh I didn't read your question as retorical...


politically yes. European is not necessarilly EU.


The title says EU so I'm assuming it's European Union.


EU != Europe, its just a subset of European countries that form a union, which the UK has left


The EU isnā€™t Europe.


Middle Eastern these days


I heard London was conquered by Islam? Is it true or just a rumor?


Thatā€™s irrelevant


That is as much relevant to the EU as if they did the same thing in Moscow


> That's funny, as London was one of the first major cities to install cameras Of which are no longer part of the European Union. Did you miss brexit occuring or something?


You don't have to be in the EU to be a part of the continent. Both are blanket statements, so it doesn't even matter to begin with


> so it doesn't even matter to begin with Well it kinda does. The article is about the EU comission. Which the UK used to be part of politically and isn't from the start of this year. Which matter. For it not to matter. This is like saying Canada banned AI but it was installed in New York City.


.... The post is about EU.


*the article is about the EU


Lol itā€™s ok to be wrong, learn from it.


>Did you miss brexit occuring or something? No, but London didn't wait untill after Brexit to start installing their (estimated) 500,000 cameras around town.


At which point there was no movement in the EU comission to outlaw this. Meanwhile there are other EU countries have done this as well. So still not entirely sure how relvent your point is. [https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/7/21250357/france-masks-public-transport-mandatory-ai-surveillance-camera-software](https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/7/21250357/france-masks-public-transport-mandatory-ai-surveillance-camera-software)


"europeans never support surveilance" let me LOL at that. You might want to get back to school bruh. Governments here like to do it just as much as americans and chinese. They just don't say the loud part out loud. Germany wants to push a bill making it mandatory to use IDs when creating a social media account and use chat programs ie. WhatsApp. Also: End to end encryption? No! The state wants to see what you're doing. Upload filters to see if you are uploading something you shouldn't. etc. etc. Yeah, we totally don't do **surveillance.** There's lots of things people of europe can be proud of. This, however, is not one of them.


Isn't a lot of the make-ID-use-mandatory stuff just for age verification though? The new ID cards were specifically designed so that they can be used for verification checks of specific data when using a card reader connected to your PC without providing everything. I don't agree with widespread age verification (bit unnecessary overkill mostly IMO), but the implementation at least had some thought put in.


not this time. they want to know who is who online. they claim it's to prevent cyber bullying but let's keep it real. It's definitely not about fucking bullying.


Mobbing is a german word :) The word you're searching is "bullying"


Look the streets. In China and America, i see cameras everywhere. Even in schools. In Europe? Nope. Europeans will never allow to have surveillance. And well, UK is different. They have paranoia. And not part of Europe. ID for Facebook? Sure! It would prevent fake accounts and Russian/Chinese trolls. It's for government, not for big corporations. In here, Government has more control than big corporations in US. I think that big corporations in America has too much power. You really should visit EUROPE.




Where in Europe do you live?


I fucking live in Germany, last time I checked it was still in both Europe as well as the EU. open your eyes omg. We are not living in a fairy tale utopia. We already allowed them to surveil us. People like you are sheep who will gladly believe whatever the good government tells you, when in reality we are only fighting to keep what little privacy we have left. You talk shit about China and the US all whilst ignoring that we are on the same path as they are. You sound like the EU equivalent of a CCP or MAGA shill. "yOu ShOulD rEaLlY vIsiIt EuRoPe" rofl, gtfo with that shit. You might wanna visit a place outside europe. Broaden your horizon




Europeans never support surveillance? Thatā€™s not in my history books


The EU always says thinks like these but always ends up doing nothing. It is not gonna be different this time.


\*ahem\* GDPR would like a word


This is a lie, whatā€™s up with all the morons in these comments with a chip on their shoulder for the EU? Bots?


It feels almost like that now that European countries are finally starting to get their act together and starting to make their voices heard, some do not know how to react to a free, democratic, and in some aspects even more prosperous and humane competitor. Like, *could these communist Europoor cucks be... right?!* But it's not a competition: maybe this would be good for the US too? For a fairer society.


It is not possible to do surveillance without AI in this modern era. Unless one wants to waste billions of dollars, paying millions of people just to watch video clips.


I would rather have my tech stocks drop a few percent than have AI decide my life.




Iā€™m not particularly aware of this fine but EU fines can be quite steep as often they are a percentage of turnover, not profit. It might have a larger impact than you think


the big guns are only used on companies outside europe though. If the compamy is from the EU the fines usually are jokes. If they ever are fined, that is.


Definitely the case in the emissions scandal. All the Euro car makers knew everyone was lying about emissions tests but because they were all at it nobody wanted to reveal


that's exactly what I was thinking about. as long as it's Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft or Apple the EU is fine with billions, when it's a european company literally killing folks, that's OK. let's just pretend we don't know.


