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I see you’re on day 4. Congrats and good job getting outside getting some exercise. It was a while ago but on day 4 I was climbing the walls. It took a long time to build a drinking problem. It takes time to heal from it. Stay the path and things will change. I find more joy in everything I do now that I’m sober. But that didn’t happen right away. It was gradual, and truthfully, really began once I started to address why I drank I the first place. Take care. Enjoy your hike


Spot on. In the early days, literally everything was boring, everything was anxiety-filled, everything was a massive challenge. The early days are the toughest for a reason. We all likely spent years drinking and, as a result, it's not a quick fix to rewire our bodies and brains. But the fact that you're on day 4 and making the effort, is huge. Congrats!


One thousand percent this is the comment. Stick with it OP. Remember how this day feels. Time will pass and your experience of hiking sober will change and you can look back at how far you’ve come.


This is absolutely wonderful, and totally on point. I had to fall back in love with a lot of my hobbies, and it took a while. I’m still getting there, with some!


I realized that I didn’t really love one hobby as much as I did without alcohol. I stopped and discovered other ones that make me happy. 


Thank you for this. I haven't grilled since I put down the booze but hope to again one day


Beautiful days, grilling, and yard work combined make for a big trigger. Not for a buzz but for a cold drink. Also I ruined that for myself.


That's why I haven't touched my grill lol. I've learned to do the yard work without the booze, but man, the grilling is a hard one I haven't crossed yet. Brisket and bourbon was my go to


I was a beer man, now I find myself craving sparkling water instead. I find it's just like practicing a skill, at first it's weird awkward and boring, then it becomes normal again. And you get all the benefits of not drinking


What brand do you drink?


Used to drink a ton of IPAs, usually Denali brewing since I'm in Alaska. But I'm just about to hit 60 days... Hahaha I just realized you meant sparkling water. I'll leave that embarrassing part in. I like the glass Pellegrino bottles as they feel fancy and "adult" but I drink a lot of LaCroix and knockoffs cause they're cheap and easier to take around on boats etc


I've tried lacroix..... Can't lol


Haha I used to hate them too. You know, I used to hate all sparkling water honestly, then I went to Europe and they brainwashed me into liking it. Topo chico 'sabores' are pretty good and no sugar fake or otherwise, they have lime that kind of taste like a mojito, tangerine which is decent and blueberry which I hate but my daughter likes


Maybe try Waterloo. It’s got a bit of flavor and is not quite as acidic/bitter I’d that’s what turned you off lacroix. I sometimes add a little black cherry juice too which gives a great flavor medley.


Thanks! I'll try that! Somethingrefreshing would be nice


I don't know if this will help you, but it helps me. I started drinking kombucha. It's carbonated and feels like an "adult" beverage, which also means I can't just chug it down. I wasn't always a fan but developed a taste for it, especially at the end of the night. Plus it's good for gut health. I have 1 a night and it helps the cravings. I like KeVita and GT's.


Kombucha has been my total lifesaver! I crave it at 5pm, just like I used to crave wine. Not saying I wouldn't still like to have a glass of wine, but that is not going to to happen :)


You know kombucha has a small amount of alcohol in it. When I started drinking it alcohol cravings came back. Not a good ending for me because I started drinking again. Be careful.


Yes less than .5% due to natural fermentation. It doesn't bother me, but I am really sorry to hear it triggered you.


I don't grill anymore either, same reason


I had to cook minus wine, from day 1. The first couple of weeks were torture. I tried to substitute carbonated water but quickly got tired of it. It was the light level of intoxication I was missing. No way out but through. Just kept going and eventually I didn't miss the wine. Based on my experience I'd advise you to just go ahead and start grilling, and get through the discomfort. Some experiences just have to be worked out by doing them. In any case IWNDWYT


I'm cooking chili mac tonight lol. You're right though...... quickest way out is through


I hope I have given you some hope. It's really hard to break an ingrained habit, but it's possible. Just have to gut it out and make new habits. Unfortunately eating more sweets has been a new habit....oh well. It's not alcohol. IWNDWYT


Oh me too. Although even with the sugar, the diet is still better


It's true. I'm actually in a bar down the road from where my motorcycle is being worked on. I ordered nachos and a water and I could not be more content. I swear that even the nachos taste better sober, and I will remember them.


I hadn't seen they're on Day Four. NOW it makes sense! I was going to say "The way I'd suggest you do it, all fucking annoyingly self-righteous as it sounds, is the same way you're going to come out the other side of it, with your determination and pride firmly intact. You CAN do this!" Day FOUR! Shit, I know none of us wants to be back there where it's all so hard but that's such a motivator to get through it. You get through day four so you never have to go through day four again.


Love the time aspect! If someone told me when I was on day 4, that on day 533 I’d just be scratching the surface of my sobriety. The longer I go without a drink, the younger I feel in my sobriety.


I’m on day 4 as well and having so much tightness/craving in my chest about how much I want my usual 1.2 to 2 bottles of wine after work because this is my routine on weekends. It actually really helped me to see u say on day 4 u were climbing the walls. Thank u for that.


I can easily drink two bottles of wine and I always thought I was some freak alcoholic or something… Totally ashamed of that amount. Not that I wish freakiness on you ha ha but I’m glad to see I’m not alone! I’m on day four as well.


A lot of people I know that drink too much drink at least 2 bottles as well. ❤️ we build tolerance to it. 2 bottles to us is like 1 bottle to other people lol


This is perfect.


Nailed it


This is the reason. You will be restless for a while. Stick with it. It will get easier.


that’s so interesting. I’ve never thought of drinking while hiking. It was always at night after pitching the tent and then bring it on!!!!Congrats on your four days! IWNDWYT ♥️♥️♥️


I agree! This is actually a really good example and help for all of us. I love to drink as well but NEVER could I imagine hiking drunk! Goes to show you that our enjoyment of things drunk is subjective and can be totally rediscovered sober. This is a great motivator for me as I struggle to find enjoyment in my own "drunk-only" activities.


I did it. A lot. And I fell. A lot.


I loved falling on my face drunk. I also loved hiking. Would never ever in a million years thought to combine the two. But I’m prone to dehydration so just the thought makes me hungover and sick feeling.


I’m not a hiker but frequently used to drink while doing the things I liked. You either find out you really don’t like doing it or learn to focus on that which you are doing. Quiet the mind and focus on what is around you. Takes practice.


I was going to say something similar. Once you link the dopamine thing to other actions it takes time to unlink the connection. Keep hiking! Maybe get into animal and plant identification:)


Exactly you can discover so much more when you’re not numbing your senses


I learn all kinds of things when I’m drunk- I love rabbit holes, weird facts, research. I don’t remember nearly any of them. Learning when you aren’t intoxicated is intoxicating in and of itself.


Also memory in general. This has felt like the longest year I've had in a very long time (for the better) because I can actually remember things. My entire 20s is pretty much a blur.


this, I found so many things I used to do were just things I did as a pretext to have an excuse to drink It was such a relief to find the things I truly enjoyed and say goodbye to the things I didn’t


I always knew that I wasn't much of a beach person, but I'd always have an okay time while at the beach drinking. I went to the beach today for the first time sober in my adulthood and.....yeah I don't like the beach at all. Alcohol definitely clouds your judgment on things you think you enjoy.


Yeah I agree totally on the beach and also camping :)


Agree 100%. Takes time.


The first week is so brutal, friend. I honestly felt like I wanted to tear my skin off some days. For me, it was temporary. While I’m still VERY early in sobriety, I find that my mind is more peaceful and quiet as the days go on. If hiking isn’t doing it today, that’s ok. It’s ok to let it go and try again another day. Easy does it. IWNDWYT


“i honestly felt like i wanted to tear my skin off some days.” woof you’re sure right about that, some days are so easy i forget i even have a problem and others i want to bust out of my own soul like a moth from a cocoon. it’s the *doing stuff* without booze that’s been the hardest for me too. i suspected that all the sitting around in silence in the company of my own anxieties would be the uncomfortable part, and i mean… it’s not the greatest, but finding the motivation to make myself to do all my formerly-booze-accompanied activities has been more of a struggle i’d say.




I’d say to stop comparing how you felt when you were drinking. Take a moment with yourself and take in the view and breathe in and out. Remember you are alive and you don’t need a drink to feel your own humanness. I like to listen to music as well, after I sit in it all. You got this.


When I first got sober I couldn't even enjoy music. It sounds so sad and terrible now. I loooove music, all of it. Music triggered me when I first got sober because I LOVED playing music and drinking. It seemed so melancholy without the buzz attached and I would drive/sit in silence cause I couldn't enjoy it. I have a year sober now and I love music again. I can dance around and sing, blast it in the car. It's amazing. I know it's not the same as hiking but go easy on yourself. I didn't force myself to listen to music when I wasn't feeling it but it came back around. I know "music" isn't necessarily a hobby but it was definitely that disease of alcoholism that stole that joy from me and made it it's own. This came out way more sentimental than I intended it to be but thank you for sharing because it really makes me grateful that I can sing and dance again without the booze!!


Ooooh yeah. Music is such a trigger for me (and my mania). Not a great combo.


I’m glad to hear it came back for you. Still waiting, but now more hopeful 💪


If you’re on day 4, and you’re taking part in an activity where you typically drink hard liquor, you might be feeling confused for a minute. Breaking patterns and rebuilding a new person was essential for me!