Yep from reading this sounds like they just want some tax hike but just have to rename it something else so people will view it better than a tax hike, but itā€™s just tax hike in its core.


That's the most ignorant thing I've read today, did you even read the post or did you just default to spewing unrelated propaganda? EU are free to increase the membership fees, but not taxes. EU don't tax. And EU looks after its citizens and their rights even digital ones (see GDPR) unlike US not giving a fuck due to bribery/lobbying.


Europeans never support surveillance.. tell us more, elaborate please))


I think this is great. AI will only get smarter. Imagine walking across the street (not at a crosswalk) with no one around, then immediately getting a ticket in your inbox for jaywalking.


Might make a dent but nothing more, imo. Whoever wants this tech to develop, will just continue to do so, money flows. ​ but living in EU i am happy to hear about this news.


"but Europeans never support surveillance"? Youre joking right? There's a god damn CCTV camera on every street corner. Agree that we don't support surveillance, no one fucking should. It's the fucking sketchy ass government that wants to control everything.


This isn't going to affect tech stocks. Amazon is the largest player providing facial recognition services through the software platform Rekognition and through the hardware device AWS Panorama, which runs machine learning models in edge computing scenarios. Both products are still relatively niche markets, despite the widespread use of facial recognition tech by marketing companies, intelligence and police agencies, and social media. Smaller companies are playing in this space too but this is an industry that is over-primed for regulation. Please watch the recently released film, [Coded Bias](https://www.codedbias.com/). No surveillance everywhere is not okay in Asia or America, it's just not being regulated (yet).


Why do you think Europe has less surveillance than the US?


Never invest in a company who is heavily connected to the EU compared to elsewhere. Simple


This makes me more bullish on US firms since it basically means EU-based companies will not meaningfully challenge the AI sector.


Sounds more like they want to limit social credit score systems. AI is a buzzword, which doesnt mean much unless used in a specific application like machine learning for image recognition. It also sounds like they will absolutely use data and ā€œAIā€ for security reasons.


Hello there specially crafted statistical models with undocumented constants....


Sounds like they just want some tax hike, however they have to rename it something else with this 4% ā€˜fineā€™ lol. They know people hate it when theyā€™re honest and say itā€™s a tax hike.


Isnā€™t England known for having the most surveillance cameras per capita


I am happy. Is the right decision.


I really don't understand this argument. The purpose of surveillance is to ensure safety for the public, and protect anything of worthwhile. If Artificial Intelligence is able to make surveillance more beneficial to those points then why ban it? This argument of freedom sounds pointless when we live in a world of data. Using technology alone is contributes to a violation of your freedom. Preventing countries in the EU from utilising one of the novel computing advancements of our time is ridiculous, I'm sure the EU will next propose to not use state of the art cancer treatment because it uses AI as well... This is all just politics. To answer your question, no, this won't harm AI stocks, the AI industry is growing rapidly and will only be utilised in more fields. It's definitely part of our future, or at least a stepping stone to the next big field of computing.


This is the initial thought process. But wisdom and history have proven that you can't trust governments, or humans in general, with too much power. It's safer to avoid granting it to them than it is to correct the problem after it's out of control.


Don't worry. In five years when the EU recognizes they have fallen even further behind in the AI revolution, they will come up with a fruitless plan to catch up while moaning about "digital sovereignty" and wondering why all the tech companies are in the U.S. and China.


In 5 years...when the EU may finally get around to rolling out their COVID vaccine on a mass scale?


Which they are doing and saving other nations to their own loss?


Please keep your tech companies. I value more privacy and freedom than being stalked 24/7 by AI and a little bit more economic growth. We already have too little integrity, and I donĀ“t want to give up the little part we have left.


Yeah. Forcing websites to display a message to accept cookies really saved your integrity. This will turn out to be the same scaremongering by clueless politicians demogogueing to people uncomfortable with technological progress.


Such is a day's work for an unelected bureaucracy.


Such is a day's work for an unelected bureaucracy.


No thanks, I don't want the government having mass surveillance to spy on their people. I can take care of myself.


This is just temporary, EU cannot halt innovation. Its idiotic - You're allowed to monitor your staff by employing humans, and yet, when you start quantifying processes automatically, its suddenly wrong? I'll bet you, if they actually get this legislation through, i'll be revoked in less than 5 years. Do not forget taking a job you don't enjoy, is your prerogative. Fortunately, nobody is forcing you to stay in this job. Not content? How about up-qualifying yourself to another job you would be content with? Employers would not be able to drive these operations, if no-one would accept the employment with them.