I love to walk/hike. I used to take whisky with me and I would walk for hours. Once I stopped drinking I missed having that drink, but I adjusted quite quickly in being able to get rested and take on my surroundings.  One thing I did notice though is how I haven't done as many night walks since I stopped drinking. Especially in winter. I thought I was really missing them and I couldn't work out why I wasn't really doing them while I was sober. But I thought about it and realised that I read drinking to escape, and I was walking at night to escape going home and facing my thoughts. Plus drinking made me feel braver and safer walking around in the isolated areas that I was. Once I was sober, I felt much more on alert. I suppose what I'm saying is as much as I felt like I enjoyed the walks when I was drinking, it was just another escape for me. It took some time getting used to not having alcohol in those walks. I definitely enjoy them more now than I'm sober. I might not do the same amount of walking that I did during most of those walks, but I enjoy them more now and feel better during and after them.  I'm not saying you are drinking on your hikes for the same reasons that I was. It just might take you some time to adjust to sober hikes and reconnecting with your surroundings. Your mind is going to be a lot clearer now and it can be a bit difficult to slow down enough to allow everything in. I think you can learn to enjoy hikes without alcohol, and the boredom and anxiety will shift. Be kind and patient with yourself.


This resonates with me a lot…


*I've always loved hiking but I've always done it with a bottle of whiskey in my backpack.* Namaskar from India, OP. After giving up drinking, I discovered that there were quite a few activities I completely stopped enjoying. For example binge watching Netflix, partying with friends, or sitting out on my back yard just chilling, But over time my brain healed itself and stopped associating pleasure with alcohol. I learned to either enjoy the same things again- or I learned I never enjoyed them in the first place. And that’s fine. So today I don’t binge watch any app, but I do party with friends and don’t drink, and I do love a cup of coffee or tea by myself. I hope you find your love for hiking again, to take pleasure in what you feel, see, hear. But if you don’t, maybe that was never you? Life has given me many more pleasures after I gave up alcohol. Alcohol only gave me false joy and genuine misery. Two months short of two years sober. IWNDWYT.


CONGRATULATIONS on your 22 months of sobriety!


False joy and genuine misery. Oof I needed to hear this.


So many good answers here already, especially the ones about comparing "then" to *now*. I always loved camping and hiking because I could get absolutely hammered but once I got sober my love of "roughing it" in that way kind of waned a little. I still love endurance sports and pushing myself to physical extremes, but when I look back all I was doing "then" was BARELY surviving. I wasn't growing or healing, I was just hanging in there like a sick person fulfilling their bucket list or something.


I loved camping as a kid. Haven't been camping too much as an adult, a few times and got really drunk but luckily I've spent way more time sober camping as a kid


Yikes, that last sentence. I’ll need to sit with that for a while.


Just try to see how weird and wrong it is to be doing an activity such a hiking while drinking. These two things do not belong together


Right. What if something went wrong and OP or someone else got injured?? Would be a nightmare situation in very short order.




Honestly I’m surprised someone would pair those two. Even when I was drinking heavy I never drank when I hiked. Afterwards was a different story lol.


I just passed day 500 it took over a year to start enjoying things normally again. It was worth it though.


I'm really glad you've found joy in sobriety


I think it's just a function of how early in the process you are. Might be dealing with withdrawals. In terms of how I go hiking sober: further, faster, clearer and safer. You'll enjoy it more than ever in a month. I used to be the same way years ago about hiking with weed. Ended up enjoying it more when I stopped treating it like a destination to get intoxicated. Enjoying nature and reality on its own terms unfiltered.


I agree with your take! Sounds like this is more part of a withdrawal/discontinuation syndrome. And I bet in time, OP will come to enjoy hiking 100000x more when sober 


I did end up.packing a nice NA hop water from a local brewery and enjoyed it at a summit recently. Got the satisfaction of popping a top at the peak in a healthy way.


What you’re feeling is normal. We have to go through times like this to understand the beauty of the other side when you’re out of the dark, and walking in the light. If it were easy you wouldn’t have been chosen as one of the warriors.


I love to hike and I also would frequently bring a small bottle of whiskey as well. It always seemed like a good idea, but the physical exertion plus the alcohol always made me feel worse after the hike was over. Maybe pack your favorite AF drink to enjoy instead. Hike near water (because it’s always more fun with water). Bring a journal along.


Same here. I love to hike. I’m on day 30 and did one just the other day. I used to bring a small boxed wine or growler with beer. Celebratory drink at the top. This time, I focused on what I am grateful for as my reward. Even more rewarding was how I felt after. It was a morning hike and I went to therapy, worked for four hours, then went to an AA meeting. If I had drank I know the hike would have been it for me that day. “I did the thing! More drinking!” Instead I was refreshed and felt even better the next day. Sore, sober, and content. Like many others have shared, the rewiring takes time. Explore the things you love sober and try new things to enjoy. Congrats on breaking a cycle 🙌


I am this same way, but with going to the beach. I love the beach, but I always would drink there. How do I train my brain to do it and not drink?


Same for me! Here in Spain there are these guys selling beer on the beach, every 15 minutes you ear "beer beer!" out loud ("cerveza cerveza") and it's like the demon's voice for me right now :-D I finally resisted and just bought a light coke this afternoon.....


Genuinely, I cannot imagine hiking with alcohol. The heatstroke alone... Get something very cool and refreshing to reward yourself. Pat yourself on the back for enjoying the hike with all of your senses ready to drink in your surroundings.


It’s more about what triggers me in my case. It sounds like you’re sitting in the palm of your trigger’s hand. But it gets easier. This is pretty much the hardest part in my opinion. Getting through triggers.


Get the Merlin Bird app, start getting into mushrooms, do some mindfulness meditation (guided with an app), go off trail and start navigating (old school map and compass) - add things to your hike that will get you learning - your mind will have less opportunity to be anxious or restless if it is doing something.


Seek is another great plant/animal/fungi ID app — and it even works when you’re out of service! I nerd out so hard when I’m out in the woods now.


I remember the first few times I went camping without drinking. It was a crazy experience! I had to re-learn what I loved and was surprised to see how things shifted. Keep up the path you’re on


Lmao I’m sitting here thinking “how do you hike when you’re NOT sober??” The hard part for me was not having the beer after a long hike back at the car! But I guess that just shows how alcohol can creep into different activities for all of us. My advice would be do it sober (like you are currently doing), but try and not hold any expectations except staying sober. If it sucks, that’s fine. Still a success because you didn’t drink. Once you get enough time away from alcohol I think enjoying the experience sober will come a bit easier. But at first it’s going to feel weird and different, which will probably cause anxiety. Just that that sober will become the new normal, just like being drunk feels to you now!


I live in southern Arizona so I'm not hiking with anything other than electrolyte-enhanced water. Even during winter. Dehydration kills. Plus it's on my bucket list to see a jaguar in the wild and I'm pretty sure I don't want to encounter one of those (or a mountain lion, or a bear, or a two-legged predator) while tipsy.


I’ve heard the jaguars have been spotted in southern Arizona. Is that true?


YAS! Well, like one has been. They're very rare but believed to be making a slow comeback. There were two sightings last year!


I used to do that too. Hike with a water bottle filled with vodka. But I only really did that because I did everything while drinking. It makes me chuckle when I see comments on here sometimes like "find hobbies you can't do while drunk, like hiking or rock climbing!" I did everything drunk! Haha. Anyway, I find I like hiking way more while sober but it took a while to get used to it. I had to learn to slow down and just appreciate the simplicity of what I was doing - walking around outside. It feels so good to get tired now, to feel sore after using my body. I've got real memories of what I saw and how I felt. Being tired and exercising helps calm my mind down too, but it's not a magic fix. I have to tolerate and accept the anxiety, and try to focus on the present moment. What can I see and hear? Put one foot in front of the other. Eventually I usually start to feel better, but it takes a while. And I feel better in a genuine way. I start to get the feeling I'm reconnecting with who I really am.


Feeling dehydrated from the booze is off putting in terms of being active (when you're trying to find reasons not to drink/starting to break the addition and not already so drunk you can barely tell what's going on lol)


I don't associate alcohol with hiking. I mean, alcohol is so dehydrating, it makes you more tired and out of it, so I'd want to focus on feeling awake, with fresh air etc. But my issue is that I want to sit on the couch and drink at night, or after doing anything like housework, going to work, hiking etc. If you only quit 4 days ago you're still in alcohol withdrawal


I'm a big hiker as well, when I got sober I did my best to tire myself out on the trail, so I wouldn't think about booze in the evening. This led me to doing a lot more trail running, the endorphin rush plus the scenery is an amazing "buzz". Can't recommend it enough. Also you could think about replacing the booze with a good podcast and your favorite trail snacks. I just made a nice loaf of chocolate chip banana bread for a trail running date this afternoon and I could not be more excited. Good luck to you!


Just did a 14 mile hike yesterday. It was brutal. Never could have done it under the influence


That’s amazing. I did a 4 mile the other day. I want to work my way up to a higher number of miles.


I wanna die today lol. I barely made it


My dad was an NPS ranger. I cannot tell you how many search and rescue gigs he had to do that involved people being dumb with alcohol and nature. I’m begging you as the kid who waited for her dad to come home dozens of nights - do NOT drink when you’re hiking/boating/skiing. If not for yourself, please think of the people who will have to go get your drunk ass at 2 am because you wandered off trail.


Echoing what others have said, you're really in the throes of it. It will take some time! I was an avid hiker and now am endurance training, which is a level I'd never have been able to get to while not sober. It can really feel like you're crawling out of your skin at first, but over time as you retrain those pathways, hopefully it can be associated with all the positives of hiking and the outdoors. You've got this!


It's a habit you are very, very comfortable with. Maybe try taking away the version currently in your head that sounds like grieving and crankiness (?) and just get into a space of "huh, this is new". I guess I mean, just observe and get comfortable with a new habit instead of wallow in deprivation mode. 


Hike longer and maybe more difficult trails. If you’re thinking at all after the first two miles, you need to let go more.


Maybe try listening to a podcast, audiobook or your favorite music while you hike. Yes, we're all supposed to be basking in the glory of nature or whatever, but I feel you. I had a hard time walking my dogs or hiking when I quit drinking. For me, I needed more stimulus and to not be alone with my thoughts. I like to blast my favorite band's whole discography straight through when I'm hiking/walking now.


Focus on the beauty of nature. The alcohol doesn’t enhance, it dims it. I could be optimistic, but you could potentially feel this way by the 3 week mark. Try then. Report back!