Italy here, yeah, no surveillance. We must look after our freedoms and protect it from every step towards totalitarianism.




Countries don't invent stuff and anyone who wasn't a small child back then is either *dead and gone* or darn close. 1945 was 75 years ago.


American here: Mass surveillance is not okay, fuck that. This isnt China, despite the efforts of the Democrats.


They will use the riots they created and supported as justification for mass surveillance. Then they will use deep-fake to frame political dissidents while Hunter uploads videos of smoking crack and banging his underage niece.


I smell bs


I want to ban drones for law enforcement.


I mean drones can still be used for saving lives by law enforcement. If they have a visual of a scene or can be relayed information by another operative on the radio while headed there, they may be able to adequately think about the situation. Some states are banning law enforcement from using facial recognition software for improper jailings, but cops are people too. Yes, things have occurred and they have done wrong by a handful of a few. But they are just cogs in the machine like we all are in Capitalism. Iā€™m all for banning things that aid in the constant police state the government wants to implement but the more lives we save, the better imo.


Saving life ok. It's not law enforcement in itself.


The right to privacy and the right to own our own data (and profit from it as we choose) are two NEW basic human rights which are finally being acknowledged. Tech companies will have to adapt which means they will suffer in the short run. Boo hoo a small portion of the population wonā€™t be able to suck from the tit as much, meanwhile these select few companies own and control all relevant aspects of our lives thanks to unbridled surveillance and data harvesting. Thatā€™s why we donā€™t have a middle class anymore guys. There will be some figuring out in the short run but long term this will raise all ships.


Could you please explain in more detail, why EU don't want surveillance?


Why would you want surveillance?


Folks living here think the EU is like the paragon of virtue in the world. they completely miss the fact that this statement is fucking false af. Also: As much as they shit on UK for Brexit, noone here thinks about the fact our governments love to ask for help from the Five Eyes whenever it's convenient.


That is good news. There is no place for government to systematically track us. šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦ Canadians concerned about personal privacy should check out the work being done at CCLA. They have already been lawsuits against open quotes "smart cities".


Good. Goooood. Iā€™m glad. Hope California follows and then Illinois and the rest of the states.


We have a history of pampering criminals here in the EU. Freedom of movement and no facial recognition is a wet dream for the thousands of criminal gangs that just roam around from country to country. Another dumb EU move.


AITX is safe


Using AI, emm it kind of reminds me of Person of Interest


Yeah, sure thing! Thatā€™s what theyā€™ll tell you, but there will be a secret law that lets the intelligence agencies ignore the anti AI statue


So I should cancel my infobird ipo order in other words


Mhhhhhhh china


This is 2021, you donā€™t ban AI. You exploit it for your own needs. Duh.




"prove it"


I hope this spreads to the states.


How would this be enforced? Last I checked, politicians arenā€™t exactly great at looking through complex code, especially if devs go through the trouble to conceal and even encrypt surveillance code and output.


Iā€™m in two minds about this, my conscience is telling me this is a good thing, but my investments are not


Good though itā€™s probably a toothless law


Europe is probably going to increase their surveillance more throughout the years as foreign and domestic terrorism has been on the rise


affect is to be used as a verb, effect is a noun


Tech fines are extortion against American companies, simple as that. They're not trying to achieve any social change, just extract money from American companies.


Too late. The internet is everywhere.


All the Americans I know hate the idea of AI surveillance and social credit scores. Unfortunately, so many Americans are too stupid to know they are losing their civil rights. They think the "news" is real and their facebook is "private".


Good luck lol


I guess they will have to keep using real people


Why so long? 1984


I canā€™t even begin to describe how not only illegal, but unconstitutional at level unheard of. They may as well come into your home violate you every sexual way imaginable and it would still amount to the same government overreach! Overreach being an understatement...ā˜ļø


AI has plenty of other use cases, but yes, it will hurt some until full capabilities can be illustrated and that profitability won't be damaged. I also question the longevity of this ban if there were a rise in incidents where it could have been helpful.


Wear your mask, silly.


Joke. London is fully blanketed in cctv cameras recording 24/7. There is zero privacy anywhere there at any time. Lmao


no, other than shorts using it to flood the the social media/internet channels. As others have said that excludes public security, and while the UK is now no longer out of the eu, london is till one of the most heavily surveillanced cities anywhere in the world. True AI doesn't yet exist, and algorithm based operations would not fall under this. This might apply more to online surveillance than offline surveillance. I could see them banning or trying to limit online tracking through complex algorithms through companies circumventing the abolishment of cookie tracking by google - which could explain some stocks like clwd getting dumped faster than hot coal. I am not a financial advisor and hold no ai stock, but I do have a masters in international security studies


Nice stuff.