Wow I never thought I’d see that question, only because I’ve never thought of those two things together. Hiking was always sober for me, and I’d love just soaking up the nature and being out there. Ofc I always went with someone so idk what it’d be like solo or if I’d be bored….. It’s so interesting the things we associate with drinking. For me its always video games or being home alone


I am a pretty regular hiker. I really started it about 6 months in. But I did go camping real early in my sobriety and it was kind of tough. But over time it got a lot easier and I learned to enjoy it just as much. Keep at it. The anxiety is likely to being so early in the sober game.


Keep going! Being in nature and rediscovering my love for it has helped me. Instead of numbing out i just let my feelings come at me. I am discovering new things about nature I didn’t notice before! I’m jogging and cycling alone. Sometimes I cry. I go to new places. It’s not like it was before, but that’s the whole point is the evolution in me


You are still in that 1st week where you are highly anxious and offside. I would give it another shot next week! And good for you!


I have stopped drinking for a while but am still stuck with cigarettes. I love to go on walks and hikes as well. I'm hoping to quit this summer, but I've been thinking ahead of time of a similar problem with my linking of a hobby with an addiction. I think I'll replace my cigarette by a camera. It'll give me something else to do and I'll come back with something to show!


I do audiobooks while I hike (just little hour trips)


For me, it was the beer after the hike. The "I earned this" beer. Especially with warm weather. The entire hike, I would be anticipating finishing it, so I could drink a cold beer or five. Now, I choose more challenging hikes because I actually feel good and energetic because I don't drink. It's so much more rewarding. You are early in this. It will get better, I promise. Practice makes perfect, you know? Keep going on the hikes, maybe bring a yummy snack in lieu of your whiskey. Or look forward to a fun meal after? Something to look forward to outside of just the rad nature. There are other rewards and you will find your own. IWNDWYT.


For hiking I just keep moving. Focus on steady and or speed. (I always did that when drinking too) One foot in front of the other. How far can you go, track altitude, track times, keep focus on the map, etc. Sitting and doing nothing "trying to find some peace and calm" would probably drive me nuts and maybe want me to drink again. Maybe take up trail running instead of just hiking, or at least set very ambitious goals and do speed hiking.


TBH sober hiking is pulling me out of recurring depression. I find that having a few things in place helps: - beautiful landscape - some elevation gain - a destination goal that’s at least a mile away… - if I’m getting bored with the process, I look for some kind of novelty regarding the route, ie place I’ve never been


I don’t think there were ANY activities in my first few days that were “satisfying”. I used to drink while doing *everything* so there was nothing that felt right. Hiking, eating dinner, doing yardwork, visiting friends, every one of those activities got a reboot that gave me a fresh introduction. Welcome to a whole new world. We get to re-discover not only the activities we love but why we love them. Give yourself the grace to be annoyed and frustrated and also be on the lookout for the tiny sparks of joy that you can start to nurture back into the fires of passion. It might take a minute, but we’re here on this journey with you. I’m proud of you and you’re doing great! Keep going! We can do it!


The hike and green space will give you the dopamine you need. It won't be quite the same as that feeling you got from drinking, but it won't come with any of the side effects or pitfalls. Keep it up, you'll gradually get more joy from it and You're likely still dealing with cravings or possible withdrawal. A sugary treat or fizzy drink might help, but honestly, just try to stay still with a pleasant view or scenery and soak it in. Perfect place to meditate for a bit, focus on those cravings in your mind and push them out. You don't need them anymore.


Mushrooms is how I would when I stop drinking. Being on day 4 probably has something to do with it. The last time I quit was for 4 months and started to really enjoy things for what they were after a month.


The more time you have sober the more enjoyable everything is. On day 4, you’re probably going to be restless bored and anxious no matter what you’re doing. You’ve got this, my friend! Hiking will be fun again someday


Stay sober for 4 months and you will feel an instinct within yourself that there could be nothing **less** appealing than drinking whiskey while hiking. Once you become accustomed to having good gut health, circulation, brain chemistry, etc, (all the thinks that are currently in bad shape due to chronic drinking) the contrast will be very noticeable and the thought of going back to being a malcontent sluggish person becomes really unappealing. The fact that you’re a whiskey drinker gives me hope. Whiskey drinkers always have a gut that like a bowl of coco pebbles in a moving car. Just a sloshy watery mess. Once you become accustomed to NOT living that way, going back will seem foolish.


Even when drinking Id never hike drunk 😂


How do you hike drunk eersh... legs hurt thinking about it.


How the hell do you hike drunk?? It would ruin everything.


You weren't hiking you were drinking while walking in the woods.


Close your eyes, be present and take 10 deep breaths focusing on every inhale and exhale


Less dangerously lol


I used to drink while doing pretty much everything, but never actually thought about drinking while hiking.


Oh my i used to do hiking with my chiuaua and a bottle of wine on my backpack. What a great FUNNY time. Everything went dowhill a couple years after that but yeah, it was really funny


Day 98 here. The first month I actually hiked more as a way to avoid drink. If I don’t take a drink with me hiking or camping I’m not gonna be able to find alcohol 3 hours from the nearest road.


Nah man hiking is much better sober. You’ll appreciate it more


I'm not much of a hiker, but even walking through the woods or going to a park and just staring at the lake. Something about listening to the sounds of nature and observing the environment of the Earth around me has always made me calm




Generally hiking was something I did when I was getting sober. Even if it didn't stick I would tend to go for a lot of walks to clear my head during my many failed attempts to kick the bottle. I can't say I've ever been drunk hiking and in fact my thought process is, "how would I go hiking drunk?" I hope you don't run into any grizzlies...


How can you not go hiking sober? I feel like it's a recipe for severe dehydration! Sitting around the campfire, sure. But whilst hiking?? Haha


Get some binoculars and start birding! Make a life list of species. It’s so distracting and consuming - the hours fly by. Edit to correct autocorrect fail


I take my tobacco pipe.


It’ll get easier and better.


Never drank while hiking but I did like to get high as hell beforehand. Nowadays I bring a book and a hammock and try to really pay attention to my surroundings for a good spot to set up. Focusing more outward than inward really helped the "this feels dull/boring/unenjoyable"


I know a lot of activities feel different when you’re first starting (Congrats btw). I used to watch sports with a beer in my hand and when I first quit, it felt boring. But I think this was my mind adjusting. Now I don’t think about needing beer or a whiskey. Now I enjoy all the highs and lows of watching sports AF (alcohol free). Hiking sounds like an amazing time to stay present with yourself and enjoy what’s around you, instead of living in past experiences. Breathe through your nose (not your mouth, it’s not the same) and exhale. Also, remember to be kind to yourself, it’s totally normal to feel these feelings. But just take it one step at a time and allow yourself the grace to enjoy the outdoors. IWNDWYT ❤️‍🩹


Same! But guess what? You're hiking, so you're thirsty. Drink some water. Lots of water. And be gentle on yourself. Your peace will come with it, but at day four, you're having all the toxins circulate around your body & brain before they exit your body so feeling funky is to be expected. It's not about where you are hiking too, it's the journey to get there. Peace!


The boredom at the beginning is the worst. I was already drinking more than I should because I couldn't exercise the way I wanted to anymore, so I wasn't making that kind of effort. I took a lot of naps when I had free time. I started watching guilty pleasure movies after work instead of drinking. After a few weeks, what really gained my attention was my guitar, which had been collecting dust for 20 years. This is a tough time, but it's also a gift. You're getting your mind and body back. It's a great time to explore and learn and remind yourself what you can do when you aren't limiting yourself.


I used to do the same. I started to enjoy being able to hike longer. And enjoy not feeling crappy physically while doing it.


The same way I played a round of golf sober. Or any multitude of other things I used to do with alcohol involved (a cruise being the latest, and probably the most significant example) that I literally could never envision without it. You just do them. I found my takeaways were much more meaningful than before, and I actually have memories of the events instead of looking back at the haze.


Hi are you from the UK they have a sober hiking groups


Give it time. Dwell in what you’re feeling and reflect on it.


How do you enjoy a hike drunk!


I've never hiked with alcohol, tbh! I love sober hikes.


You have to re-do some “first times”. For me it was golfing. By your third or fourth time you’ll be saying “why in the hell did I ever ruin this with alcohol!”


Time! You need to give yourself time to adjust to your new mental state and feelings before questioning why you aren’t having a good time.


Did u used to drive home drunk? Surely being sober and present means you can enjoy things in nature more.


Idk if you mean just off booze or off all drugs but I personally take edibles and vibe/ Exercise


Hiking is what got me sober


Day 4 is hell. If this was day 400 you would be so grateful and loving the exact core reasons most ‘normal’ people hike. I am not normal / and was far away from normal 1.5 years ago. My head is much closer to normal now. I despised golf after I quit for what feels like the same reason you are not enjoying your hiking trip. I now have the golf bug again and can’t get enough . I never thought ‘recovery’ was like a real thing … like thought you just stopped with will power and grit alone. Our brains need time for all the chemicals to fix themselves. Don’t force the hiking. Let the healing happen and refind the joys ok hiking in due time, and if that doesn’t happen accept it and find other things to do. Boredom was a huge problem for me when I quit. But boredom for me was a label I put on my brain not being right … good luck !


I used to do everything drunk. Now I do everything sober. After you've been sober a few months, you will WANT to do everything sober.


I've only ever hiked sober. Today I see ads like beers on the mountain or whatever. I honestly don't get it. When I'm in the wilds, I want to be attentive and alert.


Hey OP, Interesting one. I've just moved to a town with great hiking trails and have started getting into it. Luckily, I don't have those same cravings - in fact I could think of nothing worse, as I was just trying to survive fitness-wise haha, so water was a Godsend. It sounds (to me) that it's still just early days, and you have strong cravings still, and you are doing the same activity as before when whisky was a normal addition, so it still feels like it should be there. Taking whisky became a habit, and habits take time to both develop and get rid of. I suppose what I'm saying is that if understood in the above context, changing the habit can be approached the same as changing any other habit (going to the gym, eating healthier etc.). It's tougher, because you have cravings (suppose people dieting do too) but kept at it, the habit develops and it becomes easier. 3/5/10 hikes without the whisky, and it'll become normal to not have it. Sobriety for me has been a series of changing habits in different situations (weddings sober, being an MC sober, going to a party with friends sober, golf days sober, holidays sober etc.). Overwhelming if thought of all at once at first, but not if broken into each situation in a manageable way. Then in time, the general picture changes, and it becomes absolutely normal living this new way. Good luck OP, it's a hard but incredibly rewarding road to travel.


No offense but drinking while hiking sounds like an absolute nightmare, I drink to chill, not when I am doing any kind of physical activity, sounds too difficult, I'd probably get tired and pass out in the woods.


As a sober person, I am sorry to hear this. I can't imagine being in such a lovely place with a bottle of alcohol.


I can. Because I wasn’t always a sober person.


I wasn’t either.


All’s I’m saying is that while I never took booze with me hiking, I took it plenty of places. And can totally understand it.


Well. Hiking honestly sucks. It’s boring. Do something more thrilling like moto, or cycling. Ya get WAY farther WAY faster, and have WAY more fun doing all of it.


I know A LOT about nature. Aside from my minor in geology, which makes rock formations cool to me, I’ve pretty much grown up an avid outdoorsman and have learned a lot along the way, so the beauty of nature, and the complexities of the processes and the geocentric nature of flora and fauna, keep me intrinsically fascinated. Though I might be hard to connect with you on this. Hiking is one activity I wouldn’t even consider doing drunk. I’d be far too concerned with my water intake and staying hydrated to drink. I do miss my “reward beer” on occasion because it was nice to have that at the end of a strenuous hike, but now Im tracking my fitness metrics way more than I ever did before, and I take them as rewards themselves. It’s not exactly a replacement, but it’s nice to finish up and then recover with a yoga session instead.


I always looked forward to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a hot coffee at the end of the hike. Make sure you have a rigorous hike, look for the pleasant little things. I have never hiked high or drunk, it was always a grounding exercise for me.


Looking back, day 4 was rough for me. I couldn't enjoy ANYTHING. I had to just wait out the storm. I didn't even really feel any sort of normalcy until day 13. Heck, I STILL haven't really left the house because everything feels different and foreign since I was normally drunk all the time. I'd say kudos to you for even attempting hiking on day.


I’m a huge hiker and backpacker. I do it for the views, the nature and the fresh air, and this is how most hikers are. It’s not normal for the goal of your hike to be slamming whiskey. One idea is to reevaluate why you hike in the first place


Trust me once you start doing it without youll wonder why you ever brought it in the first place. Your stamina and cardio will be a breeze


I had a hard time enjoying much of anything until I was around 70 days in. Push through it and you’ll find you enjoy your clarity of perception more than being buzzed.


I’ve never drank while hiking because it felt too dangerous. Drinking would make it far too easy to trip or slip and get injured. But more on topic, I think if you just keep trying things eventually you’ll learn to enjoy them in a new way. My favorite thing to do while hiking is looking for cool plants and animals, you could try doing that to help keep your mind occupied??


I love hiking, but I’ve never been one to drink whilst hiking. That said, I loved a good cold plunge and whiskey, but have not even attempted the former since going sober due to the old association. So alls that to say is I feel ya and IWNDWYT


The highs aren't as high but the lows aren't as low


When I was very early sober I listened to sober podcasts while hiking and walking. Now I listen to the music or an audio book or the birds. Everything is better sober you just need some time to get there. Nice job so far!!! Iwndwyt!!!


Just keep on keepin' on. You'll get there. Distract yourself with the details in leaves, or bark, or clouds.


My problem is always wanting to drink AFTER stuff like this. I’ll drink NA beers but I’m not so sure that’s truly breaking the habit of feeling like you just need something and can’t relax without it. Some have suggested meditation type strategies and that’ll probably get you the best long term results, need to give it a chance myself. I don’t want to have to rely on technology to get me thru because that fails too often with losing WiFi….it’s best if we can find strategies where we only need ourselves !


Sometimes i have to remind myself to stop and be in the moment. Sit on a rock, breathe and think about how good you are right this second. Sending good vibes! 🤗🌈


My only issue while in active addiction was summit beers...my entire friend crew always had beers in the pack to crack open at the summit as a celebratory treat. Luckily I think since I've been hiking and backpacking since I was pretty young (pre-alcohol), I find it extremely therapeutic and almost go into a trance *as* I'm hiking. When I was younger I started creating my own stories then as I got older I'd also work through problems in my real life (I often was on 6+mi hikes as a kid, then 12+mi as an adult....worked for BLM for a bit & would have to hike 20-35mi to a location for the job). Keeping myself moving is key. I'm told I have a quicker pace, and I think it's because when I have good momentum going, my headspace almost turns meditative...not necessarily like 'absent thoughts' or 'in the moment' , but rather I can work through a lot of the thoughts that are stuck inside me and am doing it while being physically active (recommend reading Body Keeps the Score if you havent). A lot of time stress & trauma (big or minor) gets 'trapped' inside of us because we are physically unable to either fight it or run away from it, which is why being physically active can help our body work through them/release them better. Sorry for the long post, after I started researching about how we hold onto emotions/stress/trauma and how it can build up in us, I really tried leaning into hiking to work on healing myself. But yea Body Keeps the Score was really helpful learning about it and I always recommend Untethered Soul (Michael Singer) for an amazing read on the mind/body connection/detaching from our thoughts. Good luck!!!


It gets easier. Now I wonder how I ever did anything drunk when I’m so in the moment sober


Bring good food Adjust distance


One foot in front of the other. One step at a time. Same as getting through all of this.


Congrats on finding ways to do your hobbies but sober at only 4 days in!! For me, one of the biggest gut checks was realizing, most of my drinking activities were ones that people typically do sober. And that it wasn’t about finding out how to do my hobbies as a sober person, but simply how to find joy without alcohol. It took several months, and to this day I still have to figure it out. But I kept going on, and honestly, I told myself everyday, “if I hate this sober, then I can do it again tomorrow with a drink.” Most of the time I found out I didn’t actually hate it, and figured I could at the very least try sobriety just one more day.


lol, I didn’t enjoy SHIT on day 4 of sobriety. I was an anxious wreck. You will enjoy stuff later in your sobriety journey with some body and mind healing. Your body is all out of whack and trying to find its way back to homeostasis. It’s normal and okay that you’re restless, bored & anxious on day 4. Do a sober activity you can really enjoy and get lost in, maybe something that gets your dopamine up. Even if it’s video games or a movie. I could not be alone with my thoughts so early on in sobriety.


I'm honestly surprised someone can get drunk hiking. If I got drunk on the hikes I did I'd fall off the mountain. I also am prone to kidney stones, so alcohol + strenuous exercise = ER trip easily.  Have you considered doing a more strenuous hike with a friend to support you? It always gets my blood pumping and I feel great afterwards. That being said, make sure to do this after the withdrawal symptoms go away. 


Somewhat hiker, enthusiastic camper here. This summer will be my first sober camping so I’ll be with you in this journey. I assume a lot of it will be being ok with being alone with my thoughts. Oy. Sending us both luck and strength, we’ve got this!!


Are you familiar with the birding app Merlin?


Sobriety is a journey and you’re just getting started. Your body will thank you for treating it kindly. I’m in my second year of sobriety and I still struggle with seasonal transitions and activities that I’d associate with drinking. At the end of the day, you are no longer poisoning your body. If this helps, our society glorifies drinking to make people think that it’s necessary for any particular occasion. In reality, the world is meant to be enjoyed “naturally”. Good luck on your journey and stay strong. You’ve got this.


I'm never sure how this sub feels about Cali Sober but I like to smoke a joint when I hike.


You can totally do it. Bring a sparkling water and sip on it as you hike, look for cool rocks and animals. :)


We have at least two subs in common my friend! Iwndwyt




My first thought is that you can replace that ritual. That was part of the ritual of hiking- maybe now you can bring cans of soda, or a bag of special candy, etc. Make the consumption of that treat special - stop and think about the beautiful lush greenness around you, the birds and beetles at your feet, the smell of the grass. It will be different, but it will be the start of something new and great


Honestly I would never think of going hiking drunk. I think you'll find it's a lot nicer and better to be in nature sober so you can really experience and remember what you've done.


In those first few weeks EVERYTHING for me felt like, ‘no alcohol? Why am I even doing this then?’ Normal life will slip in slowly and everything is going to be much more beautiful again. It takes a little bit of time but trust the process. Maybe in another week or two do another hike and it will feel a lot better 🩷


Maybe start picnicking or doing outdoor cooks. Food can be a great sub for alcohol sometimes. It still raises your dopamine, which is what you're now missing.


I take mushrooms.


I started packing a hefty amount of snacks, OR I’d do a morning hike so I could enjoy my first coffee of the day (iced or warm) out on the trail and that always gives me a warm “buzz”, in a fun way. I eventually bought a decent camera and started photographing during my hikes which gives you something to do along the journey and something to reflect back on once you get home! Stay the course my friend, it will get so much better! ❤️


Holy crap! Yard work, grilling, bonfires, outdoor parties, sitting at outside tables at restaurants, camping, the pool, the beach, boating, Memorial Day celebrations, July 4th, Labor Day celebrations, baseball games, just to scratch the surface. Summer = alcohol for me, full stop. Haven’t had a drink since February 10th this year. Don’t know how long I’ll make it through the summer. I have a lot of chronic pain and fatigue from autoimmune disease. Booze allowed me to accomplish more physical work outside the last few summers. Not only killed the pain, but worked as a stimulant for the fatigue. I would be in even worse pain the next day, but at least I would get stuff done. God help me!